The structural peculiarities of the psychoemotional verbs in the english, german, spanish and ukrainian languages

Exposure of structural features of verbs, that is classified as active, ingoative and causative. The quantitative realization of the verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages.

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Дата добавления 02.12.2018
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The structural peculiarities of the psychoemotional verbs in the english, german, spanish and ukrainian languages

N. A. Navrotska

В статті йдеться мова про зіставно-порівняльне дослідження дієслів на позначення психоемоційного стану особи в англійській, німецькій, іспанській та українській мовах. Особлива увага привертається зіставленню структурних особливостей дієслів, які класифіковані як есивні, інхоативні та каузативні. Особливості структурного оформлення дієслів англійської, німецької, іспанської та української мов, а саме їх дослідження допомагає зробити висновки щодо кількісної розбіжності дієслів, які були відібрані суцільно із одномовних словників і є матеріалом дослідження. Переважна кількість есивних, інхоативних та каузативних дієслів чотирьох мов дослідження є непохідними. Для есивних дієслів англійської мови продуктивними способами словотворення є конверсія та префіксний спосіб, для дієслів німецької мови - конверсія, префіксний спосіб та додавання зворотного займенника sich, для дієслів іспанської мови - додавання постфіксу -se, для дієслів української мови - додавання постфіксу -ся, префіксний, суфіксний та префіксно-суфіксний способи. Для інхоативних дієслів, численних в українській та іспанській мовах, продуктивними способами є додавання частки -ся та -se. Універсальною властивістю для каузативних дієслів чотирьох мов є наявність непохідних одиниць. Каузативні дієслова англійської, німецької та української мов, утворені за допомогою префіксів, суфіксів та комбінацій префіксів та суфіксів, мають схожі структурні особливості на відміну від дієслів іспанської мови.

Ключові слова: семантика, словотвір, есив, інхоатив, каузатив.

В статье идёт речь о сравнительно-сопоставительном исследовании глаголов, которые выражают психоэмоциональное состояние человека, в английском, немецком, испанском и украинском языках. Особое внимание уделяется сравнению структурных особенностей глаголов, которые классифицированы как эссивные, инхоативные и каузативные. Особенности структурного оформления глаголов английского, немецкого, испанского и украинского языков даёт возможность сделать выводы относительно количественного расхождения глаголов, которые были выбраны методом сплошной выборки и являются материалом исследования. Для эссивных глаголов английского якыка продуктивными способами словообразования является конверсия и префиксный способ, для немецкого - конверсия, префиксный способ и добавление возвратного местоимения sich, для испанского - добавление постфикса -se, для глаголов украинского языка - добавление постфикса -ся, префиксный, суффиксный и префиксно-суффиксный способы. Для инхоативных глаголов, которые преобладают в украинском и испанском языках, продуктивными способами являются добавление постфикса -ся та -se. Универсальной чертой глаголов четырёх языков является наличие непроизводных единиц. Каузативные глаголы английского, немецкого и украинского языков имеют похожие структурные особенности в отличие от глаголов испанского языка.

Ключевые слова: семантика, словообразование, эссив, инхоатив, каузатив. verb psychoemotional english german spanish

The article presents the contrastive-comparative analysis of the verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages. Special attention is paid to the comparison of the structural peculiarities of the verbs which are classified as essive, inchoative and causative. The analysis of the peculiarities of the structure of the verbs makes it possible to suggest the conclusions as for the quantitative differences in the number of the verbs chosen for the research. Conversion and prefixation are the most productive ways of verb formation for the English essive verbs. For the German essive verbs conversion, prefixation and the adding of the reflexive pronoun sich are the most productive, for the Spanish verbs - the adding of the postfix -se and for the Ukrainian essive verbs the adding of the postfix -ся, prefixation, suffixation and the combination of the prefixation and suffixation appeared to be the most productive. The number of inchoative verbs prevails among the Ukrainian and Spanish verbs and the productive ways of verb formation are the adding of the postfix -ся and -se. The number of the inchoative verbs among English and German verbs is not numerous still prefixation is productive for the inchoative verbs of both two languages. The universal feature of the verbs of the four languages is the existence of the non-derived verbs. The causative verbs of the English, German and Ukrainian languages have similarities in the structure in comparison with the structure of the Spanish causative verbs.

Key words: semantics, word formation, essive, inchoative, causative.

The contrastive-comparative analysis of the semantics of the verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages is actual because in the comparative aspect the verbs of the above mentioned semantics were not studied. The fundamental works where some basics of the analysis were described are accepted in the research and further worked out in the different direction [1; 2; 3]. The verbs under analysis were chosen from the authoritative monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, then classified into three semantic groups: essive, inchoative and causative. In all languages chosen for the experiment the verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person exist and can be classified according to the suggested principle. The data of the verbs can be represented in the table 1.

Table 1.

The quantitative realization of the verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages

semantic verb class




































To interpret the meaning of the essive verbs the following linguistic formula was suggested: “S is in the state of...”, e.g. the English verb to abominate: “S is in the state of hate”; the German verb dulden: “S is in the state of suffering from something”. In Spanish and in Ukrainian the equivalents to the above mentioned English and German verbs exist: the Spanish verbs: odiar, detestar, aborrecer and in Ukrainian - ненавидіти.

To interpret the inchoative verbs the following formula was worked out: “S begins to be in the state of ... (begins to feel, to experience an emotion or emotional complex”. In English, e.g. the verb to pale has the following formula: “S gets pale being in a state of shock”; in German there is a verbal equivalent erblassen, in Spanish -palidecer, in Ukrainian - бліднути.

To interpret the semantics of the causative verbs the following formula was used: “S causes O to experience the psychoemotional state (to be in the state)”. In the English language, e.g., the verb to aggravate: “S causes O to be angry”. In German there is also a verbal equivalent argern `злити', which is interpreted with the help of the same formula, in Spanish - enfadar, excitar and in Ukrainian there is a verb злити.

The quantitative difference can be explained in this way: 1) the number of corresponding lexical units is explained by the absence of the semantically corresponding equivalents in the languages contrasted; 2) by the structural peculiarities of the languages which are structurally different. The latter reason is in the centre of this scientific research. The objective of the work is to compare the structural peculiarities of the verbs that denote the psychoemotional state in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages. The analysis may help us understand and see the isomorphic and allomorphic features of the verbs under research.

The essive verbs which are distinguished in all four languages (see table 1) are simple in their structure or derivatives. Derived verbs have prefixes, suffixes in their structure but this peculiarity is more typical of the verbs in Ukrainian, then less for the German essive verbs and the least of the English. Among Spanish verbs this peculiarity is not productive. But the general attention should be drawn to the similar structural feature - the occurrence of the reflexive pronoun sich in German (sich angstigen, sich truben, sich schrecken, sich ergotzen, sich erfreuen), the reflexive particle - ся/сь in Ukrainian (боятися, страхатися, бавитися, балуватися, забавлятися, звеселятися, тішитися) and -se in Spanish (interesarse (por), alegrarse, gozarse, enternecer(se), conmover(se)). In English this peculiarity is not productive - 1 verb (0, 2%) (to abase oneself).

The analysis of the structural peculiarities of the essive verbs helped to reveal that the essive verbs of all four languages have different structural peculiarities. For the English verbs the most typical structural features are converted verbs (verbs which were convertered from nouns or adjectives). Prefixation is less productive while suffixation in not a productive way of verb formation. Also word combination and reversion are not productive ways for the essive verbs in English.

For the German verbs the most productive way of verb formation is the adding of the reflexive pronoun sich. Less productive ways are word combination and suffixation. The combination of prefixes and suffixes and just suffixes - these ways are not productive.

The Ukrainian essive verbs have different prefixes, suffixes, both prefixes and suffixes in their structure. The verbs with the postfix -ся are very productive. In Ukrainian conversion and reversion are not productive. The research gave a conclusion that the prefixal-suffixal way of verb formation is typical only of Ukrainian essive verbs.

For the Spanish essive verbs under analysis the most distinctive structural feature is the reflexive particle -se.

The inchoative verbs which are the most numerous in Ukrainian and Spanish (see table 1) have common distinctive features. In Ukrainian 234 verbs have the postfix -ся in their structure (затривожитися, збезсилитися, розбалуватися, роздратуватися, знесилитися). The Spanish inchoative verbs are also numerous - 106 verbs (interesarse, apasionarse, entusiasmarse, enamorarse, prendarse, asustarse, amedrentarse, espantarse, asustarse, entumecerse, pasmarse, aletargarse).

The prefix and suffix - the combination of them at the same derivational step is the productive way of verb formation only for Ukrainian inchoative verbs - 116 verbs (безуміти, забагровіти, піддобрюватися, розлютіти). For the English, German and Spanish verbs this way of verb formation is not productive.

For the Ukrainian inchoative verbs prefixation is the most peculiar feature because the prefixes give the meaning `the beginning of the state' (жадати - пожадати, любити - полюбити, ненавидіти - ізненавидіти.

By adding the prefix the verb of the essive semantics becomes the inchoative: бунтувати (бунтуватися) - збунтувати (збунтуватися), вагатися - завагатися, єрепенитися - заєрепенитися. The postfix -ся in the above mentioned examples doesn't render the semantic strength. In contrast, in German only 7 verbs have prefix in their structure but it gives the meaning `the beginning of being in the state' (aufbrausen, erblassen, erroten, (sick) erschrecken (vor, uber), verkruppeln, verbloden, verdummen). In English only 6 inchoative verbs have the prefixes in their structure (to befoul (foul), to dissolve 6, to enamo(u)r (amour), to overtake 2, to relapse 2, return 3). The English prefixal verbs are not numerous, but the prefixes (be-, dis-, en-, over-, re-) have the meaning `to gain the quality, to transit into another state'. So when joined to the stems they give another meaning to the verbs, as a result, the verbs can be classified as inchoative.

The causative verbs of all studied languages are either simple in their structure or derivatives. The common peculiar feature is the occurrence of the prefixes in the English, German, Ukrainian and Spanish causative verbs though in different quantitative rate.

The English prefixal verbs (26 verbs) are not so numerous in number as German (114 verbs). So, English causative verbs are derived from nouns (to discomfit 1, 2, 3, to disarm, to dishonor, to befoul, to overwhelm 5, to empoison 2, to distress, to discourage. They are also derived from verbs: to discompose, to disconcert, to disappoint, to overawe, to overtax 2, to dissolve 7, to disconcert 1, 2, to destruct 3. And also some verbs are derived from adjectives: to belittle, to benumb, to bewilder.

Among German causative verbs the prefixal verbs are also numerous (114 verbs): beschimpfen, erschrecken, verschrecken, aufschrecken, verbluffen, umgarnen, aufmuntern, belustigen, ergotzen, auffordern, verargern, befremden, verblenden, bedrangen, verwirren 3. Among German causative verbs the verbs which are formed with the help of the semi-prefixes (24 verbs): abhalten (halted), anecken 2, anstacheln 3, anspornen 2, anregen 2, angreifen 3, angreifen 5, ankotzen 2; aufschrecken 1, aufmuntern 1,

aufregen 1, aufregen 2, auffordern, aufwuhlen 2, aufwuhlen 3, aufwuhlen 4; auslosen 3; mitreifien, umgarnen 2, umkehren 2 (перен.), zuhauen 3, zuspitzen 2 (перен.); uberladen, uberraschen, ubermuden.

The Ukrainian causative verbs are also numerous (88 verbs): забавити (= забавляти), захвалити (захвалювати), звеселити (звеселяти), порадувати 1, порадувати 2, посмішити 1, розбалувати, розбалувати, розбестити, привабити, сподобатися 1, сподобатися 2, зневолити, ізганьбити (зганьбити), ізлякати (злякати), виплекати, зберегти, влюбити, залюбити, застерегти, збудити, збурити), згайнувати 1, згайнувати 2, зганьбити, згрубити 4, знеохотити, знудити 1, знудити 2, зводити, зачіпати, звинити, звинуватити, потривожити 1, потривожити 2, захвилювати 1, потурбувати 1, потурбувати 2, затривожити.

The Spanish causative verbs are numerous in number (492 verbs) (see table 1). But the problem with the differentiation and definition of their structural peculiarities is obvious. Sometimes it is difficult to define the way the verb was derived from or on which derivation step it was created. It is known that not all morphemes which occur in contact position can be connected. Two elements of the semantic unity being ultimate constituents cannot be at the same time immediate constituents. The Spanish causative verb indisponer actually is not derived from the verb disponer with the help of the prefix in-. The way this causative verb is created is called back-formation (or back-derivation, reversion) indipuesto - indisponer. Other examples should be also mentioned, e.g. desordenar, desaficionar, desamar - are verbs which are derived from verbs with the help of prefix des-. Taking the examples into consideration the Spanish causative verbs have prefixes in their structure but the way the verbs are formed should be thoroughly studied. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish but still possible.

All facts and examples considered in connection with the structural peculiarities of the verbs that denote the psychoemotional state of a person in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages, it is possible to make a conclusion that the structure of the verbs vary greatly in different groups of verbs. For essive verbs in all four languages the similar feature is the simple verb structure (without any derivational morphemes). For the inchoative German, Spanish and Ukrainian verbs the reflexive pronoun sich (German verbs), the postfix -ся (Ukrainian) and the postfix -se (Spanish verbs) are the constituent elements of the majority of verbs. But this feature is not typical of the English inchoative verbs. Still the fact which should be mentioned that for the English and for the Spanish language the meaning `to begin experience a state' is expressed with the help of the phrase, e.g. in Engish to fall in love; in Spanish ponerse rojo `to become red', perder la cabeza `to lose control', perder lafe `to lose the faith'.

For the causative verbs in the English, German, Spanish and Ukrainian languages the prefixes in the verb formation play an important role, still one should bear in mind that prefixation is the most productive way of verb formation for the Ukrainian verbs, then for the German verbs, then for the English and the last position is occupied by the Spanish causative verbs. Suffixation is also productive for the causative verbs among all four languages. But still the most productive for the Ukrainian, then for the English verbs, then for the German verbs and the last position is occupied by the Spanish verbs. The common feature for all studied essive, inchoative and causative verbs is that among all of them the greater quantity is occupied by the verbs which are simple in structure. For further study the verbs of other structurally different languages are to be included to reveal special and common peculiarities and to make new conclusions which are actual for modern contrastive-comparative linguistics.


1. Арутюнова Н. Д. Проблемы морфологии и словообразования / Н. Д. Арутюнова. - М., 2007. - 219 с. 2. Кубрякова Е. С. Что такое словообразование / Е. С. Кубрякова. - М. : Наука, 1965. - 78 с. 3. Мешков Ю. Д. Словообразование современного английского языка / Ю. Д. Мешков. - М. : Наука, 1976. - 245 с.

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