Results and prospects of research of dynamics of affix derivation of noun
The study of domestic, foreign linguists historical word formation of the Ukrainian noun. Study of the dynamics of individual subsystems of the affixal word-formation system of a noun. Achievements of the South Ukrainian historical derivativnogo center.
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Дата добавления | 08.02.2019 |
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Results and prospects of research of dynamics of affix derivation of noun
Bilousenko P.I.
The achievements of domestic and foreign linguists in study of the historical derivation of Ukrainian noun were summed up. The achievements of historic Southern Ukrainian historical derivatological Center at Zaporizhzhya National University are revealed in study of the dynamics of individual subsystems of affixal word building structure of noun. The plans and prospects of the members of the Center in the preparation of academic publications in word forming of nouns are unveiled. Word forming system of the Ukrainian language through the ages have developed as a collection of dialect systems and subsystems that interact with each other. Research in this area (meaning the historical derivation dialect) only just begun, but has now found dialectal features of word formation noun even in the oldest written stage of the Ukrainian language. Taking this into account in the present studies derivational system is presented somewhat simplistically as some abstraction (but which is very close to reality) due to the fact that there are relatively removed the problem of dialect variation and replaced by the notion of system variability. Note here that the question of whether a studied derivational structure belongs to the dialect language (colloquial) or fictional - it is not the question of a system but a norm. However, the literary norm may promote or slow down the development of certain elements of their progress, due to this certain structures are in place standardized system where the spontaneous development of regulation had led to new (or gain) of expressive means (stylistic, genre, etc. differentiation of languages). These and other questions should be the object of study of future generations of gerivalologists.
Key words: historical background of word formation, word building type, affixal derivation of noun, old Slavic language, dynamics of word forming subsystem, suffixes offeminine and middle genre, pluralia tantum nouns, composite suffixal derivation. affixal derivation ukrainian noun
Підбито підсумки вивчення вітчизняними та зарубіжними мовознавцями історичного словотвору українського іменника. Представлені досягнення Південноукраїнського історико-дериватологічного центру при Запорізькому національному університеті в дослідженні динаміки окремих підсистем афіксальної словотвірної системи іменника. Розкрито плани та перспективи роботи учасників Центру з підготовки академічного видання зі словтовру іменника.
Ключові слова: історія становлення словотвору, словотвірний тип, афіксальний словотвір іменника, праслов'янська мова, динаміка словотвірної підсистеми, суфікси жіночого й середнього родів, іменники pluralia tantum, композитно-суфіксальна деривація
Подведены итоги изучения отечественными и зарубежными языковедами исторического словообразования украинского имени существительного. Представлены достижения Южноукраинского историко-дериватологического центра при Запорожском государственном университете в исследовании динамики отдельных подсистем аффиксальной словообразовательной системы существительного. Раскрыты планы и перспективы работы участников Центра в подготовке академического издания по словообразованию имени существительного.
Ключевые слова: история становления словообразования, словообразовательный тип, аффиксальное словообразование имени существительного, праславянский язык, динамика словообразовательной подсистемы, суффиксы женского и среднего рода, существительные pluralia tantum, композитно-суффиксальная деривация.
In the Ukrainian language grammar descriptions at the end of XIX and beginning of XX century's word forming material was not presented properly nor was offered in full chapters of morphology. Accumulation of facts in the word forming arena prompted its separate consideration in a myriad of manuals and text books 1920-1930's. However, the removal of important Ukrainian word-forming works of S. Smal-Stotskyi, O. Syniavskyi, P. Smal-Stotskyi and others from scientific circulation gradually slowed down this process. Therefore quite fully and deeply word formation researched only in “The Course of the Modern Ukrainian Language” (2 Volumes), 1951 edited by L.A. Bulakhovskyi (V.S. Ilyin is the author of the chapter) [18]. This was the foundation for studying of organization of certain sub-systems in word formation and in the whole system itself.
The first time systematic approach to word formation study was used by I.I. Kovalyk. Working on detecting specific features of word forming concepts, which, in his opinion, must have had certain systematic integrity, [21, pp. 6-7], he made efforts to identify the elements of derivative systems and ways of their structural organization. Unlike predecessors, that considered affix as the main element of the above mentioned system, I.I. Kovalyk substantiated the necessity of detection of word forming types as the main source in word forming values in synchronous, diachronous, and comparative-historical language study. Under word forming type in affixal derivation the researcher understood common word forming concept, that includes the following three components: 1) lexical semantic unity, 2) unity of lexical grammatical character of forming basics, 3) unity of affixal parts. [The same, S. 8]. Described by the founder of the derivatology school in Ukraine the understanding of the word forming type with certain modification is praised today almost in all descriptions of the word forming system of Slavic languages, but the priority somehow is always given to M. Dolikyl [17, pp. 182; 42, pp.11; 23], based on his work “Tvoreni slov v cestine” (Praha 1962) [45], that was published a few years later than researches of I.I. Kovalyk, where the notion of the word forming type as one of the main concepts of word forming is substantiated.
In the 50's of the twentieth century the final separation doctrine of the word-formation of morphology was alienated as a separate linguistic discipline. Since that time interest of the Ukrainian professional linguists to the problems of word forming does not subside. However, on the way to further study word-formation there were gains and losses. In particular, narrative of word forming the 5 volumes of the academic course on grammar of Ukrainian language (volume “Morphology”, 1969) [39] criticism evaluated it as a step back even compared with two volumes of the academic “Course of the Modern Ukrainian Language” 1951 [2]. This resulted in appearing of a string of works in the Ukrainian word forming morphology and word formation of the modern Ukrainian literary language O.K. Bezpoiasko, K.G. Horodenska [4], Z.O. Valiukh [10], V.O. Horpynych [14], V.V. Hreshchuk [15], J.A. Karpilovska [19], N.G. Klymenko [20],
V.V. Nimchyk [28; 29; 30], V.P. Oleksenko [31], M.Y. Fedurko [46] and others, in which gradually the basis of the important theoretical and practical tasks of word-formation of the Ukrainian language were resolved, the derivative building of the Ukrainian language was researched in accordance with laid out ideas of theories regarding the principles of organization.
Researchers have paid close attention to the issue of word-building different parts of language, including a noun. In comprehending the achievements and new tasks in this area a significant role was played by famous monograph L.L. Humetska [16], S.P. Bevzenko [1] and
S.P. Samiilenko [32]. Components of two recent works were short essays on the history noun affixal derivation means.
It is necessary to mention some works of the following Ukrainian linguists mainly 60-70's and beginning of the 80's, that have research of the history of some fragments of the Ukrainian noun word forming on different synchronal levels: D.G. Hrynchyshyn, Z.Y. Kersta, A.V. Maiboroda, G.I. Malyshko, O.D. Nedilko, I.S. Oliinyk, P.P. Chychkun, G.B. Semerenko, V.F. Khrystenok,
O.P. Bilykh, V.V. Tokar, L.M. Poliuga and others. For that specific time a good review of diachronic research was shown in S.P. Bevzenko brochure [3].
Different researches of the systematic and structural interconnection make it easier to enter, such as J.V. Zakrevska, O.T. Zakharkiv-Havryshko, К.М. Lykianiuk, A.M. Mykan, V.V. Nimchuk, V.S. Sikorska and others, which describe word forming of various dialectal areas. Along with the works dedicated to the modern Ukrainian literary language, including word-building of different noun systems including word forming of different terminological system, they help to create a general picture of the suffixal derivation system of the Ukrainian noun on the modern stage of development of system of the Ukrainian language.
However, the history of affixal word forming noun was investigated fragmentally until recently. The number of those derivative formants, which have already been investigated in Ukraine in terms of their history, was quite small. Significant factual material, shown in performed works, because the absence of communication historical-derivative ideas, remained scattered, unclaimed. Various works in this area, reflecting the science in our time, mostly touched evolution of not all system but certain morphemes, hence constantan, exemplary character of many studies. Link-effect relations, historical background, that explain the causes of evolution of word forming system as a whole, could not be opened fully. Meanwhile, from the point of view of historical derivatology a noun takes a very significant place in the system of language parts: in this meaning it has the biggest amount of words in this class. Therefore, based on the research of word forming structure of noun it is possible to project on the history of the whole derivative system of the Ukrainian language.
Though the previous development of the historical linguistical idea in Ukraine and in all Slavic world created background for deleting autonomy in the description of evolutional processes. New monographies in the problem of old Slavic word forming appeared (G.G. Varbot, M. Voityla-Svezhovska, V.V. Martynov and others) [11; 24; 47] and myriad of articles of separate aspects of this issue, that develop, conretisize, addition of basis of classic works Y. Benvenist, K. Brygman, V. Vondrak, A. Meiie, G.P. Pavskyi and other grammar teachers of the past that are dedicated to research of old European and old Slavic languages.
Additional help to researchers of historical word forming is dedicated to the publication of the lexicology works, which reflects the richness of the Ukrainian language of previous eras, this includes: thorough lexicographical works “Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages: Old lexical fund”, the first edition of which was published in 1974 [44], several volumes of old Slavic language edited by F. Slavskyi “Essay of old Slavic word forming” (Zarys slowotworstwa praslowianskiego) [46]. These other works are considered to be a reliable guide for full understanding about the noun word building of old Slavic language as the original system of system to consider the following stages of development of the Ukrainian language.
An important resource for researchers for more than a century was a big three volume dictionary of 1.1. Sreznevskii modestly named “Materials for dictionary of old Russian language” [36]. Currently staff of the Institute of the Russian Language of Russian Academy intensely work on the completion of the fundamental work - “Dictionary of Old Russian Language (XI-XIV centuries)” (publication started in 1988) [33]. In parallel with this work The Institute of the Russian Language from 1975 publish public reference material for reading ancient texts - “Dictionary of the Russian Language XI-XVII centuries” [34].
Ukrainian linguists, besides published 37 years ago “Dictionary of the Old Ukrainian Language of XIV-XV centuries” in two volumes (1977) [35], have published in 2003 work of Je. Tymchenko in two books “Material to the dictionary of the old written and literary Ukrainian language of XV-XVI centuries” [41]. Currently publication of separate editions of “Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language XVI-beginning of XVII centuries” is continued (publication began in 1994) [37]. Today the world has seen a number of written records, dialectological materials lexicographical works that reflect the vocabulary from different periods of the Ukrainian language. These publications offer an intense research study. Also an important fact that the number of works, different words collection of the Ukrainian language of 20-30 of the twentieth century were published again, that were not accessible for researchers in the past.
In the late 70's - early 80's a number of academic papers generalizing the history of the Ukrainian language were published (Phonetics - 1979, Morphology - 1978, Syntax - 1983, Lexis and Phraseology - 1983) that played an important role in understanding of the formulation of objectives of the above mentioned parts of the science about the history of the Ukrainian language. However the questions about derivation of main parts of speech in “Morphology” book either were not addressed or covered, or covered rather slightly, mostly on the development of certain grammatical categories. Only the section “Adverb” in this book, prepared by V.V. Nimchuk [27], is the most distinguished in derivatology.
Meanwhile, the question arose about the time of the preparation of the fifth book in the series “History of Ukrainian language” - “Word Formation“. The publication of this work was provided by “State program of development of the Ukrainian language and other national languages in the Ukrainian SSR for the period until 2000”, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the USSR № 41 dated 12 February 1991. However, the description of the historical derivation of various parts of speech required a detailed study not only Slavic works that reflect the vocabulary of all time slices functioning of the Ukrainian language, but also a large number of texts of different styles and genres, ordering and description tailored factual material that struck their richness and diversity. In particular, the derivational system of noun from ancient times is characterized by a huge number of formants and usually a significant number of lexical- semantic groups of forming nouns to which they are joined. It turned out that even preparation of the general work of historical derivation of parts of speech requires a serious preliminary work aimed at a detailed study of fragments of the derivative of this part of speech.
With this in mind in 2004 on the initiative of prof, of NAS of Ukraine V.V. Numchuk, back then the Director of the institute of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, at Zaporizhzhya National University, the South-Ukrainian historical and deryvatologycal center was established, that worked along with the Department of the History of the Institute of the Ukrainian language. Firstly, the Center intended to make a description of the dynamics of the affix system of noun. During the period of the operation of the Center to some extend was able to systematize previous studies of O.P. Bilykh, S.V. Voropai, L.L. Humetska, L.M. Poliuha, I.S. Oliinyk, V.V. Tokar and others) and guide the efforts of scientists to perform the most promising areas of the research, and achievements in their chosen field to publish in a series of books under the title “Essays on the history of Ukrainian word formation”. In this series monographies describe about suffix -ytsia [9], about composite suffixal derivation of nouns
XI-XVII [22], about suffix -yna [8]. In 2010 a collective work “Essays of the history of the Ukrainian word forming (noun confixes)” [25].
The final recognition of null suffix as a separate word-building formant in the 80's of the twentieth century needed to deploy a detailed study of its history. With this in mind in 2000 an article "Problems and prospects of studying the dynamics of null suffix derivation was published [6]. The plan of the research program of the history of null suffix of noun was in fact accomplished. Secured with two master's theses of problems of semantic [13] and style [5] functions of noun null suffix derivatives.
The dynamics of prefix-null-suffixal (confixal) word forming was researched [38], the result of which are reflected in a number of articles and monographs about history of noun confixes.
This year a research “Essays on the history of Ukrainian language”, book of the null suffix is due, in which analysis of derivative nouns, that in previous monographies, beginning from the old Slavic period, when the referenced suffixes had a material expression and served as a suffix and ending, therefore it is about so called proto-null-suffixes.
In the South Ukrainian historical derivatological center the studies of the word building of noun pluralia tantum were studied as well. The history of the word forming system of plural nouns XVII-beginning XXI ct studied and finished PhD monograph by A.I. Ternova [40] published many articled in different professional journals of Ukraine. Over time complete detailed description of this word forming subsystem of the old Slavic period till the second third of the XVII ct. The results of these studies should be published in the monograph mentioned series of essays.
Compliance with the uniform principles of research will allow for the first time in the Ukrainian linguistics in a broad factual material systematically explore suffixal derivation of noun throughout the recorded history of the Ukrainian language. The emergence of new words in structural terms, the changing nature of the derivative relations formants generators based on different types, increase or decrease the productivity of derivational formants, widening or narrowing the semantic load affixes - these and other facts are discussed in the context of a system will make it possible to explain the causes and conditions of a linguistic change as a result of responding to changes in political, economic life of the people as a factor of pressure changes in the nature of its elements.
Thus, the overall development of the theory of word formation, collected a wealth of factual material in domestic and foreign reconnaissance derivation of ancient and traditional Ukrainian noun, gathered experience in word-formative analysis in synchronic and diachronic aspects make it possible to take up the resolution of the task that has not yet had the study of the Ukrainian language: a research of word-forming in the Ukrainian language as a functional system in transition. Practice has shown that this task is beyond one person. Therefore, in the South- Ukrainian derivatological center a publication was developed and published "The History of the Ukrainian language. Word Formation. Part I. The noun" [7], which sets out a plan of study of morphological forming of noun from the Old Slavic age to modernity. It focuses on the conceptual foundations of research: main aim, the development of principles of linguistic analysis of the facts, representations illustrations, differentiation etymological and derivatological analysis.
Word forming system of the Ukrainian language through the ages have developed as a collection of dialect systems and subsystems that interact with each other. Research in this area (meaning the historical derivation dialect) only just begun, but has now found dialectal features of word formation noun even in the oldest written stage of the Ukrainian language [26]. Such observations made at the level of inventory of derivational formants. However, comparative studies show that quite informative for distinguishing dialect system of derivation can be facts about specific of using of a common fund of derivative formants in different territorial and linguistic arrays [12]. Undoubtedly, such dialectal differences were amplified in subsequent periods, which should be the subject of separate studies. Taking this into account in the present studies derivational system is presented somewhat simplistically as some abstraction (but which is very close to reality) due to the fact that there are relatively removed the problem of dialect variation and replaced by the notion of system variability. Note here that the question of whether a studied derivational structure belongs to the dialect language (colloquial) or fictional - it is not the question of a system but a norm. However, the literary norm may promote or slow down the development of certain elements of their progress, due to this certain structures are in place standardized system where the spontaneous development of regulation had led to new (or gain) of expressive means (stylistic, genre, etc. differentiation of languages). These and other questions should be the object of study of future generations of gerivalologists.
1. Bevzenko, S.P. (1960) “The historical morphology of Ukrainian language : essays about changes of words and word formation”, Istorychna morfologiia ukrayinskoi movy : Narysy zi slovozminy ta slovotvoru, Uzhhorod, Zakarpat. region publishing house, 1960. - 416 p.
2. Bevzenko, S.P. (1991) “The history of Ukrainian linguistics : the history of learning of Ukrainian language”, Istoriia ukrainskoho movoznavstva: istoriia vyvchennia ukrainskoi movy, Kyiv, Vyshcha shkola, 1991. - 231 p.
3. Bevzenko, S.P. (1979) “Ukrainian word formation in the historical describing”, Ukrayinskyi slovotvir v istorychnomu vysvitlenni. - Odesa : OSU, 1979. - 59 p.
4. Bezpoiasko, O.K., Horodenska, K.H. (1987) “Morphemic of Ukrainian language”, Morfemika ukrayinskoi movy, Kyiv, Scientific thought, 1987. - 211 p.
5. Bilenko, T.H. (2004) “Poetics of zero-sufficsation”, Poetyka nul-sufiksatsii, Thesis abstract for Cand. Sc. (Linguistics), 10.02.01, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine.
6. Bilousenko, P.I. (2000) “Problems and prospects of learning of zero-sufficsation derivation dynamic”, Problemy i perspectyvy vyvchennia dynamiky nulsufiksalnoi deryvatsii, Onomastyka i apeliatyvy, Dnipropetrovsk, DSU, 2000. - pp. 25-31.
7. Bilousenko, P.I., Nimchuk, V.V. (2000) “Historical word formation of Ukrainian language”, Part 1 Noun (prospect), Istorychnyi slovotvir ukrainskoi movy, Zaporizhzhya- Kyiv, ZNU. - 82 p.
8. Bilousenko, P.I., Nimchuk, V.V. (2009) “Essays about historical word formation of Ukrainian language (suffix -yna)”, Narysy z istorychnoho slovotvorennia ukrainskoi movy (sufix -yna), Zaporizhzhya-Yalta-Kyiv, 2009. - 252 p.
9. Bilousenko, P.I., Nimchuk, V.V. (2002) “Essays about historical word formation of Ukrainian language (suffix -ytsia)”, Narysy z istorychnoho slovotvorennia ukrainskoi movy (sufix -ytsia), Kyiv-Zaporizhzhya, 2002. - 206 p.
10. Valiukh, Z.O. (2005) “Word formation paradigms of noun in Ukrainian language : Monograph”, Slovotvirna paradyhmatyka imennyka v ukrainskii movi, Kyiv-Poltava, ASMI. - 356 p.
11. Varbot, Zh.Zh. (1984) “Ancient morphonology, word formation and etymology”, Praslavianskaia morfonologiia, slovoobrazovaniie i etimologiia, Moscow. - 255 p.
12. Vendina, T.I. (1990) “Differentiation of Slavic languages after the information about word formation”, Differentsyatsyia slavianskikh yazykov po dannym slovoobrazovaniia, Moscow, Nauka [Science]. - 168 p.
13. Volynets, H.M. (2009) “Zero-sufficsation in the word formation system of Ukrainian noun”, Nul-sufiksatsiia v slovotvirnii systemi ukrainskoho imennyka, Thesis abstract for Cand. Sc. (Linguistics), 10.02.01, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine.
14. Horpynych, V.O. (1988) “Ukrainian word formation derivatology”, Ukrainska slovotvirna deryvatolohiia, Dnipropetrovsk, DSU. - 189 p.
15. Hreshchuk, V.V. (1995) “Ukrainian word formation from adjective”, Ukrainskyi vidprykmetnykovyi slovotvir, Ivano-Frankivsk, Play. - 208 p.
16. Humetska, L.L. (1958) “Essay about word formation system of Ukrainian act language”, Narys slovotvirnoii systemy ukrainskoi actovoi movy, Kyiv, Naukova dumka. - 298 p.
17. Zemskaia, Ye. A. (1973) “Modern Russian language. Word formation”, Sovremennyi russkiiyazyk. Slovooobrazovaniie, Moscow, Prosveshcheniie. - 304 p.
18. Ilin, V.S. (1951) “Word formation, Course of modern Ukrainian literary language”, Vol. 1, Slovotvir, Kurs sychasnoi ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy, Tom 1, Kyiv, Radianska chkola [Soviet school]. - pp. 344-427.
19. Karpilovska, Ye. A. (1999) “Suffixal subsystem of modern Ukrainian literary language: structure and realization”, Sufiksalna pidsystema sychasnoi ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy : budova ta realizatsiia, Kyiv. - 298 p.
20. Klymenko, N.F. (1973) “System of affixal word formation of modern Ukrainian literary language”, Systema afiksalnoho slovotvoru sychasnoi ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy, Kyiv, Scientific thought. - 188 p.
21. Kovalyk, I.I. (1956) “About some questions of Slavic word formation”, Pro deiaki petannia slovianskoho slovotvory, Phylological collection Academy of Science (USSR), Ukrainian committee of Slavic scientists, Kyiv. - pp. 5 -26.
22. Lipych, V.M. “Essays about the history of Ukrainian word formation (composit and suffixal derivation of noun XI-XVII centuries)”, Narysy z istorii ukrainskoho slovotvorennia (kompozytno-sufiksalna deryvatsiia imennykiv XI-XVII stolit), Donetsk, 158 p.
23. Lopatin, V.V. (1977) “Russian word formation morphemics”, Russkaia slovoobrazovatelnaia morfemika, Moscow, Nauka [Science]. - 316 p.
24. Martynov, V. V. (1973) “Ancient Slavic and Baltic witn Slavic derivation of names”, Praslavianskaia I baltoslavianskaia suffiksalnaia derivatsyia imyon, Minsk, Navuka i tekhnica. - 59 p.
25. “Essays about historical word formation of Ukrainian language (noun onfixes)”, Narysy z istorychnoho slovotvorennia ukrainskoi movy (imennykovi konfiksy) / P.I. Bilousenko, I.O. Inshakova, K.A. Kachailo, O.V. Merkulova, L.M. Stovbur, Zaporizhzhia-Kryvyi Rih, 480 p.
26. Nimchuk, V. V. (1990) “Etymology and evolution of language of Ukrainian nation”, Pokhodzhennia i rozvytok movy ukrainskoii narodnosti, Ukrainska narodnist : Essays about social, economical, ethnical and political history, Kyiv. - pp. 190- 234.
27. Nimchuk, V. V. (1978) Adverb, History of Ukrainian language. Morphology, Pryslivnyk. Istoriia Ukrainskoi movy. Morfolohiia, Kyiv, Scientific thought. - P. 342-412.
28. Nimchuk, V. V. (1955) “Monitorings about word formation of noun in the dialect of village Dovhe Irshava region (suffixation)”, Sposterezhennia nad slovotvorom imennyka v hovirtsi sela Dovhe Irshavskoho raionu (sufiksatsiia), Science notes of Uzhhorod University : Dialectological collection, Vol. XIV. - pp. 182-183.
29. Nimchuk, V. V. (1990) “Ancient name of Dnipro”, Starozhytnie imia Dnipra, Science and culture, Iss. 74, Kyiv, Znannia [Knowledge]. - pp. 196-201.
30. Nimchuk, V. V. (1964) “Ukrainian surnames with suffix -uk, -chuk and etymological family formations”, Ukrainski prizvyshcha z sufiksom -uk, -chuk ta etymolohichno sporidneni utvorennia, Ukrainian dialecyology and onomastics, Kyiv, Naukova dumka. - pp. 194-210.
31. Oleksenko, V.P. (2005) “Word formation categories of noun”, Slovotvirni katehorii imennyka, Kherson, Ilant. - 336 p.
32. Samiilenko, S.P. (1964) “Essays about historical morphology of Ukrainian language”, Narysy z istorychnoi morfolohii ukrainskoi movy, Vol. 1, Kyiv, Vyshcha shkola. - 325 p.
33. Vocabulary of ancient Russian language (ХІ-XIV centuries) (1988-2008), Slovar drevnerusskogoyazyka, Chief editor R.I. Avanesov, Moscow, Russian language. - Vol. 1-7.
34. Vocabulary of ancient Russian language XI-XVII centuries (1975-2008), Slovar russrogo yazyka XI-XVII vekov, Moscow, Nauka. - Iss. 1-28.
35. Vocabulary of ancient Ukrainian language XIV-XV centuries (1977-1978), Slovnyk staroukrainskoi movy XIV-XVstolit : In 2 Vol, Kyiv, Naukova dumka. - Vol. 1-2.
36. Sreznevskyi, 1.1. “Materials for vocabulary of ancient Russian language (1893-1912)”, Materially dlia slovaria drevnerusskogo yazyka, Saint-Petersburg. - Vol. 1-3.
37. Vocabulary of Ukrainian language XVI - first half of XVII centuries (1994-2006), Slovnyk ukrainskoi movy XVI - pershoi polovyny XVII stolittia - Lviv. - Iss. 1-13.
38. Stovbur, L.M. (2009) “Evolution of confixal derivation of noun (elements witn non-word second component)”, Evolytsiia konfiksalnoi deryvatsii imennyka (formanty z materialno ne vyrazhenym dryhym komponentom), Thesis abstract for Cand. Sc. (Linguistics), 10.02.01, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine.
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курсовая работа [34,5 K], добавлен 13.05.2013Peculiarities of asyndetic noun clusters in economic texts. Specific to translation of asyndetic noun clusters as the specific kind of the word from English into Ukrainian. Transformations, applied to asyndetic noun clusters in the process of translation.
презентация [22,5 K], добавлен 06.12.2015Main types of word formation: inflection and derivation. Types of clipping, unclipped original. Blending, back-formation and reduplication. Sound and stress interchange. Phonetic, morphological, lexical variations. Listing and institutionalization.
контрольная работа [24,3 K], добавлен 30.12.2011The general outline of word formation in English: information about word formation as a means of the language development - appearance of a great number of new words, the growth of the vocabulary. The blending as a type of modern English word formation.
курсовая работа [54,6 K], добавлен 18.04.2014The structure of words and word-building. The semantic structure of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Word combinations and phraseology in modern English and Ukrainian languages. The Native Element, Borrowed Words, characteristics of the vocabulary.
курс лекций [95,2 K], добавлен 05.12.2010The great diversity of opinion among the well-known domestic and foreign phoneticists in question on allocation of the main components of intonation. Functions and lexico-grammatical structure of intonation in English and in Ukrainian languages.
реферат [17,8 K], добавлен 29.04.2013Using constructions "There is/ There are". Form "to be going to" sentences, meaning. Test exercises with pronouns. The Future Indefinite Tense. Modal verbs, the articles, noun. Past Tenses, passive voice, the Sequence of Tenses, prepositions in English.
тест [49,6 K], добавлен 10.12.2011General description of the definite and indefinite articles or their absence meaning, facts about their origin. Detailed rules and recommendations of the use of the article or its omission in dependence on various features of the noun and of the sentence.
курсовая работа [47,9 K], добавлен 23.05.2013Study of different looks of linguists on an accentual structure in English. Analysis of nature of pressure of the English word as the phonetic phenomenon. Description of rhythmic tendency and functional aspect of types of pressure of the English word.
курсовая работа [25,7 K], добавлен 05.01.2011The fundamental rules for determining the correct form of a noun, pronoun and verb "to be" in English. Plural nouns in English. Spelling compositions "About myself". Translation of the text on "Our town". Сompilation questions to the italized words.
контрольная работа [19,9 K], добавлен 15.01.2014The linguistic status of the article. Noun: the category of determination. Indefinite meaning expressed by a/an. The definite article the. Cataphoric the as heavily concentrated in non-fiction writing. Percentage use of reference for definite phrases.
курсовая работа [357,9 K], добавлен 27.04.2015The lessons of reading and translation of different texts and word-combinations into Ukrainian. The most frequently used expressions with the verbs to be, to have and sentences with them. Reading and translation the dialogue used in the usual speech.
учебное пособие [89,2 K], добавлен 25.03.2010Definition and general characteristics of the word-group. Study of classification and semantic properties of the data units of speech. Characteristics of motivated and unmotivated word-groups; as well as the characteristics of idiomatic phrases.
реферат [49,3 K], добавлен 30.11.2015The problems as definition of nouns, main features of English nouns, their grammatical categories. Semantical characteristics of nouns and the category of number of english nouns. The lexicon-grammatical meaning of a class or of a subclass of words.
курсовая работа [27,6 K], добавлен 07.07.2009The case of the combination of a preposition with a noun in the initial form and description of cases in the English language: nominative, genitive, dative and accusative. Morphological and semantic features of nouns in English and Russian languages.
курсовая работа [80,1 K], добавлен 05.05.2011Lexicology, as a branch of linguistic study, its connection with phonetics, grammar, stylistics and contrastive linguistics. The synchronic and diachronic approaches to polysemy. The peculiar features of the English and Ukrainian vocabulary systems.
курсовая работа [44,7 K], добавлен 30.11.2015Definition. Categories of Nouns. Forms of Nouns. Assaying for Noun. Collective Nouns, Company Names, Family Names, Sports Teams. Plural noun forms. Plural compound nouns. Special cases. Plurals and apostrophes. Singular subjecst, plural predicates.
дипломная работа [34,6 K], добавлен 21.01.2008Borrowing as a method of new word formation. History of military borrowing from Latin and Old Norse. The etymology and modern functions of military loanwords. The use of borrowed terms in historical fiction and fantasy genre. Non-military modern meanings.
курсовая работа [274,2 K], добавлен 08.05.2016Adverbial parts of the sentence are equally common in English and Ukrainian. Types of Adverbial Modifiers. Peculiarities of adverbial modifiers in English and Ukrainian, heir comparative description of similar and features, basic linguistic study.
контрольная работа [25,3 K], добавлен 17.03.2015Word-building as one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary and the affixation is one of the most productive ways. Studying of affixation, which play important role in word-formation, classifying of affixes according to its structure and semantics.
дипломная работа [62,2 K], добавлен 21.07.2009