Term formation in English, German and Russian logistics terminology

Systematization of the main ways of translating the meanings of the verb can into Russian. Means of lexicalization of modal trajectories of the verb can in the Russian language, cross-linguistic comparison of modal values with his "translateme".

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Term formation in English, German and Russian logistics terminology

Myuller Yuliya

В статье анализируются различия в словообразовании английской, немецкой и русской терминологии логистики. Выделяются три основных способа образования новых терминов: использование существующих лексических единиц, их модификация и неологизмы. При расширении или переносе значения используются существующие лексические единицы. Наиболее распространенным способом словообразования в терминологии логистики является модификация существующих лексических единиц путем аффиксации, словосложения, образования словосочетаний, конверсии и сокращения. Множество терминов заимствуется из английского языка в немецкий как прямое заимствование, в то время, как в русский при помощи калькирования. Адрес статьи: www.gramota.net/materials/2/2017/1-1/40.html

This paper discusses differences in term formation of logisitics terminology in English, German and Russian. In logistics terminology there are three main ways to form new terms: the use of existing resources, the modification of existing resources and the creation of new linguistic entities. Using of existing resources includes concept extension and metaphor. The most common method for naming new concepts is modifying existing terms by derivation, compounding, creating phrasal terms, conversion, compression (abbreviation, acronymy). Many logistics terms in German are borrowings from English and in Russian loan translations (calques) from English.

Key words and phrases: logistics terminology; term formation; compounding; conversion; compression; loanwords; loan translations.

New terms for new objects, parts of objects, concepts and processes constantly appear in all sciences and technologies. Term formation is the process of naming the concepts required by a special language community for the development of cognitive processes and professional communication. It differs from the general word formation in its greater social importance for professional communication and transmission of knowledge. Term formation can consist in the invention of new lexemes which is an extremely rare way of terminological naming. Usually term formation relies on existing lexemes and patterns. In logistics terminology of German, English and Russian there are three main ways to form new terms: the use of existing resources, the modification of existing resources and the creation of new linguistic entities. 1. Use of Existing Resources Concept extension widens the meaning of an existing lexeme or a term to embrace that of a new concept. So, the German term “Logistik” with the original meaning „(Militдr)Planung, Bereitstellung und Einsatz der fьr militдrische Zwecke erforderlichen Mittel und Dienstleistungen zur Unterstьtzung der Streitkrдfte; Versorgung… einer Truppe“ [7, p. 963] was extended and now refers to all the processes of planning, implementing and controlling the effective and efficient flow of goods and services from the original location to the point of consumption: „Gesamtheit aller Aktivitдten eines Unternehmens, die die Beschaffung, die Lagerung und den Transport von Materialien und Zwischenprodukten, die Auslieferung von Fertigprodukten, also den gesamten Fluss von Material, Energie und Produkt betreffen“ [Ibidem].

The German word „Bedarf“ with the original meaning “das in einer bestimmten Lage benцtigte, Gewьnschte, Nachfrage nach etw”. became a term of logistics with the deifinition „die Quantitдt / Menge von Materialien bzw. Erzeugnissen, die innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraumes an die verbrauchenden bzw. produzierenden Stellen des Unternehmens abgegeben wird“ [11, p. 193].

Metaphor is another technique of using existing resources. Its motivation can consist in similarities of form, function, position for example, parts of the body or other words of everyday usage represent parts of artifacts or apparatus: supply chain / Lieferkette / цепь поставок; bullwhip effect, Hub-and-Spoke-System Kragarmregal, Karussellregal, Schneckenfцrderer, Gabelstapler, Logistikkanal [6, p. 270-287; 8, p. 1117-1137]. 2. Modification of Existing Resources

According to Arnzt, Picht and Mayer the most common method for naming new concepts is modifying existing terms by derivation which is the addition of suffixes and / or prefixes; compounding which is the combination of existing words; creating phrasal terms; conversion which is varied use of the same form (a verb or an adjective as a noun); compression which is shortening of an expression or a compound (abbreviation, acronymy) [5, p. 243].

Affixation has several forms and functions. It can take the form of pre- or suffixation and can be used for determination or modification of parts of speech. The number of affixes in special English and German is very large because a lot of word elements were borrowed from Latin and Greek.

The following suffixes are common in English logistics terminology: -ics, -tion, -ment, -ty, -ance, -or, e.g.: logistics, production, distribution, requirement, procurement, postponement, quality, quantity, capacity, assurance, processor [6, p. 270-287]. translation can linguistic verb

The suffixes -ik, -tion, -tдt are typical for German logistics terms: Logistik, Akquisition, Produktion, Distribution, Kapazitдt [8, p. 1117-1137].

Suffixation in English and German accompanies the change of word category. For example, the suffix -ing in English and -ung in German changes verbs into nouns and thereby indicates a process: loading, picking, scheduling, carrying, purchasing, (lot)splitting, ordering; Fertigung, Auslagerung, Beseitigung, Konsolidierung, Kommissionierung [6, p. 270-287; 8, p. 1117-1137].

In English the suffixes -ar, -ary, -ic, -able form adjectives: auxiliary (materials), available (stock), cellular (layout), modular [6, p. 270-287].

Compounding is a combination of two or more words into a new unit with a new meaning. Most compoundings occur in nouns. In compounds with two elements the first element determines the second which is called nucleus. In German logistics terminology the following patterns are most frequent: noun + noun: Etagenlager, Strichkode, Informationsfluss [8, p. 1117-1137]; verb + noun: Abladestelle, Begleitpapier, Drehkran, Hдngekran [Ibidem]; adjective + noun: Einzelkosten, Fertigpackung, Freilager [Ibidem].

Sager underlines that noun compounds contribute to the building of terminology systems or ontologies. The nucleus of the compound usually indicates the category of the concept and the determinant indicates the criterion for the subdivision of the category [9, p. 27]. Moreover, derivation and compounding can clarify a concept showing the relation between the new concept and its origin. In other words, they make its conceptual structure transparent. One of the most frequent modes of determination is to relate an object to its function or use in the special subject field: Distributionslogistik, Beschaffungslogistik, Lagerlogistik, Transportlogistik, Produktionslogistik, Distributionslogistik, Informationslogistik, Entsorgungslogistik [8, p. 1117-1137].

In German affixation and compounding can be combined: prefix + compounding: Abladestelle, Bezugsschein, Durchlaufzeit [Ibidem]; suffix + compounding: Dienstleistungslogistik, Blocklagerung, Bandfцrderer [Ibidem];

affixes + compounding: Auftragsbestдtigung, Auslieferungskosten, Behдlterlager, Beschaffungsmarkt, Leihver-

packung, Bestandsbewertung [Ibidem].

Creating Phrasal Terms is closely related to compounding, the preference of one or the other method is a matter of linguistic predispositions. Creating compounds is typical for German, whereas in English and Russian phrasal units are more common: automated storage and retrieval system / Regalbediengerдt / стеллажный кран-штабелер; auxiliary materials / Hilfsstoffe / вспомогательные материалы [2, c. 72-81; 6, p. 270-287; 8, p. 1117-1137].

However, phrasal terms occur in German logistics terminology, though not so frequently: allocated stock / reservierter Bestand / зарезервированный запас; available stock / verfьgbarer Bestand / наличный запас [Ibidem].

Similarly to compounds in German, phrasal terms can contribute to the building of terminology systems or ontologies in English and Russian [1, c. 2039]: global sourcing, single sourcing, modular sourcing [6, p. 270-287];

логистика снабжения, логистика складирования, транспортная логистика, логистика производства,

логистика распределения, информационная логистика, логистика утилизации [1, p. 2039].

Conversion is the change of word class without morphological alteration of the word. In terminological designating, conversion is usually used for creating the noun concepts associated with verbal concepts. This method is common for English but rather rare in German: supply, cost, store, design, order, review, check, control [6, p. 270-287]; Kosten, Bestellrhythmusverfahren [8, p. 1117-1137].

Compression is creating new forms by compressing long terms. Compression provides shorter forms for frequently used terms. The most common type of compression is creating of abbreviations from initial letters of longer words or of their components: automated guided vehicle (AGV), automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS), just-in-time (JIT), supply chain management (SCM) [6, p. 270-287];

Betriebsdatenerfassung (BDE), Durchlaufzeit (DLZ), Gьterverkehrszentrum (GVZ), bundeseinheitliche Betriebsnummer (BBN) [8, p. 1117-1137].

In German abbreviation can be a component of a compound noun:

EAN-Code (EAN = europдische Artikelnummer), GMK-Analyse (GMK = groЯes, mittleres, kleines Material), RSU-Analyse (RSU = regelmдЯiger, saisonaler, unregelmдЯiger Verbrauch) [Ibidem].

3. Creation of New Lexemes

Terminological neologisms are the result of creating terms for new concepts which can be totally new creations or borrowings from other languages. Totally new creations don't occur in German, English and Russian logistics terminology, whereas a lot of new logistics terms in German are foreign words borrowed from English and in Russian loan translations (calques). Both methods are particularly frequent in massive terminology transfer as a result of translation of product, service literature or textbooks: customization / Customisation / кастомизация (индивидуализация продукции); outsourcing / Outsourcing / аутсорсинг (заключение договора на выполнение работ с внешними фирмами) [2, c. 72-81; 6, p. 270-287; 8, p. 1117-1137].

The terms which name new methods and concepts of logisitics are usually borrowed from English into German and Russian. These terms have different morphologic and syntactic structures:

noun: Procurement / снабжение, Outsourcing / аутсорсинг [2, c. 72-81; 8, p. 1117-1137];

adjective + noun: Continuous Replenishment / непрерывное пополнение запасов; Efficient Promotion / эффективное продвижение товара [Ibidem];

participle + noun(s): Activity based Costing / функционально-стоимостный учет; Vendor Managed Inventory / склад, управляемый поставщиком [Ibidem];

noun + noun: Air Waybill / авиагрузовая накладная; Bulletin Board System / электронная доска объявлений [Ibidem];

adjective + noun + noun: Bare Boat Charter / фрахт судна без команды; Direct Store Delivery / прямая доставка в магазины [Ibidem];

nouns + preposition: Make to Order / производство на заказ; Make to Stock / производство на склад [Ibidem]; * phrasal terms or compounds with English and German elements:

Transhipment Punkt / транзитный терминал; Pull-Prinzip / тянущий принцип [Ibidem].

English nouns in German adapt to the orthography, morphology and syntax of the German language, they are written with a capital letter, have a gender and are declined: der Point of Sale, das Demand Management, die Supply Chain [8, p. 1117-1137].

e.g. Das Internet bietet neue Mцglichkeiten fьr ein Controlling (accusative) der Distributionskosten [10, p. 312].

In many cases both the borrowed term and the loan translation are used in special texts: Activity based Accounting - Aktivitдtskostenrechnung, Computer Integrated Manufacturing - rechnerintegrierte Produktion.

e.g. Elektronischer Datenaustausch beinhaltet konsequente Nutzung elektronischer Datenьbertragunsgstech-

nologien fьr die Abwicklung von Geschдftstransaktionen zwischen den Partnern der Supply Chain [11, p. 187].

Damit Electronic Data Interchange branchenьbergreifend genutzt wird, wurde der Standart EDIFACT entwickelt [10, p. 219].

New developments in logistics technologies and methods occurring in the USA since the 1960-s influenced the development of logistics terminology in English and other European languages. The terms of traditional logistics (transport, handling, storage) in English and Russian are mostly phrasal terms, in German compounds. At the moment English logisitics terminology is widely transferred to German in form of direct borrowings and to Russian in form of loan translation. Further work needs to be done to standardize the new logistics terminology.


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4. Чигашева М. А. Предметно-семантическое поле на примере терминологической лексики русского и немецкого языков // Вузовская наука в современных условиях. Тезисы докладов XXXVII научно-технической конференции. Ульяновск: Изд-во Ульяновского государственного технического университета, 2003. С. 97-98.

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