Structural-semantic classification of English abbreviations and their place in the English word-formation system

An analyze of special features of types of abbreviations in the English language, the structural-semantic classification of English abbreviations and their place in the word-formation system. The four basic types of abbreviations in English language.

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Structural-semantic classification of English abbreviations and their place in the English word-formation system

Kravchuk N.V.

The article analyzed special features of various types of abbreviations in the modem English language, the structural-semantic classification of English abbreviations (shortenings) and their place in the word-formation system.

Key words: abbreviations, English language, structural-semantic classification, information message, shortening.

У статті проаналізовано особливості різних типів абревіатур у сучасній англійській мові, структурно-семантична класифікація англійських скорочень (укорочень) і їх місце у словотвірній системі.

Ключові слова: абревіатури, англійська мова, структурно-семантична класифікація, інформаційне повідомлення, вкорочення.

В статье проанализированы особенности различных типов аббревиатур в современном английском языке, структурно-семантическая классификация английских сокращений и их место в словообразовательной системе.

Ключевые слова: аббревиатуры, английский язык, структурно-семантическая классификация, информационное сообщение, укорочение.

Formulation of the problem. Increasing number of abbreviations -- isa natural phenomenon. Many scientists tend to explain its prevalence is accelerating the pace of life. At first glance, this explanation seems quite logical and correct. However, in my opinion, this approach is a bit one-sided, because it does not take into account the linguistic side of the issue. Meanwhile, it must be noted that the English shortenings distributed mainly as a form of assimilation of borrowed words, thanks to which your foreign words close on his sound view to native English with their characteristic shortness.

The aim of the article to investigate the structural-semantic classification of English abbreviations and their place in the English word-formation system.

The main material. A shortening of words “abbreviation” called morphological word formation in which some of the sound part of the original words are omitted [1, p. 35]. This method exists in English relatively not long ago (about the second half of the 18th century). Nowadays, he plays the same important role as compounding or word formations. In the Anglo-American, scientific, technical, economic literature found a large number of different kinds of abbreviations, and reduced both individual words and phrases [9,p. 42].

Recently, the trend of formation of new words by reducing the existing words or phrases has increased significantly. The growing number of abbreviations are generally bulky and inconvenient, and, of course, there is the desire to pass them briefly. For example: laser = light amplification by lasers and stimulated emission of radiation optical amplifier range or light amplification induced emission.

This method of compressive transfer value of lexical items, which are terms, carry a certain sense, very convenient, and can claim to universality in language scientific literature and other special abetting. Considering all the “usefulness” of lexical items, there are many difficulties associated primarily with their translation from English into Ukrainian interpretation or meaning of a specific term.

Saturation by abbreviations is a feature of specialized literature that reflects one of the main ways to optimize an information message. However, the diversity of creation abbreviations in English often lead to difficulties in their interpretation in the Ukrainian language, especially in cases where authors did not decrypts them and entered in their publications reduction, suggesting that they are well known to the reader. When you work with them is important to remember that in the absence of international and national standards on abbreviations many British shortenings do not have equivalents in the Ukrainian language. In this case, translation is carried out using other special techniques of transfer the meaning of a term, but the lack of “direct” equivalent leads to the partial loss of value the translated word, lost its semantic connotation [12, p. 65].

For example, “desporter” (fun) (розважатися) - declined in English and turned into the word “sport”, changing not only the sound shape, but significance. Borrowed from Latin “permanent wave” is converted into speech “perm” (завивка, перманент). With a Latin phrase “mobile vulgus” (непостійний натовп) - at the end of XVII century, by the ellipse, formed and reduce into the “mob” - (чернь). The word “fan” (вболівальник, любитель, шанувальник) resulting from shortenings into the word “fanatic” (Lat. fanaticus) [1, p. 37].

Titles and names are often used in newspaper and informational materials in abbreviated form. Often these cuts may be unknown to the general reader and their significance immediately decrypted in the same note or message. Nevertheless, there are many such abbreviated names, which readers of newspapers have long been accustomed, and which therefore not require clarification. Many abbreviations are a feature of newspaper and informative style of modern English. The names of parties, trade unions, various organizations and positions:

AFL-CIO = American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, GOP = Grand Old (Republican) Party, DD = Defense Departament, NAACP = National Association for Advancement of Colored People, DA = District Attorney; names or nicknames familiarly known political or public figures: = John F. Kennedy, Rocky = Rockefeller, Ike = Eisenhower, RLS = Robert Louis Stevenson; geographical names: NJ = New Jersey, Mo. = Missouri, SF = San Francisco, SP = South Pacific, EW = East - West, NBA = National Basketball Association etc. CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations - конгрес виробничих профспілок), AFL (American Federation of Labor - американська федерація праці).

There are four basic types of abbreviations in English language [29, p. 67]:

Graphical abbreviation (графічне скорочення).

Lexical (лексичне).

Merger (злиття).

Digispeak (digital language) (цифрова мова).

The graphic abbreviation can be found:

In letters: St - Street - вулиця, Rd - Road - дорога, c / o- care of- дбати npo,Mr - Mister - звернення до 4onoBka,Mrs - Missis - звернення до заміжньої жінки, Ms - Miss - звернення до дівчини, Dr. - Doctor - доктор, PS - післямова, IMHO -In My Humble Opinion - на мою скромну думку, w/o - without - без, w/ - with - з.

In scientific books, dictionaries:

n. - noun - іменник, v. - verb - дієслово, adj. - adjective - прикметник, adv. - adverb - прислівник, prep. - preposition - прийменник, e.g. -for example - наприклад, p. -page - сторінка, pto -please turn over - будь ласка, neperopHiTb,par - paragraph

параграф, etc - і так далі.

In Advertisements (ADS), announcements (messages): arr. - arrive - прибуття, dep. - depart - від'їзд, Jan., Feb., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., etc - місяці,Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. - дні тижня, sec. - секунда, gm. - грам, cm.

сантиметр, qt - кварта, cc - кубічний сантиметр, mph - miles per hour - миль на годину, kph - kilometres per hour - км/год., ft. -foot - фут (30 см 48 mm), lb - libra - лібра (400 г), oz - ounce

унція (28 г), d - denarius - денарій (римська срібна монета), Tel. - Telephone - телефон, No., no. - Number - номер.

For a typical English way of formation of new words as “Merger” - drawing up one word of two truncated. This method is less popular, but can give some interesting examples:

Amerasian - American + Asian - людина американо- азіатського походження;

botel - boat + hotel - готель на кораблі; docudrama - documentary + drama - документальна драма; earwitness - ear + witness - свідок, той, хто чув; foodaholic - ненажера; fruice -fruit + juice - фруктовий сік; medicare - medical care - медичне піклування, спостереження;

medinews - medical news - медичні новини; mimsy - miserable +flimsy - доходяга; netizen - Internet + citizen - людина Інтернету; pomato -potato + tomato;

slimnastics - slim + gymnastics - гімнастика для схуднення; wordrobe - word + wardrobe - словниковий запас; workaholic - трудоголік.

Recent years is popular the DIGISPEAK - Digital language: CYO - see you online - побачимося в Мережі;

DIKY -do I know you? - Я тебе знаю?

FOAF -friend of a friend - один одного;

IM- миттєве повідомлення;

IOW- іншими словами;

IWBNI - добре, якби;

JK -жартую;

KIS - будь простішим;

LOL - сміюсь;

NRN- відповідь необов'язкова;

OTOH - з іншого боку;

R - отримано;

TFS - спасибі, що поділився;

TIA - наперед вдячний;

TUVM- спасибі велике;


WRT - з повагою до;

gonna = і s/am going to - збиратися/мати намір робити що- небудь;

wanna = want to - хочу.

We can affirm that today English is the language of business, international law, politics, computers, science and advanced technologies. It easily predictable that many modern English abbreviations will be internationalized and is widespread within 20-30 years. However, their transition from the language of literature in the spoken language would be solely due to the newspaper, conversational, informal style, resulting in this type of lexical units received a spreading.

Abbreviations - is one of the newest methods of derivation. In the 50 years of XX century I.V Arnold attempted to classify the abbreviation of the English language by type. He selects only the most productive methods: conversion, prefix method and word formation. Nowadays one could argue that the abbreviation “out of the shadows” and take its rightful place among the most productive ways of word formation in English [2, p. 28].

In describing the types of abbreviations, I.V. Arnold not separated notion of “reduction” and “abbreviation”. Reduction (shortening of words, abbreviation) called morphological derivation in which some of the sound of the original words is omitted [2, p. 32]. abbreviations english language semantic

In our opinion, this mixing is unreasonably, because the term “reduction” means truncation of individual independent words, as in “abbreviation” - a phrase truncation. Formally, contraction of the words can be divided into 3 types [2, p. 35]:

Apheresis (аферезіс) - truncation beginning of the word: history - story; telephone - phone; esquire - squire; example - sample; defence -fence; complot-plot.

Syncope (синкопа) - truncation the middle of the words: madam - ma'am; market - mart; even - e'en; ever - e'er; nev- er-ne'er.

Apocope (апокопа) - the truncation of the end of words: editor - ed; advertisement - ad; veteran - *vet; vampire - *vamp; prefabricated - prefab; permanent - perm; promenade - prom (promenade concert - concert in which only part of the public sitting, others standing or walking); microphone - mike.

Is possible the combination of two types: Aferezisa and syncopation, syncope and Apocope: influenza -flu; avantguarde - van; refrigirator-frig; perambulator - pram. In case of shortened of the words full form may disappear as disappeared from the language after the occurrence of the word “avantguarde” reduced “vanguard".

V Arnold also draws attention to the fact that the English abbreviation is developed much stronger than Ukrainian [2, p. 37].

The reduction can apply to whole phrases that denote one concept. This phenomenon is called an ellipse, for example: The grocer s (shop) was closed. They sell minerals (mineral waters) on every street corner. Apart the abbreviations in English has received widespread the initial type of difficult shorted words in the reduction, composed of the initial letters. According to orfographycal feature, they can be divided into two groups:

They can pronounce a combination of alphabetic names included in these letters. For example: the BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation, DJ - disk jockey, DIY - do it yourself (chain stores) etc.

The second group of initial abbreviations pronounce as if it were ordinary words written by the same letters. For example: radar - radio detection and ranging-radar. UNO - United Nations Organization - the United Nations.

Beyond the division by types of abbreviations, proposed I.V. Arnold remain abbreviations component and mixed type and abbreviations, created by a combination of words beginning with the first beginning and the end of the second or only the end of the second word. Of course, these methods of abbreviations is much less productive than the initial way, but they are in English, and therefore should be included in the description of the types of abbreviations [2,p.40].

Therefore, we decided to offer the following English abbreviations, separated by type, which, in our opinion, is more comprehensive and includes all the ways of abbreviations, regardless of their productivity. We obviously share the notion of “reduction” and “acronym” and do not include reduction in the description. In the English language, distinguish the following types of abbreviations [2, p. 45].

Abbreviations of initial type. These abbreviations consist of primary letters or component phrase:

sound type, that read like simple words, stress falls on the first syllable such as: asap (as soon as possible)-якомога швидше, UFO - unidentified flying object - невпізнаний літальний об'єкт, UEFA - Union of European Football Associations - Союз Європейських ФутбольнихАсоціацій;

alphabetic type, read as a number letters, or rather, the names of the letters, the emphasis in this acronym falls on the last syllable, e.g.: BST-British Summer Time-Британськийлітній час, CAB - Citizens Advice Bureau - Бюро консультацій населення.

Abbreviations of component type composed of the initial syllables of words that make up phrases like: nem. con. - From the Latin. “Nemine contradicente” - без заперечень, libs - liberals - члени ліберальної партії.

Abbreviations mixed type, combining elements of two previous example: Rt. Hon-Right Honorable - dear - вельмишановний.

Abbreviations with combination of initial part (letters) of words with whole words, not subjected to reduction, for example: H-bomb - воднева бомба, H-bag - hand bag - жіноча ручна сумочка, X-card-різдвяна листівка.

Abbreviations of the mix type before the first words from the beginning and the end of the second or only the end of the second. Example: motel - motorists 'hotel - готель на автомобільних дорогах.

Besides abbreviations that occur in the living spoken language, there are also abbreviations that are used only in writing. Graphic reduction can not only be initial. Often kept only a few consonant letters, for example: assn - association or firm - formation. There may be case of discrepancy of alphabetic graphic of initial composition. Thus, a small military vehicle that was in our name “Vilis” called the US general-purpose car (автомобіль загального призначення), in the result of ellipse and reduction were only the first two letters, but they write and say is short. A similar phenomenon called the “reduction”.


The use of abbreviations is a relatively new linguistics phenomenon. The art of reducing a sequence of words to their initial letters became well developed in the late 50s and 60s. This phenomenon portrays the characteristics of the modern era, in which technical and scientific discoveries are developing fast along with all manner of organizations and institutions. Although the word initialism first occurred in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1899, the first acronym was only included in 1943.


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3. Arkhipov A.F. Tutorial translated from English to Russian / A.F. Arkhipov. - M. : High school, 1991. - 255 p.

4. Akhmanova A.S. Essays on general and Russian lexicology / A.S. Akhmanova. - M. : Uchpedgiz, 1957. - 295 p.

5. Ginzburg R.Z. Lexicology of English / R.Z. Ginzburg, S.S. Hidekel, G.U. Knyazev, A.A. Sankina. - M. : High school, 1979. - 402 p.

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