Translation transformations in the interpretation process of nominations representing the concept terrorism (based on british and ukrainian newspaper discourse)
Analysis of dictionary definitions of concept nominations that represent the concept. Principles of using translation transformations while interpreting naming units that are components of the concept terrorism. The essential elements of national culture.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.05.2018 |
Размер файла | 21,3 K |
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O. Zhulavska, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor;
A. Piantkovska, Student Sumy State University,
The article describes the translational aspects of interpretation process of the concept TERRORISM in British and Ukrainian newspaper discourses, namely the use of translation transformations. It shows detailed analysis of dictionary definitions of concept nominations and related notions that represent everyday notion of the concept. Particular attention is paid to the principles of using translation transformations while interpreting naming units that are structural components of the concept TERRORISM and the causes of this process.
Keywords: concept TERRORISM, translation transformation, sinonimous substitution, transcoding, literal translation, contextual substitution, descriptive translation.
Concepts that name notions that are important in people's life concepts play a special role in language consciousness of native speakers. The key ones are high- frequent reproductions taking a central place in the vocabulary of thematic lexical groups that have great derivational and word-combinative activity and express the essential elements of national culture.
Recently the analysis of concept translation has received much attention since national peculiarity occurs in concepts from different cultures what makes them close and in incomplete convergence of content of comparable concepts [1, p. 75]. Translator acts as bicultural mediator who helps to fill cognitive and communicative gaps in communication that arise while meeting linguistic world images of addresser and addressee [2, p. 88].
The concept TERRORISM is a collection of human knowledge and understanding of relevant phenomena of the real world. This concept is verbalized the most brightly and invariantly in the media texts. By means of semantic richness and expressiveness and the impact on the reader language of media often does not role over the fiction. Moreover, because of the huge role of the media in modern society media texts often have strong language impact on the reader.
The relevance of the study is due to the general trends of modern linguistic research of multidimensional analysis of cultural concepts, namely the translation aspect, and cultural and political situation in the world. The article shows detailed analysis of the translational aspects of concept actualization in the texts of Ukrainian and British mass media.
The objective of the article is to describe translation transformations in the translation of nominations actualizing the concept TERRORISM in the British and Ukrainian newspaper discourses.
The objective implies the following tasks of the research:
1) to study theoretical ad methodological principles of the research;
2) to define and describe the peculiarities of the concept TERRORISM in the British and Ukrainian newspaper discourses;
3) to clarify the use of translation transformations in the interpreting process of the concept TERRORISM.
The subject matter is the concept TERRORISM actualized in modern British and Ukrainian newspaper discourses.
The specific topic of the study is translation transformations used for translation of nominations, which are structural components of the concept TERRORISM in British and Ukrainian press.
Results of the research. The first stage of the study shows the analysis of the dictionary definitions of naming units of the concept and related notions that represent everyday notion of this concept, based on the modus model by M. Nikitin. It helped to reveal the key features of the concept, which are the followings: violence, intimidation, political motivation, consistency and organization. According to the above mentioned features, the essence of the concept TERRORISM can be represented as follows: the union of people who engage in acts of violence directed against people or material goods to intimidate for changing the political situation.
The synonymic row of everyday notion of concept TERRORISM includes a number of related notions which verbalize it, namely: separatism (сепаратизм), alarm (тривога), fighter (бойовик), DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) or DNR (ДНР - Донецька Народна Республіка), LPR (Luhansk People's Republic) or LNR (ЛНР - Луганська Народна Республіка), ISIL («Ісламська Держава»), horror (жах), anarchy (анархія), rebel (повстанець), violence (жорстокість), dismay (хвилювання), sabotage (диверсія), menace (небезпека), shelling (сильний артилерійський обстріл), bombardment (бомбардування, обстріл), oppression (тиранія), threaten (загрожувати), dread (ціпеніти від жаху).
Not all these naming units of concept TERRORISM have equivalents in the languages of studied newspaper discourses. The translation process in this case requires the use of translation transformations that are necessary for a clear interpretation of content. The research considers lexical transformations, which are more appropriate in the translation of concepts.
In the lexical systems of English and Ukrainian languages there are differences that occur in the type of semantic structure of the word. Any word, the lexical unit, is a part of the language lexical system. This explains the uniqueness of the semantic structure of words in different languages [3, p. 200]. Thus the essence of lexical transformations is to replace lexical units (words and word combinations) of source by lexical units of target language that is not their vocabulary equivalents, that means they have a different meaning than units of the source language interpreted by them.
It's necessary to consider the main causes for use of this type of transformation while interpreting naming units actualizing the concept.
The model of the concept TERRORISM includes a number of notions, the meanings of which show in different languages its different features that reflect the vision of the phenomenon, which is typical for this language, namely for the speakers, which inevitably creates difficulties in translation.
The second reason that necessitates the use of lexical transformations is semantic differences in the value of word. There are no absolutely identical words in the original language and the target language.
While interpreting concepts the following translation transformations are often are used:
1) synonymous substitution;
2) transcoding;
3) literal translation;
4) contextual substitution;
5) descriptive translation.
Most naming units of everyday notion of the concept TERRORISM have dictionary equivalents in Ukrainian language, which means an equivalent of a certain lexical-semantic variant of multivalent word. Taking into account that most of the analyzed notions are polysemantic, it is necessary to use synonymous substitution, which could accurately convey its meaning, for example:
1. Unlike other world leaders, Mr Hollande stopped short of confirming the presence of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil, saying it was “probable” there were Russian soldiers there and definitely “armed rebels helped by Russia”. - На відміну від інших світових лідерів, пан Олланд утримався від підтвердження присутності російських військ на українській землі, сказавши, що то «ймовірно» були російські солдати і, напевно, «озброєні повстанці з підтримкою з боку Росії».
According to the Cambridge dictionary, in the example (1) naming unit rebel means бунтівник, повстанець. According to the context of the passage from a newspaper article it can be concluded that it is more appropriate to use the second meaning for more accurate interpreting of the translated notion.
2. Затриманий 24-річний Ніл Пракаш - бойовик «Ісламської держави», який був найголовнішим рекрутером ІДІЛ на території Австралії. - The arrested 24-years- old Neil Prakash is a fighter of Islamic State, who was the main recruiter of ISIS on the territory of Australia.
The notion бойовик is polysamentic and has in the English language equivalents such as action film, hit man, gunman, member of revolutionary fighting group, fighter. The analysis of the example (2) shows that the last two meanings are the most appropriate. It's better to use fighter, without descriptive translation, which is inappropriate for clear meaning of the context.
But some naming units of everyday notion of concept TERRORISM do not have clear lexical correspondences or none of meanings recorded in the dictionary are appropriate for the context. In such cases it's necessary to use transcoding. The meaning of the word is the same.
The first kind of transcoding is transcription which is the visual representation of the speech sounds. And the meaning is the same:
3. There is a blatant attempt at sabotage by way of a wrecking amendmen tproposed by prominent opponents of Palestinian statehood which makes recognition dependent on negotiations. - Це явна спроба саботажу через руйнівні поправки, запропоновані впевненими противниками палестинської державності, чиє визнання залежить від результатів переговорів.
Because of foreign origin of naming units that actualize everyday notion of the concept TERRORISM, it should be noted that their translation into English needs the same process in reverse:
4. Нещодавні теракти в Таїланді - внутрішній саботаж в країні, а не справа рук міжнародних терористів, вважають в МЗС України. - The recent attacks in Thailand were a sabotage inside the country, but not the work of international terrorists, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
Another kind of transcoding is transliteration which means the method when the word of the source language is interpreted by letter of the target one. The study shows that such naming units that reflect the concept TERRORISM are much more, since many terms have foreign origin and don't have Ukrainian dictionary equivalents:
5. Although the British government warns tourists of a «general threat of terrorism» in Malaysia, Kuching is not listed among the country's dangerous regions on the Foreign office website. - Незважаючи на попередження Британського уряду для туристів про «загальну загрозу тероризму» в Малайзії, Кучінг не зазначений на сайті Міністерства зовнішніх справ в списку небезпечних регіонів країни.
Some naming units that actualize everyday notion of the concept TERRORISM in British and Ukrainian newspaper discourses need to be translated with adaptive transcoding when the form of the word in the source language is somehow adapted to the phonetic or grammatical structure of the target language.
1. The city of Antwerp is being subjected to a bombardment which began, according to reports from Holland, at midnight on Wednesday. - Місто Антверпен переживає бомбардування, котре, згідно з повідомленнями з Голландії, розпочалося в середу о півночі.
In the example (6) while translation the naming unit bombardment - бомбардування gets the ending -я and suffixes -ан and -н which are typical for Ukrainian language and indicate the use of the above mentioned translation transformation.
Among the analyzed notions there are also ones interpreted by literal translation. These are compounds or word combinations while interpretation of which translator choose the first dictionary meaning. For example:
2. Угруповання «Ісламська держава» стратило 30 цивільних людей у центрі міста Мосула, що знаходиться в Іраку. - The grouping “Islamic state” executed 30 civilians in the center of Mosul, Iraq.
Translation of word combination «Ісламська держава» - «Islamic state» used in the example (7) shows the use of this transformation: ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) - ІДІЛ (Ісламська Держава Іраку та Леванту).
Abbreviation for this radical organization is also translated with literal translation: nomination transformation culture terrorism
3. Прес-секретар агентства Равіна Шамдасані повідомила про вбивство бойовиками ІДІЛ 12 осіб 11 листопада 2016 року. - The spokeswoman of the agency, Ravina Shamdasani, reported about the killing of 12 people by ISIL fighters on November 11, 2016.
Another less common translation technique that is used to interpret the analyzed notions is contextual substitution, which is to replace certain specific words or word combinations of the source language by words or phrases of the target language that are not their dictionary equivalents and have a different lexical meaning than the words of the source language:
4. МЗС також закликав російську сторону провести всебічне розслідування цієї події і припинити психологічний тиск на співробітників українського дипломатичного представництва. - Ministry of Foreign Affairs urged the Russian side also to conduct a comprehensive investigation of this incident and to stop extending dismay among officials of Ukrainian diplomatic mission.
Word combination психологічний тиск from example (9) is translated into English extending dismay, that means spreading anxiety, fear, deep sense of confusion to emphasize the manipulation means of consciousness and the result of this.
One type of contextual substitution is generalization when the word with narrower meaning from the source language is replaced by the word with wider meaning in target language. This is shown in the example (10):
5. In northern Israel, at least one rocket fired from Lebanon struck an open area near the town of Metula on Friday, prompting troops to respond with shelling. - На півночі Ізраїлю в п 'ятницю принаймні один снаряд з Лівану вдарив по відкритій місцевості поблизу Метули, спровокувавши вогонь з боку солдат.
Analysis of the example (10) shows that naming unit shelling indicates shooting with an appropriate kind of weapon, but in the above mentioned case it is generalized вогонь. Type of weapons used in the example is not specified.
The opposite process is the concretization that is to replace the words of the source language with a wider meaning by the word in the target language with narrower meaning. The use of words with a wider meaning is more typical for English, though the study shows that in Ukrainian language it also can be used:
6. Терористи продовжують обстріли Станиці Луганської, де мало відбутися розведення сил та засобів, а також інших населених пунктів із заборонених Мінськими угодами типів озброєння. - Terrorists continue shelling on the territory of Stanytsia Luhanska, where interposition of force and means should be conducted, and other localities with weapon prohibited by Minsk accords.
In the example (11) the notion with a wider meaning обстріли that does not specify the type of used weapons is translated in English as shelling that means using artillery shells of various kinds.
A small number of naming units that actualize everyday notion of concept TERRORISM is interpreted in the British newspaper discourse with descriptive translation, namely, when the notion in the source language is replaced in the target language by phrase that adequately conveys its content:
7. In the past two years six former pupils from Holland Park School have left Britain to become Islamic fighters or have been linked to terrorism.-- За останні 2 роки шість випускників школи Голланд Парк покинули Великобританію, ставши членами ісламістських збройних угруповань або пов'язавши себе з тероризмом.
In the example (12) the naming unit fighters is translated with descriptive translation for adequate interpretation of sentence content in general and analyzed notion in particular.
The term concept is generalizing notion of understanding certain phenomena and is based on consciousness of a person, the own national historical and cultural experience. The concept TERRORISM is a relevant topic of research for political and ethnic-cultural situation in the world.
By means of semantic richness and expressiveness and the impact on the reader language of media often does not role over the fiction. Moreover, because of the huge role of the media in modern society media texts often have strong language impact on the reader. That is why Ukrainian newspaper and British newspapers have been chosen for analysis of translation aspects of concept TERRORISM.
Since not all analyzed naming units of the concept TERRORISM have equivalents in the languages of studied newspaper discourses translation transformations were used in interpretation process.
Despite some differences at the lexical level, different compatibility and factors of extralinguistic nature for interpretation of naming units that actualize the concept TERRORISM in the newspaper discourse in Ukrainian and English languages it is necessary to use the same translation transformations for the majority of related notions: synonymous substitution, transcoding, literal translation, contextual substituition, descriptive translation.
The prospects of the research include expanding number of analyzed naming units and classification of naming units according to types of lexical transformations used in translation.
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Received: April, 05, 2017 Размещено на
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