Personal names in Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian anthroponymic systems, derived from a latin name that denotes a plant

Historical reasons an influence of different foreign cultures may be observed on the Slavonic countries on anthroponymic systems. A list of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian anthroponyms with Latin origin with the main meaning plant, its fruits or flower.

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Department of Language and Specialized Training (DESO)

Medical University - Plovdiv

Department of Education in Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technology

University of Plovdiv «Paisii Hilendarski»

Personal names in Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian anthroponymic systems, derived from a latin name that denotes a plant

G. Petkova, Senior Lecturer, PhD

V. Ivanova, Assistant Professor, PhD

Bulgaria, Plovdiv


For historical reasons, an influence of different foreign cultures may be observed on the Slavonic countries, which has left permanent traces during the ages not only in their languages, but in their anthroponymic systems as well. The purpose of the article is to present the full list of East Slavonic personal names derivedfrom a Latin anthroponym that denotes a plant as well as their initial meaning. The object is Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian name pools. The research subject is Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian anthroponyms with a Latin origin with a basic meaning a plant or its fruit or flower. The main methods used are lexicographical excerption and etymological analysis. Revealing the basic appellative is of great importance because its meaning usually is not very clear to the common people and that causes the appearance of the so called «folk» etymology. The practical value is to make the researched names more popular and as a result of it to somehow prevent their disappearance from the Eastern Slavonic anthroponymicons.

Key words: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, personal name, Latin, plant.

Петкова Г., Іванова В. Власні імена в російській, українській та беларуській антропонімічних системах, що утворені від латинської назви на позначення рослини

Анотація. З історичних причин вплив різних зарубіжних культур можна спостерігати на прикладах слов'янських країн, які залишали постійні сліди протягом століть не лише в своїх мовах, але і в їх антропонімічних системах. Мета цієї статті - представити повний перелік східнослов'янських особистих імен, похідних від латинського антропоніму, що позначає рослину, а також їх початкове значення. Об'єкт статті - російські, українські та білоруські назви. Предметом дослідження становлять російські, українські та білоруські антропоніми з латинським походженням із основним значенням «рослина» або його плоди чи квітка. Основні методи, що були використані, є метод лексикографічного вийнятку та метод етимологічного аналізу. Виявлення основного апелятиву є вельми важливим, оскільки його значення зазвичай не дуже зрозуміле для простого народу і це спричиняє появу так званої «народної» етимології. Практична цінність полягає в тому, щоб зробити досліджувані назви більш популярними і внаслідок цього якось запобігти їх зникненню зі східнослов'янських антропоніміконів.

Ключові слова: російська мова, українська мова, беларуська мова, власна назва, латинська мова, рослина.

Петкова Г., Иванова В. Собственные имена в русской, украинской и белорусской антропонимных системах, образованные от латинского названия растения

Аннотация. По историческим причинам влияние различных зарубежных культур можно наблюдать на примерах славянских стран, которые оставляли постоянные следы на протяжении веков не только в своих речах, но и в их антропонимических системах. Цель этой статьи - представить полный перечень восточнославянских имен собственных, производных от латинского антропонима, который обозначает растение, а также их начальное значение. Объектом статьи являются русские, украинские и белорусские названия. Предмет исследования - русские, украинские и белорусские антропонимы с латинским происхождением, с основным значением «растение» или его плоды или цветок. Основные методы, которые были использованы, являются метод лексикографического исключения и метод этимологического анализа.

Определение основного апелятива является весьма важным, поскольку его значение обычно не очень понятно для простого народа и это вызывает появление так называемой «народной» этимологии. Практическая ценность заключается в том, чтобы сделать исследуемые названия более популярными и вследствие этого как-то предотвратить их исчезновение из восточнославянских антропонимиконов.

Ключевые слова: русский язык, украинский язык, белорусский язык, имя собственное, латинский язык, растение.


For historical reasons, an influence of different foreign cultures may be observed on the Slavonic countries, which has left permanent traces during the ages not only in their languages, but in their anthroponymic systems as well. Consequently, it would be interesting to find an answer to the questions of how foreign names enter Eastern Slavonic name pools and how they are used by the local people.

The personal names in every anthroponymic system may be divided into two big groups according to their origin - domestic and foreign ones. Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian domestic forenames are, obviously, Slavonic, while the foreign ones may be grouped according to their origin as follows: Hebrew, Greek, Latin, West-European (for example, English, Italian, Spanish, German, French, etc.), and other Slavonic (for instance, Polish, Serbian, etc.) (Kovachev, 1987, p. 16-17).

There are two major periods and ways of foreign names invasion. The first influence may be dated back to the the 9th-10th c. AD when Christianity became the official religion for the Slavonic people and mostly Greek, Latin, and Hebrew names were introduced. Later on, at the end of the 20th c. AD, West-European names became, and still are, popular and fashionable (Kovachev, 1987, p. 15-16).

The purpose of the article is to present the full list of East Slavonic personal names derived from a Latin anthroponym that denotes a plant as well as their initial meaning. The object is Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian name pools. The research subject is Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian anthroponyms with a Latin origin with a basic meaning a plant or its fruit or flower. The main methods used are lexicographical excerption and etymological analysis. Revealing the basic appellative is the authors' main motivation and it is of great importance because its meaning is usually not very clear to the common people and that causes the appearance of the so called «folk» etymology.


The researched anthroponyms are divided into three major groups according to:

1) the meaning of the appellative (i. e. a thematic classification);

2) the type of the basic word (i.e. if the researched anthroponym is derived directly from an appellative or via another anthroponym (in this case a Roman gentile name or a Neolatin name));

3) their canonization.

All personal names included in this research are a part of the modern anthroponymicons, even though they represent a small group with relatively infrequent usage.

1. Thematic classification:

A. A tree or its fruit / flower: laurus, i, f/ laurus, us, f - «bay tree, laurel tree» > Laurus (> RUS: Лавр; UKR: Лавр; BLR: Лаур)/ Laura (> RUS: Лаура; UKR: Лавра); malum, i, n - «apple, apple tree» > Malus (> RUS: Мал; UKR: Мал); oliva, ae, f - «olive, olive tree» > Olivianus (> UKR: Ольвіан)/ Oliva (> RUS: Оливия (S); UKR: Оливія); palma, ae, f - «palm tree» > Palma (> RUS: Пальма); pinus, us, f - «pine» > Pinus (> UKR: Пин);

B. A bush or its fruit / flower: camellia, ae, f - «camellia» > Camelia (> UKR: Камелія); rosa, ae, f - «rose» > Rosa (> RUS: Роза; UKR: Роза; BLR: Роза)/ Rosalia/ Rosaria (> RUS: Розалия; UKR: Розалія); virga, ae, f - «vine» > Verginius/ Virginius (> RUS: Вергиний/ Виргиний);

C. A herbaceous plant or its fruit/ flower: bacca, ae, f - «strawberry» > Bacula (> RUS: Бакула); cornum, i, n - «strawbery» > Cornelius (> RUS: Корнелий; UKR: Корнелій; BLR: Карнилий); faba, ae, f - «bean» > Fabius (> RUS: Фабий; UKR: Фавій); frumentum, i, n - «wheat» > Fru- mentius (> RUS: Фрументий; UKR: Фрументій); lilium, ii, n - «lily» > Lilia (> RUS: Лилия; UKR: Лілія); lilium, ii, n - «lily» > Liliana (> RUS: Лилиана; UKR: Ліліана); salvia, ae, f - «salvia» > Salvia (> RUS: Салвия; UKR: Сальвія)); vaccinium, ii, n - «hyacinth» > Vaccinius (> RUS: Бакцин); viola, ae, f - «violet» > Viola (> RUS: Виола; UKR: Віола)/ Violetta (> RUS: Виолетта; UKR: Віолетта).


The answer to the question why some anthroponyms are derived from certain names of plants and why some are preferred to others could be found in the extralinguistic information about them, i. e. what their place in the mythology is, in folklore traditions, or in the Chrtistian religion. This is the reason why such additional data is very important for the present text.

For example, a rose symbolizes eternity, fertility, and pure love; a bay- tree is a symbol of victory, and as an evergreen tree it is a sign of eternity and immortality; a violet is a symbol of modesty and beauty; a lily is a symbol of purity and peace; an olive/ the olive tree is a symbol of immortality, fertility, and peace; the gladiolus symbolizes the beauty of the flower; a pine is a symbol of honesty, vitality, immortality, fertility, and strength of the character; a palm tree is a symbol of glory and victory, and so on and so forth (Cooper 1993, p. 16-215).

When the new religion of Christianity appeared, all the old heathen beliefs and cults changed as well as everything symbolic, connected with them.

All the names derived from an appellative for a plant were preserved in the researched South Slavonic names pools because of two very strong traditions - to the child, especially a girl, such a name is given as a wish to become as beautiful as the flower, or she/he is named after one of the paternal or maternal grandparents who is the proud owner of a floral onym.

2. Slavonic anthroponyms, derived from a Latin name that is coined from an appellative for a plant: slavic latin anthroponym plant

A. Anthroponym, derived from a Roman mythological name: Bacula (< baca, ae, f - «strawberry») > RUS: Бакула;

B. Anthroponyms, derived from a Roman gentile name: Cornelius (< cornum, i, n - «strawberry») > RUS: Корнелий; UKR: Корнелш; BLR: Карнилий; Fabius (< faba, ae, f - «bean») > RUS: Фабий; UKR: Фавш; Salvia (< salvia, ae, f - «salvia») > RUS: Салвия; UKR: Сальвш; Vergin- ius/ Virginius (< virga, ae, f - «vine») > RUS: Вергиний/ Виргиний;

C. Antroponyms, derived from a Neolatin name: Camelia (< camellia, ae, f - «camellia») > UKR: Камелш; Frumentius (< frumentum, i, n - «wheat») > RUS: Фрументий; UKR: Фрументш; Laura (< laurus, i, f/ laurus, us, f - «bay tree, laurel tree») > RUS: Лаура; UKR: Лавра; Laurus (< laurus, i, f/ laurus, us, f - «bay tree, laurel tree») > RUS: Лавр; UKR: Лавр; BLR: Лаур; Lilia (< lilium, ii, n - «lily») > RUS: Лилия; UKR: Лшш; Liliana (< lilium, ii, n - «lily») > RUS: Лилиана; UKR: ЛЫана; Malus (< malum, i, n - «apple, apple tree») > RUS: Мал; UKR: Мал; Oliva (< oliva, ae, f - «olive, olive tree») > RUS: Оливия (S); UKR: Оливш; Ol- ivianus (< oliva, ae, f - «olive, olive tree») > UKR: Ольвтн; Palma (< palma, ae, f - «palm tree») > RUS: Пальма; Pinus (< pinus, us, f - «pine») > UKR: Пин; Rosa (< rosa, ae, f - «rose») > RUS: роза; UKR: роза; BLR: роза; Rosalia/ Rosaria (< rosa, ae, f - «rose») > RUS: розалия; UKR: розалія; Vaccinius (< vaccinium, ii, n - «hyacinth») > RUS: Бакцин; Viola (< viola, ae, f - «violet») > RUS: виола; UKR: віола; Violetta (< viola, ae, f - «violet») > RUS: виолетта; UKR: вюлетта.

3. Classification according to canonization:

A. Names of saints, canonized by the Catholic church: Oliva, Violetta;

B. Names of saints, canonized by the Orthodox church: Vaccinius; Lilia, Palma;

C. Names of saints, canonized by the Catholic as well as the Orthodox church: Cornelius, Fabius, Frumentius, Laurus, Malus, Olivianus, Pinus.


In the research are included 38 East Slavonic anthroponyms (19 Russian (9 male and 10 female), 17 Ukrainian (7 male and 10 female), and 2 Belarusian all of them male) out of which 13 are cannonized. All the above mentioned personal names are not directly derived from a Latin appellative but from a foreign name, be it a a Roman mythological, a Roman gentile name or a neolatin one, that denotes a plant. This observation may be followed by the conclusion that not the Latin language influence on the Slavonic culture is so strong but that of the Christianity in its role as an official religion, because even the neolatin names are somehow symbolic and show Christian virtues.

The practical value is to make the researched names more popular and as a result of it to somehow prevent their disappearance from the Eastern Slavonic anthroponymicons.

Index of latin anthroponyms that denote a plant and their Slavonic equivalents

Male anthroponyms:

Bacula (< baca, ae, f - «strawberry» (S1)) > RUS: Бакула (S);

Cornelius (< cornum, i, n - «strawberry» (P, SD)) > RUS: Корнелий (D, P); UKR: Корнелій (SD, TRI); BLR: Карнилий (BIR2);

For the sources of excerption the following abbreviations are used: BIR1 = Birila 1966; BIR2 = Birila 1983; D = Dvoretskij 1976; P = Petrovskij 1955; S = Superanskaja 1998; SD = Skripnik, Dzjatkovska 1986; TRI = Trijnjak 2005; for the Slavonic anthroponyms origin: RUS = Russian; UKR = Ukrainian; BLR = Belarusian.

Fabius (< faba, ae, f - «bean» (P, S, TRI)) > RUS: Фабий (D, P, S); UKR: Фавій (TRI);

Frumentius (< frumentum, i, n - «wheat» (P, S)) > RUS: Фрументий (P, S); UKR: Фрументій (TRI);

Laurus (< laurus, i, f/ laurus, us, f - «bay tree, laurel tree» (P, TRI, S)) > RUS: Лавр (BIR1, BIR2, P, S); UKR: Лавр (BIR1, SD, TRI); BLR: Лаур (BIR1, BIR2);

Malus (< malum, i, n - «apple, apple tree» (TRI)) > RUS: Мал (P); UKR: Мал (TRI);

Olivianus (< oliva, ae, f - «olive, olive tree» (TRI)) > UKR: Ольвіан (TRI);

Pinus (< pinus, us, f - «pine» (TRI)) > UKR: Пин (TRI);

Vaccinius (< vaccinium, ii, n - «hyacinth» (S)) > RUS: Бакцин (S); Verginius/ Virginius (< virga, ae, f - «vine» (S)) > RUS: Вергиний (D)/ Виргиний (S);

Female anthroponyms:

Camйlia (< camellia, ae, f - «camellia» (BIR2)) > UKR: Камелія (TRI); Laura (< laurus, i, f/ us, f - «bay tree, laurel tree» (S)) > RUS: Лаура (P, S); UKR: Лавра (TRI);

Lilia (< lilium, ii, n - «lily» (S, TRI)) > RUS: Лилия (S); UKR: Лілія (SD, TRI);

Liliana (< lilium, ii, n - «lily» (S, SD, TRI)) > RUS: Лилиана (P, S); UKR: Ліліана (SD, TRI);

Oliva (< oliva, ae, f - «olive, olive tree» (S, TRI)) > RUS: Оливия (S); UKR: Оливія (TRI);

Palma (< palma, ae, f - «palm tree» (S)) > RUS: Пальма (S);

Rosa (< rosa, ae, f - «rose» (P, S, SD, TRI)) > RUS: Роза (P, S); UKR: Роза (SD, TRI);

Rosalia/Rosaria (< rosa, ae, f - «роза» (S, SD, TRI)) > RUS: Розалия (P, S); UKR: Розалія (SD, TRI);

Salvia (< salvia, ae, f - «salvia» (TRI)) > RUS: Салвия (P); UKR: Сальвія (TRI);

Viola (< viola, ae, f - «violet» (S, SD, TRI)) > RUS: Виола (P, S); UKR: Віола (SD, TRI);

Violetta (< viola, ae, f - «violet» (NIK, S, TRI)) > RUS: Виолетта (S); UKR: Віолетта (TRI).


1. Biryla, М.V. (1966) Беларуская антрапатмш, т. 1 [Belarusian anthroponymy, vol.] Minsk, Navuka i tehnika.

2. Biryla, М.V. (1982) Беларуская антрапатмш, т. 2[Belarusian anthroponymy, vol.] Minsk, Navuka i tehnika.

3. Dvoreckij, I.H. (1976). Латинско-русский словарь [Latin-Russian Dictionary]. Moskva, Russkij jazyk.

4. Kovachev, N. (1987). Българска ономастика [Bulgarian Onomastics]. Sofija, Indeks 80.

5. Cooper, J.К. (1933). Илюстрована енциклопедия на традиционните символи [An Ilustrated Encyclopedia of the Traditional Symbols]. Sofija, Petдr Beron. Petrovskij, N.A. (1955). Словарь русских личных имен [A Dictionary of Russian Personal Names]. Moskva, Sovetskaja enciklopedija.

6. Skripnik, L.G., Dzjatkovskaja, N.P. (1986). Власт жна людей [Personal names]. Kiiv, Naukova dumka.

7. Superanskaja, A.V. (1998). Словарь русских личных имён [A Dictionary of Russian Personal Names]. Moskva, Izdatel'stvo AST Издательствo AST.

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