Multilingual competence through clil approach development

Multilingualism is a widespread phenomenon in modern societies. Researchers studying the phenomenon of multilingualism. Contacts between people speaking different languages. Acquisition of multilingual competence as the ability to speak several languages.

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Multilingual competence through clil approach development

Anisimova A.I.

A considerable number of people speak more than two languages in their everyday life due to historical, social, or economic reasons. The continuing growth of individuals and communities that use three or more languages has led many researchers to investigate multilingualism and multilingual acquisition. Multilingualism has become a widespread phenomenon in modern societies.

Researchers studying the phenomenon of multilingualism state that for many people it is a fact of life and not a problem, because contacts between people speaking different languages has been a common phenomenon since ancient times [1]. multilingualism competence contacts

Moreover, acquisition of multilingual competence as an ability to speak several languages has become one of the key demands of the higher education; this is a competence that a competitive specialist should possess. However, there comes a question how a person can acquire a multilingual competence if the system of education has never presupposed that. One of the answers to this question is through CLIL that is Content and Language Integrated Learning. CLIL is usually thought to play an increasingly important part in language education, both as a feature of foreign language teaching and learning, and as an element of bi- and multilingualism. As students develop their language competences, they are able to deal with more complex topics, so teaching material needs to offer learners an interesting and challenging subject matter.

CLIL has been identified as very important by the European Commission [2] because it can provide effective opportunities for students to use their new language skills.

* It is worth mentioning that there are many evidences that CLIL shares some features with other types of bi- and multilingual education. Researchers [3] point out several features typical of CLIL program:

• CLIL is about using a foreign language or a lingua franca, not a second language, which means that the language of instruction is one that students will mainly encounter in the classroom;

• English is considered to be the dominant CLIL language that reflects the fact that a command of English as an additional language is increasingly regarded as a key literacy feature worldwide;

• CLIL implies that teachers are normally nonnative speakers of the target language;

• CLIL lessons are usually timetabled as content lessons (literature, history, etc.) while the target language normally continues as a subject in its own right in the shape of foreign language lessons taught by language specialists

Traditionally, researchers tend to view multilingual competences as the sum of discrete monolingual competences. In an attempt to identify the linguistic capacity of multilinguals, the researchers agree that multilingual competence involves using several languages appropriately and effectively for communication in oral and written language [4].

Moreover, multilingual approach involves learning subjects such as history, literature or others, through a foreign language. It can be very successful in enhancing the learning of languages and other subjects, and helping students develop their multilingual competence.

At present, CLIL type approaches have become frequently adopted in European higher education in the fields of law, business, economics, humanities, etc. Predominantly they appear at MA level, often as degree programmes which are either fully delivered in a foreign/target language (most frequently English) or contain extensive modules delivered in the target language.

All these factors are taken into consideration in the process of teaching activity at the English Philology Department of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. Development of students' multilingual competence is one of the major objectives of the curriculum.

The courses have been developed in such a way as to correspond to the requirements of formal education and to make the students competitive on the global arena. All the majors (History of Language, Theory of Grammar, Lexicology, Stylistics and others) are taught in English. In this way, subject learning is combined with language learning without overcrowding the timetable.

Having completed such a program students are supposed to acquire: multilingual competence in the field-specific and professional domain; understanding of the national and international dimensions of their profession, including cultural differences and peculiarities; knowledge and understanding of how multilingual and multicultural individuals and communities operate in such contexts where linguistic and intercultural skills are required; knowledge and understanding of communication conventions in their professional field, as well as sensitivity to appropriate use in academic, professional and social contexts; mediation between languages and cultures in social and professional settings, including effective translanguaging (code-switching, code-mixing etc.), intercultural awareness and negotiation of meaning needed in domain-specific professional multilingual and multicultural environments (multiliteracy).

To sum up, the syllabi of the majority of courses in the curriculum are supposed to provide students with multilingual, multicultural and cross-cultural competences that are considered to be the key ones for the world job market. However, the issue of CLIL and multilingual competence includes many aspects, that is why it still requires further investigation.


1. Kemp C. Defining Multilingualism / C. Kemp // The Exploration of Multilingualism. Ed. by L. Aronin and B. Hufeisen. - Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009. - P. 11 - 26.

2. Content and Language Integrated Learning [Електронний ресурс] :[Режим доступу] :

3. Dalton-Puffer Ch. Content-and-Language Integrated Learning: from Practice to Principles? / Ch. Dalton-Puffer // Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. - 2011. - Vol. 31. - P. 182 - 204.

4. Cenoz J. A Holistic Approach to Multilingual Education: Introduction / J. Cenoz, D. Gorter // The Modern Language Journal. - 2011. - Vol. 95 (3). - P. 339 - 343.

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