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The subject of the research is the representation of the concept 'money' in Japanese paramiology. The empirical basis of the research is the selection of units from lexicographical sources such as definition and etymology dictionaries, and dictionaries of collocations, proverbs, sayings and idioms of the Japanese language. The 'Money' concept does not only actualise the sphere of commodity-money relations but also the entire scope of morals and values that determine the need for existence and self-realisation. Analysis of the language material nominating different features of money in the Japanese language allows to better understand behavioral patterns and mentality of Japanese people. Using the method of cognitive and cultural background interpretation as well as the axiological approach allowing to define one's attitude to existence and surrounding world, the author of the research studies the aforesaid concept in terms of the language culture diachrony. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the 'money' concept in terms of verbalisation in Japanese phraseology taking into account national and cultural views and attitudes as well as general and specific features thereof. As a result of the research, the author discovers the ambivalent nature of how the aforesaid concept is reflected in the linguistic consciousness where negative connotation paroemias prevail.

Keywords: values, mentality, Japan, language speaker, phraseology, Yojijukugo, cultural linguistics, paramiology, money, concept

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