To the problem of translation of English transportation terminology into Ukrainian

Differences in technical translation from other types of translations. Explores the strategies underlying the appropriate translation of transportation terms from English into Ukrainian. Comparison the results of the frequencies of the strategies.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 17.07.2018
Размер файла 56,2 K

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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


N. V. IAREMENKO, Ph.D. in Pedagogy


Technical translation is the type of translation dealing with scientific and technical subjects and using the specialized terminology of the scientific or technical field involved that forms the vital part of the translating process. Dealing with terminology in specialised translation is quite a challenging task and may require much effort and creativity on the translator's side, the right choice of translation strategies and procedures. Transportation technology is a quickly developing field due to the age of globalization; as a result, the need for coining new technical terms is becoming difficult to ignore. The present study explores the strategies underlying the appropriate translation of transportation terms from English into Ukrainian. For this purpose, a corpus of 140 English transportation terms was randomly extracted from the two transportation websites and was compared with their Ukrainian equivalents. By comparing and contrasting the frequencies of the strategies used, it was revealed that the most frequently used translation procedure is calque (38%). Literal translation was the second most frequent procedure (26%), followed by borrowing procedure (15%). Equivalence and transposition were utilized the least, 13% and 8% respectively, for rendering the transportation terminology.

Keywords: technical term, terminology, transportation, translation strategies, direct translation, oblique translation, procedures


transportation term technical translation


Н. В. Яременко

Технічний переклад відрізняється від інших видів перекладу переважно своєю термінологією, яка є невід'ємною частиною перекладацького процесу. Транспортні технології - це сфера, яка сьогодні швидко розвивається у зв'язку з глобалізаційним поступом суспільства; внаслідок чого стає дедалі важче ігнорувати необхідність створення нових технічних термінів. Дане дослідження описує стратегії, що лежать в основі адекватного перекладу термінів сфери транспортних перевезень з англійської на українську мову. З цією метою автором було проаналізовано 140 перекладів транспортних термінів, вилучених методом суцільної вибірки з текстів двох транспортних веб-сайтів. Аналізуючи частоту використовуваних перекладацьких стратегій, було виявлено, що найчастіше як технічний прийом використовується калькування (38%). Буквальний переклад був задіяний у 26% для перекладу досліджуваних термінів, а запозичення - у 15%. Такі техніки, як пошук еквівалента та транспозиція були використані у 13% та 8% відповідно.

Ключові слова: технічний термін, термінологія, транспортні перевезення, стратегії перекладу, прямий переклад, непрямий переклад, прийоми



Н.В. Яременко

Технический перевод отличается от других видов перевода преимущественно своей терминологией, которая является неотъемлемой частью переводческого процесса. Транспортные технологии - это сфера, которая сегодня быстро развивается в связи с глобализационным развитием общества; в результате чего становится все труднее игнорировать необходимость создания новых технических терминов. Данное исследование описывает стратегии, лежащие в основе адекватного перевода терминов сферы транспортных перевозок с английского на украинский язык. С этой целью автором были проанализированы 140 примеров переводов транспортных терминов, изъятых методом сплошной выборки из текстов двух транспортных веб-сайтов. Анализируя частоту используемых переводческих стратегий, было обнаружено, что чаще всего как технический прием используется калькирование (38%). Буквальный перевод был использован в 26% для перевода исследуемых терминов, а заимствования - в 15%. Такие техники, как поиск эквивалента и транспозиция были задействованы в 13% и 8% соответственно.

Ключевые слова: технический термин, терминология, транспортные перевозки, стратегии перевода, прямой перевод, косвенный перевод, приемы


Technical texts are characterized by the use of Language for Special (Specific) Purposes (LSP), i.e. a language that is used in various professional settings. Bowker and Pearson state that any LSP characteristically contains specialized vocabulary, collocations and highly specific stylistic features, all of which need to be taken into consideration when translating a technical text [2, p.27]. According to Byrne, “the main concern for technical translators is not only to make sure that information is conveyed accurately but they are also responsible for ensuring that the information is presented in the correct form, that it is complete and that the information can be used correctly and effectively” [3,10]. According to Newmark, “technical translation is a component of specified translation; It is differentiated from other kinds of translation by terminology, although terminology usually makes up about 5-10% of a text” [7, p. 151]. However, terms form the vital part of a translating process of a technical text.

Transportation technology is advancing tremendously nowadays and there is a great need for coining new technical terms in this field. Consequently, it is crucial for terminologists, linguists, translators to attain proper equivalents in order to help spread technological advances in the world. Translation of transportation terms, therefore, presents one of the most prevalent problems that linguists have to be aware of.

Aims and Methods

This paper attempts to focus on the strategies and procedures underlying the appropriate translation of transportation terms from English into Ukrainian. The data used in this research contain 140 English transportation terms extracted from the texts at the following websites:

1. Dart Aircompany Ltd. Rules of passengers and luggage air transportation [4].

2. DHL Global [4].

In order to accomplish the goals of our study, the methods of contrastive textual analysis and corpus analysis methods were employed.

Literature review

A recent literature review on the issue of translating transportation terminology has found that there is a considerable amount of literature on translating specialized texts. Despite this fact “some researchers are still noticing the slight disdain with which specialised translating is treated within the discipline” [9, p. 53]. As Byrne noted, technical translation “has long been regarded as the ugly duckling of translation, especially in academic circles. Not particularly exciting or attractive and definitely lacking in the glamour and cachet of other types of translation, technical translation is often relegated to the bottom division of translation activity and regarded as little more than an exercise in specialised terminology and subject knowledge” [in 9, p.54]. However, dealing with terminology in specialised translation is quite a challenging task and may require much effort and creativity on the translator's side, the right choice of translation strategies and procedures. Moreover, specialised texts often encompass (near) synonym series, paraphrases, definition-like contexts, and vast lexical and terminological networks.

By reviewing translation literature, it has been revealed that each theorist offers their own types, categorizations and classifications for the translation strategies according to their perspectives. As stated by Munday, Vinay and Darbelnet were among the first to have identified direct and oblique translation strategies in their seminal monograph entitled “Stylistique comparee du frangais et de l'anglais: methode de traduction” [6]. According to these scholars, direct translation occurs when there is an exact structural, lexical, even morphological equivalence between two languages, only possible when the two languages are very close to each other, and include three procedures: borrowing, calque and literal translation. Within the framework of oblique translation they listed four procedures: transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation [in 6].

Another translation procedures model was elaborated by a British scholar Newmark. According to Newmark, “while translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language” [7, p.81]. Newmark's classification of translation methods and procedures is much more detailed than that of Vinay and Darbelnet. The scholar classified translation methods into 15 subcategories of transference; naturalization; cultural equivalent; functional equivalent; descriptive equivalent; synonymy; through translation; shifts or transposition; modulation, recognized translation; compensation; componential analysis; paraphrase; couplets; notes, addition, and glossaries [7]. In Schreiber's model, the procedures were split into lexical (lexical borrowing, lexical substitution, change of a lexical unit structure), grammatical (word-for word translation, permutation, expansion, reduction, intracategorial change, transposition, transformation) and semantic (semantic borrowing, modulation, explication, implication, mutation) [8]. Mona Baker enumerates eight translation strategies: 1) translation by a more general word; 2) translation by a more neutral/less expressive word; 3) translation by cultural substitution; 4) translation using a loan word or loan word plus explanation; 5) translation by paraphrase using a related word; 6) translation by paraphrase using unrelated words; 7) translation by omission; 8) translation by illustration [1, p. 26-42].

In our study, we will concentrate on the model proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet that is summarised in Table 1 below.

Table 1

Vinay & Darbelnet's model of translation procedures





Taking the word from the source language and maintaining it in the target language


A special kind of borrowing where the source language expression or structure is transferred to the target language in literal translation



Word-for-word translation





Replacement of one word-class or syntactic category with another without altering the semantics of the message


Rendering the target text from a different point of view to that of the source text


Replacing an existing reality in the area of the original text by a reality in the text area of translation


Replacing a cultural element of the original text by another characteristic of the receiving culture

Data analysis and findings. The data collected were analyzed according to Vinay and Darbelnet's model of translation procedures and presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Direct translation procedures












aircraft carrier

авіаційний перевізник

mutilated ticket

зіпсований квиток

mixed transportation

змішане перевезення

passenger coupon (or

passenger receipt)

пасажирський купон

(або пасажирська


transit passenger

транзитний пасажир

automated booking system / global distribution system (ABS / GDS)



бронювання/глобальна розподільна система


freight transportation

вантажні перевезення

Literal (word- for-word) translation

a charter flight with a business purpose

чартерний рейс із


flight of ample armour

рейс з надлишком броні

potentially dangerous


потенційно небезпечні пасажири





agreed halting points

узгоджені місця зупинки

electronic ticket processing

оформлення електронного квитка

shipping rate

тариф на доставку


Not api









freight forwarding



Not applicable

After selecting and classifying the translation procedures, a quantitative analysis was conducted to determine the frequency of different types of procedures (Table 4).

Table 4

Frequency and percentage of use of translation procedures

Translation procedure









Literal translation









As seen in Table 4, in terms of frequency of rendering English transportation terms into Ukrainian, the ranks of the translation procedures are as follows: 1.Calque (53); 2. Literal translation (37); 3.Borrowing (21); 4. Equivalence (18); 5. Transposition (11).

Aforementioned results are shown graphically in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1

Pie chart of the percentage of the translation procedures According to the indings, of the seven translation procedures (borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation) offered by Vinay and Darbelnet five procedures (calque, literal translation, borrowing, equivalence, and transposition) were utilized to render the English transportation terms in Ukrainian. The other translation procedures were not applied due to the fact that these techniques are more used at levels beyond lexical units. It should be also mentioned that translators might use more procedures at a time while translating English transportation terms into Ukrainian (two, three or even four procedures in translation referred to as couplets, triplets and quadruplets). The following is the example of the use of the couplet technique (borrowing+regular equivalent): interline agreement (an agreement on mutual recognition of travel documents and related settlements payments) - інтерлайн-угода (угода про взаємне визнання перевізної документації та проведення відповідних взаєморозрахунків) [4].


Technical translation is primarily distinguished from other types of translation by terminology that forms the vital part of the translating process. Dealing with terminology in specialised translation is a challenging task and may require much effort and creativity on the translator's side, the right choice of translation strategies and procedures. Specialised texts often encompass (near) synonym series, paraphrases, definition-like contexts, and vast lexical and terminological networks.

As the study revealed, transportation technology is a quickly developing field due to the age of globalization; therefore, the need for coining new technical terms is becoming difficult to ignore.

The present study explored the strategies underlying the appropriate translation of transportation terms from English into Ukrainian. For this purpose, a corpus of 140 English transportation terms was randomly extracted from the two transportation websites and was compared with their Ukrainian equivalents. By comparing and contrasting the frequencies of the strategies used, it was revealed that the most frequently used translation procedure is calque (38%). Literal translation was the second most frequent procedure (26%), followed by borrowing procedure (15%). Equivalence and transposition were utilized the least, 13% and 8% respectively, for rendering the transportation terminology.

As to suggestions for further research, it seems appealing to undertake another study drawing on a larger sample of empirical material on translating English transportation terms into Ukrainian.


1. Baker, M. (1992). In other words: A course book on translation. London: Routledge.

2. Bowker, L. (2002). Working with specialized language: A practical guide to using corpora. London: Routledge.

3. Byrne, J. (2006). Technical translation: Usability strategies for translating technical documentation. Dordrecht: Springer.

4. Dart Aircompany Ltd. Rules of passengers and luggage air transportation. Available at:

5. DHL Global. Available at:

6. Munday, J. (2012). Introducing Translation Studies, Theories and Applications. London, New York: Routledge.

7. Newmark, P. (1988). A textbook of translation. London: Prentice Hall Press, 1988.

8. Scheiber, M. (1993). Ubersetzung und Bearbeitung. Zur Differenzierung und Abgrenzung des Ubersetzungsbegriffs. Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1993.

9. Sorina, Postolea. (2016). Translating in a Specialised Context: Challenges and Risks. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iasi. Section: Social Sciences, LXII(LXVI), f.1,51-66.

10. 10 Kharchenko, S. V. (2009) Naukovo-tekhnichna terminolohiia [Scientific and technical terminoloy]. Kyiv. 112.

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