International vocabulary and methods of its translation
The centuries-old communication of peoples, cultural, political and economic ties presuppose the exchange of not only experience, values, any resources, but also their vocabulary. The formation of any language as a multi-level, complex, endless process.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.07.2020 |
Размер файла | 21,4 K |
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International vocabulary and methods of its translation
Kalishchak T.T.,
Assistant Professor of the Chair of Theory and Practice of Translation
of the Kherson National Technical University
Knysh Ye.V., Student
of the Kherson National Technical University
The centuries-old intercourse of peoples, cultural, political and economic ties involve the exchange of not only experience, values, any resources, but also vocabulary. The formation of any language is a multi-level, complex, endless process. In any language, the percentage of borrowed words is at least ten percent. This fact is explained by the result of political, economic, cultural clashes of peoples. communication language vocabulary
In our time, the problem of international vocabulary occupies a dominant position. Interest in this linguistic phenomenon is growing rapidly. Such interest is explained by the significant role played by international words and terms in various areas of speech activity, one way or another connected with the processes of collision and juxtaposition of languages.
The language is fully assimilated, but many words are borrowed. The globalization of the modern world only accelerates these processes. Accordingly, the interpenetration of vocabulary in language has become a common phenomenon. International vocabulary or internationalism should ensure full communication between countries. These are words that have, as a result of mutual influences or random coincidences, an outwardly similar form and some of the same meanings in different languages.
In terms of prevalence in English and Ukrainian languages, international vocabulary occupies a special place, and its translation has its own characteristics. The variety of phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality is currently the cause of the formation of a certain layer of words, many of which are becoming common in various languages and lead to the fact that the translator is faced with the problem of false identification of individual elements of systems of a foreign and native languages due to the similarity in writing or pronunciation. That is why the problem of translating international vocabulary is one of the most pressing.
A translator must apply a special approach to the translation of international vocabulary, which occupies a special place among borrowings.
Key words: translation, internationalism, vocabulary, borrowing, assimilation.
Каліщак Т. Т., Книш Є. В. Інтернаціональна лексика та методи її перекладу
Анотація. Багатовікове спілкування народів, культурні, політичні та економічні зв'язки припускають обмін не тільки досвідом, цінностями, будь-якими ресурсами, але і лексикою. Формування будь-якої мови - багаторівневий, складний, нескінченний процес. У будь-якій мові запозичені слова становлять не менше 10%. Цей факт зумовлюється результатом політичних, економічних, культурних зіткнень народів.
У наш час проблема інтернаціональної лексики займає чільну позицію. Інтерес до цього лінгвістичного феномена стрімко зростає. Такий інтерес зумовлюється значною роллю, яку відіграють міжнародні слова і терміни в різних областях мовної діяльності, так чи інакше пов'язаних із процесами зіткнення і зіставлення мов.
Мови в повному обсязі асимілюються, але багато слів запозичується. Глобалізація сучасного світу лише прискорює ці процеси. Відповідно, взаємопроникнення лексики в мови стало явищем поширеним. Забезпечити повноцінне спілкування між країнами мала інтернаціональна лексика, або інтернаціоналізми. Це слова, які мають в результаті взаємовпливів або випадкових збігів зовні схожу форму і деякі однакові значення в різних мовах.
За ступенем поширеності в англійській та українській мовах інтернаціональна лексика займає чільне місце, і переклад її має свої особливості. Різноманіття явищ і предметів навколишньої дійсності нині є причиною утворення певного пласта слів, багато з яких набувають поширення в різних мовах і призводять до того, що перекладач зіштовхується з проблемою помилкового ототожнення окремих елементів систем іноземної та рідної мов через схожість у написанні або вимові. Саме тому проблема перекладу інтернаціональної лексики є однією з найактуальніших.
Перекладач має застосовувати особливий підхід до перекладу інтернаціональної лексики, яка займає особливе місце серед запозичень.
Ключові слова: переклад, інтернаціоналізм, лексика, запозичення, асиміляція.
Калищак Т.Т., Кныш Е.В. Интернациональная лексика и методы ее перевода
Аннотация. Многовековое общение народов, культурные, политические и экономические связи предполагают обмен не только опытом, ценностями, любыми ресурсами, но и лексикой. Формирование любого языка - многоуровневый, сложный, бесконечный процесс. В любом языке процент заимствованных слов составляет не менее 10%. Этот факт объясняется результатом политических, экономических, культурных столкновений народов.
В наше время проблема интернациональной лексики занимает главенствующую позицию. Интерес к этому лингвистическому феномену стремительно растет. Такой интерес объясняется значительной ролью, которую играют международные слова и термины в различных областях речевой деятельности, так или иначе связанных с процессами столкновения и сопоставления языков.
Язык в полном объеме ассимилируется, но много слов заимствуется. Глобализация современного мира только ускоряет эти процессы. Соответственно, взаимопроникновение лексики в речи стало явлением распространенным. Обеспечить полноценное общение между странами должна интернациональная лексика, или интернационализмы. Это слова, которые имеют в результате взаимовлияний или случайных совпадений внешне похожую форму и некоторые одинаковые значения в разных языках.
По степени распространенности в английском и украинском языках интернациональная лексика занимает особое место, и перевод ее имеет свои особенности. Многообразие явлений и предметов окружающей действительности в настоящее время является причиной образования определенного пласта слов, многие из которых получают распространение в различных языках и приводят к тому, что переводчик сталкивается с проблемой ложного отождествления отдельных элементов систем иностранного и родного языков из-за сходства в написании или произношении. Именно поэтому проблема перевода интернациональной лексики является одной из самых актуальных.
Переводчик должен применять особый подход к переводу интернациональной лексики, которая занимает особое место среди заимствований.
Ключевые слова: перевод, интернационализм, лексика, заимствования, ассимиляция.
Nowadays, the problem of translation of international words is one of the most important, but unfortunately, it has not been much studied. Translator has to fear not only the numerous pseudo-internationalisms that can confuse even a qualified professional, and completely distort the meaning of the utterance, but also the difficulties can arise when choosing between maintaining of international form and the selection of not single-rooted equivalent in the native or foreign language.
The problem arises when international words have synonyms. In this case, international word has more scientific terminological nature and the choice between two synonyms will depend on the nature of the text and its addressee. There can be some common mistakes that await an interpreter when dealing with this kind of vocabulary, their causes and ways to avoid them. The research is aimed at the selection of the optimal translation of the international vocabulary.
The problem of translator's "false friends" can be applied to the translation of scientific texts; it has its characteristic peculiarities. It is possible to note that the translator's "false friends" in the scientific texts are characterized by certain specific properties. This specificity is manifested both in the quantitative composition of "false friends" and their quality characteristics. Since a large percentage of words related to the translator's "false friends" category are considered to be international words. Speaking about quantitative specificity of the translator's "false friends" in the scientific and technical texts, we can see a "classic" example of the translator's "false friend" - the word "accurate" it has another meaning - "точний". There are other examples: "comfort" - "підтримка, втішання"", not only "комфорт""; "director"" - "голова, режисер"", not only "директор"", "figure"" - "цифра, ілюстрація, креслення"", not only "фігура"", "party"" - "вечірка, свято"", not only "партія"", "adequate pressure"" - "адекватний тиск, правильний вибір""; "criterion failure"" - "критерій загального руйнування"" [6]. As it is shown in the examples that literal translation turns out to be inaccurate and causes to semantic distortions. Many international general scientific words, for example: analysis, candidate, scenario, critical, originally, history, pioneer, revolutionary, practical, signal, traditionally, etc., are regularly found in scientific and technical texts and they act as "false friends of translator" [1, p. 40]. These English words coincide with Ukrainian parallels in their international significance and therefore they are easily identified in the translation.
As a result of these identifications either the meaning of the utterance or stylistic norms of the target language are broken. With regard to international terminology, the meaning volume of international terms in different languages is often the same as, for example, the words: reactor, proton, electron, resonance, they sound the same in many other languages [5, p. 85]. The difference is in the volume of meaning. In case of general scientific parallel internationalisms there is a significant descripensy of semantic content. Almost all English common scientific internationalisms are ambiguous.
There are different international elements (words, phrases and sometimes-separate sentences), which split in all languages in two typologically distinct subgroups:
1) genuine internationalisms, having a common linguistic form, a common source of origin and identical lexical meaning.
2) lexical loan internationalisms, which have the same lexical meaning but exist only in national lingual forms [2, p. 131].
Talking about genuine internationalisms, the latter never considerably change their lingual (orthographic or sounding) form nor their internationally established meaning. Moreover, the main characteristic feature of genuine internationalisms, whether single words or words-combinations, is their semantic singularity. It means that their lexical identity and orthographic similarity in the source language and in all target languages remains unchanged both at language level and at speech level, i.e. Examples of genuine internationalisms are jurisdiction - юрисдикція, parliament - парламент, cession - сесія, constitution - конституція etc.
Loan internationalisms have also a common structural form, but rarely a similarity in their orthographic form or sounding. Loan internationalisms are mostly different terms designating scientific and technological notions. For example, the law of gravitation - закон тяжіння, agreement - узгодження, addition - додавання etc.
Along with these two groups of word internationalisms there also exist many stable international phraseological/idiomatic expressions in each language's lexicon [3, p. 28]. Their fund is constituted by the so-called absolute and near equivalents having a common language of origin - Greek, Latin or modern. Absolute and near international equivalents of this subgroup remain in different languages of a geographical area the same (or nearly the same) denotative and connota- tive meaning, the same expressive force and picturesqueness.
A separate subgroup of genuine internationalisms constitute proverbs, sayings and set expressions are used in their foreign/ original lingual form (they are predominantly of Latin, French, English, German origin). The structural form of international idioms in most languages is identical or similar. The occasional absence of identity in their structural form is explained by the divergences in the grammatical systems and forms of expression in the source language and in the target language [3, p. 52].
As has been noted, the units of genuine international lexicon are identified on the basis of their common in different languages lexical meaning and identical or only similar lingual form. Loan internationalisms, on the other hand, are identified mainly on the basis of their common sphere of use, their lexical meaning, functional significance and partly structural form.
The identification of genuine or loan internationalisms presents no difficulty. That is explained by the terminological nature of the signs, which are used to signify social, political, scientific, technological, cultural and other notions (parliament, theatre, theory, poet, arithmetic, artillery, botany, phoneme, suffix, theorem, proton, volt, decimal fractions, space probe, management, motor, computer, internet, electricity, etc.) [5, p. 32]. These and many other internationalisms are monosemantic words or word-combinations which constitute a peculiar layer of lexicon in quite different languages. They are characterized by a similarity of their lexical meaning, by an identity or similarity in their orthographic and sound form, by their denotative meaning and sometimes by their motivation [6, p. 24]. The meaning of these and a lot of other international words and phrases/ word-groups does not change in any other contextual environment. Consequently, their nature is constantly monolithic.
Naturally, not every adjunct (identifying word or word-group) forming a word-combination with a polysemantic word, can discriminate the real nature and meaning of the lexeme.
Apart from the polysemantic words with several meanings, one of which is genuine international and the rest pseudo-international, i.e., non-international as in the examples above, there are also quite a few words in present-day English and Ukrainian which have an identical orthographic form but quite different lexical meaning: accurate - точний, правильний, влучний but not акуратний; data - дані but not дата; Dutch - голландський but not данський; fabulist - байкар but not фабуліст; intelligence - розум, кмітливість but not інтелігенція; momentous - важливий but not моментальний; prospect - перспектива but not проспект; production - виробництво, випуск but not only продукція; replica - точна копія but not репліка, etc [8].
As can be ascertained, these English words quite accidentally coincide in their lingual form with some other borrowed words in Ukrainian. Thus, "replica", for example, has quite a different denotative meaning in Ukrainian than our репліка (remark) [7, с. 15].
Unlike common lexical units, whose orthographic and sound forms never coincide in the target language and in the source language, the lingual form of genuine international lexemes in all languages is always either identical or similar. It does not mean that the structural form of genuine internationalisms is necessarily always transplanted to the target language as it is observed in simple lexemes like drama, poet, opera, suffix, lord, kimono, sari, kiwi, motor, proton (драма, поет, опера, суфікс, лорд, кімоно, сарі, etc.).
More often the same genuine international lexemes in English and Ukrainian may have a different morphological structure. In Ukrainian they usually take derivational and often also inflexional affixes which is rarely observed in present-day English. As a result, most of genuine international words in Ukrainian are structurally more complicated than in English (dietic-дієтичний, economic - економічний), etc [2, p. 132].
Some genuine international words, however, may be structurally more complicated in English than in Ukrainian: Greek: academician - академік, mathematician - математик, geologist - геолог; Latin: appendicitis - апендицит, rheumatismus - ревматизм, etc [8].
Hence, the structural models according to which different logi- co-grammatical classes of internationalisms are adopted in English and in Ukrainian mostly differ. On this ground relevant for the identification, as well as for the translation of any international word, remains its root morpheme, i.e., its sense bearing seme. Taking this into account, lexemes like anti-trade, arch-enemy, inventor consisting of international affixes and having common root morphemes are to be classified as non-internationalisms, i.e., as pseudointernationalisms. The international nature/status of a source language lexeme is considered to be fully retained, when the root morpheme or at least the sense and lingual form (part of it) can be rendered in the target language. Consequently, the compounds consisting of a genuine international and a common root morpheme as schop-mate, coal-gas etc, are to be defined in English as partly international, i.e., mixed-type lexical units. It occurs similarly in Ukrainian: газосховище, водно-спиртовий [1, p. 28].
So, when the interpreter comes in the source language across a word which is similar to a Ukrainian word in form, he is to be very careful in understanding the message and choosing the adequate correlate for reproducing the idea.
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