Formation of quality of oral culture in future professionals in information, library and archive business

Process of forming the qualities of oral culture in future specialists in information, library and archives business. An effective ways of developing their speech culture. The need of work and communication on improving the culture of student speech.

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Formation of quality of oral culture in future professionals in information, library and archive business

Popovych Nadiia, Prokopovych Lidiia, Kurylo Oleksandra

The article investigates the process of forming the qualities of oral culture in future specialists in information, library and archives business, an effective ways of developing their speech culture are found out, substantiated the need of work on improving the culture of student speech, the role of communication that ensuring mutual understanding and successful interaction is defined.

The relevance of the topic of the study is due to the fact that the central place in the training of specialists in the specialty «Information, library and archival affairs » is the formation of the future of information departments, librarians and archivists of the quality of oral speech.

The purpose of the article is to investigate the process of forming the qualities of oral culture in future specialists in information, library and archives business, to find out effective ways of developing their speech culture, to substantiate the need of work on improving the culture of student speech, to determine the role of communication that ensuring mutual understanding and successful interaction communicators. To obtain the results of the study general theoretical and special methods are used: descriptive, analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical, etc.

Speech culture is one of the decisive factors in establishing specialists in information, library and archival affairs of social, professional contacts as a means of expressing them through the speech activities. It reflects the value orientations, the harmony of professional knowledge, communicative, moral and psychological abilities, characterizes the education of the individual, the ability to express opinions, adhere to ethical norms of communication, etc. The prospect of further research is perceived in studying and analyzing the most common mistakes made by students in written language and ways to overcome them.

Key words: oral speech, speech culture, the quality of oral culture, correctness, accuracy, logic, purity, appropriateness, expressiveness, intelligibility.

У статті досліджено процес формування якостей культури усного мовлення у майбутніх фахівців з інформаційної, бібліотечної та архівної справи, з'ясовано ефективні шляхи розвитку їх мовленнєвої культури, обґрунтовано необхідність роботи з підвищення культури мовлення студентів, визначено роль комунікації, що забезпечує взаєморозуміння й успішну взаємодію комунікантів.

Актуальність теми дослідження обумовлена тим, що центральне місце в підготовці фахівців зі спеціальності «Інформаційна, бібліотечна та архівна справа» посідає формування у майбутніх працівників інформаційних відділів, бібліотекарів та архівістів якостей культури усного мовлення.

Метою статті є дослідити процес формування якостей культури усного мовлення у майбутніх фахівців з інформаційної, бібліотечної та архівної справи, з'ясувати ефективні шляхи розвитку їх мовленнєвої культури, обґрунтувати необхідність роботи з підвищення культури мовлення студентів, визначити роль комунікації, що забезпечує взаєморозуміння й успішну взаємодію комунікантів. Для отримання результатів дослідження використано загальнотеоретичні та спеціальні методи: описовий, аналізу та синтезу, абстрактно- логічний та ін.

Культура мовлення є одним із вирішальних чинників у налагодженні фахівцями з інформаційної, бібліотечної та архівної справи соціальних, професійних контактів, засобом їх самовираження за допомогою мовленнєвої діяльності. Вона віддзеркалює ціннісні орієнтації, гармонію професійних знань, комунікативних і морально-психологічних можливостей, характеризує вихованість особистості, уміння висловлювати думки, дотримуватися етичних норм спілкування тощо. Перспективу подальшого дослідження вбачаємо у вивченні й аналізі найбільш поширених помилок студентів у писемному мовленні та шляхів їх подолання.

Ключові слова: усне мовлення, культура мовлення, якості культури усного мовлення, правильність, точність, логічність, чистота, доречність, виразність, дохідливість.

Formation of professional speech of future specialists in information, library and archival business, increasing of their speech culture is one of the urgent tasks of the modern higher education institution. Today in the system of education the process of fundamental restructuring is undergoing, which occurs under conditions of development of social and cultural spheres of society, the role of communication increases, which ensures mutual understanding and successful interaction of communicators. The relevance of the research topic is conditioned because of the fact that training of future employees of information departments, librarians and archivists as specialists with a high oral speech culture is central to this process.

The problem of speech culture was the subject of attention of M. Alefirenko, N. Babych, O. Bilyaev, I. Drozdova, M. Pentylyuk, I. Marunych, I. Haydayenko, L. Struganets, I. Khomyak and other researchers, whose works outline the quality of professional broadcasting culture and draws attention to typical violations of literary norms. A number of publications have been devoted to the study of various issues of broadcasting culture [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11].

The purpose of our article is to investigate the process of forming the qualities of oral culture in future specialists in information, library and archives business, to find out effective ways of developing their speech culture, to substantiate the need of work on improving the culture of speech of students, to determine the role of communication that ensure mutual understanding and successful interaction of communicators.

Speech culture refers to the mastery of norms of linguistic language in pronunciation, the use of words and their forms, in the construction of sentences and the ability to use linguistic means in certain situations of communication.

Speech culture is one of the decisive factors in establishing information, library and archival professionals in social, professional contacts, is a means of expressing themselves through language and speech. It reflects the value orientations, harmony of professional knowledge, communicative, moral and psychological abilities, characterizes upbringing of personality, ability to express opinions, adheres to ethical norms of communication, etc. Mastering of information departments, libraries and archives of the culture of language and speech, speech etiquette by future employees is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of professional and personal communication.

The culture of speech of information, library and archival professionals is characterized by the following qualities: correctness, purity, accuracy, logic, appropriateness, expressiveness and intelligibility.

Speech correctness is the observance of norms enshrined in the literary language [3, p. 47]. The defining quality of a speech culture is correctness. For this reason, are language norms adhered or not by speakers, the speech is considered to be correct or incorrect.

The correctness of the speech always leads to the observance of the literary language standards in the language system. Linguistic norms are rules of pronunciation, usage of words, grammatical form, word construction, sentences (phrases) accepted in social and speech practice of people. Language norms are characterized by systematic, historical and social conditioning, stability. If in the orthoepy, grammar norms are oriented on the model, example, standard, then in the vocabulary the implementation of the norm is also subordinate to the content, depending in each case on the context.

The norms of literary language reinforce the traditions, cultural achievements of the past and at the same time regulate the use of not only established rules but also the emergence of new ones in the process of speech activity of people. The following speech of students is normative: 1) which corresponds to the language system; 2) in which variant of the norm has new semantic- stylistic possibilities, expresses, refines the context, gives additional and comprehensive information; 3) in which the applicable rules of another style are duly substantiated; 4) in which the mixing of norms of different languages under the influence of bilingual speech practice is not allowed.

Proper speech implies the use of all language rules, the ability to build expressions that match the type and style of speech.

The purity criterion refers to the use of literary or non-literary words, their accentuation or sentence structure. In literary language, it is unacceptable without the need to use dialect, colloquial, slang words. Also, you should not use distorted foreign language words as they make the speech unclean. As is well known, the purity of professional language is manifested in three main aspects: in orthoepy - correct literary pronunciation, absence of interference phenomena; in vocabulary - the absence of extra-literary elements; in intonation aspect - correspondence of intonation of content and expression of expression [10, p. 391].

The accuracy criterion is related to whether the content of the words used in the language corresponds to the lexical meaning accepted in the literary language. If it does, the broadcast is accurate, it does not - it is considered inaccurate. Speech accuracy implies, on the one hand, the knowledge and use of the exact meanings of words, phrases, sentences that meet the norms of literary language and, on the other, the ability to express their thoughts so that they are clearly perceived by the addressee of speech. The accuracy requirement influences the choice of language tools for constructing oral or written utterances.

It is known that every used word has two requirements, such as:

its content must correspond to the substantive-material reality;

should be used with the lexical meaning fixed in the literary language [2, p. 141].

The first requirement in particular is that the used word must correspond to that which is nominated. After all, a statement loses its clarity if it has a word that does not correlate with the reality of life.

A second requirement is that words with a standard literary meaning must be entered into the language. This requires the speaker to know first and foremost the semantics of each of the words in the active dictionary.

Speech is considered accurate if the used words match their meanings with the meaning of the thought. Accuracy depends on the ability of the speaker to choose words that fully relate to the nominated objects, phenomena, actions, etc.

An essential qualitative feature of speech culture is logic, which is based on a clear semantic organization of utterances and on the sequence of presentation. Failure to do so causes a logical malfunction of the message.

In the students' speech there are cases when the choice of language means does not meet the purpose and conditions of communication, the topic of expression, logical content, emotional color. This indicates that there is no communicative relevance of speech. Communicative appropriateness is determined by the motivated choice of linguistic means: which one, depending on the speech situation, is more appropriate, more precise, and more expressive. Depending on the different conditions and purpose of communication, the relevance of speech is contextual, situational, stylistic, and psychologically determined. Contextual relevance is manifested in the unity of content and form of expression. It affects the order of words in a sentence and sentences in a text. Situational appropriateness arranges for the broadcasting of future specialists in information, library and archives, in accordance with the communication situation. This is the reason for the use of monologue, dialogue, internal monologue, various forms of treatment. From the situation depends on the tempo and tone of speech, the choice of words. Style relevance is important. After all, each style is based on the choice of language means, their correlation. Therefore, relevance is an important feature of every style of speech. According to our observations, sense of relevance, mastery of changing the nature of speech from situations and tasks of communication is brought up by speech practice. oral culture speech library information

Speech expressiveness is the quality that is most dependent on the speaker's personality, his language skills erudition, speech skills. The language has an inexhaustible supply of expressive means that make speech expressive. These are, in particular, artistic broadcasting and audio broadcasting. Expressiveness also includes the imagery of speech, which implies the use of words and phrases in an unusual, metaphorical meaning, which enables the figurative, artistic, reproduction of reality. Thus, expressive means can be imaginative and inexpressive. It depends on the style of expression. Speech expressiveness is achieved under the following conditions: the speaker's independence of thinking; the speaker's interest in what he speaks or writes; adequate knowledge of language and expressive means; perfect command of speech styles and more.

The presentation of opinions may be clear or incomprehensible, clear or difficult to understand. These ratings determine another quality of speech - profitability.

Speech of information, library and archival professionals should be a model of communicative action. The formation of a culture of broadcasting is an important indicator of the general culture and professionalism of employees of information departments, libraries and archives. Their speech, in addition, should be rich and diverse, expressive, aesthetic, devoid to lexical stamps. It is known that to express one's opinion clearly, definitely, to interest the interlocutor with a story, retelling of the read, proving their positions is not easy. In order to achieve this, one must first speak correctly, purely, accurately, logically, appropriately, clearly, intelligently.

It is important to consider the skillful selection of words that convey shades of concepts, including the use of a variety of successful synonyms. And the repetition of the same or one-root words, if possible to replace one of them with a synonym, should be regarded as a poverty of the lexical stock of the speaker, which indicates the lack of speech skills.

Future information, library and archival professionals should diversify their vocabulary. Speech skills are also manifested in the variety of syntactic constructions, expressive descriptive references.

Therefore, the perfect speech of specialists in information, library and archives business is recognized when it corresponds to all qualities of the culture of speech. Improving the culture of speech is an integral part of shaping the professional and business qualities of future employees of information departments, libraries and archives business, an organic need for the development of professionals in the field of culture and the arts and society in general.


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Doroshenko, S. I. (2002). Osnovy kultury i tekhniky usnoho movlennya [Fundamentals of Culture and Technique of Oral Speech]. - Kharkiv, 144 p.

Zahnitko, A. P., Domracheva, I. R. (2001). Osnovy movlennyevoyi diyal'nosti [Fundamentals of Speech Activity]. - Donetsk, 461 p.

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