Linguistic interference (on the example of internetlanuage "Runglish")

Interference as the interaction of language systems in the context of bilingualism. Analysis of interference phenomena in the Russian language of foreigners, aberration of the literary language through the prism of grammatical and other categories.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 26.04.2019
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Linguistic interference (on the example of internetlanuage «Runglish»)

Einar Haugen defined interference as a partial linguistic overlap when linguistic unit occurs the element of two systems simultaneously, or as crossing of two linguistic systems. Rozenzweig V.Y claims that «interference - is an infringement of rules made by bilingual, which occurs in his speech as deviation». «Interference (from lat. inter - between and ferio - touch, beat) - is an interaction of linguistic systems in bilingual condition, which forms during language contacts or individual acquisition of non native language; occurs as deviation of norms of the second language's norms under the influence of native language…».

In the numerous researches, which are dedicated to analysis of interferencial phenomenon in Russian speech of foreigners the aberrations of literary language is considered through the prism of grammatical and other categories and notion of Russian language. Identified typological divergences might be the basis of defining potential field of interference.

According to Vinogradov, «Interference - is an interaction of linguistic systems in the conditions of bilingualism which is formed during any language contact or individual acquisition of non-native language», aberration of non-native language's system caused by the influence of native language he regards as an expression of the process of interference.

A.E. Karlinsky made a huge contribution in design and interpretation of basic concepts of theory of language contacts and interferencial phenomenon in language. He delimited the interferencial phenomenon in speech of bilingual in a language which he defined as a speech mutation, or in linguistic system which he called «linguistic diffusion». Such delimitation promotes the study of basic issues of linguistic interference from the point of view of correlation «language - speech» and «synchrony - diachrony». During the speech mutation A.E. Karlinsky delimits interference and intercalation, but during linguistic diffusion transference with transcalation. In scientific literature the term «intercalation» is as translingual inclusion. Transference is non-significant for communicative interaction, non-regular interference, which appears only on lexical-semantic level. For example, in Russian speech of English-speaking people occurs the exchange of verb «поставить» with verb «положить», because English verb «to put» has both these meanings.

Interference produces distinctive forms of learner English, depending on the speaker's first language. Some examples, labeled with a blend of the names of the two languages in question, are:

language bilingualism grammatical runglish

• Chinglish (Chinese)

• Czenglish (Czech)

• Denglisch (German)

• Dunglish (Dutch)

• Engrish or «Japlish»


• Finglish (Finnish)

• Franglais (French)

• Greeklish (Greek)

• Hinglish (Hindi)

• Konglish (Korean)

• Manglish (Malaysian)

• Poglish (Polish)

• Porglish (Portuguese)

• Runglish (Russian)

• Spanglish (Spanish)

• Swenglish (Swedish)

• Taglish (Tagalog)

• Tanglish (Tamil)

• Tinglish (Thai)

• Turklish (Turkish)

• Yinglish (Yiddish)

These examples could be multiplied endlessly to reflect the linguistic interactions of speakers of the thousands of existing or extinct languages.

Such interference-language names are often also used informally to denote instances of code-switching, code-mixing, or borrowing (using loan words).

The Internet as a particularly communicative environment and which did not existed before, has brought new methods of communication, also stereotypes of speech behaviour and new forms of language as well.

After the Internet has come in sight, the way of thoughts exchanging in society has changed. In internet society the man became to be equal to the texting. This type of exchanging the thoughts was based on the internet chat communications. Moreover, these internet users had not got any timbre of voice, emotional colouring of words, diction, gestures and facial expressions. From that the quality of communication becomes in a very low level. According to some psychologists, in the real communication, the nonverbal-communication fills the whole process to the

55%. Today copying the foreign countries has become as the modernist practice. Especially replication their language, using their words, and also use them for filing their own speech. In a chase of something new, people ignore not only the grammar when they talk to each other in chats, but ignore their mistakes in spoken language as well.

According to «Internet Worlds Stats», the most used language in internet is English, and on the second places are Chinese and Spanish.

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New world and new style in the internet system, demanded the new style of communication or the transformation of old styles. The slangs, which was created in the internet, comes to people's lexis, it also comes to their everyday speech, hurting their grammar, beauty of speech and et cetera. This is a common problem.

Grammar interference is the influence of grammar structure of native language on the second language in multilingual's speech, which appears in mixing of the meanings of cases, functions of prepositions, violation of the sequence of words, absence of correlation in gender, number and case. Grammar interference between English and Russian languages is caused by the fundamental difference in their grammar systems. By morphologic construction Russian language is agglutinative, where forming words predominantly by agglutination, rather than by inflection or by using isolated elements. Russian language refers to inflectional synthetic languages in which a majority of grammar forms are created by alternating of the structure of a word with the help of developed system of prefixes, suffixes and endings. English language refers to analytic languages, grammar meanings of which are in general expressed by syntax. The difference between languages which become the reason of grammar interference might come out in a particular grammar category and appropriate forms which are absent in one language but exist in another.

In these latter days, Russian language which is used in the internet, is exploring by many linguists. The changes in the secondly language personality, occurs with the practice of forming the virtual image of the world, and also the language image, which is represented the life virtual space with its specific features. There occur the changes of the values, for example. The education in the virtual world appreciates more than the education of language, it means that people can obtain the knowledge, without using difficult structure, constructions of the language, they can simplify it.

The changes of the personality in internet, can form the new style of life, new way of thinking and this is doubtless influences on their use of the correct language. Probably, we can say about the crating of new style in Russian language, about the style of communication in Russian. Today we have got a kind of style which describes the situation. This is can be called as the «Runglish». The runglish is the use of English+Russian words. We can find it out, when we see the reconstructions in the word's root, suffixes, and prefixes. The major role play on this practice, to add, to change the construction of Russian words with the English elements, for giving them the international status or use. The majority part of runglish is used among the CIS. Often we can see the use of them between the IT-specialists, some words like: (юзер, коннектиться, скриншот, софт, апгрейд) and other examples of terms which are pronounced with English pronunciation. The creating of this style, way of communicating, might was made because of the spheres of life, new professions, technologies, cultural innovations, social changes and so on. That is why, if we compare the English and Russian terms which are used in IT-sphere, we can find no differences.

For instance, the meaning of «заасанитьбаг» is used in IT-technologies and means, that one need to choose in a system «bug» and push the «assign» button. The translation of this expression in Russian language («назначитьдефект») can be not understood between co-workers.

Also, for example in England, we can observe the same situation in English language, adding there the words from different languages. This is called as the «Weblish» (Web+English), which is also outspreaded among the internet users around the world.

One must admit that that the internet is the greatest source of garnering the information, which the human beings have ever known. So, as was mentioned before, we can use the internet not only for exchanging text messages and also for obtaining the information. The latter days we can see also the huge use of slang among the virtual chats, forums etc. The slang also simplifies the structure of language, and make the communication more easy and effortless. Nowadays, we can find out the use of slang in mass media, and even in the literature. As the philologists notice, the developing of using the slang might bring a corrosion of language, erode the orthographical and grammatical basis and also can deform lexical units. Frequent use of this language, no doubt, reduce the grammar, reduce the construction of words, simplify the way of presenting thoughts, and one will be need to speak correctly and handsomely, one will not. The one reason of why this language became so popular among the internet users (youth), on the one hand is the poorness of vocabulary on the other hand at the same time the will of being original, and it looks like something new.

Needless to say that social media is one of the most popular phenomenon among the youth. Let us take a look on some sides of that. An online communication affects the language in many ways. One of the curious facts is, that as it was said before, users of the internet mostly prefer to stay anonymous. A numerous amount of the users refuse their own identical basis (name, surname etc.) The anonymity is accepted as a norm. During the communication users usually created a new identical information. This might be one of the causes of losing the individuality and personality as a representatives of language.

The text-messages can have lots of deformed features of phonetics, here is some examples:

Instead of: (Что - чё, чо), (Только - ток, токо), (Сейчас - ща, щас) (Вообще - вабще, ваще).

Also, sometimes the smiles, punctuation marks cannot be pretty enough for expressing the intonation and emotions during the chatting. Often they can be expressed by stretching the vowels. For example: (Ну-у-у-у, незна-а-аю-я!) and also the attempts of representing by using replicas in dialogues, like: (Тайлер задумался, качает ногой) - хм-м-м»).

Some graphical forms of several words are close toward the sounding, how words sounded and by that, they just use words for writing down the essential letters for illustrating this. Forexample: («всю жизнь мечтала побывать в мужской шкуре, мона?» «эт-хрошо» «а ниччё, мило», «ну, чё?», или «оставь «Змейа-а-а-ээээ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!» «НЕСПАААААAAAТЬ!».)

Alsosomeexampleslike: феньк ю веримач!», «нажала-а-а-а-а» или «штоляа», так и традиционными, общепринятыми (в чатах). К последним можно отнести «чё», «щас», «чего-нить», «ваще», «эт» вместо «это».

The influence on the construction of words during the internet communication.

1- The direct borrowing. These words me meet in Russian language, with the almost similar meaning as was given in the original version (English). For example: (уик-энд - выходные; блэк - негр; мани - деньги, сайз - размер.)

2- Hybrids. These kinds of words were created by the adding to the structure of Russian words, foreign roots, prefixes, suffixes. Sometimes this practice can create several changing in the meaning, but they usually close to.

Some examples: искейпнуть (escape), гамать (game), запостить (to post)

3- Kalka. These words had come from the foreign languages, which are used with the preservation of their graphical and phonetically form.

Examples: меню, пароль, диск, вирус, клуб, саркофаг.

4- A half-Kalka. The words which are obey to the Russian language grammar by adding the suffixes. The examples of them: драйв - драйва (drive)

5- Exotisms. The words are characterized by the national features, which came from the non-Russian cultures. The main distinction of this type is that, it has not Russian synonyms. For example: чипсы (chips), хот-дог (hotdog), чизбургер (cheeseburger)

6- Composits. These type of words consist of two English words. For example: секонд-хенд - astorewhich sells the utilized clothes; видеосалон - a room for watching the films; офф-топик - out of theme.

The researchers notice that the destiny of the slang and expressions is not similar. One of them because of the frequent use for a long time can be used in the common speech. Other types of slang and expressions can be forgotten. Rest of them are able to stay in use for a long time among the young generation, and cannot be used in the common speech but cannot be forgotten as well.

Also among the internet users one of the popular quickmethod exchanging of messages is the excluding of vowels at all.

Because, in their opinion the use of only consonants is pretty enough for representing the meaning. For example:

Correct: Привет! Как твои дела?

Reversed: Првт! Кктвдл?

Correct: Я бы сегодня хотел сходить в магазин

Reversed: Я б сёньхтлсхдть в мгзн

In the conclusion, one should admit that the internet communication, doubtless simplify the structure and accelerate the exchange of messages, e-mails. This practice is very close to the modern style of life, as something like «Faster and effortless». The use of the «runglish» can be comfortable, but if we have analogues of these words in Russian language, it would be better if we would use them instead of Anglicism.

In conclusion, we can say that linguistic interference caused by the combination of two languages might somehow develop vocabulary range of the original language. However, in some cases it degrades and violates the norms and esthetic features of the language. The example of Runglish is one of the many languages that demonstrate the process of spreading of English language in the fields of the Internet. Many languages are being interfered and modified under the influence of international and intercultural English language.

Literature and links

1. Chang, C.B.; Mishler, A. (2012). «Evidence for language transfer leading to a perceptual advantage for non-native listeners». Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

2. Haugen, Ecology of language; Stanford University Press, (1972). -366 * Виноградов, В.А. Интерференция // Лингвистический энциклопедический

3. словарь / Гл. ред. В.Н. Ярцева. - М.: Сов. энциклопедия, 1990 - 685 с.

4. Карлинский, А.Е. Основы теории взаимодействия языков. - Алма-Ата: Гылым, 1990. - 181 с.


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