Internet-marketing as a tool for product promotion

Considering the opportunities of the global network and the areas of effective use of e-marketing. Review of the most famous sites of the Internet network and statistics of its use in Ukraine and in the world. Recommendations for website design.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 14.10.2018
Размер файла 222,8 K

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А.S. Britvenko.

V.V. Bilousova,

D.D. Poliah

Nowadays, the num- ing, there are also a wide range of services, software, ber of annually sold products via the Internet is con- rights to use information, all of them are not material stantly increasing. But not only the products are sell- objects and can be transmitted by the network in the shortest period of time. The growth of online sales influenced the resale inside the information sphere [1]. The Internet has already become a leader in the communications system of subscribers of mobile networks, television channels and the media.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The use of Internet marketing in the activities of enterprises attracts the attention of many home and foreign scientists. The issues were explored in the writings of F. Kotler, G. Assel, T. Levit, and A. V. Skull, A. O. Sta- rostina, A. F. Pavlenko, M. I. Belyavtseva, A. V. Voy- chak, V. M. Vorobyova and others.

The purpose of the article is to study the development of Internet marketing as an effective tool for promoting the product on the World Wide Web.

Presentation of the main research material. The Internet uses all the traditional aspects of marketing inside the Internet environment. The work includes all the main complex elements: goods, service, price, place of sale, promotion, coverage, need, etc. The purpose of Internet marketing is to attract as many solvent clients from various media platforms (sites, portals, social networks, contextual advertising, email distribution, etc.) as possible. If an enterprise does not manifest itself on the Internet, it doesn't deprive its competitive advantages, but only reduces its recognition and minimizes its profit. High-quality, thought-out and enjoyable site with active social networking attracts the visitors to the dialogue, helps promote an advertising on various Internet resources of the modern world, it is also a pledge of a cost-effective enterprise.

Internet-marketing has a number of features that distinguish it from traditional marketing, often -- obsolete marketing. Let's consider some of them:

— large and varied commutative features of the Internet environment;

— the possibility to precise selection of the target audience and to specify its features (territorial, value, level of income, interests, etc.);

— low cost of promotion for each target client, in comparison with traditional means (TV and radio advertising, advertising in print editions, carrying out various presentations of goods or services, etc.);

— unlimited communication possibilities of the Internet environment, which will allow to choose the most optimal way of promotion for a particular enterprise;

— laxity of obtaining, comparing goods and services, as well as monitoring prices, it is a positive side for both the consumer and the seller, it also makes easier for the company to monitor effectively the competitors' activity;

— the ability to control progress.

— interactivity means that the company can build a direct dialogue with its potential client, establish trust between them for to make a good deal.

Internet also makes it easier to conduct market research, the purpose of which is to ascertain the needs of customers as precisely as possible and ascertain what aspects of products or services are most relevant to them.

The dynamics of Internet marketing rapid growth influence the ways for developing and improving the efficient potential tools. These days almost all infos- pheres are indirectly based on the global Internet. Day by day the integration is increasing so you can predict their full unification over the next decade. Researchers claim that today more than 50 % of smartphone owners take up them in the morning; 80 % of Internet users have a smartphone, and 90 % of the user's time is spending on the mobile applications, such as Face- book or sending messages, and 10 % of time is spent in the browser.

Figure 1 shows the statistics of the most well- known sites of the Internet network on January 2018.

It should be noted that Internet is the most widely used in countries with high standard of living and, accordingly, the users there have a high purchasing power and consume more of the benefits relatively to the last planet's population, which do not participate in this process (the consumption of goods through the Internet).

The statistics provides the information about the most popular social networks. Facebook became the leader in this market, it surpassed 1 billion registered accounts and now has 2.2 billion active users per month. Instagram's photo sharing application with its seventh range numbered more than 800 million active accounts. Meanwhile, the blogging service Tumblr had 794 million monthly active users [2].

Leading social networks are usually available in multiple languages and allow users to communicate with friends or people from geographic, political or economic boundaries. Approximately 2 billion internet users in the world are using social networks, and these figures grow fast, new mobile devices and new profiles registered in social networks are increasingly gaining ground.

In Ukraine, this network is used by almost 21.6 million inhabitants, depend on the migration this indicator can decrease or grow. Internet penetration nowdays is about 64.84 %. The inhabitants of villages account for 27 % of users, but the Internet penetration in the villages is the lowest -- only 53 %. Among Ukrainians, the network is more often used by women than men: 51 % and 49 % respectively [3].

Most popular social networks typically display a large number of user accounts or close user interactions. The majority of social networks with more than 100 million users originated in the United States, but European services such as VK or the Chinese social networks Qzone and Renren also gained popularity in their areas through the local context and accessible content.

Table 1 Internet users in Ukraine (compiled by the author according to [4])

Regions of Ukraine

Number of inhabitants having access to the Internet,%

Regions of Ukraine

Number of inhabitants having access to the Internet,%













































The usage of social networks by consumers is very diverse: platforms such as Facebook or Google+ focus firs of all aimed on exchanging between friends and family and they constantly stimulate to interact using different features such as sharing photos or statuses or social games. Other social networks, such as Tumblr or Twitter are related to rapid communication and are called microblogging. Some social networks focus on the community, others highlight and display custom content [2]. marketing internet network website

Analyzing the dynamics of the growth of the impact of social networks, we can conclude that over the next 10 years, the number of Internet users will reach 6 billion people, which will equal 90 %. Con- cequently, we can see the growth in the number of users, goods, and financial resources involved in the Internet, all of theses factors will increase the role of Internet marketing and will force its growing as one of the main tools for promoting products on the market. This aspect will take on more and more development and acquire new forms for increasing the utilization efficiency. Let's examine the current situation. For the moment, GAFA (four Internet giants: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) are the Internet leaders and they are the Internet marketing companies that influence digital marketing development.

«Google» Ltd in 2016 grew the revenues by 61.3 % (to 1 billion 4.04 million UAH), and during 9 months of 2017 -- up to 1 billion 82.38 million UAH. The net loss of the company in 2016 grew by 2.7 times -- to UAH 87.12 million, but according to the results of January-September 2017, it worked with a net profit of UAH 16.31 million. [5].

The network market means of mass impact on consumers who have a permanent opportunity to communicate with the enterprise. The conducting strategic planning of Internet marketing resources in the world network provides the folloving opportunities:

— implementation and use of search engines and online directories;

— conducting questionnaires;

— performing surveys of visitors to the server;

— studying the results of teleconferences,

— the use of data from surveys conducted on different sites.

The study of the strategy and tactics of competitors' activities in the market is carried out using their websites, while receiving information about their partners and clients. When studying the consumer market it is important to use information about who visits the site of the company and how to get more information about visitors.

The main areas of effective use of e-marketing are:

— monitoring means collecting and analyzing information about brand requirements on the network;

— managing the reputation of the company means creating the just opinion about the brand, products, company;

— customer support it is an organization of constant interaction and advising clients in a convenient system for their exchange of information;

— promotion means gaining the attractiveness and respect of a wide audience for the brand or a product.

One of the promising areas of Internet marketing is the union of two or more enterprises over a long period of time in order to create a strategic alliance. As a result, enterprises that create a strategic alliance open new markets for their activities, gain access to new customers, strengthen business competitive position, and offer integrated solutions. There are several goals for enterprises that form strategic alliances. However, nowadays more and more enterprises form strategic alliances for the purpose of selling goods through the network.

Every day businesses are betting on online marketing, analyzing what is there in the on-line environment and what we can expect among the most effective implementation of the modern conceptual approaches and ideas. For many medium and small-sized businesses, Internet marketing will serve as the basis for the true commercial success, while creating conditions for the growth of online advertising agencies that posess the real practical means and ways. The progressing field of Internet marketing is based on the implementation of marketing activities and tasks of enterprises through the worldwide network. Internet marketing utilizes various communication tools to succed in strategy and achieve the goals of a particular project. For the right choice of tools or their combination, Internet marketing requires a marketing analysis of the project, a clear statement of purpose and a systematic approach to the implementation of the strategy [6].

The occurence of a global computer network was marked by the naissence of a new communicative environment and creating a market with a large number of potential consumers who have a fairly high income. To date, Internet marketing serves as a communication and represents the ability to conclude transactions, execute purchases and make payments. It gives him the features of the worldwide e-market. The emergence and rapid development of e-business served as the basis for the development of the latest direction of the modern concept of marketing interaction -- Internet marketing. Modern online marketing is an activity aimed to attract and retain customers, as well as meeting the needs of the consumer in order to reciprocate the maximum revenue through a network characterized by reduced costs and increased return on investment. The Internet is an indispensable tool for obtaining the necessary marketing information and also represents the best way to choose potential partners and investors, in particular -- abroad, which provides an opportunity to save on international telephone conversations and correspondence.

But there are a number of problems that may go along with the built-in system of Internet-marketing, they include:

— absence of goods in stock;

— the false price indicated on the package;

— incomplete supply of goods;

— difficulties with delivery, return or exchange of goods;

— low level of customer service;

— absence of two-way communication, etc.

In addition, there are a number of complexities caused by the technical support of the site, which directly affects the formation of the company's image among consumers and competitors. Such difficulties can be:

— the basket button does not work;

— error during registration or authorization;

— the order or part thereof is not displayed in the personal office;

— no e-mail is sent to confirm the order;

— error 404 and so on.

As a result, there is a need to formulate a number of recommendations for the technical design of the site:

— it is expedient to show on the main page the most traveling goods in order to stimulate a potential client's sense of herding;

— it is necessary to set up an internal search so that popular target requests to lead the customer to the product pages;

— we should test the directory structure, check navigation and page titles, and add a number of recommended (and related) products.

In addition, there is the fact that should be taken into account, it is easier for a person to asquire an information that is accompanied by the video materials or proposed in an interactive form. Under these circumstances, it is necessary to investigate and forecast the main trends of Internet marketing in 2018:

— increasing the capabilities and applications in mobile phones;

— using more advanced analytics techniques to effectively optimize costs;

— improvement of the content;

— phedging cost-per-click clicks;

— variety of marketing strategy;

— usage of new methods of influence on the consumer.

The objective of the enterprises is to choose the optimal and most efficient complex, which will not only meet the progressive requirements of consumers, but will also allow them to achieve their goals with minimum resources spent on them.

Conclusions from the conducted research. As a result it should be noted that Internet marketing is becoming an increasingly important tool for promoting virtually any kind of product over traditional marketing. It is also possible that during the next decade this kind of marketing will become dominant in relation with the progressive growth of its applications. The development and of Internet marketing tools usage is a necessary component of the virtually marketing activity of any enterprise. Internet marketing has become an integral tool that directly affects its competitiveness and performance.


1. Bohdanov, S. M. (2017). Perspektyvy rozvytku internet-marketynhu, yak unikalnoho instrumentu dlia prosuvanniaproduktu [The Perspectives of Internet Marketing Development as a Unique Tool for Product Promotion]. Menedzhment ta pidpryiemnytstvo: trendy rozvytku, 2, 45-48. Retrieved from

2. Google u 2017 r. zbilshyv dokhody vid reklamy v Ukraini na 75 % (2017). [Google in 2017 increased advertising revenue in Ukraine by 75 %]. Retrieved from http:// (in Ukr).

3. Paderin, I. D., Romanov, O. V.. Tytovets, Ie. S. (2016). Rozvytok Internet-marketynhu na pidpryiemstvakh maloho ta serednoho biznesu [Development of internet marketing in small and medium enterprises]. Ekonomichnyi visnyk Donbasu, 1 (43), 121-122 (in Ukr).


The article defines the main concepts, describes the essence and place of the Internet in a world, outlines the purpose of Internet marketing and its distinction from the traditional form. The possibilities of the global network and directions of effective use of electronic marketing are considered. The mostfamous sites of the Internet network and statistics of its use in Ukraine and in the world are given. In addition, the main trends and technical problems of Internet marketing are discussed and recommendations to the design of the site are given.

Key words: blog, interactivity, internet marketing, internet network, e-mail.

У статті надано визначення основних понять, а також описано сутність і місце у світі Інтернету, окреслено мету інтернет-маркетингу та його відмінності від традиційної форми. Розглянуто можливості всесвітньої мережі та напрямки ефективного використання електронного маркетингу. Наведено найвідоміші сайти інтернет-мережі та статистика користування нею в Україні та у світі. Крім того, розглянуто основні тенденції і технічні проблеми інтернет-маркетингу і надано рекомендації щодо оформлення сайту.

Ключові слова: блог, інтерактивність, інтернет-маркетинг, інтернет-мережа, e-mail.

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