Influence of the information and communication environment on the axiosphere of a society

Transformations of all spheres of social life both in the practical plane, and in the worldview and value aspects, transforming awareness of the different levels of human life. Information as the main value. Formation of media in the information space.

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UDC 316.776:316.752


Denysyuk Z.

Actuality of Research. The communication, which has been the crucial factor of many discourses and spheres of society's life, actualizes the creation of the new cognitive definition within the scientific and technological progress. The consideration of the communication technologies has developed from the simple description to the theoretical reflections in the terms of " information", "post-industrial" and "digital" societies.

Nevertheless, western researchers underline the role of the technological component in social development as well as in in the financial and economic systems. They use the concept "Technocapitalism" to call the modern form of the society. Analysing the Contemporary Post-industrialism, L.Suarez-Villa, a well- known American researcher of the University of California, believes that in a new social paradigm, which will dominate in the XXI century the main values will be the production of intellectual property, knowledge and creativity. At the same time, humanitarian and social spheres also will transform in accordance with technologies. It will form a network society. The information technologies and communications will play the key role in the new social organization [12, 24].

Information and communication technologies and media communications have created generations of so-called "new media", which are based on digital reproduction of information. They are the means of communication and also influence on the formation of cultural phenomena and practices. The information and technological environment has led to the fundamental transformation of all spheres of social being in practical mode as well as axiological one. Influencing on the realities of socio-cultural being, the informational and communicative environment has formed other categories of cognition.

Thus, the medial sphere created its own semantic field, inventing new ways of symbolic development and understanding of the mosaic reality, using technological digital tools. In the sphere of cultural development, mediated by various communication technologies, we can see new cultural practices, based on the technological and communicative substrate that generates new cultural phenomena.

Analysis of Research and Publications. The issue of the study of the axiological component of the informational and communicative environment and the interaction of mass media with the value system of the society are analysed in the works of many foreign scholars. They are C. Cohen, N. Louman, S. Hall, K. Tester, J. Habermas, N. Stevenson, A. Capto; Domestic researchers - A. Bashuk, O. Hrytsenko, N. Zrazhevskaya, V. Ivanov, S. Kvit, V. Korneev, N. Kostenko, O. Kuznetsova, V. Lizanchuk, J. Los, B. Potajatinyk, T. Pripystuhenko, V. Rizun, K. Serazhim, O. Serbenskaya, Yu. Finkler, N. Shumarova, V. Berezin, Y. Miroshnikov, T. Naumenko, L. Svichach, V. Sidorov, G. Solganik, E. Pronin.

The purpose of the research is to analyse the influence of the information and communicative environment on the axiosphere of the modern society.

The Main Part. According to the civilization and technological development, media communications turned into an independent sphere with its own semiotic space and values that determine the vectors of the evolution of the society. In the modern Communication studies, the definition of the communication as a social process of the translation of the certain meanings is widely used. Thus, in the context of the information society, "the communication becomes a self-sacrificing epicenter of social and political life, the source of the formation of new forms of social relations" and a systematic element that acquires ontological status [3, 11].

The digital format of the newest means of communication, which significantly replaced the analogue one, led to a renewal of the cultural paradigm. It focuses on the network or digital characteristics instead the on-screen culture development. However, the visual component remains the priority ones for both of them. The informational and communicative space, created by the Internet network, has turned into a separate informational and sociocultural space, which has its own potential for cultural development and the production and distribution of semiotic meanings.

Taking into account that communication is a movement of meanings, the meanings differ each other. It is clear that value orientation is one of the essential features of any social communication. In the communication process, the main keeper of value meanings is information that is the main attribute of any communication. The activity of mass media has an axiological nature. It is aimed primarily at the dissemination of valuable information, worldview systems. The values are the main links in the organization of various interactions. Communication, which includes values and orientations, becomes a special field that characterizes the state of the social development. The main purpose of communication is the mutual understanding, which involves the disclosure of a complex and multidimensional structure of meanings, objectified in the system of social relations. It allows us defining the social communication as a social process of exchange of valuable information. The value of the information depends on the subject, the internal content, its goal and its influence on people, social groups and societies. Its value also is determined by the meanings of coding and transferring. M.Castells writes that the communication process is determined by the technology of communication, the characteristics of the senders anrecipients of information, their cultural codes and communications' protocols as well as the framework of the communication process. All values and meanings can be understood only in the context of social relations where we had the process of information and communication [5, 73].

At various levels of social reproduction the axiological component of communicative processes is a crucial indicator of the spiritual state of society. So, it is the necessary element of the future development. It is the synthesis of the system of social values, produced in the process of the sociocultural development and social norms [6, 38].

The sociocultural space is one of the most important determinants of axiological communication, because any message is generated in the specific situations and the sociocultural context. Characterizing the socio-cultural space as a multilevel and diverse phenomenon, O. Shakirova emphasizes that its basis and main dimension consist of values that "framed the sociocultural space where the society with norms, customs, traditions, social agents and other elements of sociality develop" [10, 141]. In her opinion, the monads are the basic units of sociocultural space and values, which are behavioral stereotypes, fundamental mental and language structures, passed from one generation to the next one. They are the form of collective memory. The destruction of the value system leads to the destruction of these sociocultural units (monads) [10, 141].

In the social structure the role of values adequately corresponds to the realities of the environment and responds to the internal and external challenges. Values are the basis of society, sociocultural phenomena that determine the functioning of the sociocultural system. They have "ontological volume, localization and manifestation" in symbolic form [7, 3]. Values always have the social context. All value orientations are based on the social practices, individual human activities within the historical relationships and the forms of communication among people. Values do not exist out of a society. They are the results of the human socialization and have their own dynamics of development. In this regard, we can note that all life experience of a person and his/her system of knowledge determine his/her values.

The concept of the axiophere has different interpretations due to its multilevel nature and interpretation. The axiosphere is formed in the process of human being and in the historical period. Considering the axiosphere of culture from the point of view of the synergistic approach, I. Suvorova presents her understanding of it as a self-developing system, with all its multidimensionality, involving all the factors influencing the dynamics of its development and taking into account the bifurcation nature of the culture. It manifests itself in the development of the cycles. At the same time, the principle of stable equilibrium (the so-called attractor) is important. It implies a sufficient level of diversity of the structural elements of the system, in particular the values of national cultures[8, 352-353].

Human values and their relevance are determined by social necessity. Human values are the orientation for the formation of operational or peripheral values, value systems of social classes or groups.

Functioning of values is their influence on human activity, human behavior, social life and the development of the culture [4, 182].

Axiological sphere of the society is a relatively stable, structured entity where we can distinguish the core and the periphery. The core is the basic values that determine the sociocultural specificity of the society. The peripheral values are borrowed ones that do not play an important role in the society [11, 115]. Thanks to the processes of globalization and cultural assimilation, the values of other sociocultural field appear in the social matrix. They change the nature of peripheral values. It leads to the fact that many of them get the independent status and significance in the sociocultural space. Such internal state of the axiosphere is called a persistent (in the terminology of postmodern), which is modeled as a non-equilibrium integrity. It is manifested in the creation of the new axio-semantic "knots". As the result, the new values and value transformations appear in the society. They ultimately lead to an atypical, non-standard value point of view [10, 143].

Values produce and support various social links among people, facilitate their identification and orientations in difficult life situations and create the atmosphere of the confidence in human relationship [1,9].

Mass media, based on the newest technology platforms and means of distribution, play an important role in processes of value transformation of society. The means of electronic media, included the Internet network and numerous technological gadgets (smartphones, iPhones, iPad, laptops) are the modern forms of communication. They form a global communicative space, which simultaneously emits a peculiar symbolic system that can influence on the axiological sphere of society. In general, many scientists note that "the formation of a single global cybernetic communicative environment (cyber-society) is a necessary stage of development of a new type of civilization" [2, 66].

Broadcasting a system of worldviews, mass media form a special media axiosphere - a sphere of mass media information, which represents the value dominants of the society. The transmission of values plays an important role in communication, which reflects the national cultural values. Media sets the certain axiological behavior patterns, which are used by the recipients to accumulate their moral principles, value orientations and produce stereotypes of thinking under the influence of translatable patterns. worldview value information media

The negative role of communicative means and the informational and communicative environment in the functioning of the axioms of society are the loss of the orientations of human being and self-confidence in the future, the social apathy, the replacement of values, strengthening social stratification, distrusting to the authority, because of its absolutism.

Instability, transgression, destructive dynamics, which are characteristics of the modern sociocultural space, demonstrate the transitional state of the culture of the information epoch, that is the point of bifurcation, doubling, and even re-loading of cultural meanings and the axioms of society [9, 99].

The processes of the social life are reflected in the texts of mass communication. Everyone perceives any information through the prism of his own system of values. Materials, included "other" values may be misunderstood or even completely incomprehensible. The social phenomena and processes get a value character, including into the system of subject-object and subject-subject value relationships. Values appear only in the process of subject-object relations.

The scientific novelty of the work is to identify the axiological component of the communicative environment and its impact on the axiom of modern society.

Conclusions. Summing up the previous information, we should note the importance to develop the ability of critical thinking and conscious attitude to the proposed media-space values in the modern process. The information and communication environment consider important events, aspects, and attitudes, researching them and proving by the analytical summaries of "experts" and "leaders of public opinion". On the one hand, the access to the electronic communication tools allows us to express our thoughts, judgments. On the other hand, the manipulative nature of electronic media remains strong. Finally, all these factors have a significant impact on the functioning of the society's axioms and influence on the development of the criteria of universal values and postulates that reflect the sociocultural processes in the society.


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Purpose of Research. The purpose of the research is to study the influence of the information and communication environment on the functioning of the axiosphere of the modern society. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists of the analytical, semiotic and culturological methods, which are used to study the axiological component of the communication process, the role of mass media in the broadcasting values in modern societies and its influence on the functioning of the axiosphere. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is to reveal the axiological component of the communicative environment and its influence on the axiosphere of a society. The author shows the positive and negative consequences of this process. Conclusions. Thus, the author states that the information and communication technologies, based on digital reproduction of information, have led to cardinal transformations of all spheres of human life in the practical mode as well as axiological one. Both of them have stimulated the transformations of our understanding of values. So, information is the main value in the information and communication environment. Forming a special information space, the media represent the values of society and influence on individuals in the axiological context.

Key words: information-communicative environment, axiosphere, value orientations, sociocultural space.

Мета дослідження - вивчення впливу інформаційно-комунікативного середовища на функціонування ак- сіосфери сучасного суспільства. Методологія дослідження полягає в застосуванні аналітичного, семіотичного та культурологічного методів у вивченні аксіологічної складової процесу комунікації, ролі засобів мас-медіа у трансляції цінностей в сучасному суспільстві та здійснення впливу на функціонування аксіосфери соціуму. Наукова новизна полягає у виявленні аксіологічної складової комунікативного середовища та його впливу на аксіосферу суспільства, що має як позитивні, такі негативні наслідки. Висновки. В результаті дослідження встановлено, що інформаційно-комунікативні технології, які ґрунтуються на цифровому відтворенні інформації, зумовили кардинальні перетворення всіх сфер суспільного буття і в практичній площині, і в світоглядному й ціннісному аспектах, трансформуючи усвідомлення різних рівнів людського життя. В умовах інформаційно-комунікативного середовища інформація стає головною цінністю. Медіа-засоби, формуючи особливе інформаційне середовище, репрезентують цінності суспільства й здійснюють аксіологічний вплив на індивідів та суспільство в цілому.

Ключові слова: інформаційно-комунікативне середовище, аксіосфера, ціннісні орієнтації, соціокультур- ний простір.

Цель исследования - изучение влияния информационно-коммуникативной среды на функционирование акси- осферы современного общества. Методология исследования заключается в применении аналитического, семиотического и культурологического методов в изучении аксиологической составляющей процесса коммуникации, роли средств © Denysyuk Zh., 2017 масс-медиа в трансляции ценностей в современном обществе и оказании влияния на функционирование аксиосферы социума. Научная новизна работы заключается в выявлении аксиологической составляющей коммуникативной среды и ее влияния на аксиосферу общества, что имеет как положительные, так и негативные последствия. Выводы. В результате исследования встановлено, что информационно-коммуникативные технологии, основанные на цифровом воспроизведении информации, обусловили кардинальные преобразования всех сфер общественной жизни как в практической плоскости, так и в мировоззренческом и ценностном аспектам, трансформируя осознание различных уровней человеческой жизни. В условиях информационно-коммуникативной среды информация становится главной ценностью. Медиасредства, формируя особое информационное пространство, представляют ценности общества и осуществляют аксиологическое влияние на индивидов и общество в целом.

Ключевые слова: информационно-коммуникативная среда, аксиосфера, ценностные ориентации, социокультурное пространство.

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