Contrastive analysis of military terminology in English and Ukrainian languages
Varieties of military texts, which differ in purpose and content. Need of high-quality training of specialists for the military sphere, formation of new lexical base considering rapid development of military hardware. Mistakes at the translation.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.07.2020 |
Размер файла | 42,9 K |
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Kherson National Technical University
Hnedko T. M.,
Senior Lector of the Chair of Theory
and Practice of Branch Translation
Bohachuk M. V., Student
The modem communicative space is characterized by intensive integration processes. These apply to connections of different areas, also the military branch isn't an exception. Cooperation of the states in the context of safety, in particular peacekeeping operations, military exercises, exchange of scientific practical experience, etc., staticizes a question of the professional military translation. Need of high-quality training of specialists for the military sphere, formation of new lexical base considering rapid development of military hardware induces to a detailed research of semantics of military terms and ways of formation of their definitions.
The relevance of this theme is caused by a significant amount of military realities of the USA and Great Britain armies which cause difficulties at their understanding and translation, and also is caused by continuous change of a lexicon of the military personnel due to technical progress and the reforming of troops. translation military text lexical
Terms in the field of military study possess such characteristic signs as unambiguity, neutrality and independence of a context. Correlation to precisely certain concept, aspiration to unambiguity is characteristic of military terms. It leads to the fact that a number of military terms gains independence of a context and, therefore, can be translated by means of a lexical equivalent.
Mistakes at the translation of military terms usually bring to serious semantic distortions of the original, especially at the translation of military texts, such as fighting documents, charters and manuals, instructions and technical specifications, military scientific articles, military journalism where the accuracy of the translation is one of the main requirements. To avoid similar mistakes the translator has to aspire in detail, study that field of military science or the equipment in which he works and to achieve exhaustive understanding of sense of concepts which are expressed by the military term.
Key words: term, translation, lexicon, unambiguity, context.
Гнедько Т. М., Богачук М. В. Порівняльний аналіз військової термінології англійської та української мов Сучасний комунікативний простір характеризується інтенсивними інтеграційними процесами. Вони стосуються різних галузей, і військова галузь не є винятком. Співробітництво держав у контексті безпеки, зокрема миротворчих операцій, військових навчань, обміну науковим практичним досвідом тощо, стабілізує питання про професійний військовий переклад. Необхідність якісної підготовки фахівців для військової сфери, формування нової лексичної бази з урахуванням швидкого розвитку військової техніки спонукають до детального дослідження семантики військових термінів і шляхів їх формування.
Актуальність теми зумовлена значним обсягом військових реалій США і Великобританії, які викликають труднощі під час їх розуміння й перекладу, а також постійною зміною лексикону військовослужбовців за рахунок технічного прогресу та реформування військ.
Терміни в галузі військового навчання мають такі характерні ознаки, як однозначність, нейтральність і незалежність. Для військових термінів характерним є прагнення до однозначності. Це призводить до того, що низка військових термінів отримує незалежність від контексту й, отже, може бути перекладена за допомогою лексичного еквівалента.
Помилки під час перекладу військових термінів зазвичай призводять до серйозних смислових спотворень оригіналу, особливо під час перекладу військових текстів, таких як документи, статути й посібники, інструкції, військові наукові статті, де точність перекладу є однією з основних вимог. Щоб уникнути подібних помилок, перекладач повинен прагнути докладно вивчити ту галузь військової науки або техніки, в якій він працює, і досягти вичерпного розуміння сенсу понять, що виражаються військовим терміном.
Ключові слова: термін, переклад, лексикон, однозначність, контекст.
Гнедько Т. Н., Богачук М. В. Сравнительный анализ военной терминологии английского и украинского языков
Современное коммуникативное пространство характеризуется интенсивными интеграционными процессами. Они касаются различных отраслей, и военная отрасль не является исключением. Сотрудничество государств в контексте безопасности, в частности миротворческих операций, учений, обмена научным практическим опытом и т.п., стабилизирует вопрос о профессиональном военном переводе. Необходимость качественной подготовки специалистов для военной сферы, формирование новой лексической базы с учетом быстрого развития военной техники побуждают к детальному исследованию семантики военных терминов и путей их формирования.
Актуальность этой темы обусловлена значительным объемом военных реалий США и Великобритании, которые вызывают трудности при их понимании и переводе, а также постоянным изменением лексикона военнослужащих за счет технического прогресса и реформирования войск.
термины в области военного обучения имеют такие характерные признаки, как однозначность, нейтральность и независимость. Для военных терминов характерно стремление к однозначности. Это приводит к тому, что ряд военных терминов получает независимость от контекста и, следовательно, может быть переведен с помощью лексического эквивалента.
Ошибки при переводе военных терминов обычно приводят к серьезным смысловым искажениям оригинала, особенно при переводе военных текстов, таких как документы, уставы и пособия, инструкции, военные научные статьи, где точность перевода является одним из основных требований. Чтобы избежать подобных ошибок, переводчик должен стремиться досконально изучить ту область военной науки или техники, в которой он работает, и достичь исчерпывающего понимания смысла понятий, которые выражаются военным термином.
Ключевые слова: термин, перевод, лексикон, однозначность, контекст.
Problem statement
A lot of issues connected with the process of translation in general and military translation in particular are constantly in the center of attention of scientists. It should be noted that general approaches to solving this problem were studied enough, but some peculiarities of translation of texts of any particular genre or a particular group of texts remain outside the sphere of interests of the researchers, that is, are not studied enough. Popular science texts devoted to military issues are in this group. In the researches concerning the sphere of translation of UK, Canada and USA military documents there are only few comments on this matter, and they do not have the character of a systematic study [2, c. 5]. However, studying structural and linguistic characteristics of military texts in the aspect of translation is particularly relevant at this stage of development of the army and interior troops. This is due to a certain number of factors.
First, Ukraine gained its independence more than 18 years ago and has its own army and the police forces, but by this time the Ukrainian language has not been used properly in these structures. All military documentation in the USSR was in Russian, so now Ukrainian military specialists should create virtually from the very beginning their terminology and structure of military documents as well as their new format.
Secondly, a broad international cooperation in the military sphere requires appropriate knowledge regarding international documentation.
Thirdly, there are not enough reference books and dictionaries for overcoming this problem.
Fourthly, the process of integration of Ukraine into the European Union, NATO and its participation in the UN peacekeeping operations requires standardization in the field of military documents, which should provide the teamwork between the military units.
The article aim
There are varieties of military texts, which differ in purpose and content. So, according to the classification given by the famous linguist, G. Strelkovsky, which is based on functional and substantive approaches, there are two separate groups of texts: information texts and texts regulating the life and activity of troops.
In the first group there are four subgroups: military-scientific texts; military technical texts; military information texts; military-popular science texts.
The second group includes the following subgroups: the statutes and regulations; military-business texts [1, c. 43].
The latter one includes orders, instructions, reports, messages, that is, such kinds of military texts, which are generally considered military documents. If we analyze the linguistic content of these texts, then, in terms of lexical content, all military materials differ from any other materials in terms of a wide use of military, scientific and technical terminology, the presence of a certain number of set phrases, a large number of special symbols, and, from the point their syntactical organization - by a wide use of elliptic (especially in the military documentation) and clichйs structures, by limitation of verbal forms, the compressed form of the utterance. This is connected with certain functions, which generally characterize the military sphere of communication: shortness, clarity and specificity of the wording, the accuracy and clarity of presentation that provides a logical sequence, a clear delimitation of one thought from the other for easy perception of the information transmitted. In the grammatical systems of both languages there are comparable grammatical phenomena (e.g. parts of speech category, the category of number, etc.), and phenomena that do not have matches in the other language (e.g. gerund, article, absolute constructions). Certain syntactic characteristics of English military texts may create some difficulties in translation. It is known that the relationship of words in the sentence are grammatically formalized.
Grammatical forms and grammatical constructions have some meaning associated with the lexical meaning of words. Therefore, the translator must take into account not only the grammatical meaning of sentences, which are translated, but their lexical meaning [4, c. 64]. The greatest difficulties usually arise when translating constructions with the predicate in the passive (passive constructions), gerundial constructions, participle and infinitive constructions, i.e. those grammatical phenomena that are absent in the Ukrainian language, as it is noted above.
Furthermore, the military translation is one of the types of special translation with the communicative function. The translator can be a direct participant in the communication act as an intermediary between the communicators that speak different languages, and can only convert the received messages to a new group of recipients. The second way typically takes place in the form of a written translation. And this case is much harder than the first one. In the first variant the sender directly perceives the translator and has the opportunity to coordinate their subjective perception of the world with the subjective attitude of the translator, supporting him constant feedback. In addition, pragmatic components come to the recipient [5, c. 37]. All this considerably facilitates the work of the translator. Let's analyze the following situation of communication where the subordinates received an order. They should, firstly, clearly understand the content of a document (hence the requirement for clarity and consistency of the language filling), secondly, realize their role and their place in the future and, thirdly, accept the will of the commander as marching orders (hence the requirement for expressiveness expression of will). In other words, the recipients should be encouraged by this message (order) on the quick, decisive actions. The use of emotional means is unacceptable, therefore, all the expressiveness is achieved only indirectly, namely through the use of certain grammatical structures. Consequently, the role of the interpreter is complicated by a number of factors, since the distinguishing features of military translation is the use of terms and extremely precise, clear presentation of the material, on the one hand, and the lack of figurative emotional expressiveness except for the military journalistic texts and military memoirs, on the other. The translator must know the grammatical matches and inconsistencies, ways of their transmission by means of the other language, a good understanding of the system of lex- ico-grammatical meanings of both languages, taking into account the whole complex of their complicated interaction of their lexical and grammatical means [3, c. 14].
Let us consider the syntactical features of military texts and establish the typical elements of the military popular science texts in terms of their syntactic organization. One of the linguistic peculiarities of the English-speaking military documents is a wide use of the passive: 4.4.1. Requirement for Specific Request. Assistance may be provided only if: The assistance is requested by a responsible official of the eligible organization or activity to which the assistance is to be provided.
National military objectives shall be accomplished with a minimum of manpower that is organized and employed to provide maximum effectiveness and combat power [4]. Such sentences are translated into the Ukrainian language by one of the following ways.
1. Impersonal sentences: The battalion was assigned the mission to launch an attack at 010315 January. Батальйону було поставлено завдання перейти в наступ 1 січня о 3.15 [7]. 2. Indefinite - personal sentences: Field fortifications are built of stone, wood, and all other available natural materials. Польові фортифікації будують з каменю, дерева та інших підручних матеріалів. The subject of such passive constructions are usually translated by: 1. direct or indirect object in the Accusative or Dative Case: In large-scale operations corps and army engineer units are assigned the heavier tasks [8]. Під час великомасштабних заходів корпусним та армійським інженерним військам ставлять більш складні завдання.
2. Noun with a preposition: Infra-red devices have been much written about [6]. Про інфрачервоні прилади вже багато писали. The rate of reaction is influenced by many factors. На швидкість реакції впливає багато факторів.
3. Active voice instead of the passive voice: Strong points are considered by the Americans to be the bulk of modern defense [7]. Американці вважають, що опорні пункти є основою сучасної оборони.
4. By an adequate replacement, i.e. by replacing the English passive constructions with the Ukrainian verbal constructions that convey the same meaning: This vehicle is created with а fording ability of 2.2. meters [8]. Цей танк здатний долати броди завглибшки до 2,2 метра. Infinitive constructions are particularly widely represented in military texts, because the infinitive denotes an action without specifying the method, time, person, number and expresses the need for action, call to action and a categorical order, reports the dynamics of the process. Infinitive constructions are usually translated into the Ukrainian language in the following ways: 1. Noun with a preposition: The division prepares fire plans to support the scheme of defense [6]. Дивізія готує сектор обстрілу для забезпечення всієї оборони. 2. Infinitive: The purpose of this device is to provide better training of personnel. Призначення цього приладу - підвищити якість навчання особового складу.
5. Impersonal or indefinite-personal sentences: Oxygen is known to be colorless [6]. Загальновідомо, що кисень безбарвний.
6. Attributive subordinate clause: Mobility and dispersion are the factors to influence modern nuclear combat [8]. Мобільність і розосередженість є тими факторами, які впливають на ведення сучасного бою із застосуванням ядерної зброї.
In the Ukrainian grammar there is no gerund. It can be translated into Ukrainian by nouns, infinitives, subordinate clauses. For example:
1. Noun: A new system for designating and naming military rockets and missiles has recently been announced [8]. Нещодавно було оголошено про нову систему для позначення й найменування військових ракет. 2. Infinitive: The attacking units will continue moving widely separated until near the enemy. Підрозділам першого ешелону продовжувати просуватися... до зближення із супротивникам. 3. Participle and participial construction: An aircraft cannot land without reducing its speed [6]. Не знижуючи швидкості, літак не може здійснити посадку. 4. Subordinate clause: They insist on the equipment being carried by some other means of transportation. Вони наполягають на тому, щоб матеріальна частина перевозилася іншими транспортними засобами.
Also in the English military texts we can find constructions with participles. They are usually translated into Ukrainian by participial constructions, constructions with дієприслівник and subordinate clauses. For example: 1.Participial constructions: Missiles used to hamper the operation of radar installations are termed “antiradar missiles” [8]. Ракети, використовувані для створення перешкод установкам радіолокацій, називаються «ракети проти- радіолокацій». 2. Subordinate clause: The thrust being greater than the drag, the aircraft speed will increase [6]. Коли тяга стає більше лобового опору, швидкість літака збільшується.
In addition, the analysis of original texts and texts that have been translated into Ukrainian, we noticed that the translators changed the structure of the so-called “cleft sentences”. Cleft sentences are defined as a special type of expressive sentences [3, с. 68]. Here are some examples: It was in the 1990s that NATO first responded to the end of the familiar East-West division and its accompanying ideological, political and military adversarial relationships, and to the disappearance of conventional military threats to security in the Euro-Atlantic area [7]. У1990році НАТО вперше відреагува- ло на припинення звичного поділу на Схід і Захід і відносин ідеологічного, політичного й військового протистояння, які його супроводжували, а також на зникнення звичайної військової загрози безпеці євроатлантичного регіону. It was at the Istanbul Summit that the leaders of the 26 member countries gathered for the first time since the Alliance's fifth round of enlargement [7]. Вперше після п'ятого раунду розширення керівники 26 країн- членів НАТО зібралися разом на Стамбульському саміті Альянсу. The transformation of the structure results in the following: a sentence loses its expressive component due to the change.
In our opinion, the topic of research is prospective because, firstly, not all types of military texts have been analyzed, and, secondly, there are a number of issues concerning the syntax of English texts and preserving their peculiarities while translating into Ukrainian.
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