Economic and organizational institutional grounds of the environmental management
The study of the nature and basic properties of the environmental management system from the standpoint of a synergistic approach. The essence of the institutional support of environmental management systems and the main approaches to its formation.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.01.2019 |
Размер файла | 75,6 K |
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Размещено на
UDC 338.24:504
Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory
Prokopenko Olga Volodymyrivna,
Problem statement. In general specific of the ecological and economic relations consists in the fact that they are the most complicated in the environment. Moreover taking into consideration that exhaustible resources need to be saved, there is necessity to form qualitatively new paradigm of the environmental management, based on the synergetic approach towards study of both natural and social-economic phenomena and processes. To investigate and realize the state policy, oriented on structural rebuild of the national economy and ecologically oriented economic growth innovative model have to be the significant priorities.
Analysis of the recent research and publications. Conceptual grounds of the ecological and economic management on various levels were studied by the following native and foreign scientists Balatsky ОЕ. [1], Bystryakov LK. [3], V.M. Burkov [2], Veklych О.О. [4], Halushkina T.P. [5], Herasimchuk Z.V. [6], Dorohovtseva А.А. [7], Ivanova UV. [9] and others. The economic thought development to form scientific approaches concerning institutional provision of the sustainable development is observed in works of Melnyk L.G. [16], Reymers M.F. [13], Slavkova ОР. [15], Tambovtsev V.L. [17], Khymenets V.V. [18], Yanshyni АЖ [19] and others. However, in spite of enough deep and significant scientific achievements in the mentioned questions, the problem of the end-to-end environmental management on various levels is not decided yet. Its solving will allow avoiding fragmentarity to conduct ecological actions and tasks and slow promotion towards rational ecological and economic transformations.
The aim of the article is to create economic and organizational institutional grounds of the environmental management.
Basic materials. Analysis of works [10; 12; 20] demonstrates, that synergetic approach is urgent to use in most economic researches of so called transitional period, because synergetics observes world not in the steady condition, but during its establishment or crisis. The crisis in which native ecological and economic system occurred from the point of view of synergetics is not clearly negative phenomenon, but principally, an important guide to understand environmental management essence and particularly ecological and economic processes.
Observing the system of environmental management in the light of synergy, one stated that the system of the environmental management is the system of subjects' actions (international, state, regional, local bodies, organization management apparatus) concerning objects (state and regional policy, enterprise policy, producing processes and processes of production consuming) to use natural resources with purpose to rationalize and to optimize their use. As the activity, connected with natural resources using, is the reason of pollution, the control of the processes is connected with concept “environmental protection management”. Together these two interconnected spheres of the managerial activity form the essence of the concept “environmental management”.
Therefore the system of the environmental management is observed as synergetic system, i.e. it possesses the following peculiarities: it is open and simultaneously able to control environment impact; establishes and transforms its exist targets concerning changes in the systems of higher level; forms its own development mechanisms based on choice of evolutionary directions taking into account self-protection and homeostatic principles.
From the economic point of view the mentioned characteristics appear during the all stages optimization in the environmental management system, starting from the initial ecological and economic target set and correspondently making all efforts to form environmental management motivational mechanism, and ending with synergetic effect from economic potential use with all necessary costs optimal structure. Therefore the mentioned mechanism is actions, connected with motivational processes in the ecologization surface of the ecological and economic systems functioning, and also results from these actions.
One should mention that environmental management is conducted through proper mechanisms. Organizational and economic mechanism of the environmental management on various levels is shown in fig. 1.
Authors suggest observing organizational and economic mechanism of the environmental management as a system of organizational, economic, legislative and regulative acts, methods and instruments, which influence the ecological and economic system development level with purpose to achieve expected social ecological and economic results on state, regional and local levels. Therefore regional environmental management is subjected to the state control, because social and state institutes have regulative and stimulating impact on the country regions. Environmental management is subjected to the regional control on the level of the separate economy subject. At the same time the back action is observed between mentioned levels by means of information.
It should be noticed that state plays an important role in the environmental management. So, state and territorial ecological authorities within their activity observe the aspects of the environmental protection and management as initial base to make adequate decisions within their own powers. They study all problems through the “ecological prism”: so, if it is the sphere of production relations, these authorities make economic and ecological decisions, if the social relations sphere, decisions are of social and ecological character. Based on the above, ecological management within institutional provision of the sustainable development on the state and regional levels is meant.
The situation differs on the local level. The main doers of the ecological relations are industrial enterprises, which are mostly engaged in production activity. The control of this activity together with various organizational targets creates some orientations. So, if one means the ecologization at the enterprise, it has ecologically oriented management. Although it would be better if practically all aspects of the enterprise activity are ecologically oriented, including, firstly, its mission and targets, actively and successfully realized during the sometime in practice. Such enterprise may have ecological management. Modern situation, especially in our country, is characterized with back tendencies.
That's why “ecologically oriented management”, oriented to rationalize using of the natural resources and lowing of the ecodestruction on all production life cycle stages on the local level.
Figure 1 - Organizational and economic mechanism of the environmental management
The environmental management system foresees to use several instruments (their actions is based on the positive and forced motivation of the ecological and economic activity subjects), which are generalized through methods and tools (organizational - are neutral by motivational impact; administrative - are methods of the forced motivation; economic and social and psychological - are methods of the positive motivation) of the ecological security on the marketing grounds (fig. 2).
Therefore these methods are valid, when economic system is observed as the subject and object of the ecological management.
Organizarional |
Administrative |
Economic |
Social and |
instruments |
instruments |
instruments |
psychological |
instruments |
- consulting |
- self-government |
- ecological |
- initiating by of the |
marketing service |
legislative |
programs and |
demonstrative |
and managerial |
decisions, |
projects |
projects by the |
financial service |
departmental bans; |
financing; |
state; |
connected with |
- ecological |
- payments and |
- specialized state |
them, partners |
expertise; |
fees for |
establishments for |
searching service |
- limiting of the |
environment |
ecologically |
etc.; |
activity connected |
pollution and |
oriented produc- |
- informational |
with |
natural resources |
tion development |
consumers |
environmental |
use; |
variants |
oriented |
pollution; |
- ecological |
estimation; |
infrastructure; |
- ecological norm |
insurance; |
- courses in |
- normative- |
setting of goods |
- ecological |
ecological study; |
legislative |
production and so |
production |
- ecological |
regulation; |
on; |
standardization; |
upbringing; |
- ecological audit; |
- administrative |
- aid grants on the |
- ecological |
- ecological |
responsibility; |
ecological goods |
advertisement; |
monitoring; |
- bans concerning |
prices; |
- ecologically |
- participation in |
ecologically |
- selling of rights |
oriented public |
the ecological |
harmful activity; |
for pollution; |
relations; |
events of the |
- antimonopoly |
- ecological |
- ecological |
public |
regulation; |
certification; |
branding; |
organizations |
- obligations |
- ecological |
- ecological |
towards consumer |
licensing |
benchmarking |
Classification of the environmental management instruments
One can observe other classifications, particularly, depending on management levels (state, regional, municipal, local, individual level), and also by the functional criterion (methods to organize, plan, control, motivate, coordinate the ecologically oriented behavior of the organization members); due to the object of the ecomanagement: e.g., methods of the ecologically oriented control of state, population, financial sphere, enterprise, personnel in the organization.
So for example while observing the methods on different management levels, one should notice, that the state methods include methods of regulation, which make local authorities to keep them according to the national and international legislation, municipal - methods of regulation, which are realized by the local authorities individually, e.g., planning of the land use, local building norms, actions concerning transport streams control, local standards to control environmental protection, etc [11]. In such classification administrative or command- administrative methods are taking into consideration.
One should point out that as we observe the environmental management, i.e. management, which has characteristics of general and ecological and economic control, we take the classification of the ecologically oriented management methods from the classical management theory positions, focusing on its motivational constituent. Therefore authors suggest together with marketing instruments ecologization (generalized in groups: product, promotion, distribution, price) to integrate mentioned instruments into the existing instrumentation of the ecological management, paying attention to those tools, which are the most active from the point of view of the rational environmental management and ecological security providing, firstly, such as ecological norms setting, ecological standardization, ecological expertise, ecological insurance etc.
Therefore the choice of this or that method is conducted during ecologically relevant managerial decision making. Othe last are observed in wide sense and provide several stages, starting from methods correspondence identification to environmental management aim, appearing problems estimation, and finishing with choice result with a few alternatives by two directions - organizational and social and economic. The concrete result of the managerial ecological relevant activity, while organizational decision making, is the decision, making of which fits the most elementary stage of the ecological management methods decomposition. management synergistic environmental
The decision making methods estimation is conditional, because any decision has both estimating (facting) and nonestimable (ethic) components. The second component is philosophic category, that's why from the point of view of the organization theory is not able to get unique estimate. Based on the above mentioned, ethic precondition should be intended to be possible to estimate some decision.
To scientist's mind [14], all decisions either intermediate, or final have these two components, because ethic components have non-identified values, and the first actual components are subordinated to data. That's why, in order to make ethic precondition useful in the process of the rational decision making, organization values should be formulated in the same way to estimate their achievements degree in any situation.
This statement in the ecological and economic relation sphere means that organizations, oriented to improve ecological situation in their activities, should formulate their final aim, and methods to achieve this aim. Unfortunately, most native industrial enterprises, which proclaim themselves as followers of the environmental protection often don't take into account almost ecological values to their mission, and if they do it, they formulate them indefinite. It is the most reason of the fragmentation to conduct ecological events and low promotion in direction of the rational ecological and economic transformations.
In order to prevent weak sides of these or those environmental management instruments new methods are created through instruments uniting, which have opposite strong sides, and at the same time weak sides disappear (e.g., ecological certificates forming, which have features both administrative and market methods). In addition to it decrease of one above mentioned methods group weight in the system leads to the increase of two other groups weight. The integrity of system is meant contrary to the possibility to change its structure. Thus, improvement of the environmental management methods system is conducted by two way: firstly, through improvement of separate method features (its system element); secondly, through improvement of the whole system quality.
Ecological management in our state is regulated by the “Environmental protection Act of Ukraine” [8], which came into effect in 1991, and also by other legislative acts concerning principles of the environmental protection and environmental management (Water, Land, Forest Codes of Ukraine, Ukrainian Code on natural resources, “Air protection Acts”, “Natural-reserved fund” Acts etc).
Introduction of the environmental management system into the proper ecological and economic system should be based on the connection of integrated and adaptive and functional approaches. It is down to reasonability to connect all internal and organizational factors to ecological and economic aspects with purpose to on one hand find multiple decisions; on the other hand, due to the specialization principle, it is necessary to separate specialized structure, which is able to give qualitatively new proposals to solve mentioned problems.
But it is only one side of the model: theoretical investigation of the organizational management structure as generalized model requires its correcting in practice. In each separate case, independent of studied economic system level, it is necessary to have own individual organizational structure and its ecological constituent, particularly (systematic approach has to be added with situational approach).
Thus, under modern conditions of the native enterprises functioning, one needs compromise between these two approaches. On one hand, so called green reconstruction of the enterprise should be conducted firstly, i.e. organic integration of the ecological processes into the productive processes, which exist several times. It is urgent moreover such actions don't require financial investment, but well-thought organizational decisions. Besides, to involve all members of the organization to the ecological policy and to coordinate appeared communicative processes as a result with the high qualifies specialists' help (consultants- analysts) contribute to develop organizational culture, democratic processes inside the organization, and also to increase efficiency to make managerial decisions owing to the alternatives and proposals quality and quantity increase.
Conclusions and perspectives for further studies. To achieve qualitatively new environmental management level depends on development of its institutional provision system, which is reveled through correspondent organizational and economic mechanism activity. Organizational and economic mechanism of the environmental management is the multilevel hierarchic system, which includes macro-level (state level) meso-level (regional level) and micro-level (level of the separate economy subject). The action of the mentioned mechanism upper level is defined through state regulation and stimulation mechanisms. These mechanisms are external concerning meso- and micro-levels, and in some degree regulate market mechanisms actions. At the same time there is feedback between mentioned levels. That's why their elements (mechanisms) in the partial planning, organization, price setting and stimulation are faced and crossed, mutually completing each other. Thus, deepen conceptual approaches concerning environmental management, made by authors, will allow to investigate innovative model of the national economy development taking into account the environmental management system institutional potential in further researches.
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The article deals with essence and main peculiarities of environmental management system from the synergetic approach view. The authors improve organizational and economic mechanism of the environmental management on various levels; deepen classification of environmental management instruments. They also reveal the essence of the environmental management system institutional provision and main approaches concerning its_ formation.
Keywords: ecological and economic system, ecologization, environmental management, organizational and economic mechanism, institutional provision.
У статті досліджено сутність та основні властивості системи управління природокористування з позиції синергетичного підходу. Удосконалено організаційно-економічний механізм управління природокористуванням на різних рівнях. Поглиблено класифікацію інструментів управління природокористуванням. Розкрито сутність інституційного забезпечення системи управління природокористуванням та основні підходи щодо її формування.
Ключові слова: еколого-економічна система, екологізація, природокористування, організаційно-економічний механізм, інституційне забезпечення.
Исследована сущность и основные свойства системы управления природопользованием с позиции синергетического подхода. Усовершенствован организационно-экономический механизм управления природопользованием на разных уровнях. Усовершенствована классификация инструментов управления природопользованием. Раскрыта сущность институционального обеспечения системы управления природопользованием и основные подходы к ее формированию.
Ключевые слова: эколого-экономическая система, экологизация, природопользование, организационно-экономический механизм, институциональное обеспечение.
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