Multimedia presentation and activation of vocabulary as a way of formation lexical skills in the process of foreign language teaching of Bachelor students

Modern interactive technologies. Characterization of foreign vocabulary and the formation of students' lexical skills through the use of multimedia presentation. Implementation of a communicative approach to mastering all aspects of a foreign language.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.06.2018
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Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Multimedia presentation and activation of vocabulary as a way of formation lexical skills in the process of foreign language teaching of Bachelor students

Abilchanova Zhibek Kenzhekhankyzy

Master of Pedagogical Science,

assistant professor in Department of general training

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Orientation of Kazakhstan education system on the competence approach in the content of education finds its expression in the field of foreign language teaching in the formation of intercultural and communicative competence as an indicator of the formation of a person's ability to participate in foreign-language communication at an intercultural level [2].

Relevance of the topic of the formation intercultural and communicative competence is determined by the trends in the development of modern society and foreign language education. Modern society is characterized by the intensification of interaction between different cultures, widespread use of computer technology, development of telecommunications, globalization all spheres of public life and growth of intercultural and interpersonal communication, especially in a computer-mediated environment. These directions of social development require the education system to prepare students for life in the new conditions of information society. Kazakhstan foreign language education is faced with the task of formation key competencies for students, which represent an integral system of universal knowledge, skills, experience of independent activity and students' personal responsibility. interactive vocabulary communicative language

Today education system is actively using computer technology, which is of great interest to students. Computerization of the educational process is considered as one of the actual factors in the organization of foreign language teaching. The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom, for example, when introducing lexical material in a foreign language and professionally-oriented foreign language, enables the animation, modification and highlighting the most significant elements using colour, font, font slant and size. In addition, photos, schemes and tables can be added to the presentation, which contributes to the concentration student's attention and his interest. The use of multimedia presentation is based on visuality, which leads to better uptake of content.

The use of multimedia presentation can be an effective means of formation strong lexical skills in foreign language or professionally-oriented foreign language.

Lexical skill is an automated action on the choice of a lexical unit adequate to the concept and its correct combination with other units in productive speech, automated perception and association with the meaning in receptive speech. In other words, to perform a speech action successfully, the lexical unit must be automated enough not only to extract it from long-term memory at the moment of speech adequately to the situation, but also combine it successfully with other lexical units as well as distinguish this lexical unit in the speech of other people .

We have considered the definition “lexical skill”, let us now turn to the stages of mastering the lexical skill. There are three stages of work on the formation of the lexical skill:

1. Overview, which includes introduction, explanation and semantisation;

2. Training in the use of lexical units (primary revision);

3. Use of lexical units (inclusion of words in speech activity).

The goal of teaching lexical skills is to perform automatically a set of lexical actions that are expressed in:

- inclusion of lexical units in different types and forms of speech;

- students' ability to use a word as a means of influencing the speech partner;

- students' ability to expand their vocabulary independently;

- Transfer of lexical material from one situation to another.

The most popular idea was proposed by E.I. Passov. He distinguishes three main stages in the overall system of work on the word:

1. Introduction of the word, as well as teaching students to determine correctly the meaning of proposed word;

2. Using different exercises to remember the word and know how to recognize this word in context;

3. Stimulation of students to use this word in speech [4].

Drawing conclusion, we can distinguish three generally accepted stages in mastering vocabulary:

The first stage is semanticization (introduction of lexical unit). Semantization includes two methods: translational and untranslatable. At the stage of semantization, the meaning of lexical unit should be expanded and an example should be given. The following methods of semantization are distinguished: visual, on the basis of synonyms or antonyms, through description or definition, by means of enumeration or context.

The second stage is the development of lexical unit. It includes conditionally speech and language exercises.

The third stage is the stage of independent use of vocabulary in speech situations.

Today information and communication technologies are used in foreign language classes; therefore, it is not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the teaching process.

Modern pedagogical technologies such as training in cooperation, project methodology, use of new information technologies, Internet resources help to realize a learner-oriented approach in teaching. They also provide for individualization and differentiation of education, taking into account the abilities of students [3].

Multimedia technology gives a high effect of foreign language teaching, if they are supported by advanced teaching methods.

The computer program PowerPoint has established itself as an effective means of preparing and demonstrating presentations not only in business, but also in education. The educational potential of this technical training mean can be effectively used at the foreign language class in the implementation of visual support of speech training [1].

Advantages of PowerPoint presentation:

- combined a variety of textual audio and video visualization;

- possibility of using the presentation as a kind of interactive, multimedia board, which makes it possible to semanticize more clearly new lexical and grammatical material, as well as provide support for teaching all types of speech activity;

- possibilities of using individual slides as handouts (supports, tables, diagrams, schemes, diagrams and collages);

- ability to control students attention due to the effects of animation and hyperlinks;

- activating the attention of the whole group;

- maintenance of students cognitive interest, strengthening the motivation of learning, and also efficiency of perception and memorization new educational material;

- ability to monitor the assimilation of new knowledge and systematization of studied material;

- possibility of combining classroom and extracurricular work of students;

- possibility of formation linguamultimedia competence, both as a teacher and a student, and developing their creative abilities in organizing academic work.

The best advantage of the PowerPoint presentation is the ability to vary the volume of material and methodological methods, depending on the purpose of the class, the awareness level of the group, students' age. If necessary, the teacher can replace the text, picture, diagram, or simply hide extra slides. These features allow teachers to customize maximally any previously developed presentation for a particular class in a specific group.

Multimedia presentation of foreign language material is a way of presenting the language information adapted by a certain age for students in the form of a logically completed collection of slides on a certain lexical and grammatical subject. Multimedia presentation is based on the use of audiovisual capabilities of computer technologies [6].

In methodical literature it is said that equipped multimedia programs have almost unlimited graphic and colour capabilities. This allows teachers to represent any kind of activity in the form of pictures and animations.

This is especially important when there is an introduction of new vocabulary; the images on the monitor allow you to associate a phrase in a foreign language directly with an object or action.

The effectiveness of using multimedia presentation depends on a number of organizational and technical conditions:

a) the correct selection and rational placement of equipment for creating and demonstrating the presentation in the classroom;

b) ensuring the constant availability of equipment for work;

c) the correct placement and storage of information.

The technology of using multimedia presentation has several stages:

1) preparatory;

2) pre-demonstration;

3) demonstration;

4) post-demonstration;

5) reflexive.

Preparatory stage includes selection of the necessary material, analysis and creation of multimedia presentation by the teacher.

Pre-demonstration stage includes removal of language difficulties, checking the understanding of previously studied lexical units, review of necessary grammatical material and formulation of goals and objectives for students.

At the demonstration stage, a new material is presented with the teacher's parallel commentary, work on the contents of each slide, "paused" exercises and review the required slides.

Post-demonstration stage includes question-answer exercises, discussion of a new material, students' independently formulated rules and the review of lexical units.

Reflexive stage includes the analysis and conclusions of the teacher on the effectiveness of the preparation and introducing of the presentation, monitoring.

The use of multimedia presentations in foreign language and professionally oriented foreign language classes allows to implement a communicative approach to mastering all aspects of foreign language: cognitive, educational, developmental, and within the academic aspect - all kinds of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening, writing. Creation and use of multimedia presentation in the foreign language classes helps to realize learner-oriented approach in teaching, provides individualization and differentiation of teaching, taking into account abilities of students. The use of presentations allows us to realize the principles of visibility and accessibility create problem situations, use time more effectively in class [5].

Computer presentations allow students to present the educational material colourfully and clearly and pay attention to important information using illustrations, diagrams, graphical compositions.

The presentation also allows you to act immediately on several types of memory: visual, auditory, emotional and motor.

The use of multimedia presentation is the most effective when working with students at the universities, because there are all conditions for generalizing previous studied themes and stimulating cognitive and communicative activity of students. The positive results of the use of presentations can be attributed to the interest of students and the manifestation of their creativity and, undoubtedly, a faster pace of classes.

The use of presentations makes possible to make the activity more spectacular, rich and effective, because the possibilities of using computer technologies are unlimited.

Bibliographic list

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5. Пушкарева Е. В. Эффективность использования презентаций PowerPoint в преподавании // Режим доступа:,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,4317/Itemid,88/, 2015, свободный 6. Пыхова Е.К. Советы по созданию презентаций по английскому языку. - 2007. - 41 с.


Multimedia presentation and activation of vocabulary as a way of formation lexical skills in the process of foreign language teaching of Bachelor students. Abilchanova Zhibek Kenzhekhankyzy Master of Pedagogical Science, assistant professor in Department of general training, Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Kazakhstan, Almaty

This article presents general characteristics of foreign vocabulary and the formation of lexical skills among students by using a multimedia presentation in the process of foreign language teaching. Multimedia presentation of language material is considered as a method of teaching foreign vocabulary. The use of multimedia presentations in the process of foreign language teaching makes it possible to implement a communicative approach of mastering all foreign language aspects: educational, cognitive and educative, and within the educational aspect by all kinds of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening, writing. Multimedia technologies expand the possibility of using the presentation as a kind of interactive framework that allows teachers to present new lexical units more clearly as well as it serves as a basis for consolidation and developing lexical units.

Keywords: intercultural-communicative competence, linguamultimedia competence, lexical skill, multimedia presentation, PowerPoint presentation, professionally-oriented foreign language


Мультимедийная презентация и активизация лексики как способ формирования прочных лексических навыков в процессе обучения иностранному языку студентов-бакалавров. Абильчанова Жибек Кенжеханкызы Магистр педагогических наук, ассистент профессора, Факультет общеобразовательных дисциплин, Казахская головная архитектурно-строительная академия, Казахстан, Алматы

В статье были рассмотрены вопросы общей характеристики иноязычной лексики и формирование у студентов лексических навыков с помощью использования мультимедийной презентации в процессе обучения иностранным языкам. Мультимедийная презентация языкового материала рассматривается как методический прием обучения иностранной лексике. Использование мультимедийных презентаций в процессе обучения иностранным языкам позволяет реализовать коммуникативный подход к овладению всеми аспектами иностранного языка: познавательным, учебным, развивающим и воспитательным, а внутри учебного аспекта - всеми видами речевой деятельности: чтением, говорением, аудированием, письмом. Мультимедийные технологии расширяют возможность использования презентации как своеобразной интерактивной основы, которая позволяет преподнести новые лексические единицы более наглядно, а также служит основой для закрепления и отработки лексических единиц.

Ключевые слова: межкультурно-коммуникативная компетенция, лингвомультимедийная компетенция, лексический навык, мультимедийная презентация, презентация PowerPoint, профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык

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