Formation of foreign-language communicative competence of future lawyers using interactive technologies

Analysis of the formation of foreign language communicative competence among lawyers. Determining the ability to communicate in a foreign language in a foreign language environment. Isolation of components of foreign language communicative competence.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Дата добавления 27.04.2020
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Formation of foreign-language communicative competence of future lawyers using interactive technologies

Bukhinska Tetiana

Hladkoskok Lesia

Melnyk Olena

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University


In the article the peculiarities of formation of foreign language communicative competence among law students are analyzed. This competence is determined by the ability to communicate effectively in a foreign language in the conditions of a foreign language environment. The components, which reflect the content of the foreign language communicative competence and correspond to the purposes of teaching foreign language students of legal specialties, are distinguished. The focus is on the ways of integrating the set of innovative methods and technologies of foreign language learning, as well as on the organization of a holistic educational process based on competency and communication approaches. language communicative competence

Keywords: competence, communicative approach, professional communication, foreign languages, teaching methods, interactive technologies.


Процеси формування комунікативної компетентності та роль іноземної мови у професійному розвитку майбутніх юристів є предметом нашого дослідження. Під компетентністю ми розуміємо здатність проявляти професійні якості, підвищувати рівень кваліфікації, встановлювати ділові зв'язки та вміння адаптуватись до потреб та змін. У статті досліджено особливості формування іншомовних компетентностей, які передбачають здатність виконувати практичні завдання іншомовної комунікації, здійснювати ефективне спілкування іноземною мовою в умовах іншомовного середовища. Виокремлено компоненти, які відображають зміст іншомовної комунікативної компетентності та відповідають цілям навчання іно-земній мові студентів юридичних спеціальностей. Основні компоненти іншомовної комунікативної компетентності: мовна компетентність, що включає в себе фонетичну, граматичну, лексичну та орфографічну компетентності; мовленнєва компетентність, до якої відносяться аудіювання, говоріння, читання та письмо; соціокультурна компетентність передбачає знання соціокультурного контексту, в якому використо-вується мова. Велика увага приділена застосуванню інформаційних та телекомунікаційних технологій, що є невід'ємною частиною системи комплексного навчання. З'ясовано, що найбільш корисними для комунікативного підходу є інтерактивні технології з навчальними програмами, які орієнтують студентів на пізнавальну роботу і впливають на розвиток комунікативних навичок та вмінь роботи в команді. Виділено чотири групи інтерактивних технологій, у процесі реалізації яких забезпечується відповідний рівень досягнення комунікативних цілей: інтерактивні технології кооперованого навчання, інтерактивні технології групового навчання, технології ситуативного моделювання, технології опрацювання дискусійних питань. Високий рівень іншомовної комунікативної компетентності є важливою умовою самореалізації у професійній сфері на міжнародній арені.

Ключові слова: компетентність, комунікативний підхід, фахове мовлення, іноземні мови, методи навчання, інтерактивні технології.

The problem under discussion.

Integration of Ukraine into the European space, social changes in our society, integration processes in higher education, the introduction of European standards for the training of specialists in different industries are a significant reason for the active study of foreign languages, which in the future will be an integral part of professional development. In modern conditions, there is an increasing number of opportunities for cooperation with foreign colleagues, which consequently causes an increase in requirements to the level of command of foreign languages. However, the increasing importance of studying foreign languages by law students is due not only to the processes of European integration, but also to the current political situation in Ukraine.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The analysis of scientific sources on the problem of research indicates a considerable interest in the issue of learning foreign languages in Europe and Ukraine in particular. The works of Ukrainian scientists O. Bihych, V. Derkach, N. Halskova, L. Zablotska, N. Lavrychenko, O. Maslyko and others are devoted to this problem. In modern science, various aspects of the competence approach in the study of foreign languages were studied by such authors as N. Bibik, L. Vashchenko, O. Lokshy- na, O. Ovcharuk, L. Parashchenko, N. Kuzmina, O. Polunina, V. Rybalka, V. Sayuk, K. Sharapen- ko and others. V.F. Aitov, N. Artikutsa, P. Atutov, O. Badurka, H.K. Borozenets, O.V. Herasymen- ko, O.V. Hrosh, D.I. Demchenko, H.A. Kozlako- va, N. Kostenko, T.A. Kostiukov, L.E. Nahorniuk, N. Nychkalo, A.I. Petrova, O. Poliakov, Y. Pradid, M.H. Pradivliannyi, I.V. Sekret, A. Waters have dealt with the problems of improving vocationally oriented learning of foreign languages. However, the problem of the formation of the foreign-language communicative competence of future lawyers remains insufficiently studied, which justifies the relevance of our study.

The aim of the article is to consider the processes of formation of key foreign language competences and to substantiate the role of foreign language in the development of professional communicative competence of future lawyers.

Outline of the main research material. Many researchers at the present stage of development of science pay great attention to the definition of competencies, classification and structuring of their different types and directly determine the essence of the competence approach. The concept of competence can be understood as a combination of knowledge, practical skills and competencies that determine the ability of the learner to successfully pursue professional and educational activities in the future [7]. Competence is the ability to show professional personal qualities, the ability to effectively establish business relationships, quickly and adequately adapt to needs and changes, systematically improve the level of skills.

Foreign language competence is a set of knowledge, skills and competences that ensure effective communication in a foreign language, namely the ability to understand the language, speak clearly, adequately and spontaneously respond to the request for communication, change the range of communication, successfully use foreign language both in professional activity and for self-education. Foreign language professional communication competence is defined as a complex integrative whole that provides competent professional communication in the language of a specialty in the context of intercultural communication [13].

The success of communication depends primarily on the chosen forms and styles of communication, so the formation of foreign language communicative competence should aim at students' mastering the following aspects of interaction:

1) communicative genres that are professionally defining for a particular specialty;

2) ability to use terms in a business context;

3) language etiquette within business contacts, which is an integral component of professional language communication;

4) basics of rhetorical knowledge and skills;

5) rules for taking into account extralinguistic factors that serve as an important parameter for assessing the communicative situation and planning communicative actions;

6) regularities of definition of status-role charac-teristics of the partner (psychological competence) [6, p. 13-15].

Due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the process of foreign language communication on professional topics, the researchers have identified the following major components of the future specialist's foreign language communication competence:

1) Language competence - phonetic, grammatical, lexical, spelling;

2) Speech competence - listening, speaking, reading and writing;

3) Sociocultural competence - knowledge of the sociocultural context in which language is used, as well as the effects of the environment on the choice of language forms.

Competent approach to language training involves the ability to perform practical tasks of foreign language communication, namely to receive, transmit and be able to analyze the information received in a language environment.

Formation of foreign language competences should be communicative in nature, that is, the speaker should not only theoretically possess certain means of communication, but also be able to use them practically in all types of speech activity. The main task of the teacher is to properly organize the activities of students, which are aimed at solving educational problems. It is the teacher who should be able to clearly model all the speech situations of real everyday communication, as well as communication according to the professional needs of the students. It is also necessary to properly motivate students to carry out communicative tasks and to direct them toward the goals of communication.

Thus, at present, the study of foreign languages is directed not at the elementary understanding of professional texts, but rather at the ability to com-municate with native speakers, to learn a foreign language in the process of dialogue. As for law stu-dents, the ability to navigate the legal systems of countries that are significantly different from one another is particularly important to them. The ac-quisition of professional vocabulary, which is used not only in oral language, but also in writing, which implies the ability to correctly summarize and keep legal documents, plays an important role in foreign language training. The future lawyer, taking into account all the intricacies of this profession, should be able to communicate properly on professional topics with foreign colleagues, as well as on domestic topics with foreign citizens. The problem of socialization always remains an important factor in learning a foreign language.

The communicative qualities of a foreign language specialist include the following components:

1) communicative - the ability to participate in foreign-language professional communication, to exercise linguistic activity in specific situations of professional communication;

2) linguistic -- knowledge of the rules of linguistic and non-linguistic behavior in defining the rules of standard situations of professional communication, knowledge of the national and cultural features of the language being taught, and the ability to exercise their linguistic behavior in accordance with this knowledge;

3) methodical - the student's ability to organize his / her foreign language study work in a meaningful, creative and purposeful manner [4].

It is the communicative approach, aimed at the practice of communication, which occupies the first place among the teaching methods of foreign language. Teachers should not use particularly complex syntactic constructions and vocabulary. However, it would be a mistake to assume that the communicative method involves only light conversations. According to the European Guidelines for Language Education, the global scale for establishing a level of language proficiency consists of six levels -- from basic to nearly perfect. Those who have an extensive vocabulary and are fluent in a foreign language, read and understand professional publications in a foreign language without difficulty, may not always have a conversation with a foreign colleague on a specific topic. To eliminate this fear of communication, it is necessary to immerse yourself as much as possible in the language process, to minimize the use of one's native language in the classroom.

In the process of teaching foreign language students, it is important not to focus solely on grammar and memorization of vocabulary, it is much more important to develop the ability to perceive and understand the speaker's thoughts, to feel their intonation. Grammar material must be improved and refined in oral language.

Today, qualitative language training of specialists is not possible without the use of computer equipment and a variety of software, which allow not only to increase the volume of mastering the curriculum, but also to make the educational process more interesting, diverse and in-depth. Application of information and telecommunication technologies, namely work with educational computer programs, creation of presentations in the PowerPoint program, use of the World Wide Web is an integral part of the system of complex training. In multimedia presentations, audio and visual effects are combined, which at times improves the efficiency of language acquisition and enables the development of language skills. It is audiovisual tools that create favorable conditions for the formation of foreign language competences. In order to correctly decode audio recordings, you need not only to have a high level of foreign language skills, but also to have intellectual abilities, a broad outlook, to correctly think, to understand where it begins and where it ends. The teacher should take into account the complexity of the audio and video materials and use them according to the actual level of foreign language proficiency of the students. At the moment there are plenty of various educational programs and films prepared by native speakers, which are available on the open Internet. In German it is, for example, Easy German, Extra auf Deutsch, Deutsch lernen mit Dialogen / Geschichten / Videos, in English it is Person to Person, Extra English, Show English,

The video watching should no way be passive. To improve understanding of what is seen and heard, all films are accompanied by tasks for each episode watched. The exercises and tasks offered by the authors after review correspond to the level of language proficiency. Thus, beginners are offered basic tasks that are even presented in their native language, for example: 1) Watch the video. First, answer the question. Then find out who (main character) talks to. 2) What are the people saying? Watch the video clips once and select the correct dialog sections, each having two correct sections. 3) Look at the photos. Which greetings fit the best in every situation? Select one. 4) What are the people asking? Watch the video clips and make a selection. 5) How do people greet each other in German? Listen to the audios and repeat them out loud. Videos designed for listeners with sufficient and high level of language proficiency are commented on only the language being learned and the tasks are also more complicated, for example for B1: 1) Listen to the conversation and fill in the missed words in the correct order, creating a dialogue. 2) Find antonyms for the adjectives and adverbs you heard in the video, using only the -un prefix. 3) Remember to use the past tense. Select the sentences from the video that were used in past tenses. 4) Imagine you are getting a job, listen to questions and formulate your own answers. Such tasks not only refine language skills, but also facilitate the acquisition of grammatical material.

The centerpiece of the class is the teacher, who should organize the film's active perception and subsequent communication activities through the development of specially selected exercises that will facilitate the formation of the following skills:

-- to draw parallels between the two cultures;

-- to characterize and evaluate realities;

-- to express their own opinion;

-- to know and understand the historical events of the language being taught;

-- to form a positive attitude towards another culture;

-- to comment on foreign language material;

-- to solve specific problems in specially created communication situations.

One effective task after watching a movie can be to play what has been seen and heard as a modified translation, provided the content structure is maintained. Students can reenact dialogues and monologues. The teacher also uses non-adapted TV shows and interviews, which gives more opportunities to distinguish between the phonetic features of broadcasting by different native speakers. New multimedia tools that use audio-visual format provide features that traditional textbooks cannot provide.

Given the communicative orientation of all exercises and tasks, the most useful for a communicative approach are interactive technologies with their teaching techniques. First of all, interactive training focuses on active and cognitive work of students, also influences the development of communication skills, ability to work in a team, which is especially important for future lawyers.

According to Pometun and Pyrozhenko, interactive technologies are divided into four groups:

-- interactive cooperative learning technologies (in small groups) (Snow avalanche, Carousel, Incomplete sentence, Aquarium)

-- interactive group learning technologies (Brain-storm, Learn by Teaching, Mosaic, Decision Tree)

-- situational modeling technologies (role play, imitation, Trial on one's behalf)

-- technologies of working out discussion questions (Press method, Talk show, Occupy a position) [9].

In the process of implementing interactive methods of teaching foreign language lessons, it is necessary to keep in mind that the principle of collective interaction is fundamental. Such interaction ensures students' achievement of communicative goals through discussions, debates, dialogues, games, improvisations.

Various situational exercises are used to teach monologue and dialogues, as well as to learn grammar and vocabulary in foreign language classes, which greatly enhance students' cognitive activity. For monologue speech, exercises that need to be completed will be helpful. So, for example, law stu-dents will find it interesting to describe situations where they commit unlawful, illegal acts against a particular person. It will be interesting to hear the opinion of each student, a future lawyer, what they would advise to do in a particular situation. Dialogue is a common role-playing method. Such exercises help to systematize students' knowledge, translate the passive vocabulary into an active one, and stimulate the development of speech skills. Students are given the opportunity to get creative, and the teacher only provides the language aids needed to solve the problem.

It is the group work that is most consistent with the real situations that arise in the course of professional activity. Affiliate learning in groups is of great importance because in the process students acquire some knowledge of their profession, have the ability to speak, learn to communicate successfully, understand their partners' opinions and build dialogue with them. Such training differs significantly from regular group work in that it takes into account the contribution of each group member to the task and the achievement of the goal. Interactive interaction promotes high intensity of communication of participants, changing the form of communication, which helps to better understand and perceive information.

From a large number of teaching methods, re-searchers distinguish project method. The project technology of teaching meets the modern requirements for the training of vocationally oriented communication in a foreign language. This technology involves student activity, individual or group. The project works are ideal for groups of students with different levels of preparation. In the course of preparation, they have a real opportunity to communicate with each other in a foreign language. Each student takes responsibility for the implementation of the projects, analyzes the shortcomings and looks for solutions. For future lawyers, the ability to make their own decisions, think logically, analyze their successes and failures is very important.

Teachers' online collaboration with students can also be guided by creating the most up-to-date situations, which is best suited to the MyEnglish- Lab platform, which offers new opportunities for learning English and changes the perspective of traditional foreign language learning to a new, European level. The main factor in learning on the MyEnglishLab platform is the online collaboration of teachers with students using all the features of the platform. This platform gives you the opportunity to communicate with students in real time, to set the timing of tasks (with a reminder), to select tasks for the whole group or for individual students. The foreign language teacher is given a new role, transformed into a supervisor and creates an environment where students can form new knowledge by actively engaging in learning [5].

Consequently, the changes of the field and the place of the teacher in the educational process - from the translator of knowledge and skills of activity to the projector of the individual trajectory of the intellectual and professional development of the student - are very important. In the case of innovative teaching, foreign language teachers should first and foremost act as a mentor, consultant, facilitator, tutor, and trainer. In this case, all participants of the educational process interact together, exchange information, solve the problems cooperatively, simulate situations, evaluate the actions of colleagues and their own behavior, and immerse themselves into the real atmosphere of business cooperation on solving topical professional issues.

Conclusion. The condition of optimal functioning of the specialist in the field of law in the system of modern professional socio-cultural conditions is the achievement of foreign language communicative competence, which is considered as an attribute of professionalism. Not only does this make it possible to build a successful career, but it is also an important prerequisite for self-realization in an intercultural environment, and for success in the professional field in the international arena. The essence of the process of forming the foreign language communicative competence of law students can reasonably be considered as their preparation for communication in different conditions of professional activity.


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  • The origins of communicative language teaching. Children’s ability to grasp meaning, creative use of limited language resources, capacity for indirect learning, instinct for play and fun. The role of imagination. The instinct for interaction and talk.

    реферат [16,9 K], добавлен 29.12.2011

  • The nature of speaking and oral interaction. Communicative approach and language teaching. Types of communicative exercises and approaches. Games as a way at breaking the routine of classroom drill. Some Practical Techniques for Language Teaching.

    дипломная работа [72,3 K], добавлен 21.07.2009

  • Traditional and modern methods in foreign language teaching and learning. The importance of lesson planning in FLTL. Principles of class modeling. Typology of the basic models of education: classification by J. Harmer, M.I. Makhmutov, Brinton and Holten.

    курсовая работа [2,1 M], добавлен 20.05.2015

  • Theoretical foundation devoted to the usage of new information technologies in the teaching of the English language. Designed language teaching methodology in the context of modern computer learning aid. Forms of work with computer tutorials lessons.

    дипломная работа [130,3 K], добавлен 18.04.2015

  • Aims, methods and techniques of teaching the foreign languages. Methods of foreign language teaching and its relation to other sciences. Pronunciation as for a perfect imitation of a native speaker. The ways of explaining the meaning of the words.

    реферат [19,0 K], добавлен 25.12.2012

  • Theory of the communicative language teaching. Principles and features of the communicative approach. Methodological aspects of teaching communication. Typology of communicative language activities. Approbation of technology teaching communication.

    курсовая работа [608,8 K], добавлен 20.10.2014

  • Comparative teaching methodologies. Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language. Role plays as a method of teaching. Comparative characteristics of modern techniques of teaching english. Grammar translation method. Communicative approach.

    дипломная работа [71,9 K], добавлен 18.04.2015

  • The Communicative Approach. Children’s ability to grasp meaning. Children’s creative use of limited language resources. Children’s instinct for play and fun. Lessons preparation in junior forms. The role of imagination. General steps a lesson preparation.

    курсовая работа [8,2 M], добавлен 02.01.2012

  • Today it is quite evident that everyone should know at least one foreign language. Knowing one or more foreign languages makes it possible to get acquainted with different ways of thinking, to understand a new civilisation.

    топик [5,4 K], добавлен 13.05.2002

  • The influence of other languages and dialects on the formation of the English language. Changes caused by the Norman Conquest and the Great Vowel Shift.Borrowing and influence: romans, celts, danes, normans. Present and future time in the language.

    реферат [25,9 K], добавлен 13.06.2014

  • American Culture is a massive, variegated topic. The land, people and language. Regional linguistic and cultural diversity. Social Relationships, the Communicative Style and the Language, Social Relationships. Rules for Behavior in Public Places.

    реферат [35,1 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

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