Semantic variants of the responsive sentences within question-answer system
Consideration the basic semantic variants of the responsive sentences on the material of the English language. It is noted that formal responsive is the easiest type of answer, which does not require a person to answer any deep analysis of the question.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.04.2020 |
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Semantic variants of the responsive sentences within question-answer system
Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor Suima I.P.
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine
The article deals with the consideration of the basic semantic variants of the responsive sentences on the material of the English language. It is noted that formal responsive is the easiest type of answer, which does not require a person to answer any deep analysis of the question, and even more thought out and specially organized concept of the answer. It is enough to use the simplest form of positive or negative reaction. But the answer yes / no type can not always convey the content of the communication, such responses in a number of cases are simply impossible or inexpedient. As is the case, for example, with the use of those who ask, an alternative question, constructs with question words and other linguistic means with the installation of any information. In such cases, it is necessary to use not just a formal, even an expanded, responsive, but a responsive of meaningful, filled answer with vocabulary that focuses on a concrete communicative situation. The nature of such an answer can be varied and include in a corresponding responsive sentence as stylistically marked words and insertions (exclamations, appeals, inserts and constructs), and updated, communicative as well as pragmatically meaningful vocabulary. Depending on how adequately, fully and pragmatically acceptable the answer to a given question is, as well as the relevance of the question and answer vocabulary, we divide the meaningful responsives into two main types: tautological, consisting mainly of the vocabulary of the question itself, and heuristic, built on the basis of not only vocabulary questions, but also some other than the one who asks lexical material.
Key words: responsive sentence, question-answer system, verbal reaction, semantic features, heuristic responsive, meaningful responsive.
Стаття присвячена розглядові основних семантичних варіантів респонсивних речень на матеріалі англійської мови. Відзначено, що формальний респонсив - це найпростіший тип відповіді, що не вимагає від того, хто відповідає, скільки-небудь глибокого аналізу питання, а тим більше продуманої та особливим чином організованої концепції відповіді. Достатньо найпростішої форми позитивної чи негативної реакції. Але відповіді типу так/ні далеко не завжди можуть вичерпати змістовну складову комунікації, не говорячи вже про те, що такі відповіді у низці випадків просто неможливі або недоцільні. Як це, наприклад, має місце при використанні тим, хто запитує, альтернативного питання, конструкцій з питальними словами та інших лінгвістичних засобів з установкою на отримання якої-небудь інформації. У таких випадках потрібен не просто формальний, нехай навіть розширений, респонсив, а респонсив змістовний, наповнений лексикою, що орієнтована на конкретну комунікативну ситуацію. Характер такої відповіді може бути найрізноманітнішим та включати в відповідне респонсивне речення як стилістично марковані слова та внесення (вигуки, звертання, вставні слова та конструкції), так і актуалізовану, комунікативно, а також прагматично значущу лексику.
В залежності від того, наскільки адекватна, повна і прагматично прийнятна відповідь на те чи те питання а також як співвідноситься лексика питання та відповіді, ми підрозділяємо змістовний респонсив на два основних типи: тавтологічний, що складається головним чином з лексики самого питання, та евристичний, побудований на базі не тільки лексики питання, але й якогось іншого, ніж у того, хто запитує, лексичного матеріалу.
Ключові слова: респонсивне речення, система питання-відповідь, вербальна реакція, семантичні особливості, евристичний респонсив, змістовний респонсив.
Статья посвящена рассмотрению основных семантических вариантов респонсивних предложений на материале английского языка. Отмечено, что формальный респонсив - это самый простой тип ответа, не требует от того, кто отвечает, сколько-нибудь глубокого анализа вопроса, а тем более продуманной и особым образом организованной концепции ответа. Достаточно простой формы положительной или отрицательной реакции. Но ответы типа да / нет далеко не всегда могут исчерпать содержательную составляющую коммуникации, не говоря уже о том, что такие ответы в ряде случаев просто невозможны или нецелесообразны. Как это, например, имеет место при использовании тем, кто спрашивает, альтернативного вопроса, конструкций с вопросительными словами и других лингвистических средств с установкой на получение какой-либо информации. В таких случаях требуется не просто формальный, пусть даже расширенный, респонсив, а респонсив содержательный, наполненный лексикой, ориентированный на конкретную коммуникативную ситуацию. Характер такого ответа может быть самым разнообразным и включать в соответствующее респонсивное предложение как стилистически маркированные слова и внесения (возгласы, обращения, вводные слова и конструкции), так и актуализированную, коммуникативно, а также прагматично значимую лексику.
В зависимости от того, насколько адекватен, полнон и прагматично приемлемый ответ на тот или иной вопрос а также как соотносится лексика вопроса и ответа, мы подразделяем содержательный респонсив на два основных типа: тавтологический, состоящий главным образом из лексики самого вопроса, и эвристический, построен на базе не только лексики вопросы, но и какого-то другого, чем у того, кто спрашивает, лексического материала.
Ключевые слова: респонсивное предложение, система вопрос-ответ, вербальная реакция, семантические особенности, эвристический респонсив, содержательный респонсив.
Problem statement. Responsive sentences are interesting in structural and semantic aspects as well as in functional one. These communicative units can be characterized with a wide range of special features: 1) As it was mentioned above responsives express verbal reaction to any communicative unit; 2) Communicative structures under review always have deep semantic implication; 3) The structure of the responsives despite the other types of sentences, can vary greatly: the reaction can be presented by one word as well as a long speech or the reaction to the message can repeat the lexical units used in the message itself as well as be expressed in the most unexpected way with the help of different lexemes. This structural peculiarities influence also the functional aspect of the responsive sentences. 4) Different types of the responsive sentences are widely used practically in all spheres of human life and activity; 5) The functional loading of the responsive sentences as a rule depends not only on the initial phrase, which is reacted by means of this sentence, but also on different linguistic and extralinguistic reasons; 6) The communicative units under review can be found in all speech styles; 7) Responsive sentences can be cliched or fixed structures as well as free, usual communicative units, which are using in everyday life etc.
The analysis of recent publications. Within the question-answer system types of replies are traditionally corresponded to the types of questions. The identification of questions typology is dealt with in different linguistic researches [1--8]. The classification of answers, which can be connected with the interrogative sentence as well as for example, be means of the communicative sabotage or linguistic manipulation has not its detail description yet. Very often the responsive sentence [9] or verbal reaction to the question within the question-answer system somehow contents tautological elements, the case when the answer repeats some lexical units used in the question (I'm willing to work hard! -- said the Dick. -- And you must not only work hard, but work in the right way) [10]; is formal, when the reply is reduced only to words “Yes\No” or their equivalents (Are these all the clothes you have? -- Yes, sir; Have you ever been in any situation? -- No, sir) [10] etc. The responsive sentences of such type are make the communication easier for the its participants, but in real life the other type of answers, which are containing new lexical units, are more sufficient, more pragmatically oriented and more important for the process of the communication. The purpose of the article is to analyze the responsive sentences of such type can be called heuristic ones. The object of the article is the responsive sentence. The subject of the article is functional, structural and lexical peculiarities of the heuristic responsive sentences. The urgency of the research. Heuristic responsive sentences are the most interesting class of answers from the structural, lexical, semantic and functional aspects because they are characterized with the usage of the extended lexical filling, comparing to the other classes, they may not include the vocabulary of the interrogative sentence at all while representing by itself the detail to some extend information which had been demanded by the speaker. From the structural pint of view the heuristic responsives are diverse and having any kind of structure -- from several words to big text massage.
The presentation of the main material. Semantically, this type of answers is intended on the presenting of the concrete information the asking person needs. But, as it was mentioned above, it can be done in different ways. It enables us to divide heuristic responsive sentences into three main types:
- The direct answer, needing no additions, more detail descriptions, which satisfies the person who asks: --Tell me, why does Captain Demerest dislike you so much?” -- --I suppose he knows I dislike him” [11];
- The reduced responsive -- an answer avoiding some elements of the dialogue, but the speaker, who asks understands the reply correctly and, the same as for the previous class, it needs no additional information or details: What is the matter? -- We should go home!;
- The extended responsive -- the responsive sentence, containing except the information was asked for some additional data, which, according to the answering persons' view, will be interesting or useful for the other speaker: --You'd like me to take him home too?”- --He lives at 9002, Hollywood Boulevard. Thank you for your help” [11].
The common feature of the three classes of the responsive sentences mentioned above consists in the fact that the answers of all named types are satisfactory ones for the speaker and they present the information he\she needs. But there are also peculiar features of every class, which can be seen while analyzing the structural, lexical and semantic specificity of them.
The direct answer to the question is not restricted to any form or content: --How many complaints have there been?” Mel asked. -- --At least 50.”; --Don't they know there's a storm and we have a runway out of use?” -- --We try to tell them, but they don't want to listen. I hear they're holding a meeting tonight to decide what to do next”; ”How did you know about the Snow Committee report?' he asked her -- --It was typed in the Trans America Office. I saw it there” [11] etc. As we can see from the examples, the first class of the heuristic responsive sentence - direct answer to the question -- in the most cases explains something or presents some information.
The first subtype of the heuristic responsive sentences includes, except the direct answer itself the antecedent responsives, meaning the replies which are correlating with the interrogative pronoun-adverbial component of the question: “Where's Joe Patroni?” -- “Still on the road”; “Why don't you fly from San Diego?” Tanya asked. -- “I'm afraid, my dear, they know me there.”; “What do you do at stops?” -- “I pretend to be asleep. Usually they don't trouble me.”; “How long?” -- “Until midnight. Possibly all night” [11] etc. The replies of such type give the concrete answer to the question, but semantically and structurally they are corresponded to the pronoun-adverbial element of the question itself.
In practical communication the heuristic responsive sentences are interrelated within the dialogue with the other types of the replies, which are supplemented each other, because there are some questions demanding the extended answer and there are ones, needing only Yes\No answer:
“Inez,” he continued. “May I call you Inez?”
“Yes,” she whispered. “Inez, will you answer my questions?”
“Yes - if I can.”
“Why is your husband going to Rome?”
“I don't know. ”
“Have you got any friends there?”
“No.” semantic sentence answer question
“What is your husband's job?”
“He was a builder.”
“Was? Isn't he now?”
“Things went -- wrong.” [11]
The given fragment from the text illustrates the correlation of different types of the responsive sentences. Heuristic replies are connected semantically with the tautological, formal, determined ones etc. But as we can see from the above-mentioned example, the direct answers are the most important and sufficient links, that let us to understand the content of the dialogue, they explain the
other remarks and are complementing the other types of the responsive sentences presenting in the given fragment.
The second main type of the heuristic responsive sentences is the reduced responsive. The reduction in this class of answers may be structural -- when some lexical units are avoid in the reply, but it is insufficient for the listener and he\she can easily realize the missed word or word-combination. As for the example, presented in the article: “What is the matter? -- We should go home!”, here the full answer would be like the following one: “The matter is that we should go home”. But in the practical speech the word-combination “the matter is that”, repeating the lexical units of the question is contracted because the participant of the communication will understand everything without it. It is also doing for the purpose of the language units' economy and, as a rule, for the economy time. Besides structural reduction it can also be semantic -- when it is missed one or several lines from the dialogue, but it does not affect the process of the communication and the interlocutors understand each other without problems: “What is the score? -- Liverpool has won”; “Have you seen the weather forecast for tomorrow? -- It will be raining the whole day!” etc. So, the intention of the asking person is not actually to hear the answer to their question, but it is understood, that this question will be followed with the other one. In the first example, the speaker asks about the score of the match, but, actually, he is interested only the score itself, for him it is important to know who wins the match. And if the answer to the first question (What is the score of the match) were, for example, 2 : 0, it would not have been satisfactory for the speaker, because such type of the answer does not present the information he needs.
The same situation is with the other example -- the speaker hardly needs the information about the fact has his conversation partner seen the weather forecast or not. He needs the information from this forecast itself. So, the answer “It will be raining the whole day” satisfies the speaker.
And the third main type of the heuristic responsive sentences is an extended one. This class has something in common in semantic aspect with the previous type of the responsive sentences, because here we also have one or even several missed lines from the dialogue, but the speaker does not need them. But the previous - reduced type of the responsives -- represented only the main information and only the data needed for the person who asks. And the extended responsive sentences are intended to give not only the needed information but also the additional one: Have you done your home composition? -- I will not give it to you!; Have you done some notes from the lecture? -- I have given it to the other student; Do you need a bag? -- A little one; etc.
Here the speaker begins the communication with a question, but his\her conversation partner can easily understand the real intention of the speaker and gives him\her the answer not to the question itself, but to the question, that will follow this question in case he\she replies: for instance, the first example with the composition: the speaker asks his\her conversation partner whether he\she has done the homework. Of course, the person, who is asked, realizes why the speaker put such a question and reacts in this way. He\she knows that if he\she answers “Yes”, his\her conversation partner will ask to read it or even to rewrite to his\her copybook. The same is the situation with the other example, concerning the notes from the lecture. The asking person implies by his\her question the latent request to give these notes to him\her. And the conversation partner, understanding it, answers that he\she gave the notes to the other person. It may be also done for the purpose of the time economy and from the linguistic point of view, economy of language means, i.e. words and word-combinations.
The heuristic responsive sentences are widely used not only in the modern English prose, but also in the oral speech. According to the statistical analysis, that has been held on the material of the 10000 dialogues in English, above 4000 responsive sentences here are the heuristic responsive sentences which are presenting the satisfactory for the speaker answer to the interrogative sentence put by him. The heuristic responsive sentences are also used in the so-called mixed type responsives when, for example, formal reply “Yes\No” is complemented with the heuristic one, or maybe the tautological responsive is supplemented with the heuristic responsive sentences etc.
Conclusions and prospectives. So, the heuristic responsive sentences are among the most significant answer type within the typology of replies. Along with the uncontented responsive sentences -- the answers, those are not satisfactory for the speaker and represent the attempt of the answering person to avoid the question or to change the subject of the communication and latent responsive sentences -- replies that are not giving the exact answer but implying it -- are the main structures representing the whole system of the responsive sentences. They are characterized with the diverse structural, lexical, semantic features and they are integral and sufficient part of the process of communication. All subtypes of the heuristic responsive sentences have some common and peculiar features. And, the main specificity of the given class of the answers consists in the fact that despite the existence of the various forms of the structure, lexical filling and semantic content the heuristic responsive sentences are representing the answer which is satisfactory for the person who asks and give the information that is understood without additions and details.
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