Linguostylistic means of emotional influence on the audience and their rendering at translation

The study of methods of emotional impact on the audience with the help of the language tools used by the speaker in speeches, which contribute to conveying the pragmatic message of the speaker. Methods of translation of the studied linguistic means.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 15.11.2018
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Linguostylistic means of emotional influence on the audience and their rendering at translation

A. Golovnia

Senior Lecturer at Department ofPhilology and Translation Academic and Research Institute ofHumanities

NationalAviation University

The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of linguistic and stylistic means in the English-language political speeches of Petro Poroshenko. Particular attention is paid to creating emotional impact on the audience with the help of language means used by the speaker in the speeches, which contribute to rendering a pragmatic message of the speaker. The analysis of the language means translation is conducted and the peculiarities of rendering the pragmatic potential of the speeches in the Ukrainian translation are considered.

Key words: linguistic and stylistic means, pragmatics, political speech, translation.

У статті досліджуються особливості використання лінгвостилістичних засобів у англомовних політичних промовах Петра Дорошенка. Особлива увага приділяється створенню емоційного впливу на аудиторію за допомогою використаних спікером у промовах мовних засобів, які сприяють донесенню прагматичного посилу спікера. Здійснюється аналіз способів перекладу досліджуваних лінгвістичних засобів та досліджуються особливості відтворення прагматичного потенціалу промов в українському перекладі.

Ключові слова: лінгвостилістичні засоби, прагматика, політична промова, переклад.

В статье исследуются особенности использования лингвостилистических средств в англоязычных политических речах Петра Порошенко. Особое внимание уделяется созданию эмоционального воздействия на аудиторию с помощью использованных спикером в речах языковых средств, которые способствуют донесению прагматического посыла спикера. Осуществляется анализ способов перевода исследуемых лингвистических средств и рассматриваются особенности воспроизведения прагматического потенциала речей в украинском переводе.

Ключевые слова: лингвостилистические средства, прагматика, политическая речь, перевод.

The current stage of linguistics development is marked by the interest in the study of political controversy. The for-mation of a new political system, the transformation of the socio-political situation in the country and the development of new technologies require creation of a new political rhetoric. That is why it is crucial to study the achievements of political linguistics, that arose because of the intersection of linguistics and sociology, and includes the achievements of ethnology, sociology and other sciences.

The features of political communication, among which A.P. Chudinov singles out informativeness, reductionism, personality, aggressiveness, appreciation and intertextuality, create all necessary conditions for successful manipulation by consciousness and activity of an addressee [4, p. 71]. Manipulation is carried out by means of speech influence, which transforms the language picture of the political world in the mind of recipients and prompts them to act. Linguistic impact is considered as a phenomenon of influence on the individual or collective level of consciousness and behavior carried out by means of various language means. These means can be linguistic (lexical, phraseological, syntactic), extralinguistic (intonation) and paralinguistic (facial expressions, gestures, poses).

The uigency of the work is defined by the fact that despite numerous works devoted to the specifics of political discourse, the problem of its linguistic and stylistic features in the field of translation studies has not been completely studied yet and needs further research, especially in the view of the current political situation of Ukraine and its place on the world arena. The purpose of the article is to study the linguistic and stylistic features of the English-language political discourse and to analyze the mechanisms of rendering the expressiveness of the linguistic means during the translation of the speeches of politicians; to compare the expressive potential of the texts of the original and their translation and to identify the most optimal ways of preserving it. The object of the study is political discourse and its specificity, namely, the language means of expression used in public speeches by the President of Ukraine P.O. Poroshenko to convey expressive information and emphasize its uigency and pragmatic aims. The subject of the study is the methods and ways of preserving the expressive potential of linguistic and stylistic means of the English-language political discourse text when translated into the Ukrainian language.

Mr. Speaker, Majority Leader, Members of the House, Members of the Senate, Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me thank you for your warmth and hospitality. Addressing both houses of Congress is one of the highest political privileges [5]. - Пане Спікере, Лідер більшості, Шановні Члени Палати, Члени Сенату, Пані та Панове! Дозвольте мені подякувати вам за теплоту та гостинність. Звернення до обох палат Конгресу є одним з найвищих політичних привілеїв [2]. emotional translation linguistic

At the beginning of his speech, the politician uses the highest degree of comparison of adjectives in order to emphasize the respect for the political elite of the United States. Obviously, this fragment is translated in Ukrainian literally, since the use of translation transformations in this case is not necessary. In the address of the President to the US Congress, we also notice the use of opposition and contrast:

Standing here, I am grateful - and fully aware that this honor goes not to me, but to the people of Ukraine - those brave men and women who are today on the forefront of the globalfight for democracy! [5] - Стоячи тут, я вдячний, і повністю усвідомлюю, що така честь надається не мені. А народу України. Тим хоробрим чоловікам і жінкам, які сьогодні знаходяться на передовій війни за демократію всього світу! [2]

Contrastive pair is “/ - people” and using it is meant to emphasize the commitment of the President to the people. The translator applied the sentence split in translation, which in our opinion, isjustified by the desire to preserve the ex-pressiveness of the stylistic figure of opposition. In his speech, P. Poroshenko mostly uses assertive sentences, however, alongside with them, we also notice questions that are parallel constructions with the anaphora:

How many more death will be caused by the handguns handed out, with absolutely no controls or accountability, in those regions? How many innocent children will step on land mines so massively utilized by separatists? How many lives will be ruined and souls poisoned by the propaganda machine? [5]. - Скільки ще смертей буде спричинено зброєю, яка не має жодного контролю? Скільки невинних дітей будуть наступати на міни, які часто використовуються сепаратистами? Скільки життів буде отруєно пропагандою? [2]

In the example above, we have also noticed the use of the metaphor propaganda machine by the speaker. In the translation of this linguistic unit, the transformation of the elimination took place, which in our opinion does not distort the content of the original, but does not contribute rendering its expressiveness. The case of using the anaphora is also found in the following lines:

Ukraine needs modern governance and non-corrupt public administration! Ukraine needs to delegate more powers to local communities! Ukraine needs to rely more on its strong, vibrant, and dynamic civil society! [5]. - Україні необхідна сучасна влада та некорумпована громадська адміністрація. Україна повинна делегувати більше по-вноважень місцевим громадам. Україна повинна більше покладатися на своє сильне, яскраве і динамічне грома-дянське суспільство! [2]

As we see, anaphora has only been partially preserved at translation, because in the first sentence the translator used the vocabulary equivalent of lexeme need, while the other two had a contextual replacement. We can conclude that the President uses a significant number of emotional structures to enhance the emotional influence of his speech:

That's why my presidency began with a Peace Plan and a one-sided ceasefire. That's why we are holding our fire now. That's why two armies stand before each other - without massively shedding each other's blood [5]. - Саме тому моє президентство розпочалось мирним планом і одностороннім припиненням вогню. Саме тому ми зараз не відкриваємо вогонь. Саме тому дві арміізараз стоять навпроти одна одної і не проливають масово кров [2].

It should be noted that the translator preserved the emphatic construction during translation, and also resorted to the antonymic translation of the fragment we are holding our fire now - ми зараз не відкриваємо вогонь, which in our opinion, sounds natural due to the norms of the Ukrainian language. P. Poroshenko's speech contains one rhetorical question, which also plays its role in the approximation of the monologue to the dialogue:

Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine-whathappensnext? [5].-Молдова,Грузія, Україна-хтонаступний? [2]

The method of concretization was used at translation for the conciseness of this sentence in Ukrainian. In our opinion, such a translation option is quite successful, since the speaker's emotions, namely the concern about the future, are rendered fully. In his speech before the Congress, the President also abounds in a number of stylistic figures, in particular, gradation or climax, each part of which amplifies the semantic and emotionally expressive meaning of the utterance:

Day after day, week after week, month after month - thousands upon thousands streamed into the streets of Kyiv, simply because their dignity didn't allow them to remain passive and silent, while their liberties -were at stake [5]. - День за днем, тиждень за тижнем, місяць за місяцем - тисяча за тисячею люди виходили на вулиці Києва просто тому, що їхня гідність не дозволяла їм залишатись пасивними та мовчати, коли на карті стояла їхня свобода [2].

In order to preserve expressiveness, the stylistic figure of gradation literal translation was applied. Alongside with that, we notice the president's use of the idiom to be at stake, which is translated by one of the equivalents of this expression. In our opinion, such a translation is though equivalent, but not common to a Ukrainian-speaking recipient. We believe that the expression бути на кону is a more successful version of rendering this idiom into Ukrainian. An example of the President's use of idioms is also found in the following lines:

I will focus on one thing that is at the core of Ukraine's existence today: freedom [5]. - Я зосереджуся на одній речі, яка зараз знаходиться в основі існування Українського народу, - свобода [2].

With this idiom, the speaker emphasizes the importance and value of the concept of freedom for the Ukrainian people. In translation, the vocabulary equivalent of this expression was applied, which fully conveys the mood that P. Poroshenko wanted to deliver to the audience.

The address of P. Poroshenko to the US Congress is characterized by a large number of attached constructions the purpose of which is to provide additional information to the audience and enhance emotional influence:

At those moments, freedom becomes the ultimate choice, 'which defines who you are - as a person and as a nation [5]. - В такі моменти свобода стає питанням вибору, що визначає, хто ви є, - як особистість і як народ [2].

The same phenomenon is observed in the following example as well:

The victory gained on the Independence Square in Kyiv, now known to the whole -world as Maidan, was a victory against police brutality, harassment by the state-controlled media, violence, and intimidation [5]. - Перемога, яку здобули на Майдані Незалежності в Києві, зараз відома всьому світові. Слово «Майдан» стало інтернаціональним. Це була перемога проти брутальності міліції, цькування державними засобами масової інформації, насильства та залякування [2].

While rendering the example quoted above, the translator resorted to the division of the original sentence. In our opinion, the choice of such method of translation is due to the need to highlight and emphasize the key aspects of this passage. Along with that, we noticed the use of homogeneous members of the sentence by the speaker, which, when translated, was rendered using the vocabulary correspondence.

The President's speech also abounds in metonymy, for example:

Democracies must support each other [5]. - Демократії мають підтримувати одна одну [2].

Obviously, the politician uses the metonymy of Democracy to denote strong countries with a democratic political regime. In this case, the application of metonymy contributes to the laconicism of the speech and, at the same time, serves as a call to action. An interesting example of metonymy is also found in the speech of the President of Ukraine during the general debate of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly:

The Kremlin pays no respect to the provisional measures of the International Court of Justice imposed on it [6]. - Кремль не виконує також тимчасові запобіжні заходи, визначені Міжнародним Судом ООН [3].

It is clear that the speaker uses the metonymy Kremlin to denote Russian power. As we see, in the translation of this sentence, the translator proceeded to the antonymic translation of the phrase pays no respect translating it as не виконує, and at the same time, used the contextual substitution of this expression, the vocabulary equivalent of which is не поважати. In our opinion, the translator himself specifies the speaker's words and reinforces the expressiveness of the expression in the language of translation. A bright metaphoric rhetoric of the President is observed in the speech P.O. Poroshenko at the UN General Assembly:

The spiral of violence continues to affect more and more countries and regions [6]. - Виток насильства продовжує зачіпати все більше і більше країн тарегіонів [3].

As we can see, the metaphor is translated into Ukrainian using the vocabulary correspondences of both components of the phrase. In our opinion, with the help of this metaphor, the author seeks to outline the scale of the problem and emphasize the criticality of the situation. The mood that the speaker wanted to convey was completely preserved in the translation, so the use of any translation transformations in this case is not necessary.

Another case of metaphoric construction in the President's speeches has been spotted in the following example:

It is time to act and we have a 'very narrow -window of opportunity to avoid sliding down into irreversible chaos [6]. - Час діяти, і ми маємо дуже вузьке вікно можливостей, щоб уникнути сповзання в безповоротний -хаос [3].

As well as in the previous case, the metaphor was translated using the vocabulary matches that fully express the brightness of this stylistic figure. In addition, in the President's speech at the General Assembly, we find an example of asyndetic connection:

Transnational terrorism, use offeree in international relations, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, refugee crisis, poverty, human rights violations and environmental fragility are only some of the challenges we face [6]. - Транснаціональний тероризм, використання сили в міжнародних відносинах, розповсюдження зброї масового знищення, криза біженців, бідність, порушення прав людини та вразливість довкілля - лише декілька з тих викликів, які стоять перед нами [3].

In the Ukrainianversion of this passage, the principle of asyndetic connection was preserved, since such stylistic device gives the impression of dynamism, which must be rendered in translation. In addition, in the example given, we noticed the use of inversion by the speaker, which greatly enhances the emotional impact on listeners. In his address to the US Congress, in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, P.O. Poroshenko also uses a number of idioms, in particular:

The United Nations should be at the forefront of this process [6]. - Організація Об'єднаних Націй має бути на вістрі цього процесу [3].

In a literal sense, such an idiom means бути в перших рядах, у центрі подій, so with the help of such expression, the speaker intended to emphasize the key importance of the members of the organization in the process and encourage them not to remain aloof. The translator used the contextual replacement of the lexeme forefront, the vocabulary reference of which is передова, центр, передній план, in order to deliver the expressions and make the emphatic influence more emotionally elevated. We believe that this translation option is entirely successful and does not distort the content of the original.

Consequently, having analyzed the English-language discourse of the President of Ukraine P.O. Poroshenko, namely the Addressing to the US Congress and the statement in the general debate of the 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations, we can conclude that in his English speeches the politician often resortes to the use of rhetorical questions, metaphors, asydeton, anaphor, gradation and idioms. Alongside with this, examples of the use of the speaker of contrast and contrast reception have been found, the highest degree of comparison of adjectives, metonymy and assistant, adding dynamism to the expression and enhancing the desired effect on the audience. The purpose of their use, in our opinion, is the call of the audience to support the country in the crisis and conviction in the abusive intentions of the aggressor-country. It is thanks to the use of linguistic means that the speaker can achieve the desired effect on the audience, which in its turn, helps to strengthen the international relations of our state. The political speech of the President is an argumentative discourse, which is mostly built in the form of a monologue. However, rhetorical questions help to create a dialogue effect. In order to render the expressive potential of the English-speaking speeches of the P. Poroshenko accurately, such translation transformations as elimination, contextual replacement, antonymic translation, and sentence splitting were used. Literal type of translations was also observed in certain fragments of the of speeches texts.


1. Будаев Э.В., Чудинов А.П. Зарубежная политическая лингвистика. М.: Наука, 2006. 252 с.

2. Виступ Президента України Петра Порошенка на спільній сесії Конгресу Сполучених Штатів Америки. URL: (дата звернення: 30.05.2018).

3. Виступ Президента України під час загальних дебатів 72-ї сесії Генеральної Асамблеї ООН. URL: (дата звернення: 01.06.2018).

4. Чудинов А.П. Политическая лингвистика. М.: Флинта, Наука, 2008. 256 с.

5. Address by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to the Joint Session of the United States Congress. URL: (дата звернення: 02.06.2018).

6. Statement by the President of Ukraine during the General Debate of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly. URL: yi-s-43442 (дата звернення: 02.06.2018).

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