Kyrgyz linguistics
Description of the origin, formation and development of Kyrgyz linguistics. Coverage of the main scientific and theoretical works of representatives of Kyrgyz linguistics, which are the basis for further research in the development of the Kyrgyz language.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.07.2018 |
Размер файла | 18,5 K |
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Kyrgyz linguistics
Musaev S. (Republic of Kyrgyzstan)
This article deals with the scientific description of the origin, formation and development of the Kyrgyz linguistics. It highlights the major scientific and theoretical works of representatives of the Kyrgyz linguistics, which are the basis for further research in the development of the Kyrgyz language and the identification of new trends in the Kyrgyz linguistics.
Keywords: Kyrgyz language, Kyrgyz linguistics, scientists, Turkological study, alphabet, spelling, phonetic structure, its lexical composition and morphological structure, syntactic structure.
kyrgyz linguistics scientific representative
Данная статья посвящена научному описанию возникновения, становления и развития кыргызского языкознания. В нем освещены основные научно-теоретические труды представителей кыргызского языкознания, которые являются основой для дальнейших исследований в развитии кыргызского языка и определении новых направлений в кыргызском языкознании.
Ключевые слова: кыргызский язык, кыргызское языкознание, ученые, тюркологические исследования, алфавит, орфография, фонетический строй, лексический состав, морфологическая структура, синтаксический строй.
Мусаев Сыртбай Жолдошович / Musaev Syrtbai- доктор филологических наук, профессор, директор института, институт лингвистики, Кыргызский государственный университет им. И. Арабаева, г.Бишекек, Кыргызская Республика
Кыргызское языкознание
Мусаев С. Ж. (Кыргызская Республика)
Kyrgyz linguistics is a system of fundamental views on the Kyrgyz language, its structure and categories. Such views can also found in other Turkological studies of other Turkic languages in the late 19th century. For the first time brief information about the language sound structure of northern Turkic tribes, sound classification, characterization of the vowel harmony law, positional changes of vowels and consonants, vowels role as part of a syllable were presented by Academician W.W. Radloff in his work «Phonetics of the northern Turkic languages»
(Leipzig, 1882-1883). The capital work «Etymological Dictionary of Turkic Languages» (St. Petersburg, 18931906), written by W. W. Radloff, along with other Turkic lexis covered the Kyrgyz one too, marked «karakyrgyz» (karakirgiz). Later, the lexis of the Kyrgyz language was presented by N. F. Katanov in his work «The experience of the study Uryankhay language» (Kazan, 1906) [1].
For the first time the Kyrgyz language became the subject of a special description in «Alippe jacky toto okuu» (Ufa, 1911) written by Eshenaaly Arabaev and Hafiz Sarsakeev. Eshenaly Arabaev described early information about the spelling of the Kyrgyz language in his work «Zhazuu ornoktoru» (Orenburg, 1912).
After the October revolution, in the early 20's, the foundations of a special study of the Kyrgyz language were established by Academic Center, which was formed by Scientific - pedagogical commission of Turkestan State Academic Council, created to deal with the culture of the peoples of Central Asia, language and writing in particular. At that time the heads of this commission were such prominent educators as E. Arabaev, K. Tynystanov, H. Karasaev. As a result, in May 1924, «Alippe» by E.Arabaev, reader «Okuu kitebi», by K. Tynystanov were published in the Arabic script is, and on November 7 the first Kyrgyz newspaper «Erkin-Too» came out. These publications were the beginning of the addition of national literature, which later paved the way for a comprehensive in-depth study of the Kyrgyz language. Since that time, the Kyrgyz language became the subject of a special study and various textbooks, programs and books were published. In 1926, scientific-methodical journal «Zhany Madaniat zholunda» played a great role in dealing with practical and theoretical problems of the Kyrgyz language. In the same year, by the decision of the Presidium of the Kyrgyz Executive Committee local history museum was set up in Pishpek. This museum first begins to conduct scientific research on the problems of language development, the Kyrgyz language and Kyrgyz literature. In 1931 on the basis of the Museum of Local History it the first in the republic Research Center was created. It was the Research Center for cultural development. In 1935 this institute was transformed into the Institute of Language and Literature [1].
These cultural, scientific and historical conversions and undertakings directly associated with the name of Kasim Tynystanov. At that time such specialists in the study of the Kyrgyz language as K. Tynystanov, H. Karasaev, Z. Bektenov, A. Shabdanov, K. K. Yudahin, I. A. Batmanov, B. M. Yunusaliev, F. Sukurov worked at the Institute. Since 1940 the Institute began to function as a part of science Committee of the CPC (Council of People's Commissars) of the Kyrgyz SSR, and in 1943 as a part of the newly organized Kyrgyz branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the name the Institute of language, literature and history, which later in 1954 after the opening of the Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz SSR, formed two independent institutes - the Institute of language and literature and History Institute.
If the 30-40-years of the 20th century, attention was drawn, on the one hand, mainly on organizational publication issues, opening research centers, organizations and institutions in the establishment of cultural development, on the other hand, special attention was paid to the solution of practical problems such as the Kyrgyz language training, equipping schools with necessary textbooks, their compilation, creation of the Kyrgyz alphabet, based on scientific principles, the development of spelling principles. In this area in 1928 the first textbook of the Kyrgyz language «Mother tongue» was published. The author of that textbook was the great scientist, the founder of the Kyrgyz linguistics K. Tynystanov. In 1931 the second part of that textbook was published, and then out into the light «Alippe» by E.Arabaev, «Zhanylyk» by E. Arabaev and H. Karasaev.
In the formation and development of the Kyrgyz branch of linguistics as a science, it is possible to emphasize the scientific, scientific-practical, scientific and organizational activities of K. Tynystanov. Under his direct guidance and participation the basics of phonetic system, lexical structure, morphological structure, syntactic structure of the Kyrgyz language were designed, he developed the principles of the alphabet and spelling, established linguistic and socio-economic terminology system and laid the scientific and theoretical basis for the definition of the grammatical nature of the Kyrgyz language. Despite the fact that all these books were intended for secondary school students, yet they laid the foundations of the scientific description of the various phenomena of the Kyrgyz language, such as physiological and linguistic characteristics of the sounds, their classification, definition sound and phoneme, the law of vowel harmony, especially syllabic structure, alternation of sounds. Through the definition of the nature of the words the parts of speech and grammatical categories, sentence structure and types, members of sentences were described.
All this shows that in the time of the emergence and formation of the Kyrgyz linguistics basically all the problems of the Kyrgyz language in the scientific-theoretical and normative basis and thought, scientific and theoretical principles were properly analyzed. K. Tynystanov practical tasks (with some refinements) can serve as the basis for further scientific and theoretical, scientific and practical research of the Kyrgyz language.
Thus, the writings of K. Tynystanov laid the scientific and theoretical bases of formation and development of the Kyrgyz linguistics, created the necessary conditions for a diverse and in-depth study of the phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic and spelling system of the Kyrgyz language. For special contribution to the Kyrgyz linguistics and the recognition of the scientific potential of K. Tynystanov, the Scientific Council of the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow, awarded him the title of «red professor». Unfortunately, E. Arabaev and later K. Tynystanov were subjected to repression on political accusations repression and it had to some extent the negative impact on the further development of Kyrgyz linguistics and became an obstacle for their research [5; 6].
The further fate of the Kyrgyz linguistics was in the hands of such scholars as I. A. Batmanov, K. Bakeev, U. Baktybaev, K. K. Yudahin, Zh. Shukurov, T. Aktanov, U. Asylbekov, H. Karasaev and others. In 1939-40 a small work by I. A. Batmanov was published. It was dedicated to the classification of parts of speech, the study methods of syntactic context in the Kyrgyz language, as well as the «Grammar of the Kyrgyz language» consisting of 3 parts. Published Works by K. Bakeev, U. Baktybaev focused on morphology, and T. Aktanov's and U. Asylbekov's works covered the issues concerning the syntax of the Kyrgyz language.
In 1940 in Moscow, «Kyrgyz-Russian Dictionary» by K. K. Yudahin was published. This dictionary included about 25 thousand of words. In 1944 H. Karasaev, Zh. Sh?k?rov and K. K. Yudahin compiled and published «Russian-Kyrgyz Dictionary», which consisted of about 40 thousand of words.
According to the proven facts in the early years of World War II scientist- turkologist N. A. Baskakov was evacuated to Kyrgyzstan. He wrote a grammar of the Kyrgyz language. I. A. Batmanov the grammar manuscript was not approved, and N. A. Baskakov was forced to leave to Karakalpakstan. Unfortunately, until now the fate of the manuscript is unknown [2].
The end of the 1950s early 1960s is the third stage of the Kyrgyz linguistics development. This period is characterized by a number of further, in-depth research that explored new challenges, new directions of Kyrgyz linguistics.
In the 1950's 1960's special attention was paid to the study of the Kyrgyz language in the scientific and theoretical aspect. In the works by I. A.Batmanov et al phonetic structure of the Kyrgyz language, acoustic, articulatory, linguistic sides of each phoneme were characterized [2]. Earlier a simple description of the sound system of the Kyrgyz language was carried out, but now a new trend was developed in the Kyrgyz linguistic science - the study of sounds with the help of special devices. The research by T. K. Akhmatov «The Sound system of modern Kyrgyz literary language», which consists of 2 parts, is the basis for the emergence and development of experimental phonetics. These studies further influenced the works by Zh. K. Sydykov, A. Orusbaev, T. Sadykov, K. Toktonaliev et al., and served as a basis for further research in the Kyrgyz linguistics.
Certain progress was made in the field of lexicology, lexicography, phraseology of the Kyrgyz language, lexical system of language was classified at the historical-chronological, thematic and semantic layers (stratification). The processes of formation and enrichment of the Kyrgyz language, the laws of its development, its semantic analysis were more fully elucidated in the writings by B. M. Yunusaliev, Zh. Shukurov, Yu. Yanshansin, V. Kurmanalieva, I. Abduvaliev and others. Among these works «Kyrgyz lexicology» by B. M. Yunusaliev occupies a special place [4]. This work is based on the comparative historical and semantic and etymological principles of study. This work, which became a reference book for turkologists was written at a high scientifictheoretical level, received the highest ratings of such famous Moscow scientists, corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as N. K. Dmitriev, A. K. Borovkov, APS (Academy of Pedagogical Sciences) academician V. V. Reshetov, academician AS KR (Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic) K. K. Yudahin, mongolist prof. T. A. Bertagaev and other prominent turcologists. At present, the lexical system of the Kyrgyz language is influenced by a variety of languages, but at the same time it is going through the process of enrichment. In addition, modern linguists pay special attention to the study of semantic processes and shifts in lexis, nomination, desemantization and many other issues.
Scientific-theoretical issues in the study of phraseology of the Kyrgyz language are covered in the works by
Zh. Osmonova, R. Egemberdiev et al., and at the same time to practical problems of compiling phraseological dictionaries of the Kyrgyz language are being solved.
Now there is a process of active development of one of the sections of the Kyrgyz Linguistics - lexicography. As a continuation of lexicographical work started in the 1940s, in 1957 «Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary» by K. K. Yudahin was published. In 1965 the second edition of «Kyrgyz-Russian dictionary», revised and supplemented, was published and in 1967 K. K. Yudahin received the State Prize of the USSR, which indicates a great achievement in the Kyrgyz linguistics [3]. «Spelling Dictionary» by H. Karasaev was repeatedly reprinted. A
team of scientists published a dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms of the Kyrgyz language. A lot of work is done in the field of terminology and to date more than 120 terminological dictionaries have been published.
«Explanatory Dictionary of the Kyrgyz language» was published in 1969. This was a great success not only for lexicography, but also for the Kyrgyz linguistics in general. In 1984, the 1st supplemented volume of the explanatory dictionary was republished. Under the general editorship of academician A. Akmataliev this dictionary has been redesigned, updated with new words and in 2010 a group of scientists published it again.
One of the great successes in the Kyrgyz linguistics is a «Sino-Kyrgyz dictionary» by A. Saspaev, which was recognized by the general public. This dictionary, composed of more than 55 thousand words, was published in 2003 by the order of former President A. A. Akaev Chinese Professor Hu Zhen Hua and the Kyrgyz professor S. Zh. Musaev were the editors. This dictionary was highly regarded as one of the first dictionaries compiled in one of Turkic languages of Turkic-speaking countries of the former USSR. Young linguists try to create dictionaries of such kind, and in 2009 «Kyrgyz-Persian Dictionary» (Kyrgyz- farcy sozdugu), consisting of 33 thousand words, by N. K. Baltabaev was published.
Ongoing democratic restructuring in Kyrgyz society, liberal domestic and foreign policies have an impact on the development of the Kyrgyz language. More and more foreign words are becoming a part of the Kyrgyz language lexis. Most of these words are not translated into the Kyrgyz language, they are used in the same way as in their own language, without any phonetic changes. Thus, the problem of compiling a glossary of new foreign words has appeared. In 2012, a group of authors under the editorship of Professor S. Zh. Musaev published «RussianKyrgyz Dictionary of foreign words».
Research of the morphological structure of the Kyrgyz language continues, in particular the problem of classification of parts of speech and grammatical categories. As a result of intensive work on the grammar of monographic studies the following works have been published: “The forms of the past tense in the Kyrgyz language” by B. O. Oruzbaeva, «Noun in the Kyrgyz language» by K. D. Dyykanov, «Imitative words in Kyrgyz language», «Pronouns in the Kyrgyz language» by S. M. Kudaybergenov, «The adjective in the Kyrgyz language» by B. Umotalieva, «Numerals in the Kyrgyz language» by N. Chechebaeva, «Adverbs in the Kyrgyz language» by S. A. Davletov, «Adverbial participle in the Kyrgyz language» by A. T. Tursunov, «Interjections in the Kyrgyz language» by S. Imanaliev, «Modal words in the Kyrgyz language» by N. Sharsheev, «Names of actions in the Kyrgyz language» by B. Toychubekova and others. Special studies on synthetic, analytical, semantic derivation methods were devoted in works by B. M. Yunusaliev, B. O. Oruzbaeva, S. M. Kudaybergenov. Undoubtedly, the problems of word formation, parts of speech classification, the transition from one part of speech to another, conversion, transposition require further study.
After a monographic description of the parts of speech in the Kyrgyz language collective theoretical and normative grammars such as «Modern Kyrgyz language», Part 2 (1958), «The grammar of the Kyrgyz language. Morphology» (1964), «Grammar of the Kyrgyz language. Part 1: Phonetics, Morphology» (1980), «Grammar of the Kyrgyz language. Part 1: Phonetics, Morphology» (1987) played a significant role in the development of the Kyrgyz language linguistics. In 2010, «Modern Kyrgyz literary language» was published, this work includes all linguistic branches of the Kyrgyz language. It is undeniable that these works are the basis for further research in the development of the Kyrgyz language and the identification of new trends in the Kyrgyz linguistics.
Studies of such kind have been conducted in the area of the Kyrgyz language syntax. The features of the grammatical structure of phrases, of sentence members in a simple sentence in the Kyrgyz language were studied by A. Japarov. A. Tursunov analyzed verb combinations in the Kyrgyz language. The results of a comprehensive study of the sentence in the Kyrgyz language were reflected in the works by M. Murataliev, A. Tursunov, simple sentences were described in the works by U. Zhakypov, the syntactic structure of complex sentences in the Kyrgyz language was covered in the works by K. K. Sartbaev and M. Murataliev. A. Imanov analyzed the order of words in a sentence. A 2-volume work by A. Japarov «Syntactic structure of the Kyrgyz language», published in 1992, contains a full analysis of syntactic structure of the Kyrgyz language. The syntax of the Kyrgyz language in the cultural aspect was investigated by S. Ibragimov. Undoubtedly, despite the fact that the problems of syntax were covered in fundamental works, still many questions of syntactic structure of the Kyrgyz language remain unstudied.
Problems of syntactic modeling, identification of paradigmatic, derivational models of syntax, some issues of syntactic semantics were investigated by Professor S. Zh. Musaev in his thesis «Structural and functional types and semantics of participle constructions» (Moscow, 1983) and in the monograph «Paradigmatic types of participle structures in the Kyrgyz language».
In the 1990s in the Kyrgyz linguists began research in such new directions as text linguistics, linguopoetics. The first works concerning these issues are: «Language means of text organization», «Integration in the text» by T. S. Marazykov, «Linguistic study of a literary text» by B. Usubaliev, «Semantics and structure of the text» by S. Omuralieva, «Poetics of the word», «Linguopoetics: status and challenges» by A. Abdykerimova, «Text: pragmatics, the structure» by S. Zh. Musaev. In these studies, examples of texts in Kyrgyz are thoroughly analyzed. The linguistic nature of the text, its poetics, structure, semantics, function, style and text integration are studied. At present, some linguists continue the research in this area, in particular, D. Kenzhebaev, Z. Karaeva are studying the problem of translation. Advances in the study of the history of the Kyrgyz language in Turkological aspect are significant. The history of the Kyrgyz language, along with other Turkic languages, was highlighted in the works by B. M. Yunusaliev «Kyrgyz Lexicology», «Kyrgyz dialectology». Studies of this kind were also carried by I. A. Batmanov, S. Sydykov, G. Bakieva, N. Beyshekeev, Zh. Mukanbaev, T. Ahmatov and many other linguists.
A deep study of ancient Turkic monuments written language, their relationship with the Kyrgyz language were investigated in «The language of Yenisei ancient Turkic written monuments», «Modern and ancient Yeniseyka», «Orkhon-Yenisey texts» by I. A. Batmanov, «Kyrgyz epigraphy» by Ch. Zh. Zhumagulov. The value of such studies for solving historical problems of the Kyrgyz language is invaluable. Scholars continue to search and analyse the ancient Turkic monuments. Some epigraphic monuments were found in Tuva, Talas and other regions. As a result of these findings such works as «The history of the Turkic languages of Central Asia and southern Siberia», «Ancient dialects and their reflection in modern languages» were published. These studies constitute the scientific basis for the study of the historical process of development of the Kyrgyz literary language, the formation of the national Kyrgyz language and its place among other Turkic languages. The translations of medieval monuments into the Kyrgyz language, carried out by T. K. Ahmatov, S. Sydykov, I. Abduvaliev, T. Tokoev, I. Sultanaliev, R. Konurbaeva deserve special attention.
There are many special studies on teaching the Kyrgyz language in secondary schools and universities, carried out by A. Osmonkulov, K. K. Sartbaev, B. Omuraliev, Zh. Chymanov.
There is a certain amount of experience and a comparative study of the Kyrgyz language and unrelated languages, the study of various aspects of bilingualism. In this direction, such scholars as O. V. Zaharova, K. S. Chonbashev, V. D. Skirdov, Zh. K. Sydykov, A. Bekbalaev, K. Zulpukarov, M. Zh. Tagaev, Sh. K. Kadyrova, Z. Derbisheva, G. Zhamasheva, S. Z. Sadykova et al are engaged in research.
As a result of studies on the onomastics of the Kyrgyz language and its sections as toponymy, anthroponimics, ethnonymic the works by D. Isaev, K. Konkobaev, A. Boronov, Sh. Zhaparov et al., were published. These works were devoted to the study of etymology, historical semantics of proper names in the Kyrgyz language.
In order to carry out the Kyrgyz language state status law a number of studies on the culture of speech, the literary norm, terminological system, were conducted, resulting in the work produced by B. O. Oruzbaeva, T. K.
Ahmatov, Zh. D?ysheeva, A. Biyaliev, S. Zh. Musaev.
The Institute of Language and Literature named after Ch. Aitmatov at National Academy of Sciences plays a great role in the organization, solving theoretical and practical issues, coordinating the research of the Kyrgyz language. On their initiative, to this day the research of the Kyrgyz language is continued...
1. Baskakov N. A. Vvedenie v izuchenie tjurkskih jazykov. - M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1969.
2. Batmanov I. A. Grammatika kyrgyzskogo jazyka. Ch.1-3. - Frunze, 1939-1940.
3. Judahin K. K. Oruscha-kyrgyzcha s?zd?k. - M., 1957.
4. Junusaliev B. M. Kyrgyzskaja leksikologija. - Frunze, 1959.
5. Tynystanov K. T. Kyrgyz tilinin morfologijasy. - Frunze, 1934.
6. Tynystanov K. T. Kyrgyz tilinin sintaksisi. - Frunze, 1936.
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