Features of teaching foreign language to linguistic and non-linguistic directions
The article deals with the features of teaching a foreign language to students of linguistic and non-linguistic specialties. Attention is paid to considering the psychological characteristics of the student's age, development of communicative skills.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 19,7 K |
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Post-graduate student of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical
University named after M. Kotsubinskiy;
Teacher of foreign languages of Vinnytsia State
Pedagogical University named after M. Kotsubinskiy
The article deals with the features of teaching a foreign language to students of linguistic and non-linguistic specialties. Particular attention is paid to considering the psychological characteristics of the student's age. The «special aims» of studying foreign languages are analyzed. The article deals with the development of communicative skills in the training of specialists in linguistic and non-linguistic specialties. The basics of didactic speech of the future teacher are formed on practical classesof a foreign language, starting from the first year of higher education. Insufficient attention to this component of vocational training is given already during the first pedagogical practice in school. Therefore, the article focuses on the peculiarities of teaching a foreign language, depending on the purpose of the student studying the subject.
Key words: philology, linguistics, profile subject, additional qualification, psychological peculiarities.
foreign language teaching
ОНІЩУК Ірина Ігорівна, аспірантка кафедри педагогіки та професійної освіти Вінницького державного педагогічного університету ім. М. Коцюбинського; асистент кафедри методики навчання іноземних мов Вінницького державного педагогічного університету ім. М. Коцюбинського.
У даній статті розглядаються особливості навчання іноземних мов студентів лінгвістичного та нелінгвістичного спрямування. Не менша увага приділяється психологічним особливостям даного віку. Також приділено увагу процесу вивчення іноземних мов. Аналізуються комунікативні навички процесу підготовки до навчальної діяльності. Цей процес включає в себе підготовку студента як гуманітарного, так і негуманітарного спрямування.
Ключові слова: філологія, лінгвістика, предметна тематика, додатковий предмет, психологічні особливості.
Today it is hard to imagine any educational institution without learningany foreign language. In this case, appropriate attention should be given to teaching the language of a specialty, in other words for special professional purposes.
For the first time, the phrase «English for special purposes» was introduced by methodologists from English-speaking countries, and later it began to be used by specialists in the study of other foreign languages.The term «English for special purposes» arose in the 1960 s. The main reason for the intensification of processes around the study of foreign languages was the completion in the Second World War and the growth of scientific and technological and economic progress in the relations of foreign-language countries of the war. Especially popular were the languages of the states of economic leaders such as the United States of America, Britain, France, etc. [3, p. 21].
As a result of the positive changes that took place after the Great Patriotic War, there was a need for specialists with knowledge of English. No less important argument in this direction is that citizens began to be interested in the lives of those who lived successfully and comfortably. Everyone understood that English was the key to international business relations, technological development, the exchange of experience in various sectors of the national economy, including the achievements of medicine.
It is the change in the motivation of studying foreign languages and the development of methods for its study made it possible to conduct multidisciplinary research in this direction not only as one aspect of the implementation of the university curriculum, but also as one of the ways to expand the boundaries of vocational training based on foreign experience, where language knowledge is a compulsory element of reading, translating and communicating in the original language.
The theory and practice of preparing a future teacher of a foreign language now determined by two main parameters: language policy and characteristic for her «intercultural measurement». The general theoretic and general direction is characteristic for the training of foreign language teachers. Typically, there is no pedagogical orientation in textbooks of any foreign language. In our opinion, this situation can be explained by the following reasons: first, it is more a traditional teaching of teachers, and secondly, greater complexity of the profession of a foreign language teacher. Traditionally, it means that having mastered the classical list of philological disciplines, having mastered a foreign language and having passed the course of the methodology, the graduate will be fully prepared for the performance of his professional duties. However, in our opinion, only a course of the methodology (to a large extent theoretical) and conducting several lessons is not enough to consider a graduate student highly trained for professional activity
The main and priority task in that the studying of foreign languages is the development of communicative abilities that is, learning the language as a real means of communication between specialists from different countries and different fields of knowledge [5, p. 94-98].
Dividing the position of N. F. Borisco [2, p. 3-10], we note that, in view of updating the content of linguistic education, the ultimate practical goals of teaching foreign languages in a higher linguistic educational institution are to develop the student's personality as a future teacher of foreign languages.
The initial factor in the realization of these goals, according to research L. Ya. Zen [4, p. 2933], is the formation of stable positive professional-pedagogical motivation for students as a prerequisite for a successful solution of the leading tasks of the formation of the professional- pedagogical orientation of the student's personality in practical classes with the foreign languages.
Thus, in conditions of foreign languages curriculum hours, teachers should find ways to intensify the process of learning a foreign language - to achieve higher quality of training, maximum productivity of the learning process and, accordingly, improve the quality of teaching activities of the teacher to fulfill the main goal of teaching the discipline foreign languages - the necessary communicative competence in the spheres of professional and situational communication in oral and written forms.
According to Y. Babansky's definition [1, p. 64], the main factors contributing to the intensification of the educational process include: increasing the focus of learning, enhancing student motivation, increasing the informative capacity of the content of education, and introducing innovative technologies.
One of the possibilities to solve the problem of intensifying the educational process is the use of interactive technologies and teaching methods. The use of interactive technologies and methods of teaching foreign languages in non-English higher educational establishments can develop the ability to study independently, think critically, the ability to self-identify and selffulfillment of personality in different types of creative activity.
The educational function of the game is to consolidate the students' knowledge acquired by the students, and contribute to the development of dialogue and monologue broadcasting of young people. Motivational-excitatory function manifests itself in stimulating students to perform one or training, activating the reserve capabilities of the individual. The orientation function is aimed at teaching students to plan their speech activity, teach others to listen to the game and work in a team. The compensatory function is to provide the ability to communicate in English in a non-native environment and compensates for the lack of the ability to communicate in real-world conditions [8, p. 102-108].
The system of non-traditional tasks and techniques contributes to the more successful formation of foreign language skills and abilities. The determining character is situational learning, which is based on the development of untapped creative resources of the human brain through the inclusion of the individual in a foreign environment. It allows not only to teach students to read the information of the carrier of another's language at the level of perception of verbal and phrase impulses, but also to intensify the resources of the human brain that are not included in the process of processing and assimilating information, eliminate restrictions that impede the free flow of thought and its expression. Remember the enormous amount of material helping role-playing games and other special techniques.
Having outlined the main provisions of teaching foreign languages, one can not ignore and such an important factor in learning as psychological peculiarities of the student's age. This age, like any other period of life, has its own peculiar features and features and is an important stage in the development of personality. During this period there is the formation of a specialist, the formation of his outlook, ideals, believes. Student years for a young person should be considered not only as preparation for future professional activity, but also as a first step to maturity.
Student's age is characterized by the most favorable conditions for psychological, biological and social development. During this period, the highest speed of memory, reaction. In the personality at this stage, the domination is the formation of character and intelligence. The moral values and aesthetic feelings are actively developing. Socially active roles of an adult are quickly developed: civil, professional, economics, family. Formed and fixed propensities, interests. Life goals and aspirations are determined. It achieves a high level of development of physical and intellectual forces, actively enlarges creative possibilities and enriches emotional and sensual content, blooms external attractiveness. All this often leads to illusions about the inexhaustibility and infinity of such a state and leads to irrational dispersal of physical forces [7, p. 29].
Student's age is a time of active self-esteem. It can be objective, overestimated and understated. Characteristic of a person with an underestimated self-esteem is an undervalued selfesteem, an unstable self-reflection of himself, an attempt to conceal his true self from the environment, to perform a role that, in her opinion, will be more acceptable and spectacular in a specific environment. Young people of this type are hypersensitive and vulnerable. They are more painfully responsive to criticism, ridicule, contempt, and condemnation. For them, the characteristic closeness, self-isolation, the propensity to virtual communication with the world, loneliness.
Students, freshmen, need special attention, care and help. The conditions of life and study at universities are sharply different from school. There is a break in the perennial, usual stereotype. The transition from the direct burn of school teachers and parents to the status of relative autonomy generates a number of difficulties. They are caused primarily by significant differences in the methods of learning. At school, the student constantly monitors, prompts and insures the teacher. In high schools you can not learn anything for a relatively long period, do not work independently and no one will control it. Such opportunities create some illusions for some freshmen that it is possible to study at higher educational establishments without straining. These illusions quickly dissipate during the first session: more capable students by age endurance, good memory, tips, and teacher's condescending position overcome this barrier, and some become academic debtors.
To avoid this, it is extremely important at the very first day of study to disclose to the first- year students the content of all the difficulties, complexities, illusions, features with which they may encounter. It is necessary to teach yesterday's student to study independently, write lectures, prepare for practical assignments, for work with primary sources, with large masses of information, reference books, dictionaries, textbooks. Students residing in isolation from the family need to help in establishing a living, developing an optimal mode of study and recreation. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition, sanitary and hygienic conditions, to assist in the management of independent financial affairs, etc.
For the quick and optimal adaptation of the student to the university, it is important for curators, deans and their deputies to know the living conditions, interests, plans for the perspective of the first-year student, the motives for choosing a specialty, the level of self-esteem, the ability to consciously regulate behavior, ability, inclination, life experience etc.
As noted, the central point of the social situation of development in youth is the necessity of life, personal and professional self-determination, and rather stable and adequate self-determination is the central neoplasm of consciousness at this age. However, a number of researchers are struck by the fact that professional self-determination is not a one-time act, concentrated on a relatively limited segment of early youth. This process consists of a number of stages, the duration of which depends on the external conditions and individual characteristics of the subject of choice of profession.
The importance of possessing the foreign languages as a means of foreign-language professional communication in the multicultural and multilingual professional educational space is conditioned, first of all, by the fact that the linguistic personality of the teacher as a communicant has a potential ability to implement the exchange of professional information with the corresponding methods in oral and written forms, to search, accumulation and expansion the volume of professionally meaningful knowledge in the process of natural communication with native speakers. There is a difference between the training of students for whom a foreign language is a subject matter and for which it is only an additional discipline. In our time, knowledge of a foreign language is a prerequisite for employment in almost all spheres of employment. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to bring the level of fluency in a foreign language to one level both among students-speakers and students of other specialties.
Thus, to optimize the educational process, one can approach from different positions: improving teaching methods, developing new principles for the construction of curricula and textbooks, improving the work of the deans, creating a psychological service in higher educational institutions, individualizing the process of education and upbringing provided more fully take into account the individual characteristics of students, etc. In all of these approaches, the central link is the student's personality. Knowledge of psychological peculiarities of a student's personality, abilities, general intellectual development, interests, motives, features of character, temperament, ability to work, self-awareness, etc., allows us to find out the real possibilities of their consideration in the conditions of modern mass studies in higher educational institutions.
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