Features of social stability of military personnel at a heightened state of alert

A study of the social sustainability of military personnel. Feature of the fact of change of professional motives in the process of advanced training of military personnel. Complicated systemic education, consisting of stable and variable components.

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Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ 06.02.2019
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Features of social stability of military personnel at a heightened state of alert

Vasilieva O.S.

Kalachinskaya O.A.

Termination of world opposition of two military-political groups was the reason of the “cold war” period termination; however it didn't become a guarantee of irreversibility of positive processes in easing of international tension. In this regard, pursuing an active peace-loving policy, our state is compelled to support the defense capacity up-to-date. Achievement of this purpose is defined by alert of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. however the practice of today shows that military personnel are not always psychologically ready for pursuance of professional duties with a high degree of efficiency at a heightened state of alert [1, 2, 4].

Now one of signs of adaptation to sociocultural, professional, extreme environments is the fact of existence of high social stability (A.I . Adayev, A.A. Bobrischev, R.A. gromov, A.A. Markaryan, S.V . Ulybin). In modern sciences the attention is devoted to social stability of civil experts (teachers, athletes, bank employees) (Y.N. golovanov, E.M. Yefimova, M.A. Kartavykh, I .g. Mityunova, g.I . Perekopsky, N.N. Silkin, etc.), however there are no researches of social stability of military personnel at a heightened state of alert and carrying out activity in conditions of armed conflicts. The contradiction which has arisen between the social demand of the state on training of military experts in reforming of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and absence of technologies of increase of social stability defined a problem of the present research consisting in development of psychological methods, initiating development of social stability of military personnel at a heightened state of alert. The research subject is psychological features influencing social stability of military personnel. The research purpose is to study psychological features of social stability of military personnel at a heightened state of alert.

The theoretical analysis of scientific works [1, 3, 5, 6, 7] allows to draw a conclusion that the subject's social stability concerning activity in extreme conditions contacts with some aspects of the person's activity: cognitive and effective (practical), emotional-volitional and motivational, defining an orientation of activity of personality on comprehension, actualizing, creation of material and cultural values. On the basis of the theoretical research as social stability of military personnel we understand a complex system formation including the person's abilities, skills to hold emotional, cognitive processes in an equilibrium condition and successfully to carry out professional activity at a heightened state of alert.

The total amount of the diagnostic research sample made 112 military personnel of the 889th command post of the automated management of anti-aircraft forces of the North caucasian military district. The age of the examined is from 18 to 45 years. During research it was noted that, depending on expressiveness of the components of social stability, military personnel use various styles and behavior strategies at a heightened state of alert: 51,8 % of respondents uses the pro-social behavioral strategy of overcoming which is based on coming into social contact. however 33,9 % of military personnel has the index of “search of social support” (“SAcS” technique) below an average. More than 27 % of people experiences difficulties at coming into social contact (this fact is connected with a low degree of adaptation in military collective). 19,6 % of examinees has the “avoiding” behavior in difficult situations. 12,5 % has a high degree of expressiveness of the direct model of overcoming - impulsive actions, tendency to affective reaction at a heightened state of alert. It is revealed high significant correlation relation between the indices of “impulsive actions” (“SAcS” technique) and indices of “irritability” (“FPI” technique): correlation coefficient r = 0,413 (at a level of statistical importance ñ ? 0,1). More than 22 % of military personnel is characterized by the indirect strategy of overcoming - manipulative actions. 8,9 % of examinees is inclined to use asocial actions, aren't capable to a real appraisal of own role in collective, don't aspire to observe the generally accepted standards of behavior. It is revealed a direct significant correlation between the “asocial actions” index of the “SAcS” technique and the index of “moral normativeness” of the “Adaptability-02” technique (correlation coefficient r = 0,39). 9,8 % of respondents has low neuropsychic stability, are characterized by a tendency to disorders of mental activity in extreme conditions at considerable mental and physical activities. This category of military personnel is characterized by rejection of self and others, demands external control of own behavior. 64,3 % of military personnel has high neuropsychic stability, are characterized by low probability of disorders of mental activity, high level of behavioural regulation.

It is revealed a direct high significant correlation (r = 0,4) between the “depersonalization” index and military personnel's choice of aggressive models of overcoming behavior of the “SAcS” technique. The higher a level of “depersonalization” is, the more often military personnel use inefficient strategies of overcoming in the course of service activity. At the same time a level of correlation relation between “depersonalization” indices and the parameter of “asocial actions” of the “SAcS” technique is insignificant (r = 0,136 at ñ, not reaching a level of statistical importance). Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion on absence of correlation between these characteristics. At the moment of examination it is revealed a high level of anxiety of 29 soldiers. 26 soldiers with a high level of anxiety in their behavior use not adaptive strategies of overcoming. Inefficiency of the used models of behavior is reflected in an unstable emotional condition of the examinees, the increased anxiety and aggression. The strongest relation is found between a level of reactive anxiety and reduction of personal achievements: the higher the first index is, the more often military personnel are inclined to underestimate the results of own activity and the less are confident in own efficiency. social sustainability professional motive

During the comparative analysis of the average group indices of the studied strategy of behavior in three groups of military personnel (1 - control group / the military unit general massif; 2 - experimental group before participation in training into which there entered military personnel having a low level of social stability and needing psychological-pedagogical support; 3 - experimental group of military personnel, after passing the training) the greatest changes are noted on scales “reactive anxiety”, “reduction of personal achievements”, “psychological stability”. The following data are obtained:

? the constructive models of behavior most often used by military personnel are: “coming into social contact” (the average group index in group 1-22,2 points; in group 2-20,3; in group 3-22,2); “search of social support” (1-20,3; 2-19,8; 3-20,0); “assertive actions” (1-19,5; 2-15,8; 3-18,4);

? it is noted higher per cent of use by military personnel of groups 1 and 3 of active overcoming in aggregate with positive use of social contacts - 40,2 % (with a high degree of expressiveness of use of models); 63,7 % (with a high and average degree of expressiveness of use of models);

? the highest indices of use of the manipulative strategy of overcoming are noted in the 2nd group - about 80 % of military personnel uses in the actions the “manipulative” (latent aggressive) behavior (the average group index in group 1-19,1; in 2-21,8; in 3-18,9);

? for military personnel of group 2 it is characteristic higher indices of use of the impulsive (1-15,8; 2-16,3; 3-15,0) and aggressive (1-14,6; 2-16,6; 3-15,3) actions.

Results of the carried-out forming psychological influence showed that there were changes in dynamics of emotional conditions and behavioural reactions. The greatest changes are noted on the “reduction of personal achievements” scale (1-33,7; 2-28,7; 3-31,24). Soldiers, who had taken the program of training, had this index decreased by 8 %, that speaks about growth of self-esteem, professional competence and adequate self-image of examinees. Data of the scales “emotional exhaustion” (2-20,6; 3-18,2) and “depersonalization” (2-10,2; 3-8,3) considerably decreased; the index of neuropsychic stability increased, that speaks about the participants' of the psychological experiment successful adaptation in a military group. On all scales of the “Adaptability-02” technique military personnel of the experimental group reached an average value. Practically there didn't change indices of personal properties (the “FPI” technique) that points to stability of this component.


1. Military personnel's activity at a heightened state of alert is significantly influenced by a ratio of structural components of social stability of personality.

1.1. I t is established that social stability of military personnel concerning service and fighting activity is mediated by needs and motives, readiness to carry out tasks. It is shown that the structure of motivation of military personnel undergoes changes in the process of the soldier's finding of experience of service and fighting activity and changes of an individual situation of social and psychological adaptation in collective. The analysis of the obtained data showed a growth of indices on groups of motives of understanding of a military service mission and personal self-realization in activity from minimum among military personnel of the first period to maximum among military personnel who has served more than 5 years. It is established that in the structure of motivation of military personnel there is a shift from social motives towards motives of collectivism and personal motives. The motives connected with relationship in group (family) and soldier's duty feeling are dominating. They are public recognition (respect of people around, service companions) - 60,2 %; army association (presence of good and loyal friends) - 51,3 %; love for the country - 58,1 %. Insufficient representation in the structure of motives of military personnel of the social motives possessing high incentive force on the basis of a deep personal interest narrows possibilities of motivation to professional activity at a heightened state of alert.

1.2. I t is shown that the most important component of social stability is the cognitive component. It is established: more than 64 % of the respondents, having high values by results of service and fighting activity, is guided by social and military-professional motives of activity. The choice of constructive strategies of behavior is characteristic for them: 51,8 % of military personnel uses the pro-social behavioral strategy of overcoming which is based on coming into social contact; 27,7 % of respondents has high indices on the “reduction of personal achievements” scale. For them it is characteristic a decrease in importance and confidence in personal efficiency, low self-image, low frequency of use of confident and pro-social models of behavior, self-elimination from social contacts, decrease in social activity at a heightened state of alert.

1.3. The emotional-volitional component reflects the ability of military personnel to regulate own mental condition at a heightened state of alert. It is shown that 64,3 % of military personnel has high psychological stability. For them it is characteristic high adequate self-appraisal and real perception of reality (consciousness), controllability of behavior, orientation on a situation, responsibility. It is revealed that 17,0 % of military personnel has high indices on the “emotional exhaustion” scale, 17,9 % of examinees has high indices on the “depersonalization” scale. It is established: the higher a degree of “emotional exhaustion” is, the more often the search of social and psychological support is (and such models of behavior as “avoiding” and “manipulation” are more favorable), the less often the confident models of behavior are used. Soldiers, having low values on the scales of “personal burning out”, differ by a large number of various models of overcoming of stressful situations. It is expressed in higher indices of behavior assertiveness behavior, coming into social contact, search of social support and lower indices of aggressive actions.

1.4. It is shown that the activity component of social stability reflects the ability of military experts to control own behavior, to keep a high level of activity, initiative, independence. Thus, 23,2 % of military personnel uses the active constructive strategy of overcoming which is based on assertive actions; 51,8 % of the examinees uses the pro-social strategy of overcoming which is based on coming into social contact. For more than 58 % of military personnel it isn't characteristic use of asocial strategy of overcoming. It is established: most often used constructive “healthy” models of behavior are: “coming into social contact” - 24,1 % and “search of social support” - 27,7 % (a high degree of the model expressiveness). Active overcoming in aggregate with positive use of social contacts raises the person's stress tolerance, however 33,9 % of military personnel has the index of “search of social support” below an average. More than 27 % of people experiences difficulties at coming into social contact. It is shown that depending on a length of life and professional experience there is various frequency of use of constructive (focused on solution of service and fighting tasks) and social (focused on support of colleagues, higher commanders) styles of overcoming behavior at a heightened state of alert. “Assertive actions” and “coming into social contact” for the military personnel under the contract - 24,2 %; 23,1 % and the called up - 21,1 %; 25,6 %. “Search of social support” - 20,1 % and 33,3 % respectively. In the course of professionalizing military personnel have a decrease in a number of unproductive strategies of behavior; the sense of responsibility, confidence in own forces increases; belief in the timely help of companions, skills of decision-making and planning are gained.

2. It is established that military personnel's social stability concerning activity at a heightened state of alert should be considered as a complex system formation consisting of steady (base) components: individual properties of personality, social motives which are based on values of the educational system, and a variative component: emotional-volitional and motivational-sense components (professional competence, success, demand, development, stability in extreme activity).

3. Social stability of the subject is shown in a choice of productive styles and strategies of behavior which are determined by the system of such personal characteristics as: consciousness and purposefulness (unlike reactive and manipulative, protective behavior); controllability (elimination, transformation or adaptation to a situation); timeliness, an orientation on a situation and its adequacy to a time moment; responsibility (importance of consequences of a choice of this behavior

for mental stability of personality). It is established that a high level of social stability of military personnel in activity at a heightened state of alert is expressed in purposeful aspiration to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; positive relation of military personnel to own specialty, ability to realize and expand the acquired knowledge; firm possession of the mastered skills; volitional activity in behavior; use of productive strategies of behavior.

4. The results of the research of main components of social stability of military personnel at a heightened state of alert, a degree of adaptation to service activity, and also comparison of the average group indices of models of overcoming in the control and experimental groups allow to assert that an increase of social stability of military personnel is promoted by the target psychological training directed on disclosure of subjective values and development of the social-competent behavior.

The analysis of the main components of social stability of military personnel in activity at a heightened state of alert indicates the reserves of growth of professionalism of military personnel being at various levels of the service activity efficiency. The presented results indicate that efficiency of activity of military personnel is defined by the general structure of the main components of social stability which expressiveness differs in groups of military personnel with a high, average and low degree of stability concerning service and fighting activity.


1. Vasilieva O.S., Kalachinskaya O.A. Formation of motives-senses of activity of military personnel in extreme conditions // Scientific-Practical journal “Acmeology: the person's personal and professional development”. - Moscow: Publishing house of the International Academy of Acmeological sciences, 2011. - # 3. - P. 536-539.

2. Kalachinskaya O.A. The role of motivation in formation of tolerance to activity in extreme conditions // Scientific and Pedagogical journal “News of the Southern Federal University”. - 2011. - # 10. - P. 138-145

3. Rozhkov M.I . Strategies and models of upbringing / Theoretical-methodological problems of modern upbringing. - Volgograd, 2004. - P. 13-14.

4. Sirotkin L.Y. Personality formation: stability problem. - Kazan: Publishing house of the Kazan University, 1992. - P. 3-5.


In the work the problem urgency is substantiated; there are adduced results of the research of social stability of military personnel; it is stated the fact of change of professional motives in the course of professional development of military personnel. It is shown that social stability of military personnel represents a complex system formation consisting of steady (base) and variative components.

Keywords: motivation, social stability.

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