Socially significant qualities of students of higher educational institutions at the modern stage of higher school development

The study of socially significant qualities inherent in the profession of the teacher, from the point of view of the leadership of educational institutions, students and schoolchildren. The main characteristic of the concept of social competence.

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UDC 316.613-057.875:378


N.М. Маtorina

V.V. Маtorina

Formulation of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Higher education in Ukraine is aimed at providing fundamental scientific, general cultural, practical training of specialists, who must determine the pace and level of the scientific and technical, economic and socio-cultural progress, the formation of the intellectual potential of the nation and the comprehensive development of the individual as the highest value of society.

Today, the graduate of higher educational institutions is claimed as a professional socially competent person, because education received by a person under modern conditions, actively affects the economy, the social and moral components of community life. Such requirements are conditioned by the age specificity of the youth and the peculiarities of the educational phase. It is during vocational training at a higher educational institution that a person completes the formation of his / her vital position, that is, determines the attitude to the world and his / her personal place in it, makes a transition to a conscious selfdevelopment and self-education. That is why, before the lecturer of higher educational institutions, complex tasks of forming not only professional knowledge and skills of graduates, their professional orientation, but also the formation and development of socially significant personal qualities are set. The latter becomes especially important for students of pedagogical educational institutions: the social significance of the teacher's profession is constantly increasing, as professional activity leads to an expansion of the duties, increases the responsibility for the decisions made.

Analysis of the latest investigations and publications where the solution of the set problem has been started, and which are used by the author. The problems, connected with forming the socially significant qualities of an individual, have been investigated by psychologists, pedagogues, sociologists, philosophers and other scholars. Social and pedagogical literature of the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries in the context of our research is represented by the works of such researchers as: V. C. Aheyev, I. B. Andrushchak, O. O. Bodaliov, V. O. Bodrov, L. S. Vyhotskiy, T. O. Vorobyova, L. Yu. Hordin, K. M. Hurevych, N. Ya. Hutova, L. H. Dyka, O. I. Dontsov, Ye. O. Klymov, O. O. Kremliova, N. V. Kuzmina, N. M. Lebedyeva, V. P. Levkovych, B. F. Lomov, Ye. O. Milyeryan, L. M. Mitina, O. V. Mudryk, L. I. Muradova, L. I. Naumenko, K. K. Platov, B. F. Porshnyev, V. O. Slastionin, T. H. Stefanenko, O. T. Chyzhova, O. I. Shlyahina and others. These scientific articles rather thoroughly investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem. At the same time, there is no clear idea of what qualities of an individual should be considered socially significant for the students of educational pedagogical institutions, at which age stages their formation is the most effective, which pedagogical conditions are necessary for this purpose, etc.

Formulation of the aims of the article (statement of the task). The aim of the article is to characterize socially significant qualities of the students of educational pedagogical institutions and to analyze the real state of the problem investigated.

Presentation of the basic material of the research with full justification of the received scientific results. The main task of modern higher school is training the high-level specialist who must scientifically analyze socially important problems and processes, have a culture of thinking, be able to accumulate new knowledge, using the latest educational technologies, understands the essence and social significance of the future profession, etc. [5, p. 107]. One of the most important characteristics of a specialist is a complex of socially significant qualities that he possesses and which allows him to perform his professional activity in a qualitative way. teacher educational social competence

To understand the meaning of the term socially significant qualities, let us consider some of its components and its relationship with other scientific and pedagogical concepts (material for research - dictionaries and reference books on pedagogy, social pedagogy, psychology [1; 2; 4; 6; 7]). The following terms are found in the literary sources: personal qualities, socially significant qualities of an individual, professionally significant qualities of an individual, social competences, etc. They are related, but not identical. Under an individual they understand a concrete person, a carrier of consciousness, capable of cognition, transformation of the surrounding world and relationships with other individuals. In the context of our research, the concept of an individual by I. S. Kon is relevant: an individual is a human individual as a member of society; he generalizes the socially significant features integrated into it [3, p. 61].

The qualities of an individual (as a synonym are often used the terms of the personality features, personality traits) is a «set of all socially and biologically determined components of the individual, which determine his/her steady behavior in the social and natural environment» [1, p. 39].

Let us turn to the notion of social (from the Latin socialis - common, public) which is connected with the life and relations of people in society. This is the name of all that is connected with the common life of people, different forms of their communication, in particular, that is related to society and is of a social character.

Social competence (from the Latin competere - meeting) is characterized as an ability to interpersonal relations. The concept of social competence directly involves the formation of new behavioral settings and value orientations. High social competence and high social intellect are reflected in the following characteristics: readiness to participate in the joint decision-making, to be responsible, to make decisions on their own, to be an element in the functioning of public institutions, etc. [6].

In the presented hierarchy of the terms-concepts the following terminology unit will be a sign of socially significant qualities of an individual which is «... a set of elements that are in some way interconnected and determined by the type of the social interaction of an individual with other people under specific historical conditions. The elements that form socially significant qualities of an individual include: a socially defined purpose of the person's activity, norms and values, which are his/her guides in the course of his / her activity; a set of acquired knowledge that allows to fulfill definite roles and navigate the surrounding world; a level of education and professional training; socio- psychological peculiarities; activity and degree of independence in decision- making» [7, p. 346-347].

Under the term socially significant qualities of an individual they also understand the psychic phenomena of a particular social individual, object and subject of social relations and the historical process that manifests himself / herself in communication, in activity, in behavior, and which are realized in a particular society (social group or relationships with other people); in the aggregate, these qualities ensure the social and constructive formation of an individual, aimed at preparing an active, socially responsible specialist, striving for continuous development and raising the level of his/her sociopersonal competence under socio-cultural conditions aimed at innovative changes in society [6].

Consequently, after considering and analyzing a certain number of terms- concepts concerning socially significant qualities, we offer our own interpretation: under socially significant qualities we mean a complex of individual traits that determine his / her vital position, place and role in society, ties with other individuals and characterize a person as a carrier of moral and valuable principles.

In the work, based on the analysis of the results of our sociological survey of the respondents, socially significant qualities characteristic for the profession of a teacher are examined from the point of view of: 1) the teachers themselves; 2) the governing bodies of educational institutions; 3) students and 4) pupils.

The participants of the survey are asked to imagine and create a portrait of an «ideal» teacher, using no more than five characteristics of priority socially significant qualities. Here are the results of the survey.

Group А. 20 respondents - representatives of the governing bodies of the educational institutions of Slovyansk of Donetsk region - school headmasters, deputy headmasters and some others have taken part in the survey. In total, more than 40 socially significant qualities have been named (high level of self-control over emotions, vitality, initiative, dynamism, lability, precision at work, adequate self-esteem, intelligence, communicative competence, neuro-psychic stability, obligatoriness, clarity, promptness of actions, awareness, the ability to communicate with subordinates, the ability to solve conflict situations, etc.), among which the following five are the priorities: professional competence, professional discipline, working capacity, honesty, benevolence.

Group B. 20 respondents - the students of different years of studying of the Philological Faculty of SHEI «Donbas State Pedagogical University» (Slovyansk) have participated in the survey. In total, more than 40 socially significant qualities have been named (erudition, comfortable psychoemotional state, polite attitude towards people, tolerance, independence, sense of responsibility for their actions, organization, assemblage, sociability, interest in their professional activity, etc.), among which the following five are of priority: professional competence, mental working capacity, self-improvement, awareness, responsiveness.

Group C. 20 respondents - the teachers of secondary comprehensive institutions of Slovyansk have taken part in the survey. More than 30 socially significant qualities have been named (professionalism, accuracy, neatness, tact, being energetic, humanity, endurance, ability to communicate with clients, etc.), among which the following five are the priorities: professional competence, awareness, stress resistance, balance, sensitivity.

Group D. 20 respondents - the pupils of different grades of secondary comprehensive institutions of Slovyansk have taken part in the survey. In total, more than 20 socially significant qualities have been named (benevolence, conscientiousness, mercy, tact, attractiveness, responsiveness, decency, responsibility, parenting, courtesy, attentiveness, restraint, etc.), among which the following are the five priorities: benevolence, endurance, professionalism, compassion, responsiveness.

The analysis has made it possible to create a portrait of an «ideal» teacher who has such socially significant personal qualities as professional competence, awareness, ability to work, responsiveness, benevolence, professional discipline, self-improvement, self-reliance, honesty, endurance, stress resistance, balance, compassion.

All these qualities can be compiled into two groups: 1) socially significant qualities of professional orientation (professional competence, awareness, professional discipline, etc., totally 10 positions, which is respectively 50 %); 2) socially significant qualities of moral and ethical orientation (sensitivity, benevolence, balance, etc., totally 10 positions, that is 50 %).

Conclusions of the investigation and prospects of further exploration in this direction. Thus, for future teachers, the following should be considered as socially significant qualities: professional competence, professional discipline, ability to work, honesty, benevolence, awareness, stress resistance, self-improvement, endurance, compassion, sensitivity, etc.

The aim of further exploration will be studying the ways of formation and development of socially significant qualities of the students of educational pedagogical institutions.


1. Voronin A. S. Slovar' terminov po obshchey i sotsial'noy pedagogike : uchebnoe elektronnoe tekstovoe izdanie [Dictionary of terms on general and social pedagogy: educational electronic text edition] / A. S. Voronin. - M., 2006. - 135 p. (In Russian)

2. D'yachenko M. I. Kratkiy psikhologicheskiy slovar' : Lichnost', obrazovanie, samoobrazovanie, professiya [Brief psychological dictionary: Personality, education, self-education, profession] /M. I. D'yachenko, L. A. L. A. Kaldybovich. - Minsk : Khelten, 1998. - 399 p. (In Russian)

3. Kon I. S. Sotsiologicheskaya psikhologiya [Sociological Psychology] / I. S. Kon. - M. : Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh Publishing house NPO «MODEK», 1999. - 560 p. (In Russian)

4. Pedagogicheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' [Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary] / Editor-in-chief. B. M. Bim-Bad. - M. : Bolshaia ros. entsyklop., 2002. - 528 p. (In Russian)

5. Pokushalova L. V. Problema kachestva podgotovki sovremennogo spetsialista [The problem of the quality of training of a modern specialist] / L. V. Pokushalova // Molodoy uchenyy. - 2011. - Vol. 2. -P. 107-109. (In Russian)

6. Slovar' po sotsial'noy pedagogike : ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyssh. ucheb. Zavedeniy [Dictionary of Social Pedagogy: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions] / author-compilerL. V. Mardakhaev. - M. : Publishing centre «Akademyia», 2002. - 368 p. (In Russian)

7. Sotsiolohiya : terminy, ponyattya, personaliyi: navchal'nyy slovnyk-dovidnyk dlya studentiv [Sociology: terms, notions, personalities: educational dictionary-guide for students] / ed. by. V. M. Pechi. -K.-Lviv, 2002. - 345 p. (In Ukrainian)


The article presents the essential characteristics of the notion «socially significant qualities of an individual». In the work, based on the analysis of the results of our sociological survey of the respondents, socially significant qualities characteristic for the profession of a teacher are examined from the point of view of: 1) the teachers themselves; 2) the governing bodies of educational institutions; 3) students and 4) pupils.

Key words: Education, modern stage of higher school development, individual, socially significant qualities of an individual.

У статті надано сутнісну характеристику поняття «соціально значущі якості особистості». На підставі аналізу результатів соціологічного опитування респондентів досліджуються соціально значущі якості, притаманні професії вчителя, з точки зору: 1) самих учителів; 2) керівної ланки навчальних закладів; 3) студентів та 4) учнів.

Ключові слова: освіта, сучасний етап розвитку вищої школи, особистість, соціально значущі якості особистості.

В статье представлена сущностная характеристика понятия «социально значимые качества личности». На основе анализа результатов социологического опроса респондентов исследуются социально значимые качества, присущие профессии учителя, с точки зрения: 1) самих учителей; 2) руководящего звена учебных заведений; 3) студентов и 4) школьников.

Ключевые слова: образование, современный этап развития высшей школы, личность, социально значимые качества личности.

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