The manifestation of linguistic identity at the verbal semantic level
The consideration of means of manifestation of linguistic personality, which is defined as an instrument of cognitive activity of a person. The verbal semantic level is analyzed. The functional division of the system of the linguistic personality.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.11.2018 |
Размер файла | 19,4 K |
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The manifestation of linguistic identity at the verbal semantic level
Svitlana Radetska
The paper is devoted to the need for expanded consideration of means of manifestation of linguistic personality, which, in the framework of modern research, is defined as an instrument of cognitive activity of a person, since the linguistic forms used by him directly depend on the activity of thinking and surrounding social factors. For modern science, the person represents a special interest, that is, a concrete person with his inner world, his attitude to himself and the world of things. Language is an instrument of thinking, an instrument of knowledge, and the most importantly, a means of communication. Therefore, the study of common linguistic processes leads to the study of the problem of communication, and hence its creator - the linguistic personality. In this paper the verbal semantic level is analyzed. We stated that the verbal semantic level is a peculiar structural linguistic level, which reflects the degree of proficiency in the popular language. It covers the vocabulary, the stock of words and signs of other codes, the ability to use them. Recognition of the specific features of the linguistic personality of the characters in literary works, in our case, the works of the detective genre, is the key to adequate understanding of the characters and in the subsequent relevant reproduction in translation. In the given paper the functional division of the system of the linguistic personality is considered and substantiated. It is analyzed by means of concrete examples of the means of expression of the detective's linguistic personality (namely clearly formed interrogative and exclamatory sentences, repetition of lexemes, deployed monologues that are complicated by syntactic constructions, vocabulary that belongs to fields of uncertainty and assumption) on the verbal semantic level.
Key words: linguistic personality, verbal-semantic, linguistic cognitive, motivational level, detective genre.
Стаття присвячується необхідності розширеного розгляду засобів вияву мовної особистості, яка в рамках сучасних досліджень визначається як інструмент пізнавальної діяльності людини, адже використані нею мовні форми безпосередньо залежать від активності мислення та навколишніх соціальних чинників. Для сучасної науки особистість представляє особливий інтерес, як конкретна людина зі своїм внутрішнім світом, своїм ставленням до себе та навколишнього світу речей. У статті ми розглядаємо мову як знаряддя мислення, інструмент пізнання та засіб спілкування. Тому вивчення загальних мовних процесів призводить до вивчення проблеми комунікації та мовної особистості. В статті проаналізовано вербально-семантичний рівень та визначено, що цей рівень є своєрідним структурно-мовним рівнем, що віддзеркалює ступінь володіння загальноприйнятою мовою. Він охоплює лексикон, запас слів і знаки інших кодів, уміння їх використовувати. Розпізнання специфічних особливостей мовленнєвої індивідуальності персонажів літературних творів, у нашому випадку творів детективного жанру, є запорукою адекватного розуміння образів а у подальшому релевантного відтворення при перекладі. У поданій статті розглядається та обґрунтовується функціональний розподіл системи мовної особистості, проаналізовано на конкретних прикладах засоби вираження мовної особистості детектива (а саме чітке формування запитань та окличних речень, повтор лексем, розгорнуті монологи, які ускладнені синтаксичними конструкціями, лексику, яка належить до полів невизначеності та невпевненості) на вербально-семантичному рівні.
Ключові слова: мовна особистість, вербально-семантичний, лінгвокогнітивний, мотиваційний рівень, детективний жанр.
The combination of activity, cultural achievement and spiritual and intellectual content of the individual at the level of speech serves as a rather complicated complex. This unity shows that language is a universal form of communication between the individual's spirituality, the intellectual and mental content of his social environment - culture and practice, the active realization of creative potentials of the human person.
The problem of our study is determined by the necessity of expanding knowledge about the means of revealing the individual's linguistic personality and recognizing of its specific features, which is the key to adequate understanding, and then, if necessary, reproduction of his image.
In science, different approaches to the study of linguistic personality - psychological, social, philosophical, cultural are considered. Speech is the most important characteristic of the social status of a person. First of all, the social display of speech is traced in phonetics, vocabulary and grammar [4, p. 58].
We have considered the interpretation of the concept of "linguistic personality" proposed by V. I. Karasik, V. von Humboldt, I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, K. F. Sedov, B. Vinogradov, G. I. Bogin, Yu M. Karaulov, F. S. Batsevich, I. A. Moryakin, S. Yu Godunov and V. V. Krasnyi. Guided by the definition of Yu M. Karaulov, we note that the "linguistic personality" is interpreted as a set of the individual's abilities, which manifests itself in speech activity, that is, expresses all its characteristic features on the basis of linguistic means. It defines the activity, communication, intelligence, emotion and mentality that characterize a person.
Thus, the basis of our study is the detailed consideration of the zero, verbal semantic level, of the linguistic personality as the initial stage of a commonly-structured approach to the study of the problem of recognition, analysis and reproduction of the individual's speech. As a research material and for providing examples, the texts of detective prose created by Arthur Conan Doyle were used and the means of manifestation of the detective's linguistic personality were analyzed.
In the numerous interpretations of the linguistic personality, which appeared at the end of the last century, one can clearly distinguish between two directions - it is linguistic and linguistic and cultural. In linguistic didactics the individual is regarded as a collection of speech abilities. Linguistic cultural study makes the subject of the study a "national-cultural prototype of the bearer of a certain language, a collective cultural-historical image" [7, p. 16]. Proceeding from these directions, Yu. M. Karaulov offers a three-tiered distribution of the structure of the linguistic personality: verbal- semantic, linguistic cognitive and motivational. Thus, he notes that each level depends on each other, but this dependence is rather ambiguous. The peculiarities of verbally-semantic level functioning, that is, the vocabulary, are the foundation, but do not define a complete language model, namely a thesaurus, but also with the knowledge of the thesaurus, we cannot confidently draw conclusions about the motives and goals that speaker guides. On each level, the need for additional information is obvious. A detailed review of each level is a top priority.
Verbal semantic level is a zero level. At the zero level, the relatively constant part of the structure of the linguistic personality is the complex of the structural features of the national language type preserved over a sufficiently long time, the concept of which is used as a hypothetical premise of the existence of an invariant part. This invariant part of the structure provides an opportunity for mutual understanding of the carriers of different dialects, the linguistic personality's ability to understand texts that go far beyond the time of his life and functioning [3, p. 162]. This level involves the presence of a stable source of the speaker's lexical and grammar knowledge, which provides him with a normal command of the natural language.
The main, almost comprehensive communicative linguistic unit, the syntactic dominant of communication is the sentence. The categorical, defining features of the sentence include: predicative, modality, relative completeness of the content of the sentence, its logical essence, structural and syntactic organization, intonation and communicative, stylistic peculiarity [2, p. 56]. The question is a special direction of intellectual and speech activity of people, subjects of cognition and communication. Sherlock Holmes demonstrates his detective skills by asking the interlocutor. Simple questionnaires create a pace and rhythm of communication. They serve as a show of interest and enthusiasm of the detective. It mainly uses special questions that are generated using the question words who, what, where, how, when, why, what, inversions or auxiliary verbs, for example: “ What is the alley like?”; general questions that are generated by inversion or auxiliary verbs: "But it was not approaching the body?", "But not really raining?", "You saw this?", "And you said nothing?"; Questions to other members of the sentence " There are many sheep dogs on the moor?".
In addition to the interrogative sentences, the detective's speech contains encouraging sentences and exclamations. Exclamation sentences are distinguished by the emotional function inherent to them, which is realized with the help of octal intonation. Thus, the reader feels the person's emotional reaction, the tone of the pronunciation. For example: "What a nerve the fellow has!" How he pulled himself together in the face of what must have been a paralyzing shock when he found that the wrong man had fallen victim to his plot! "[9, p. 179].
Using such a stylistic means as a repetition, which by I. Arnold's definition, means "repeating a word or phrase in a single sentence, paragraph or whole text" [1, p. 91], Sherlock Holmes shows a demanding attitude to his profession: "Not a word to show your suspicions - not a word, or my plans crumble to the ground' [9, p. 176]. linguistic personality cognitive
Means of expression of emotionality, expressiveness of the linguistic personality can be some verbal means: exclamations and exclamatory phraseological units. L. I. Matsko notes that "exclamations are the means of expressing feelings, emotions, and motives in the language. Specificity of exclamations is to express emotionally expressive reactions, evaluations; expression of will, without naming them - a priori determines the stylistic possibilities of this class of words, because in this case, the emotional coloration is organically included in the semantic structure of the exclamation as a linguistic unit "[6, p. 114]. For example: «Halloa, Watson!» [9, p. 115]; «Oh, Dr. Mortimer, Dr. Mortimer» [9, p. 17]; «No, no, my dear Watson, not all - by no means all» [9, p. 5]; «Ha, you see it now» [9, p. 185]; «Let me see!» said Holmes. «Hum! Born in New Jersey in the year 1858. Contralto - hum! La Scala, hum! Prima donna Imperial Opera of Warsaw - yes! Retired from operatic stage - ha! Living in London - quite so!» [8, p. 7].
When choosing these or other syntactic forms, writers are guided by different goals. They are the following: to highlight emotionally the most important thing with the help of rhythmic means, to follow the features of a certain genre, to portray an object, to convey the views of the character. Investigating the speech of the main A. Konan Doyle's story character, we draw our attention to the very detailed monologues that consist of complex and complicated syntactic constructions. For example: “It only remains to indicate the part which she had played throughout. There can be no doubt that Stapleton exercised an influence over her which may have been love or
may have been fear, or very possibly both, since they are by no means incompatible emotions ” [9, p. 221].
The detective's monologue consists predominantly of complex sentences. For instance, Sherlock Holmes uses there + modal verb construction and a multi-level structure, with details (may have been loved or might have been fear, or very possibly both) pulling the main information at the end of the sentence, thus retaining emotional tension. The main feature of the detective novel is the completeness of the reproduction of events. The detective tries to submit information in large volumes, which undoubtedly complicates the structure of the text and the perception of the message.
The next sign of the detective's linguistic personality at the verbal semantic level is the use of insert words and phrases that express the assessment of the probability of the message and the individual's feelings. The role of auxiliary means of expressing such a semantics is performed by such units as admissible conjunctions (although - though; though, however), methods of action and comparison (as - as; as if - as if) modal words that, according to N. M. Kostusyak's observations, are connected with the unreal meaning of predictability and act as the equivalent of modal verbs [5, p. 341].
The leading linguistic means of reproducing the striking intelligence of A. Conan Doyle's hero is the construction of sequences of logical chains and the verbalization of cause-effect relationships between events: “The only person in London whom he could have visited is Major Sholto. Major Sholto denies having heard that he was in London. Four years later Sholto dies. Within a week of his death Captain Morstan's daughter receives a valuable present, which is repeated from year to year, and now culminates in a letter which describes her as a wronged woman” [10, p. 9]. The logic of detective's thinking is reflected in a sequence of the adverbial modifiers of circumstances ( “four years later», «within a week of his death», «repeated from year to year, and now ”).
Concluding, we should note that we have considered the main means of manifestation of the detective's linguistic personality at the zero level. At the verbal semantic level, we were able to distinguish clearly formed interrogative sentences, exclamatory sentences in combination with words of exclamation, and exclamatory phraseological units, repetition of lexemes, deployed monologues that are complicated by syntactic constructions, vocabulary that belongs to fields of uncertainty, assumptions, and probabilities from the speaker's point of view. The purpose of our further research is to analyze the means of linguistic personality's manifestation on the linguistic cognitive and motivational levels in order to examine comprehensively the notion of linguistic personality, which is a prerequisite for an adequate understanding of the character, and further its reproduction in translation.
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