Psychological competence of the teacher as a professional resource
The main content and operational characteristics of the psychological competence of the teacher as his professional resource. Description of specific professional barriers of the teacher due to the insufficient level of development of competencies.
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Дата добавления | 06.02.2019 |
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Psychological competence of the teacher as a professional resource
Sherbakova T.N.
The interest to the phenomenon of psychological competence of the person is caused by the importance of the issue of mechanisms and ways of realization of psychologically-constructive relations with the world and the attempt to explain adaptive, functional and forecasting success of some people and destructiveness of the others.
A variety of interpretations, ambiguity of terminology create the illusion of the phenomenon having been examined. Actually it is the index of absence of the conceptual model of the studied phenomenon. Obviously, the understanding of the integral content and the concept of psychological competence can be vividly represented as a result of the subject analysis of its various kinds.
Professional pedagogical activity of a teacher takes place in the eventful area of interaction «teacher - pupil», where educational, correctional and development projects are realized and fulfilled. In this connection it would be natural to begin the analysis of the kinds of professional psychological competence of a teacher and his communicative competence. There are several approaches to studying the essence of communicative competence and determinants of its development in modern psychology.
Behavioral psychologists relate communicative competence to the expansion of the thesaurus of behavioural patterns providing success in communication, to the acquisition of various facilities to control the situation of dialogue and ability to form flexible models of behaviour in definite situations.
Cognitive psychology emphasizes the dependence of communicativelycompetent behaviour on complexity of the subject's cognitive sphere, knowledge of psychology, cognitive competence, and also social thinking, social perception and social imagination.
In humanistic psychology proclaiming as the main value the exclusive in the personality, and emphasizing the facilitative character of interactions, communicative competence is connected to the value, creative, subjective potential of the participants and to their ability to maintain open, developing interpersonal relations providing the opportunity of personal growth.
The psychology of a new wave focused on the development of the psychological potential of the person due to application various deep psychological practices, considers communication as the area of presentation and approbation of subjective models of personal activities' and partner's activities management. Here the communicative competence is connected to the development of the ability of subjective control, formation of positive image of the world, aiming at success and prosperity, to the skill to design a positive reality of interaction. Optimization of internal mental environment of the individual is considered to be the basis of communicative competence.
Communicative competence is connected with semantization of behaviour for the others in interpersonal life experience. The ability to communicate the meaning of one's actions to the partner in communication becomes the basis of mutual understanding and provides to the subject the feeling of self-satisfaction as the subject of social partnership. Finally, the high level of communicative competence provides for success in the society and this way for the self-esteem of the personality, on the contrary, low communicative competence correlates with the increased stress vulnerability, frustration and uneasiness (A.S.Kondratyeva; G.A. Kovalyov) [6; 5].
Orientation to support the ego of the partner of interaction, his positive self-attitude acts as a manifestation of communicative competence. In professional work of a teacher rendering psychological support to the pupil as to the communication partner is the important component of pedagogical success both at the lesson and outside. However nowadays in the content of psychological preparation of teachers in high schools there are practically no practice-focused courses directed to formation and development of communicative competence. It creates a peculiar situation. In modern psychology there is a whole system of well developed trainings on the development of the abilities of the person as a subject of communication. At the same time modern teacher is in the position of the pathbreaker of optimum models of interaction with children. The change of this situation, from our point of view, demands revision of the concept of training and retraining of the teacher.
The analysis of teaching practice that we have made shows that teachers experience the following communicative problems:
- difficulties in the creation of positive aim at interaction during educational activities;
- insufficient level of socially-perceptive skills;
- lack of flexibility in situations of pedagogical communication;
- problems of self-control of communicative behaviour;
- low level of competence in situation of conflict;
- difficulties in cognitive extension to the conceptual sphere of the pupil.
Due to specific features of pedagogical activity the important component in the structure of professional psychological competence is the social competence, for the modern teacher is not only the compiler of definite knowledge, but also the intermediary between a developing person and the society. The success of "child-society" interaction in many respects is defined by the extent to which the teacher is the competent partner himself.
Social competence takes a special place in a number of various kinds of psychological competence studied in modern psychology. It reflects the degree of person's constructibility as the subject of social interaction. The interest in the content, motivation, tendencies and to mechanisms of formation of competent social behaviour of the subject, is caused, first of all, by the fact that the character of interaction "person-society" in many respects defines both the course, and the direction of further public progress.
Social competence is considered an operational concept for which historical frameworks are characteristic. The basic functions of social competence are: adaptation, social orientation, integration personal and general social experience.
The importance of the level of development of social competence for psychological and social well-being of the person increases during critical crisis moments of the development of society. The situation in Russia in the end of the XXth century can serve as an illustration of this idea.
Studying psychical problems of adaptation to new social conditions, psychologists have shown, that they are directly connected with the level of social competence. Ecological, political, ideological and social metamorphosises do not only change social thinking, but also involve personal problems of identification, consciousness, and views on vital prospects. This poses before the psychological science and practice a problem of development of programs of psychological support in social adaptation of the person at the expense of the increase in the degree of competence of the solution of the problem «ego- modernized society »., To our point of view, it obtains special importance concerning the teachers who should not only adapt, but also help pupils to become socially effective.
Considering competence as the original structural formation of the person concerning to sense formation and style formation, produced in a context of the life by the person it is possible to allocate its special kind -- autocompetence. In modern psychology autocompetence is understood as specific readiness and ability of the subject to constant purposeful activity of changing of personal features and behavioural characteristics, of the development and optimum use of his psychic resources. Autocompetence includes the ability to get, fix and supervise new knowledge, skills, high subjective control, and independent formation of strong-willed target on effective achievement of significant results. And also ability to create favourable situations by changing one's inner condition and ability to rearrange oneself in case of unforeseen circumstances. Thus, autocompetence is considered to be a personal formation, achieved at certain stages of personal and professional development and responsible for the success of development and functioning of a person as a subject of activity of various kinds.
The analysis of studies of psychological competence shows, that this complex psychological formation including various types, is definitely interconnected and structured in a uniform system.
We believe that the integrated vocational-personal formation allows a person to solve the problem of professional and personal experience psychologically. Psychological competence of the teacher has informational and technological parts which develop in accumulation and acquisition of psychological information of both particular and broad professional character, and expansion of the thesaurus of psychologically competent ways of interaction with oneself and the world. Our studies show, that there are certain stages of formation of psychological competence as professionally significant characteristics, and also specific conditions and factors of its development [13].
Development of psychological competence of a person as the problem of modern psychology was considered in various perspectives: determinants and conditions, directions and tendencies of development of professional competence at various stages of professional progress, correlation of external and internal factors of obtaining a high level of competence, measure and criteria of levels of psychological competence development. Today various approaches to understanding the essence of psychological competence development are highlighted. One of them considers of paramount importance an increase of psychological skills of the subject. The other brings to a focus the development of various kinds of competence as components of general psychological competence of a person. Representatives of this line emphasize, that the issue of development of competence should be put, first of all, by development of its specific aspects. The psychologists representing the third line connect the development of psychological competence with internal readiness of a person to become the carrier of psychological competence.
Considering the fact, that expressiveness of psychological readiness influences on the intensity of formation of higher levels of competence and its substantial dynamics, we believe that it is necessary to address the teacher at various stages of his professional formation with a certain system of actions on stimulation of readiness to be competent.
As a rule motivational, emotional, moral, cognitive and behavioural readiness are made out. However, in real activities they are represented in interrelation. Psychological readiness can be conceived as a complex dynamic structure including the following parameters: comprehension of individual needs and requirements shown to the subject of pedagogical activity, and also the content of professional problems; vision of purposes of competence development; comprehension and estimation of conditions in which forthcoming actions will proceed, actualization of experience connected in the past with the solution of problems and fulfillment of similar requirements; determination on the basis of the analysis of individual experience and psychological reserves of the optimal ways of fulfillment of tasks in view, mobilization of power and self-control.
It is clear that it is necessary to create certain conditions for formation of readiness for fastening positive dynamic tendencies in the development of competence during purposeful training or self-development.
We ascribe the following to the external and internal conditions: the content, degree of complexity, novelty and creative character of scientific problems; conditions of development activities; specificity of behaviour of associates; features of the system of stimulation and encouragement active action and results; motivation of achievement and the standard of pretensions; self-estimation of the readiness and psychological reserves, and also the necessary efforts; ability to create and support a positive background at various stages of work on the perfection of one's competence.
From our point of view, the development of professional psychological competence is defined not only by the quantity of psychological knowledge, skills, but in a greater degree by the rate of expressiveness of the subject position in the realization of the desire to acquire the models of competent professional behaviour.
The point of view of V.A.Petrovsky [12] who believes that the level of competence of the person depends on the rate of subjectiveness and integration of significant features of thinking with value understanding peculiar to his perception, character of semantic space and image of the world of the subject is closely related to ours.
It is also necessary to emphasize the role of motivation of competence of the individual subject which induces him to become competent. The content and character of motivational incentives defines the efficiency of individual projects of competence development.
First of all motivation of self-development both professional, and personal is important. The scientific-theoretical analysis of modern studies in the field of psychology of motivation of professional development of a person shows, that there is quite an imposing class of the motivational incentives participating in initiation, regulation and control of this process. They are, first of all, semantic formations: the image of the world, ideals, senses, values, egoconcept, value orientations, the image of achievements, perception. In motivation of professional and personal growth of the subject of professional work sociogenic needs also participate: self-realization, self-actualization, personification, self-creativity and growth; professional purposes, and also specific motives of work, external and internal order. This set of motivational incentives forms an original motivational background of development of the subject of professional work during professional genesis.
In motivation of professional perfection important place is taken by a leading need -- the need for self-realization, being, according to A.G.Asmolova, with a source of personality-semantic activeness [2]; the need for constant professional self-affirmation of the subject (O.S.Gazman) [3].
I.F.Isaev [4] emphasizes, that the development of scientific and pedagogical orientation of the teacher promotes orientation to improvement of professional skills and perfection of professional pedagogical culture. Our operational experience with teachers of different professional categories also confirms this position. Really creatively working teachers, teachersinnovators, authors of research projects are much more interested in development of professional psychological competence. Whereas the teachers showing in real practice their obvious deficiency, in most cases do not show the due interest in search of ways of increase of the level of competence. From our point of view, it is connected with the insufficient professional selfreflection, actualization of mechanisms of psychological protection, first of all, ignoring and replacement, and also absence of conditions which add to motivation of the development. Great part in substantial orientation of development of individual psychological competence is played by professional personality orientations.
Development of competence takes place by means of mechanisms of modelling, imitation and identification, arising in observation for the behaviour of other people. Thus, the teacher, acting as a carrier of certain competence and presenting himself as a subject of competent behaviour, induces the pupil to the certain activity directed on formation of competence. Here a particular role is played by a degree of comprehension by the teacher of the content, functions and possible ways of presentation of both separate kinds of competence, and complete integrative individual characteristics - «the competent subject».
The child acts original as a specific "field of experiment » for the adult, the adult approves the efficiency of methods of influence, viability of his life scenarios, the prognostic models of positive ability to live. The effect of experimental activity of the adult in many respects is defined by the level of his psychological competence, allowing to find the most effective system of interaction with the child, inducing him to self-development.
Not only the skill to show the advantages of competent behaviour seems to be important, but also how correct the system of ways of stimulation of the desire to be competent is chosen considering the definite pupil.
Frequently the adult, trying to stimulate the development of competence of children, operates inadequately himself, which leads to occurrence of negative effects:
- ignoring adult as competent partner;
- levelling of values of competent style of life;
- bravado by incompetence;
- aggression to competent people;
- fear to be inefficient and fear to ask for "help";
- «Robinson complex» when the child refuses to make use of experience and knowledge of others, as well as their support.
Experience of advisory and corrective-developing practice testifies, that such situation arises owing to interactive mistakes of the adult: «position from above»; absolutizations of own competence; ignoring of age features of children; low level of trust to the constructive basis of a child; underlining the inefficiency and necessity to change instead of support and advancing; inability to stand on the position of psychological equality; requirements of competence without granting an opportunity of exercise in the given area.
Formation of a teacher as a competent professional is connected, first of all, with involvement in the professional community and reflection of this process. Competence may develop in two directions:
- acquisition of psychological culture and development of the system of cultural and historical tools (signs) of psychological practice;
- expansion of skills to operate structurally in the conditions of intense entropy of the environment or new experience.
It is clear, that at the heart of such development is a certain level of formation of reflections, prognostic features, and psychological constructability. The analysis of the experience of formation of professional psychological competence allows to present schematically stages of this process at the level of a subject.
First of all, it is necessary to accept psychological literacy as the value that provides creation of positive purposes for perception of psychological information and mobilization of internal resources for its mastering. The following step is connected with the self-estimation of the carrier of corresponding knowledge and the reflection of success of its use and arising difficulties. Then it is necessary to accept the idea of the necessity possibility of self-changes and development of advantages and awards which will be received by the person as the result of changes. It allows to maintain the sufficient level of self-motivation and mobilization.
At the following stage there is an inventory, reconsideration and development of new psychological knowledge on the following algorithm: psychological information ? analysis of opportunities of application in individual experience ? approbation in various kinds of activities ? reflection of experience ? training ? finding the way of competent action. It is clear, that the shown algorithm is only a reflection of sketchy conception of a rather complex and many-sided process.
Then there is a systematization and generalization of the ways of competent actions. There appear individual techniques of competent solutions of certain range of problems. And some areas happen not to be assimilated at all. It is determined by a complex of external and internal determinants. But the problem is that if the person stops at this level he will constantly confront the crisis of competence. This circumstance is caused, first of all, by the fact that in dynamic conditions particular techniques cannot work constantly, there comes disappointment, alarm, uncertainty in self-efficiency. As a rule, crisis of competence most evidently appears during the crisis periods of life of the subject, connected with age, social, interpersonal or professional status changes. It is impossible to develop absolutely effective techniques of competent behaviour once and for all, it is possible to create only a solid base of psychological readiness, to master the wide thesaurus of ways and principles of construction of models of competent behaviour. It is due to the fact that every day the person confronts a huge set of various situations of life. Each of them challenges him simultaneously and gives a chance to confirm the competence.
Therefore the following stage is connected with the expansion of competence spheres. The dependence of the level of development of a personality on the variety of life aspects it is actively involved in has been long proved by psychology. In this case there is simultaneous harmonization of levels of development of various competencies and integration of their components. There appears a model of competent interaction with oneself, the others, the subject of activity and the world as a whole.
The further development occurs on the way of escalating of integrity in the perfection of competence: competent style of dialogue and activity; competent behaviour; competence as integrative personal formation; competent style of life.
The ability of the teacher, acting as the subject of self-construction and self-creativity to accumulate, inventory and structure individual luggage of competent ways of solution of professional problems is of special value. L.I.Antsyferova within the limits of her dynamic concept of personality development allocates special ability of personality to development lying in the ability of expansion of the zone of potential and immanently inherent due to creation of the new in the internal psychological and external reality, owing to preservation of positive content of individual history and accumulation of the content of sensual and rational experience. We also find similar understanding of the given problem in the studies of foreign psychologists [1].
Of special interest in context of our research is the answer to the question on search of criteria of professional psychological competence development of the teacher. The problem of development of competence is put, first of all, in the context of the development of its particular aspects. Presence of professional psychological knowledge is referred to as a significant condition of the development of professional competence of a
teacher. As components of professional knowledge N.V.Kuzmina singles out: differential-psychological, socially-psychological, autopsychological components [7].
The definition of the criteria of competence is not less important. As criterion of psychological and pedagogical competence the following criteria are referred to: orientation on the pupil; need and readiness for selfknowledge and self-change according to modern conditions, educational situation and dynamics of development of the pupils [8; 10; 11].
We believe that speaking about the measure of competence; it is rightful to consider it in several aspects:
- adequacy of the level of psychological competence to the
requirements of the situation;
- conformity of the degree of individual competence to the level of pretences for the status of a competent person;
- conformity of self-estimation of competence and cumulative estimation of associates;
- productivity and efficiency of activity of the subject;
- parity of result and psychological expediency of the ways of achievements;
- degree of self-control and self-checking in manifestation of psychological competence in view of specific situation, features of partners of interaction, objects in view and problems, duration, range and depth of contact.
Both veiling one's own competence, and persuasive manifestation of supercompetence in certain situations leads to inefficiency. It vividly illustrates pedagogical interaction. The task of the teacher is not demonstration of his psychological competence, but creation on its account the conditions for optimum development of competence of the pupil.
Obviously, it is possible to represent criteria of development of professional psychological competence in general. Among those we single out the following:
- range and depth of psychological knowledge forming the base of psychologically constructive professional solutions;
- opportunity of transformation of psychological knowledge and skills into the ways of realization of professional activity;
- stability of psychologically-competent behaviour;
- integrity of conceptual, tactical and operational level of competence, i.e. conformity of value perceptions of competence and knowledge of psychology on theoretical level; the ability to function competently in real situation and the degree of psychologically constructive concurrences with the emotions, background and functional conditions;
- high parameters of professional success, psychological health
and the rate of satisfaction with self-efficiency;
- adequacy of the measure and form of manifestation of competence in situations of interaction.
Summarising of the results of our observations of the features of teachers' behaviour in training groups, during certification and in other professional situations implying the estimation of their competence, also allows to testify that there are various types:
Type I show desire, initiative and experiences positive emotions accompanying manifestation of competence, and also widely uses the opportunity to assess the level of its development by colleges increasing the store of reflective estimations as stimulus to development;
Type II accepts situations of a similar kind as imposed from the outside, minimizes the activeness, shows disinterest in estimations of others, attributes the responsibility for failures to the others («it is a wrongly formulated task"; "there is not enough time"; "authorities instruct to do so», etc.);
Type III shows activity directed to avoiding such situations, or shows forms of protective behaviour.
We believe, that the peculiar features of reactions of types II and III are caused not only by the incompetence but by uneasiness, uncertainty, unavailability for constant self-development. These groups of teachers require psychological help directed on deeper comprehension of oneself in the context of profession and increase of confidence in one's opportunities and abilities.
The study of the character of practical application of theoretical psychological knowledge acquired by the teacher during training in IPK shows, that it is possible to single out some levels:
- psychological theory is not put into practice, despite of the opportunities and necessities (new psychological information is ignored and professional problems are solved at the level of stereotypes or unreflected previous experience);
- formal use of psychological knowledge (as a rule, in denominative form in registration of the professional documentation);
- wide application of psychological knowledge with mistakes, as a result of superficial mastering of concepts and mechanisms and lack of skills to use them for interpretation of pupils' behaviour;
- adequate use of modern psychological theory in pedagogical practice;
- knowledge of psychological information as the tool of increasing the efficiency of professional activities.
Individual development of professional psychological competence occurs in the context of general professional and personal development on the account of actualization of “motives of growth” (A.Maslou) [9]. The Level of development of psychological competence as intra-individual characteristics of the subject and individual system of the ways of its operationalisation in intra-individual space is defined by factors of macrosocial, microsocial and subjective level. The leading place is taken by the subject stand taken by the person concerning himself as the carrier of competence, capable to positive transformations.
The development of competence is individual. Some people are inclined to pay more attention to substantial components, they are first of all interested in psychological information of theoretical character that allows them to be psychologically competent, but do not provide competent behaviour. Others collect psychological techniques, ways and secrets of interaction, rejecting the necessity of their theoretical substantiation. The person who has mastered some methods of driving, but does not know the construction of the car and corresponding principles and rules well enough, is unlikely to become a good driver. And, at last, the group of professionals which successfully combine the gain of psychological knowledge and tool components of competence and use them for independent development of professional psychological competence as integrated formation is singled out.
The important role in the direction and character of development of psychological competence is played by ideas of the person about its content and possibilities of implementation. As a result of the surveys of the teachers trained at the courses of improvement of qualification, it was possible to single out typical statements reflecting their conception of what psychological competence is, and what role it plays in pedagogical activities. Among them most frequent are the following: «the authority helps to gain competence», «gives the feeling of confidence, stability», « allows to understand others better», «to get into an essence of things», «it is better to communicate», «it is easy to cope with difficult situations», "to be self-controlled", «to expect the result of the actions» and others.
There are fewer statements concerning the understanding of communication of psychological competence and the ability to support to another, to raise one's own and the pupils' status of psychological health.
And the last place by the number was taken by the statements describing psychological competence as valuable professional and personal formation, allowing to pass to a new level of the solution of professional problems. This picture testifies, first of all, that the teacher is focused in a greater degree on particular tool components of competence.
The efficiency of solution teaching, educational and development of the pupil problems by the teacher mostly is defined by how competent he feels in management of his own activities, building of constructive pedagogical interaction in educational space and management of growth of the pupil as a subject of educational activities.
The problem is that the teacher should not only feel competent, but also have individual strategy of the proof of his competence to associates. He should be recognized competent. One of the criteria of success of teacher's activities is formation of the pupil's competence. Exactly on this position the accent is put by the modern concept of education. Presenting himself as a competent subject of interaction, the teacher makes up a gallery of constructive models of behaviour in those or other situations for the pupils. Moreover, stimulating approbation of similar models of behaviour by the pupil, he creates a base of development of various kinds of hi s competence.
Thus, in real pedagogical interaction there is broadcasting of competence from the teacher to the pupil, and also some teachers are capable to strengthen motivation of competence and to generate the desire of the pupil to be capable, demanded, competent, the others, on the contrary, act as a specific psychological brake on the way of development of the child's competence.
The relations between teachers and pupils their content and specificity influences on the development of social competence of children. The relations teacher-pupil are represented as a context of the development of social competence, a prototype of the future relations child-society, and also the center of cognitive and emotional resources for construction of models of competent behaviour. psychological competence professional resource
The low level of professional psychological competence results not only in formation of unconstructive individual style of pedagogical activities and dialogue, but also in occurrence of some psychological barriers, our research shows, that it is possible to single out the following psychological barriers for the teacher which often take place in practice:
- substitution of the real pedagogical problem (arising in definite situation of interaction with the pupil Ivanov and Petrov), "desirable", "normal" vision, in essence is a professional phantom;
- outcasting of the situations of acceptance of the problem put by the other. The manifestation of authoritarianism as a selective filter or authoritative dogmatic model of perception is revealed here;
- fixing on "preparations" or preliminary built up model, instead of the system of signals coming from the agents of interaction;
- the tendency to eclecticism as the way of connection unjoinable in the lesson or the program that is a consequence of the low level of competence in various areas;
- professional autism - inability of identification in objectively appearing situational positions of participants of interaction;
- rigidity of cognitive, emotional and behavioural models, participating in the organization of professional activity;
- aspiration to duplicating of "one's own portrait» instead of provocation of manifestation of the pupil's individuality. A competent teacher should act as psychological catalyst of manifestation of the pupil's exclusiveness;
- mismatch of the declared: models, principles, technologies, interactions and practical realization, i.e. incongruency. Cooperation is declared, but at the level of behaviour the space of a pedagogical situation is not used, there is a distance, there is no understanding of time ordonnance of the lesson and positions of the participants of real interaction both present, and virtual.
It is possible to single out the factors of the subjective order influencing the development of professional psychological competence:
- the expressed need for development of self-efficiency;
- degree of the involvement of the teacher in the process of selfimprovement;
- interest in interaction and cooperation with other subjects of education.
The data characterizing the conceptions of the teacher of the attitude to his own reserves of professional growth are of interest: 54 % consider high professionalism and opportunities of development only as the way of acquisition of some definite professional techniques. Only 12 % of experienced teachers (over 5 years) consider, that they can and will essentially develop the professional level conceptually.
Studying of motivation of improvement of professional skill has shown, that the teachers mostly display external motives of improvement of professional skills - 35 % and informational (to obtain new information) - 50 %, the motive of professional and personal growth is expressed only by 15 %. The obtained data demanded the expansion of motivational block of development model of teacher's professional competence. A three-stage program of development of professional psychological competence of the teacher in system of improvement of professional skills appears to be effective enough.
At the first stage of the program individually-psychological diagnostics with the purpose of revealing specific features of professional psychological competence and designation of the range of problems of the subsequent correction is provided. The basic difficulties here added up to the following:
- insufficient level of self-comprehension as a carrier and compiler of psychological competence;
- doubts in one's own professional self-efficiency;
- divergence between the level of psychological knowledge and ability to estimate psychological expediency of one's acts regarding the pupil.
The content of the second stage is participation of listeners in the special course «Professional psychological competence: the content, development, forms of manifestation», in which the teacher in theoretical and practical studies get acquainted with the content of the basic psychological variables of individual psychological competence, receive the information on mechanisms, levels, techniques and ways of self-control of competence, specificity of professional self-control of the teacher and features of his professional performance. One of the problems solved during the given stage, acquaintance to the field of psychological knowledge which practically is not covered within the limits of traditional curriculums. The obtained theoretical knowledge later is modified at the subsequent grade levels. An overall objective of this block was actualization of motivation of self-development and formation of aiming at professional psychological competence as a value.
At the third stage of realization of the program a system of special training by means of which it is possible to develop the skills to realize various kinds of professional competence is offered to the trainees. The training is designed as modelling of pedagogical situations and the analysis of strategy and tactics of teacher's behaviour in situations of pedagogical choice. At this stage training with elements of the socially-psychological training, directed on formation of aiming at underlying responsible self-checked professional behaviour are also provided.
As a result of the analysis of practice, diagnostics, training, consultation of teachers we have come to conclusion, that psychological competence is a professional resource and it is shown, in particular, in the ability of realization of the subjective professional control over various stages of activity. It especially concerns autopsychological competence as basis of self-controlled behaviour and development of professionally resourceful possibilities of the subject of activity. Providing of the teacher with the set of various methods of self-knowledge and teaching the techniques of self-control makes him not only more competent concerning himself and in professional interactions, but also expands his professional resources.
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The basic substantial and operational characteristics of psychological competence of the teacher as his professional resource are revealed in the article. Criteria and measure of psychological competence are singled out; specific professional barriers of the teacher caused by the insufficient level of competence development are described. The results of empirical researches of psychological competence of the teacher in the system of improvement of professional skills are resulted. The content of the stages of the program of psychological competence development addressed to the teacher is shown.
Keywords: psychological competence; professional resource; motivation of competence; measure of competence; attitude to psychological information; competent teacher.
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презентация [374,9 K], добавлен 19.12.2010Teaching listening comprehension as a part of educational process at school. Teacher's speech as a basic form of teaching listening comprehension. Principles for developing listening ability. The use of activities developing listening comprehension.
курсовая работа [5,4 M], добавлен 31.10.2013The concept of economic growth and development. Growth factors: extensive, intensive, the growth of the educational and professional level of personnel, improve the management of production. The factors of production: labor, capital and technology.
презентация [2,3 M], добавлен 21.07.2013The history of translation studies in ancient times, and it's development in the Middle Ages. Principles of translation into Greek, the texts of world's religions. Professional associations of translators. The technology and terminology translation.
дипломная работа [640,7 K], добавлен 13.06.2013The manager. Manager's job. Critical skills related to managerial competence. The main characteristics of the effective manager. Decision Making Skills. Conflict Management Skills. Flexibility and Creativity.
дипломная работа [66,8 K], добавлен 11.01.2004The employment assistance programme of the Republic of Belarus. Raising the level of skills of the unemployed. The stabilization in the labour market. Getting by women professional, additional and advanced training in the professions that are in demand.
презентация [918,8 K], добавлен 09.07.2010Defining communicative competence. The value of communicative language teaching. On the value of audio-lingual approach. Using of humor in teaching foreign language. On the structure of an anecdotes. Using anecdotes for intermediate and advanced learners.
дипломная работа [190,8 K], добавлен 14.01.2013Definition and the interpretation of democracy. Main factors of a democratic political regime, their description. The problems of democracy according to Huntington. The main characteristics of the liberal regime. Estimation of its level in a world.
реферат [16,0 K], добавлен 14.05.2011The Nature of Management. The evolution of management thought. Planning and decision making. Organizing is an important managerial function. Strategic management. Staffing and human resource management. Communicating and motivation in management.
методичка [104,2 K], добавлен 16.12.2010History and basic steps of creating a film "Help", his theme and content. The reflection in the movie the problems of racial segregation and discrimination based on gender. Characteristics of the main characters and the description of their images.
реферат [16,8 K], добавлен 19.06.2013Translation as a specific kind of human activity. Methods, approaches and receptions which can be applied while translating informal lexicon. Euphemism and it's using in language of advertising, in slang and in a professional slang in languages.
реферат [30,7 K], добавлен 20.05.2009As is generally known, science and education are one of resources of the state, one of fundamental forms of culture of civilization, as well as competitive advantage of every individual. Basics of general theory of systems (GTS) and systemic analysis.
аттестационная работа [197,5 K], добавлен 13.10.2008The roles of the student, the teacher and the language researcher in understanding the motivation to learn another language. The importance of teaching phrasal verbs and prepositions. Guessing and explaining meanings of phrasal verbs "come" and "go".
дипломная работа [82,4 K], добавлен 10.09.2013Basic rules and principles of translation of professional vocabulary and texts in the field of jurisprudence and law, features and conditions of use of the verb "to be" and "to be". The arrangement of prepositions in different variations of the text.
контрольная работа [33,8 K], добавлен 29.03.2015Methods of foreign language teaching and its relation to other sciences. Psychological and linguistic prerequisites for foreign language teaching. Aims, content and principles language learning. Teaching pronunciation, grammar, speaking and writing.
курс лекций [79,6 K], добавлен 13.03.2015Investigation of the process of translation and its approaches. Lexical Transformations, the causes and characteristics of transformation; semantic changes. The use of generic terms in the English language for description specific objects or actions.
курсовая работа [38,0 K], добавлен 12.06.2015