Phenomenon of political correctness and tablets in the multicultral society

Analysis of the implementation of political correctness and taboo discourse in the framework of multiculturalism, the essence of their political and historical context. The classification of taboos according to the concepts of H. Schroeder and R. Gazizov.

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Phenomenon of political correctness and tablets in the multicultral society

Dzykovych O. V., PhD, Dozentin

Nationale Technische Universitдt der Ukraine „Igor Sikorsky Kiewer Polytechnisches Institut“

Pysarenko A. O., Studentin des 4. Studienjahres Nationale Technische Universitдt der Ukraine „Igor Sikorsky Kiewer Polytechnisches Institut“


The article is devoted to the scientific analysis of the features of the implementation of political correctness and the investigation of the special features of the taboo discourse in the context of the progressive development of multiculturalism, international tolerance and intercultural communication. The need for politically correct behavior emerged as the end product of globalization processes in society that originated and intensified in the United States and then in other countries around the world. The problem of political correctness is characterized today by a rather controversial, not monolithic character, which is of interest to many important scientists, sociologists, political scientists, linguists, psychologists and ordinary citizens. The authors of the article give a brief description of the political-historical context of the origin and development of the phenomenon of political correctness, based on the scientific hypotheses that are opposed in their ideological content. Accordingly, the article focuses on two statements, according to which:

- political correctness in its focus and purpose of application is a separate sub-type of Marxism, which is implemented at the level of human culture;

- Political correctness plays a key role in a balanced multicultural coexistence and is an indicator of a high degree of tolerance towards members of other races, nationalities, religions, sexual orientations and the like.

The article contains two taboo classifications developed and developed by Harmut Schroeder and Rafael Gazizov, according to which they are divided into action taboos and language taboos. In the latter, the following sub-types can be distinguished: lexical taboos, thematic taboos and non-verbal taboos. The article contains a description of each taboo classification with relevant examples.

Keywords: political correctness, taboo discourse, multiculturalism, intercultural communication, tolerance, cultural Marxism.

Дзикович О. В., Писаренко А. О. Феномен політичної коректності й табу в мультикультурному суспільстві


Cтаття присвячена науковому аналізу особливостей реалізації політичної коректності й дослідженню специфіки табу-дискурсу в рамках прогресивного розвитку мультикультуралізму, інтернаціональної толерантності та міжкультурної комунікації. Необхідність у формуванні політично коректної поведінки виникла як фінальний продукт глобалізаційних процесів усередині суспільства, що зародились та інтенсивно розповсюджувались спочатку у сША, а потім і в інших країнах світу. сьогодні питанню політичної коректності властивий досить суперечливий, немонолітний характер, який викликає зацікавленість як у багатьох визначних науковців соціологів, політологів, лінгвістів, психологів, так і у звичайних громадян. Автори статті надають стислу характеристику політико-історичного контексту виникнення й розвитку феномена політичної коректності, спираючись на протилежні за своїм ідейним наповненням наукові гіпотези. відповідно до них, у статті акцентується увага на двох твердженнях, згідно з якими:

- політична коректність за своїм спрямуванням і метою застосування являє собою окремий підтип марксизму, який реалізується на рівні загальнолюдської культури;

- політична коректність відіграє ключову роль у збалансованому мультикультурному співіснуванні та є показником вищого рівня толерантності щодо представників інших рас, національностей, релігій, сексуальних орієнтацій тощо.

У статті надано дві класифікації табу, сформовані й розвинуті Хармутом Шрьодером і Рафаелем Г азізовим, згідно з якими вони поділяються на табу дії та мовні табу. В останніх, у свою чергу, можна виокремити такі підтипи: лексичні табу, тематичні табу й невербальні табу. у статті наявний опис кожної класифікації табу з відповідними прикладами.

Ключові слова: політична коректність, табу-дискурс, мультикультуралізм, міжкультурна комунікація, толерантність, культурний марксизм.

Дзыкович О. В., Писаренко А. А. Феномен политической корректности и табу в мультикультурном обществе


статья посвящена научному анализу особенностей реализации политической корректности и исследованию специфики табу-дискурса в рамках прогрессивного развития мультикультурализма, международной толерантности и межкультурной коммуникации. Необходимость в формировании политически корректного поведения возникла в качестве финального продукта глобализационных процессов внутри общества, которые зародились и интенсивно распространялись сначала в сША, а затем и в других странах мира. На сегодняшний день вопросу политической корректности свойственен достаточно противоречивый, немонолитный характер, вызывающий интерес как у многих выдающихся ученых социологов, политологов, лингвистов, психологов, так и у обычных граждан. Авторы статьи представляют краткую характеристику политико-исторического контекста возникновения и развития феномена политической корректности, опираясь на противоположные по своему идейному наполнению научные гипотезы. В соответствии с ними, в статье акцентируется внимание на двух утверждениях, согласно которым:

- политическая корректность по своей направленности и целям применения представляет собой отдельный подтип марксизма, который реализуется на уровне общечеловеческой культуры;

- политическая корректность играет ключевую роль в сбалансированном мультикультурном сосуществовании и является показателем высокого уровня толерантности по отношению к представителям других рас, национальностей, религий, сексуальных ориентаций и тому подобное.

В статье предоставлены две классификации табу, сформированные и развитые Хармутом Шредером и Рафаэлем Газизовым, согласно которым они делятся на табу действия и речевые табу. В последних, в свою очередь, можно выделить следующие подтипы: лексические табу, тематические табу и невербальные табу. В статье имеется описание каждой классификации табу с соответствующими примерами.

Ключевые слова:политическая корректность,

табу-дискурс, мультикультурализм, межкультурная коммуникация, толерантность, культурный марксизм.

Dzykovych O., Pysarenko A. The Phenomenon of Political Correctness and Taboo-Words in a Multicultural Society

Summary. The article is devoted to the scientific analysis of the features of the implementation of political correctness and the study of the specifics of taboo discourse in the framework of the progressive development of multicultur- alism, international tolerance and intercultural communication. The need for the formation of politically correct behavior arose as the final product of globalization processes within society, which originated and intensively spread, first in the United States and then in other countries of the world. Today, the issue of political correctness is characterized by a rather controversial, non-monolithic character, which is of interest to many eminent sociologists, political scientists, linguists, psychologists, and ordinary citizens. The authors of the article provide a brief description of the political-historical context of the emergence and development of the phenomenon of political correctness, based on the scientific hypotheses opposite in their ideological content. According to them, the article focuses on two statements, according to which:

- political correctness in its focus and purpose of application is a separate subtype of Marxism, which is implemented at the level of human culture;

- political correctness plays a key role in balanced multicultural coexistence and is an indicator of a high level of tolerance towards members of other races, nationalities, religions, sexual orientations, and the like.

The article provides two classifications of taboos, formed and developed by Harmut Schroeder and Rafael Gazizov, according to which taboos are divided into actions and speech taboos. In the latter, in turn, the following subtypes can be distinguished: lexical taboos, thematic taboos and non-verbal taboos. The article has a description of each taboo classification with relevant examples.

Key words: political correctness, taboo-discourse, multi- culturalism, intercultural communication, tolerance, cultural Marxism.

The introduction to the scientific problem. Due to the intensive establishment of multicultural communication, political correctness has been on everyone's lips for a long time and still brings together ordinary people and famous scientists such as Jerry Adler, Deborah Cameron, Katrin Auer, Geoffrey Hughes, Ursula Reutner etc. the explosive interdisciplinary discussions about how the cognitive capacities and world view of modern society are influenced by language hygiene.

For a highly qualified translator, the need to be well-versed not only with the multicultural discourse, but also with the problems and trifles involved, always comes to the fore. In connection with this, the scientific research on political correctness, namely the taboo course in the context of diverse society, serves as current. The aim of the article lies in the analysis of the historical context, in which political correctness and taboos had a particularly strong developmental character, and in the research of the core classifications of taboos with the examples given corresponding to each taboo type.

Analysis of research in this area. An important factor here is the interdisciplinarity of the topic, because political correctness exerts a great influence on almost all areas of life of today's humanity. This arouses an interest among the scientists, as well as among the sociologists, psychologists, linguists, neurolinguists etc., who mostly work together.

The main bases of the article. In order to delve into this complex topic in detail, it is necessary to analyze the historical context in which the phenomenon of "political correctness" or "political correctness" first appeared. The first country where political correctness emerged and is particularly noticeable today is the United States, since the American population consists of an extremely large number of different races and nations. In the following, the intercultural and interethical problems in such a heterogeneous society are considered acute and relevant, so that at least the precarious balance between the diverse social strata is established.

The scientists give different opinions on this historical process. For example, William S. Lind believes that America is conquered by the same power that Russia, China, Germany, and Italy had conquered. The name of this power is ideology. In his works, William S. Lind insists that political correctness is actually cultural Marxism - Marxism that has been transferred from the economic to the cultural level [3, s. 10]. An Austrian scientist Katrin Auer believes that the concept and discourse of political correctness are primarily conservative and right-wing extremist in content [1, p. 1].

Nevertheless, there are many views that, due to political correctness, the problems of racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, anti-Gypsyism and homophobia have been brought to light.

It is significant to emphasize that political correctness not only relates to a whole range of human activities, but is also linked to the general taboo discourse. According to Harmut Schrцder, the emergence and spread of taboos in a way mark the beginning of human culture. Taboos regulate cooperation in all cultures, and a society with absolute taboo freedom is inconceivable [4, s. 1]. Regarding the types of human interaction, he developed 2 classifications of taboos:

- communication taboos;

- Action or. Tattoo tabus.

In the first case, the aim is to avoid the topics and words in the communication act that are unethical and tactless or that can injure a conversation partner. One example is homosexual relationships in Muslim countries. Because of the specific religious causes, this topic is not allowed to be discussed among Muslims. This is how it works with the words "the Negro" or "the Gypsy", which press on the burning wounds of representatives of another race and another ethnic minority. So we speak of the non-topics and silence areas of a society [4, s. 2].

The action taboos include actions that should not be committed. In order not to step into the box, it is particularly advisable to accept the communication discourse before the action, the cultural and historical social factors.

R. Gazizov made a more in-depth study of the communication taboos, dividing them into 3 groups:

- lexical taboos;

- thematic taboos;

- non-verbal taboos.

According to this classification, lexical taboos serve as a ban on the use of coarse and vulgar lexical constructions that are unsuitable for certain communicative situations. The status-role relationships of the communicators are in the foreground [2, s. 1].

Thematic taboos are absolutely identical to the non-topics and silent areas, which were treated by Harmut Schrцder. Those issues that may be considered confusing can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts and quarrels. By R. Gazizov means questions of private life, income, health problems and family [2, s. 2].

Nonverbal taboos are responsible for nonverbal behavior in the communication process. This subtype includes exaggeratedly active gesticulation, touching someone else, such cases if you look in the eyes of the person you are talking to for too long or if you keep your hands in your pockets.

Summary and perspectives

political correctness discourse

Can be stated that the phenomenon of political correctness provides a large space for scientific work based on numerous historical, political and social factors. The translators who are actively involved in multicultural communication should be informed about the general taboo discourse in order to reduce the risk of conflict and misunderstanding.


1.Auer K. „Political Correctness“ - ideologischer Code, Feindbild und Stigmawort der Rechten. Цsterreichische Zeitschrift fьr Politikwissenschaft. 2002. 31 (3). S. 291-303.

2.Газизов Р А. Коммуникативные табу в немецкой лингвокультуре. Вестник Челябинского государственного университета. 2011. № 8. С. 37-40.

3.Lindt W. „Political Correctness“: A Short History of an Ideology - Part I: What is „Political Correctness“? A Product of the Free Congress Foundation. November, 2004.

4.Schrцder H. Phдnomenologie und interkulturelle Aspekte des Tabus - Ein Essay. In: Tzveta Sofronieva (Hrsg.): Verbotene Wцrter. Eine Anthologie. Mьnchen 2005: Biblion Verlag. S. 287-314.

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