The word-formation features of English terminology in tourism industry

Distribution of the English language in the field of tourism. The need to study, describe and systematize the terminological system of international tourism. Multipurpose use of English. The tendency to obtain terms from English terminological systems.

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Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyi

Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages

The word-formation features of English terminology in tourism industry

Yurko N.A.

Senior Lecturer

Styfanyshyn I.M.

Senior Lecturer

Protsenko U.M.

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Romanchuk O.V.

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor


The article deals with word-formation features of the professional terminology in tourism industry. Due to its active development modern tourism became a vital handler in socio-economic progress. The universal contribution of tourism to social well-being has created various benefits in associated areas. Significant spread of English in the field of tourism has become a subject of sociolinguistic research. The development of international travel industry causes the necessity for study, description and systematization of tourism terminological system.

The social phenomenon of tourism, as one of the fastest growing industries in the world, is well established and long recognized. It has become one of the major players in international commerce and is closely linked to development. Being the main income sources for many developing countries, as well as most industrialized and developed states, the business volume of tourism equals or even surpasses that of oil exports, food products or automobiles [12]. Owing to its vigorous persistent development and the expanding branching out, modern tourism became a vital handler in socio-economic progress. The universal contribution of tourism to social well-being has resulted in the various economic and employment benefits for numerous associated areas.

The increasing importance of tourism in the contemporary era has increased the concerns of specialists to define it as precisely and completely as possible. Due to its functioning as a creator of tourism destination's many realities, English language became the embodiment of all the processes in tourism [5]. The multipurposeness of English in tourism has recently become a focus for the extensive sociolinguistic investigation.

Theoretical framework. English in tourism has been highlighted as a generally accepted lingua franca. It is spoken all over the world and indeed has become the language of international communication. English is an unlimited basis of terms for world languages. A great number of Anglicisms are increasingly used in modern communication, as considered to be more prestigious and sophisticated [9]. The apparent trend to derive terms from English terminological systems can be easily outlined in most developed languages of the world. Operating a universal language simplifies international communication and inspires information interchange.

Therefore, the effective enhancement of international travel industry causes the necessity for the study, description and systematization of tourism terminological system.

An overview of previous research testifies great attention being focused on the field of tourism [10; 12], as well as its terminology [2; 5; 8; 9; 11; 13]. The issue of word-formation in different systems of professional terms have also been studied [3; 4] currently. Much survey, though, remains to be done in terms of word-formation features of English terminology in tourism sphere.

The purpose of the study. Considering the actuality of studying the word-formation aspects of international travel terminology and its apparent gaps in English tourism terms, the research is aimed at exploring the word-formation features of English terminology in tourism industry.

Objectives of the research involve identifying and comparing the word-formation peculiarities of English terms in the field of tourism.

Subsequently, the object of research is the English terminology of tourism industry, and the subject concerns the word-formation characteristics of the English tourism terms.

Methods of research: literature analysis, comparative method and method of system analysis.

The material under research is represented by the sample of English tourism terms from the printed [1; 7] and internet resources [6].

Research findings. All terminological systems, as well as tourism terminology, are commonly recognized to comprise the lexical units of two main types: one-component terms and complex lexical units.

According to the word-building structure, one-component tourism terms appear to be divided as follows:

simple units - 28.3% (access, bar, bed, berth, bill, book, cabin, camp, cruise, coach, cost, dorm, draw, exit, event, fair, fare, fee, fest, ferry, flight, gate, gift, guest, guide, hall, hike, host, hotel, hostel, issue, lobby, lodge, loss, mail, map, meal, move, offer, order, pass, price, rent, rest, room, season, seat, serve, sight, staff, stay, tent, ticket, tour, trek, trip, value, view, visa, visit, walk, etc.);

derivatives - 72.7% (accommodation, advertisement, allocation, attraction, available, booking, camper, camping, catering, compensation, congestion, consumer, costing, crossing, density, dining, discount, entrance, fixing, furnishing, grading, greeting, happening, hiker, hiking, inflow, influx, intake, landing, location, lodger, lodging, offering, organizer, outdoors, overnighter, overpriced, oversight, payment, permission, pollution, prearrange, pre-book, prepayment, rafting, railing, rating, reception, refund, safety, saving, seating, self-caterer, self-catering, self-guided, serving, setting, settlement, sighting, speciality, staffing, starter, stayer, surcharge, tasting, themed, ticketing, timing, touring, traveler, trekker, trekking, tripper, upmarket, visitant, waiter, yachting, etc.).

The above percentage points out the obvious dominance of derivation process in word-formation of tourism lexical units.

Derivatives of tourism terminology are found to be formed by means of the patterns, peculiar to English language:

suffixion (attraction, available, booking, camper, catering, density, entrance, payment, permission, serving, speciality, staffing, themed, visitant, visitor, waiter, etc.);

prefixion (discount, inflow, influx, intake, oversight, prearrange, pre-book, refund, etc.);

suffixion-prefixion (overnighter, overpriced, prepayment, self-caterer, self-catering, self-guided, etc.).

Particularly well represented have shown to be the suffixed derivatives (67.5%), while the prefixion (8.7%) and the suffixion-prefixion (23.8%) patterns proved to be less productive.

The prevailing pattern of suffixed one-word derivatives features the presence of 9 suffixes: -able (e.g. available), -ance (e.g. entrance), -ant (e.g. visitant), -ed (e.g. themed), -er (e.g. waiter), -ing (e.g. booking), -ion (e.g. congestion), -ment (e.g.payment), -ty (e.g. safety).

The following 3 of them are the most productive: -ing (51.7%), -er (19.2%), -ion (15.6%). These suffixes are present in the patterns illustrated below:

V + -ing > N (booking, catering, costing, crossing, dining, fixing, furnishing, grading, hiking, landing, lodging, offering, rating, seating, serving, sighting, staffing, ticketing, touring, trekking, etc.);

V + -er > N (consumer, hiker, lodger, organizer, stayer, traveler, trekker, tripper, waiter, etc.);

V + -ion > N (attraction, compensation, congestion, location, permission, reception, etc.).

Due to the data above, verbal derivatives are the most abundant group among the one-component tourism terms. The evident explanation lies in the main verbal function to denote an action or its result. Thus, verb is the most widespread part of speech in professional terminology of tourism activity.

The word-formation analysis of multicomponent tourism terms revealed, similar to one-component lexical units, that derivatives rather than simple terms are the most frequent components of tourism terminology. The common word-formation patterns of multicomponent tourism terms are as follows:

V-ing (bathing season, biking trip, board and lodging, booking agent, crossing point, entertaining program, fishing tour, going price, hiking trip, homecoming date, housekeeping department, jungle trekking, listed building, lowering of costs, meeting room, opening hours, parking lot, settling the bill, sightseeing tour, ski touring, tour operating, tourism spending, travel counseling, travelling expenses, trekking path, trip planning, valet parking, viewing platform, walking tour, etc.);

V-ed (combined ticket, disabled access, established customer, fixed-priced menu, forced stop, fully-equipped, guarded car park, guided tour, high-priced tour, informed tour, listed building, nature- based tourism, occupied rooms, organized travel, packed lunch, planned stay, scheduled flight, protected area, range of supplied services, red-listed species, rented room, shared facilities, water- based activities, etc.);

V-ion (computer reservation system, direction of tourism flow, hotel classification system, hotel promotion, information desk, letter of confirmation, maritime connection, market saturation, occupation density, paid admission, protection of cultural environment, provision offacilities and services, rate formation, etc.);

V-ment (entertainment tour, equipment hire, extra payment, event management, price inducement, prior arrangement, safety equipment, scale of assessment, settlement system, spa treatment, tourist movement, etc.);

V-er (consumer value, day tripper, holiday-maker, individual traveler, market leader, pleasure-seeker, private developer, sleeper seat, souvenir hunter, spa-goer, supplier country of tourists, tourism provider, watersports lover, etc.);

V-Prep (check-in list, daily tidy-up, late check-out, layout design, lookout tower, sales slowdown, shakedown cruise, sit-down banquet, stand-up meal, stop-offpoint, turndown service, wake-up service, walk-in customer, etc.);

Prep-V (hotel income, inflow of currency, influx of tourists, sales outlet, etc.);

Prep-N (down-market hotel, in-flight catering, in-house communication, intercity bus, off-peak fare, off-season period, on-site facilities, outdoor activities, overland route, overnight cost, overseas travel, upmarket hotel, etc.);

N's (children's facilities, guest's name, insurer's details, rules of tourist's behavior, tourist's call, traveler's check, visitor's experience, etc.);

N-ing (camping site, client servicing, coaching inn, freewheeling tourism, pricing strategy, seating plan, etc.).

The multicomponent terms study has shown the largest ratio of component derivatives formed by means of the 2 prevalent patterns: V-ing(29.7%) and V-ed(24.9%), while the component derivatives of the patterns V-ion (8.3%), V-ment (7.6%), V-er (6.5%), V-Prep (6.3%), Prep-V (3.6%), Prep-N (4.7%), N's (4.3%), N-ing (4.2%) are far less common. The quantitative dominance of the verbal derivative patterns V-ing and V-ed is preconditioned by their features to clearly reflect the dynamics of any activity, particularly in the field of tourism.

Conclusions. On the grounds of the above research findings the following conclusions can be made:

The efficient enhancement of international travel industry necessitates the study, description and systematization of tourism terminological system.

Being an important aspect of any terminology, the word- formation aspects of international travel terminology have not been currently studied enough.

The word-formation analysis of one- and multi-component tourism terms has revealed that derivation is one of the most powerful tools of tourism terminology development.

The most productive means of word-formation in tourism terminology has proven to be the suffixion derivation presented by the most common patterns of V + -ing, V + -er, V + -ion (in one-component terms), and V-ing, V-ed (in multicomponent lexical units).

The quantitative dominance of verbal derivatives in tourism terminology is preconditioned by the main verbal function to denote an action, its result and dynamics of any process or activity, particularly in the field of tourism.

The perspectives of further research are the terms systematization and compiling a tourism glossary considering the word-formation features of its terms.


english language terminological tourism

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