Functioning of etiquette formulas with adjectives as their components: display of axiological meanings

A theoretical description of functioning of etiquette formulas which include adjectives of Ukrainian language, which are modelling system of axiological meanings, is represented in the article. Аnalysis of compliment as a special gift to the recipient.

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D.V. Riazantseva

Functioning of etiquette formulas with adjectives as their components: display of axiological meanings

The phenomenon of human communication is a complex syncretic phenomenon. Social, psychological and linguistic factors are tightly intertwined in it. In modern linguistics attention of foreign and native linguists is attracted to the functional features of language that are explicated in the communicative process.

Anthropocentric and communicative approaches to language learning led to increased attention of scientists to the cultural problem, its national specificity, and the study of linguistic etiquette in particular. Problems of Ukrainian speech etiquette became the object of interest of linguists, starting from the XIX century. Functioning of the speech etiquette formulas in different kinds of discourse have actively studied native and foreign linguists - M. Bilous, S. Bogdan, P. Brown, O. Zakharkiv, I. Korovytskii, V. Kostomarov, J. Lendel, W. Litovchenko, O. Mironiuk, T. Panko, F. Papp, L. Pysarek, L. Poliuha, V. Ponomarenko, O. Potebnya, J. Radevich-Vinnitskii, V. Simovyc, N. Formanovska et al. Despite the large number of papers devoted to the study of language etiquette, the problem of linguistic characteristics of the act of communication, including the functioning of evaluative units in etiquette formulas with their pragmatic characteristics remains almost unexplored and this fact determines the relevance of research in this perspective.

To the units of language, semantic and grammatical indicators of which have great potentialities for expression pragmatics scientists rank primarily adjectives [1, p. 54]. In line with current linguistic researches among other linguistic units etiquette formulas which include adjectives of different lexico- grammatical classes, especially their functioning with pragmatic purpose, taking into account the needs of speech for a variety of communication strategies and tactics attract big attention.

The purpose of this scientific research is to describe the functioning of etiquette formulas which include adjectives expressing axiological meanings, analyze the characteristics of their pragmatic value.

Basis of the study has become folklore literary texts of the XVIII-XXI centuries., correspondence (O. Honchar, M. Kotsiubynskii, P. Myrnyi, O. Kobylyanska, L. Ukrainka, M. Shashkevych etc.), Internet materials, as well as linguistic experiment data (680 respondents), which was conducted in order to identify individual interpretations of axiological meanings represented in the specific contexts of different styles of speech, and determine the degree of relevance of the analyzed speech in modern Ukrainian.

Let us consider the specificity of the functioning adjectives which model axiological meanings in different types of discourse. “Evaluative” adjectives is an important element of the etiquette formulas that verbalize politeness principle and numerous communication strategies, including positive strategy, aiming at effective communication.

Politeness principle governing the relationship between the individual and society, relates to the field of the etiquette behavior. Category of the politeness is axiological category: the notion of “politeness” shows an abstract social value and in this sense is universal, although the methods of its verbal and non-verbal realization are culturally-specific [2, p. 103].

Рязанцева Д. В. Функціювання етикетних формул із прикметником як їх складовим: відображення аксіологічних смислів

У статті репрезентовано теоретичний опис процесу функціювання етикетних формул, до складу яких входять прикметники української мови, що моделюють систему аксіологічних смислів, аналіз прагматичного заряду таких лексем. Розглянуто етикетні формули, що вербалізують принцип ввічливості та комунікативну стратегію позитиву: формули вітання, риторичні звертання, вислови подяки та репліки- відповіді на подяку. Особливу увагу приділено розгляду маніпулятивної стратегії позитиву, що використовується мовцем для зміни поведінки чи ментального й емоційно-психологічного стану співрозмовника, а саме - компліментарним висловлюванням та висловлюванням, що маркують прихильність до адресата. Подано аналіз компліментів як особливого вербального подарунку адресату висловлювання, що виконує функцію оцінки. Схарактеризовано категорію пошанності, що фіксується в мові системою спеціалізованих звертань, розглянуто звертальні вирази з емоційно-оцінними словами, звертання-патроніми, ласкаві звертання, етикетні формули пошанного звертання у спілкуванні з духовенством, функціонування формул множини пошанної. Матеріали статті доповнені даними проведеного лінгвістичного експерименту.

Ключові слова: етикетна формула, аксіологічні смисли, прагматичний заряд, дискурс, прикметник української мови.

Рязанцева Д. В. Функционирование этикетных формул с именами прилагательными в качестве их составляющего: отображение аксиологических смыслов

В статье представлено теоретическое описание процесса функционирования этикетных формул, в состав которых входят имена прилагательные украинского языка, моделирующие систему аксиологических смыслов, анализ прагматического заряда таких лексем. Рассмотрено этикетные формулы, которые вербализируют принцип вежливости и коммуникативную стратегию позитива: формулы приветствия, риторические обращения, благодарственные высказывания и реплики-ответы на благодарность. Особое внимание уделено рассмотрению манипулятивной стратегии позитива, которая используется говорящим для изменения поведения или ментального и эмоционально-психологического состояния собеседника, а именно - комплиментарным высказываниям и высказываниям, которые маркируют приверженность к адресату. Представлен анализ комплиментов как особенного вербального подарка адресату высказывания, которое выполняет оценочную функцию. Дается характеристика формулам уважения, которые фиксируются в языке системой специализированных обращений, рассмотрены обращения с эмоционально-оценочными словами, обращения-патронимы, ласкательные обращения, этикетные формулы уважительного обращения в общении с духовенством, функционирование формул уважения множественного числа. Материалы статьи дополнены данными проведенного лингвистического эксперимента.

Ключевые слова: этикетная формула, аксиологические смыслы, прагматический заряд, дискурс, имя прилагательное украинского языка.

Riazantseva D. V. Functioning of etiquette formulas with adjectives as their components: display of axiological meanings

A theoretical description of functioning of etiquette formulas which include adjectives of Ukrainian language, which are modelling system of axiological meanings, is represented in the article. Pragmatic charge of such forms is analyzed. Etiquette formulas that verbalize principle of politeness and positive communication strategy: formulas of greeting, rhetorical appeals, expressions of gratitude and answers for the gratitude are considered. Particular attention is paid to the manipulative strategies of positive which are used by the speaker to change the behavior or mental and emotional and psychological state of his counterpart - namely complementary speech and expressions which mark the attachment to the addressee. The analysis of compliment as a special gift to the recipient of verbal expression, which also serves as the assessment is given. The characteristics of the expressions of respect that is fixed in the language system in the forms of specialized treatments is given, expressions with emotional and evaluative words, the usage of patronyms in communication, affectionate salutations, etiquette respect formulas in dealing with clergy, functioning of the set of formulas of the pluralize respect are considered. The article is supplemented with the data of the held linguistic experiment.

Key words: etiquette formula, axiological meanings, pragmatic charge, discourse, adjective of Ukrainian language.

Стаття надійшла до редакції 18.12.2013 р.

Прийнято до друку 28.03.2014 р.

Рецензент - д. філол. н., проф. Космеда Т. А.

Congratulations - sign of the language etiquette, which start each type of verbal communication, regardless of were the interlocutors presented to each other or not. Greetings in most cases is used to express a certain attitude to the recipient in order to, on the one hand, set the tone of communication required for adequate speech perception, and the other - to stimulate a favorable destination for the speaker attitude to what is reported to be favorable for his reaction. Historical and folkloric sources indicate that the Ukrainian people have always cared about the manifestations of mutual kindliness, kindness, peacefulness, the first signal of which during communication were greetings. Collection of Ukrainian folk greetings is extremely diverse, cf.: “Dobryi den!” (Dobrogo dnya!), “Dobryi vechir” (Dobrogo vechora! Vechir dobryi! Dobryvechir!), “Dobryi ranok” (Dobrogo ranku! Dobrysvitanok!), “Zdrastuite”, “Dobrogo zdorovya!”, “Dai Bozhe!” and others.

The choice of greeting depends on the time, the degree of closeness of those who come into contact communication, on the business that the person, who is welcomed is involved into at the moment. The most common long-standing nationwide greeting words are “Dobryi den!”. Adjective dobryi in it represents phraseological bound value due to the magical function of words - wishes of the good afternoon, good luck etc. [3, p. 165].

In response to the greeting “Dobryi den!” one had to say “Dobrogo zdorovya!” or “Dai Bozhe zdorovya!”, cf.: Dobryden, Darko! - veselo pryvitalasya do nei Yuzya i khotila shchos spytaty: - Dobrogo zdorovya -1, ne spynyvshys, ne hlyanuvshy na Iuziu, podalas toiu samoiu khodoiu na kukhniu (Lesya Ukrainka) [Op. by: 3, p. 166]. However, today these greetings and answers are rarely used, mostly in speech of peasants seniors. Nowadays the avoidance of these expressions in speech of intellectuals, i.e., “elite speech” can be stated. It is considered incorrect to truncate this greeting formula, but it can be traced in contemporary Ukrainian speech. At the greeting “Dobryi den! ” the reply “Dobryi ” is often heard.

To the morning greetings forms like “Dobrogo ranku!” that is used to greet family members immediately after awakening, and to make the friendly tone of communication belong, cf.: Dobryi ranok, zakhyplo pislya snu vitaietsya hospodar (M. Stelmakh) [Op. by: 3, p. 166]. “Dobryi vechir” is used for greeting in the evening. In all these vital expressions important role in creating a positive meaning greeting plays adjective dobryi.

Some vital expressions with positive evaluative meaning contain adjective healthy, cf.: Zdorova bula, Lysychka-sestrychka! - kazhe Zaichyk. - Zdorov buv, Zaichyk-pobihaichyk! (Ukrainian folk tales) [Op. by: 3, p. 169].

Particular stylistic function is performed by rhetorical appeals, including appeals as an integral component of Ukrainian folk songs about love and intimate lyrics of Ukrainian poets. Widespread appeal to the lover are adjectives myla, kokhana, liuba, doroga, ridna, chornobryva, and a number of own authors adjectives. They often appear in short form, and in a verse can occur in full form, cf.: Ty zasnula, myla (folk song); Ya tebe, virnaya, azh do khatinonki sam na rukakh vidnesu (M. Starytskyi) [Op. by: 4, p. 116].

In the Ukrainian language common and appropriate are expressions of gratitude. The most commonly used is “Diakuiu”, that can carry adjectives that increase expression of gratitude - serdechnyi, shchyryi, krasnyi and others., cf.: Peredai vid mene shchyre spasybi tvoim ofitseram, shcho propysaly nachomy golovi... (O. Gonchar) [5, p. 318]. Formula with adjective vdyachnyi seems appropriate in communication between persons with various status vectors, cf.: Vdyachnyi z naivdyachnichykh, shcho yasnovelmozhnyi pan zvolyly vybraty moiu bidnist do takoi vazhlyvoi poslugy (M. Shashkevych to T. Vasilevskii) [6, p. 126]. In this example operates indecent elative adjective form naivdyachnichii that is also part of the tautological phrase and enables the author to convey the maximum degree of expression of a positive assessment of his feelings.

Etiquette rules involve replica-answers on gratitude sayings. Evaluation in the superlative and elative forms of adjectives can act as intensifiers that enhance epistolary politeness in situations of thanksgiving, cf.: Pryimit moiu naiserdechnishu podiaku za vashe shchyre spivchyttya (O. Kobylyanska) [7, p. 231].

In the epistolary formulas of politeness, used in situations of thanksgiving adjectives liubyi, liubyaznyi and stylistically marked liubenkii are used, cf.: Dyzhe vam diakuiu za vash liubenkii lyst (O.Kobylyanska to S. Sadovska); Skladaiu vam moiu haryachu shchyru. podyaku za liubyaznu pamyat.. (M. Lysenko to O. Ohonovskii) [7, p. 232].

The authors use in the letters superlative forms formed from the adjective liubyi in other etiquette situations, cf.: Bazhaiu vam ysioho naikrashchogo i nailiubishoho v sviti (P. Myrnyi to M. Starytskii) [8, p. 62]. Obviously, the form of superlatives used in the suggestions above is used to capture the emotion and opinions of the author remarks.

One of the communication strategies used by the speaker to change the behavior or mental and emotional and psychological state of the interlocutor is the manipulative strategy of the positive. Impact at the interlocutor with this strategy is made through a pleasant message or information that positively represents the speaker or contains instructions for common between communicants. The main tactics of this strategy is increasing the significance of the interlocutor, the essence of which “is to partner notification of positive information about him in the form of praise, compliments, approving assessments or expressing a positive attitude” [9, p. 78]. This tactic is represented by expressives, including complementary statements and utterances that mark the attachment to the addressee.

An integral part of language etiquette used in different speech situations is a compliment. Compliment is a part of the class of expressives and belongs to useless speech acts, so has the regulatory, indexical, emotional and evaluative content [10, p. 21]. Most linguists interpret compliment as a “verbal gift” to the recipient, consisting of a positive assessment of appearance, achievements, and successes of recipient. The main function of a compliment is to create or support solidarity between addresser and addressee.

According to N. Kuzenna, a compliment is specific emotional statement that performs the function of evaluation. The basis of compliment is a positive characteristic of the recipient. Object of complementary assessment is a person or object, to whom the compliment applies. Genre of the compliment involves the use of adjectives, adverbs, which express a high degree of quality measure that allows senders to represent their attitude to the addressee on the relevant scale positive assessment. Linguistic means of this technique in tactics of increasing the significance of the interlocutor's face are the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, cf.: rozumnishyi, osvichenishui, khytrishyi, dostoinishyi, naiuliublenishyi, naishanovnishyi etc.; adjectives with the prefixpre- in the sense of «very» (prechudovii, premudrii, presvitlyi, etc.) and formed from them adverbs, adjectives with the first component vysoko-, hlyboko-, velmy-: (vysokopostavleni hosti), adjectives and pronouns with the suffixes -isink,-usink,-iusink-. Widespread is the use of comparative functions of adjectives, exaggeration of the opinion expressed by adjective, cf.: - Synu mii! Ty duzhchyi vid nyoho. Ty lipshyi. Bo dobrishyi. Bo ne ubyvtseiu khodyshpo zemli! (Y. Khorunzhii) [11, p. 373].

Another formula of positive politeness is the expression of respect that members of communication use to express respect, as a consequence of assessment of addresser the status of the recipient. Respect is the highest degree of recognition and internal approval of addresser high status positions, the social role of addressee. Category of respect is fixed in the language system in the forms of specialized treatments. Study of the category of respect in different communicative purposes is reflected in researches of N. Kuzenna, N. Teleki, O. Khaliman, V. Shynkaruka.

The inversion expressions with emotional and evaluative words constitute the largest group of emotional modes in written communication. According to the authors of the monograph «Social categories of modes in the texts of the epistolary genre» N. Teleki and V. Shynkaruka, “emotional appeals often reflect stylistic lowering or raising of the level of communication and emotiveness have peculiar shade that helps to define the nature of relationships, interpersonal distance between addresser” [12, p. 90].

Among the expressions of respect attention is drawn to the use of patronyms in communication with close friends. Senders often use them in letters conveying deference to the addressee or to older persons equals in social status. Name with patronym in the epistolary style is used in conjunction with positive evaluative adjectives like: vysokopovazhnyi, vysokoshanovnyi, et al., cf.: Z novym rokom vysokoshanovana Marie Mykolaiivno! (A. Teslenko to M. Hrinchenko).

The name with patronym speakers also apply to recipients with whom they are personally familiar with, or have long-standing friendships. This friendly tone of communication is created by using evaluative units liubyi, dorohyi, et al., cf.: Velmyshanovnyi dobrodiu Prokhore Danilovychu! (S. Vasilchenko to P. Voronin) [7, p. 235]. Positive evaluative adjectives reinforce the shade of respect in the above greeting formulas.

Addressee in the letter may also string individual affectionate salutation, which include positive evaluative adjectives dorogyi, khoroshyi, mylyi, slavnyi and others; adjectives and pronouns mii. Exclamatory intonation is made by the repetition of such expessive lexems, cf.: Ridna, dyvovyzhna, nezrivnyanna, velyka, velyka! Tykha, tykha, virna moya! (M. Kotsyubinsky to his wife), Ridne moie! (P. Tychyna to L. Paperuk) [8, p. 234].

The researcher of syntactics and stylistic aspects of Ukrainian speech etiquette O. Melnychuk considers to the expressions of respect with high positive evaluation epithets, which include adjectives zverhnychyi, nehyblyvyi. According to the researcher, they are used for the characterization of high social status position of honor and respect for professional knowledge of recipient [13, p. 9].

Respectful compliance of addresser distance, its dependence on the recipient is also reflected in the social etiquette formula zostaius nainyzhchym slugoiu comprising adjective nyzhnii in the form of superlative.

Etiquette respect formulas in dealing with clergy that contain adjectives in the form of superlative degree considers R. Hryniv [14]. By observations, to the bishops and metropolitans a phrase Vashe preosvyachenstvo! or adjectives preosvyachennyi and blazhennyi are used. In referring to the bishop the adjective boholiubyvyi is used. Where the priest holds high office, he was treated using the expression Vsechesnyi otche!. To the priests who have a doctorate, one should use address Vsesvitlishyi otche! By clerics who hold secular office - address Vysokoprepodobnyi otche premiere! or Prepodobnyi otche! In dealing with the clergy the usage of evaluative adjectives prefixed with pre- and comparative non-normative forms (svitlishyi, chesnishyi, svyachennishyi, blazhennishyi) is, obviously made, for the highest positive evaluation of qualities that traditionally characterize the clergy.

Some aspects of expressions of respect touches O. Khaliman, considering the operation of the so-called set of respectful formulas in which “finds its expression a special honor to the father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, elders and others. This peculiar form of high praise is traditionally evolved in oral folk language” [15, p. 485].

The researcher argues that set of the pluralize respect can be expressed among other means by plural form of adjectives, while expressing respect, but getting sometimes bantering tone, negative attitudes. In some cases, the plural form of respect is the source of generation of the irony negative evaluation when a person without proper positive qualities, claims a certain significance. The researcher refers to such use cases where adjective in plural form is designed in refer to one person, and cites the following examples: Oi yaki my nizhni! Yaki my rozumni! A choho zh my ne buly taki rozymni u 2004 rotsi??? [15, p. 486].

According to O. Khaliman, evaluation in the examples is generated from numerical discrepancy: an adjective that refers to a sign on which the speaker mocks, for example: Yaki zh my vsi myli [16].

So, to create the corresponding effect in certain communicative situations speakers involve numerous features of the language, including potential of the numerical grammatical units.

Some authors considerations and assumptions about the functioning of etiquette formulas with evaluative adjectives as their components, resulted in the need to conduct a linguistic experiment (involving 680 participants), during which respondents were asked to complete a sentence with a missing etiquette formulas of congratulation, thanks, greeting and address. The results showed that 86% of respondents used in etiquette formulas evaluative adjectives in various forms of intensity characteristics. During the discussion, respondents emphasized that the use of evaluative adjectives in etiquette formulas allows one to express an opinion accurately and to create an original compliment to express wishes or say hello.

Thus, adjectives with evaluative meanings are an integral part of many communications tactics that reflect national specificities. The use of evaluative adjectives is an effective means of creating a positive evaluative meaning of etiquette formulas that verbalize principle of politeness and numerous communication strategies, including positive strategy.

Evaluative adjectives allow to reproduce stylistic lowering or raising the level of emotiveness of communication, convey a kind of shade that helps to define the nature of relationships, interpersonal distance between senders.

Adjectives in the form of superlative and elative, comprising etiquette formulas act as intensifiers that can be used to enhance the epistolary politeness, creating certain stylistic effects, be a source of generation of the axiological meanings. language etiquette formula

Represented study doesn't exhaust the whole range of issues associated with the use of evaluative adjectives as a means of pragmatic values, which necessitates further research issues of the stated problem.


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