Miscommunication in gatekeeping situations: cultural mismatch revealed in job interviews
Research the place of gatekeeping encounters in the system of business discourse. Analysis of the sources of cultural mismatches during a job interview in an intercultural setting. Study of specifics of job interview in an intercultural environment.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | дипломная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.11.2019 |
Размер файла | 72,9 K |
Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже
Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.
Type of a participant
Interviewee (gatekepee)
Interviewer (gatekeeper)
Type of discursive genre
Question-answer adjacency pairs
GK: I see you're interested in this position as an English Teacher, aren't you?
P2: Yes, I am
Content features
Topical features
General and personal topics
Small-talk; a monologue/dialogue about the biography of the applicant
G/k: Alright P2 how are you? how are you feeling today?
P2: Umm yeah, I'm feeling fine thank you very much, and you yourself? G/k: Me? Oh me I'm great thank you P2: [Yeah xx,
Sorry for the lags in connection we've just installed a new router so it's still learning to walk, I mean to work (laugh) to work properly (laugh)
Qualification and job experience
Dialogue about qualifications and skills of the applicant, conducting a test (case-study, open-questions, etc.)
G/k: And did you get a chance to work uhm officially?
P2: Yeah well kind of? when I got enrolled in the university I started like private tutoring like giving private lessons to kids and adults
Applicant's motivation
Monologue or dialogue about personal and professional growth of the applicant within the development of the organization
[about personal development on previous workplace]
G/k: Oh alright I see that okay, well anyway I guess eventually it worked out well for you didn't it?
P2: Yeah kind of? I got a lot of new experience I got more knowledge and now I have something to work with
Applicant's questions
Open dialogue, format of questions and answers, rhetorical questions
P2: I speak it very well and I wanna pass my knowledge onto younger generations, right?
Composition and Structure
Description of the structural elements
Five-stage composition of J. Scheuer
The participants introduce themselves
G/k: Hello P1, it's very nice to meet you my name is Mary Smith and I will be interviewing you today
P1: Hello Miss Smith, it is very nice to meet you too
General information
The candidate is provided with detailed information about the organization, its internal and external channels and procedures of communication
[not manifested in conducted interviews]
Main questions
Using various communicative techniques, the applicant is interviewed through a dialogue with the interviewer(s)
G/k: Yeah okay alright I see, Uhm but in general did you like working there?
P2: Well yeah you know I got a lot of new experience and knowledge about teaching that they don't teach you in class (laugh)
G/k: (laugh) Sure
P2: I got more confident with my methods as I got the perfect opportunity to work with groups and individuals, uhm like of all ages and with uhm very different learning objectives, so yeah it was pretty good and very productive
Detailed information
Using various administrative procedures, the process of decision-making begins (or preparation for it is initiated)
[not manifested in conducted interviews]
The interview is finished. The participants end the communicative interaction. Leave-taking.
G/k: Alright great, well thank you very much it's been a lovely interview
P2: Oh thank you, it was a pleasure indeed
G/k: Alright so you'll be notified shortly about our decision okay?
P2: Yeah perfect thank you very much
G/k: Thank you, Goodbye
P2: Goodbye
Micro-level analysis
Linguistic and stylistic parameters
How it is expressed in the interview
Adjacency pairs
G/k: Oh wow and how was it?
P2: It was interesting, I worked with middle schoolers and it was challenging but interesting
G/k: Challenging in what way?
P2: Well it's hard sometimes to make them pay attention as they are not as motivated still
Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions
Realization of communicative and pragmatic aspects in speech
Channels of realization
Lexical and syntactic constructions
interrogative sentences
GK: Alright and did you have any other experience with teaching?
interrogative sentences, and propositional content
GK: Alright then, why don't you tell me about yourself?
interrogative hypothetical sentences
GK: Alright uhm, okay and my last question, if I told you that there were only two candidates for the position, what two things would you lke me to remember about you?
Narrative forms
Monologue-discussion of the applicant's professional experience
P2: It was interesting, I worked with middle schoolers and it was challenging but interesting
Descriptive forms
Description of ideological views of the applicant to illustrate their personal and professional qualities.
P2: Well I mean when I started teaching I thought I was like so perfect and stuff, but the more I learn about teaching the more I understand how many imperfections my methods have, and uhm, I think it's good as you know I have the tools to correct those imperfections
Expositive forms
Discussion of more specific professional subjects
P2: It's primarily about communication
GK: [M-mhm
P2: Especially at the primary stages you know like A1 or A2 even B1 in some cases
3.2.2 Interviewer's evaluation
After each interview, the interviewer was asked to assess each the candidate's skills and overall impression according to the Likert scale (from 1 (poor) to 5 (very good)).
In the tables below the results are presented in a form of Likert scale.
Poor |
Average |
Somewhat good |
Good |
Very good |
Presentation skills (how well the candidate presented themselves) |
x |
Leadership skills (how ready is the participant to take the lead in communication) |
x |
Interpersonal skills (skills of communication and cooperation) |
x |
Overall impression |
x |
Poor |
Average |
Somewhat good |
Good |
Very good |
Presentation skills (how well the candidate presented themselves) |
x |
Leadership skills (how ready is the participant to take the lead in communication) |
x |
Interpersonal skills (skills of communication and cooperation) |
x |
Overall impression |
x |
As can be seen from the table above, the participant P2 was rated higher than P1. Such a fact contributes to the confirmation of the hypothesis.
In sum, while writing this paper the key features of such a gatekeeping encounter as job interview were systematized. Apart from that, the main theoretical frameworks for analyzing business discourse were identified. Moreover, the place of gatekeeping encounters in the system of business discourse was investigated. Some specifics of such a gatekeeping encounter as a job interview in an intercultural environment were as well outlined and the issue the main sources of cultural mismatches during a job interview in an intercultural setting was addressed. All of it was achieved through a thorough analysis of literature related to the topics of interlanguage pragmatics, institutional discourse and gatekeeping encounters and followed by an experimental study of communication patterns of native speakers of Russian in a situation of a gatekeeping encounter such a job interview for an English teaching position conducted in an intercultural setting.
Conclusions. Based on the results of the conducted empirical research, it is possible to conclude that previous exposure to the pragmatics of intercultural job interview does help the candidate to avoid potential miscommunication during the actual interview. Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed, the purpose of the study was achieved.
Limitations. A significant limitation of the open role-play method was identified. It consists in its lack of consequentiality, i.e. they bear no real-life consequence and thus cannot be considered as an absolutely authentic type of discourse. Another limitation that is presented in the study is the number of participants. There is a reason to assume that it would be much more representative, if it had more participants for each group.
Due to the limitations of the present study, further investigations on the current topic are recommended. For instance, a research with a more representative sample and authentic discourse can be conducted to further elaborate the problem.
Recommendations for Future Research
In the long-term perspective, it is possible to study newer literary sources and conduct empirical research with authentic and semi-authentic texts. The results of such research can serve for further study and generalization of employment discourse and job interview in particular. It is also possible to use the results of this study in the development of programs for the formation of intercultural competence of students of universities of different specializations to prepare them for a competitive international internationalized labor market. In general, the outcomes of the experimentation present a valuable contribution to the discussion about the methods of development of intercultural competences during the training of specialists for the new internationalized market.
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Transcript P1 (Control Group: not exposed to the pragmatics of gatekeeping encounters)
G/k:Hello hi,
can you hear me?
Yes I hear you,
you hear me?
G/k:I do I do,
Hi hello
P1:Hello good afternoon
G/k:Hello P1,
it's very nice to meet you
my name is Mary Smith and I will be interviewing you today
P1:Hello Miss Smith,
it is very nice to meet you too
G/k:Alright P1 uhm,
how are you doing today?
P1:I'm fine thank you and you?
G/k:Oh I'm great thank you very much
G/k:So let's see,
P1: [Yes
G/k:I see you're interested in this position as an English Teacher, aren't you?
P1:Yes I am
G/k:Alright then,
why don't you tell me about yourself?
I mean how you started learning English and how you got into teaching
P1:Well xx, (4 sec pause)
Uhm I've been learning English since middle school I guess?
Uhm at my school we had a good teacher,
she explained very well and so I didn't take any extra classes
G/k:Oh great
I started teaching after I left high school and got into the university,
G/k:Alright great
so I started giving some private classes to children and that's it
G/k:Oh I see,
So giving private classes is your only experience in teaching?
P1:Uhm no,
that's how I got into teaching,
I also did my uhm how is it called?
G/k:What is it?
P1:My practice uhm
G/k:Your practice?
P1: [uhm yes like uhm (2 sec pause) internship
G/k:Oh I get it
P1:Yes so I did my internship at school as a teacher of English
G/k:Oh wow and how was it?
P1:It was interesting,
I worked with middle schoolers and it was challenging but interesting
G/k:Challenging in what way?
P1:Well it's hard sometimes to make them pay attention as they are not as motivated still
G/k:Not as motivated as adults?
P1:As any motivated person
G/k:Okay I see,
and so how did you managed to cope with such a challenge?
P1:Well I uhm (3 sec pause),
I played them videos and songs
G/k:Oh that's an interesting approach
G/k:Alright and did you have any other experience with teaching?
P1:Not really
G/k:Uh-huh okay alright,
While working with children did you have any other problems that you had to overcome?
Not really
Not that I remember
G/k:Alright great,
and your internship supervisors,
were you in a good relationship with them?
P1:Hmm (3 sec pause),
Yes, I was
G/k:What in your opinion represents a good supervisor?
P1:Well uhm,
I guess being experienced in their respective field and being a good leader
G/k:A good leader?
a good leader
G/k:What do you mean by that?
P1:That they have to know how to mentor their employees and motivate them
G/k:That's an interesting point of view
G/k:Alright uhm,
okay and my last question,
if I told you that there were only two candidates for the position,
what two things would you lke me to remember about you?
P1:Uhm (3 sec pause),
that I am responsible,
and uhm also reliable
uhm could you elaborate on that please?
I do what I am asked to do and you can count on in me in any situation
G/k:Oh great amazing,
that's amazing,
thank you very much,
it was a nice interview
P1:Yes, thank you
G/k:So you'll be notified shortly about our decision alright?
thank you
G/k:Bye bye
Transcript P2 (Experimental Group: exposed to the pragmatics of gatekeeping encounters)
G/k:Hello hello,
can you hear me?
P2: [Hello hi hi,
yes loud and clear loud and clear
hello P2 xx it's very nice to meet you,
P2: [very nice to meet you too
G/k:my name is Mary Smith and I will be interviewing you today
P2: [great very nice to meet you such a pleasure
G/k:Alright P2 how are you?
how are you feeling today?
P2:Umm yeah,
I'm feeling fine thank you very much,
and you yourself?
Oh me I'm great thank you
P2: [Yeah xx,
Sorry for the lags in connection we've just installed a new router so it's still learning to walk,
I mean to work (laugh) to work properly (laugh)
G/k: [Ah yeah (laugh)
I see,
Um okay alright P2
P2:So yeah if it suddenly loses the connection just wait for me to call you back
G/k:Alright P2 got it alright
P2: [Mhmm
G/k:So P2 I see you're interested in this position as an English Teacher
P2: [Yeah yeah I am indeed very much interested
why don't you tell me about yourself?
I mean how you got into teaching why teaching why teaching languages and things like that,
P2:Yeah um yeah well
I've been learning English since I was like probably ten,
G/k: [Wow at such a young age
P2:so yeah that's where it all started,
uhm as a kid I went to that language center here in Moscow and I had the most wonderful teacher she was amazing I really liked her,
like she's probably one of the main reasons why I like languages and all
G/k: [Uh-huh yeah
P2:So yeah, I I really fell in love with English and apart from that I was always good at it you know
G/k:Yeah uh-huh
P2:And well yeah,
at some point I thought why not you know (laugh) I love the language
G/k: [Yeah (laugh)
P2:I speak it very well and I wanna pass my knowledge onto younger generations,
G/k:Yeah, right
P2:And that's how I started teaching,
it was in high school and of course it was very unofficial but still I've started doing it and I loved it
G/k:Wow great yeah
P2:So yeah of course there were some bumps and bruises on the way but you know when you really love doing something
G/k:Yeah yeah I get it that's amazing
G/k:And did you get a chance to work uhm officially?
P2:Yeah well kind of?
when I got enrolled in the university I started like private tutoring like giving private lessons to kids and adults
G/k: [Uh-huh, yea
and it was offical?
not really (laugh)
Uhm two years ago I landed on a job at a language center and that's where it got well official
G/k:Oh alright I see great,
you still work there?
P2:Uhm no I don't work there anymore
G/k:May I ask why?
P2:Uhm sure,
it was just some ideological differences with my supervisors,
they were more interested in quanity rather than quality you know
G/k:Yeah mkay alright I see,
Uhm but in general did you like working there?
P2:Well yeah you know I got a lot of new experience and knowledge about teaching that they don't teach you in class (laugh)
G/k:(laugh) Sure
P2:I got more confident with my methods as I got the perfect opportunity to work with groups and individuals,
uhm like of all ages and with uhm very different learning objectives,
so yeah it was pretty good and very productive
G/k:Alright I see,
and this quality-quanity conflict,
may I ask you to elaborate on that please?
P2:Uh yeah of course uhm
G/k:Yeah don't worry
P2:No of course not I mean,
When teaching I'm equally concerned about the process and the results you know
G/k: [Uh-huh yeah
P2:So yeah but my supervisors they demanded unrealistic results in very short time,
like you know
P2:Like you know that you can make your students learn 100 new words in a week of course you can do that
G/k:Uh-huh yeah
P2:But the next week they won't remember only like 20 at the maximum you know
G/k: [Okay yeah I see
P2:Yeah but my supervisors,
they demanded that my students learn 100 words per week for example or some crazy grammar that they won't ever use
G/k: [Oh wow
P2:But I personally don't really think that like language is about like knowing a humongous amount of words you know
G/k: [Yeah sure
P2:It's primarily about communication
G/k: [M-mhm
P2:Especially at the primary stages you know like A1 or A2 even B1 in some cases
G/k:Yeah I see
P2:Yeah so of course it's important but it's more important to be able to communicate yourself
P2:And my supervisors well they disagreed with that
G/k:Oh wow that's not good
P2:Of course not,
I coped with it for two years but got too tired of that so I quit
G/k:Oh alright I see that okay,
well anyway I guess eventually it worked out well for you didn't it?
P2:Yeah kind of?
I got a lot of new experience I got more knowledge and now I have something to work with
G/k:What do you mean?
P2:Well I mean when I started teaching I thought I was like so perfect and stuff,
but the more I learn about teaching the more I understand how many imperfections my methods have,
and uhm,
I think it's good as you know I have the tools to correct those imperfections
G/k:Oh yes sure that's a very interesting perspective
P2:Yeah I guess?
G/k:Alright then P2,
my last question will be uhm,
if I told you that there were only two candidates for the position,
what two things would you lke me to remember about you?
P2:Uh well I guess you know uhm,
that apart from knowing a thing or two about teaching I am also a very good learner,
I learn very fast and I enjoy it and I'm not afraid of it
G/k:Not afraid of it?
P2:Yeah I'm not afraid of learning as you know,
Learning is always making mistakes and I'm not afraid of mistakes,
Practice makes perfect right?
G/k:Uh-huh yeah you're totally right,
and the second thing?
P2:Well the second thing would be uhm,
that pff I don't know,
that I adapt really fast as well you know,
as I'm a fast learner I know how to work with different people so I adapt fast
G/k:Alright yeah I see that's amazing
G/k:Alright great,
well thank you very much it's been a lovely interview
P2:Oh thank you,
it was a pleasure indeed
G/k: Alright so you'll be notified shortly about our decision okay?
P2:Yeah perfect thank you very much
G/k: Thank you,
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