Psychological impact of quantifiers in advertisements

Advertisements - an essential part of life, aiming to call for trust to goods or manufacturer. The linguistic field of quantity like a complex continuum which has a corresponding internal structure and contains units with the meaning of plurality.

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Psychological impact of quantifiers in advertisements

Kateryna Ohiienko


The article is devoted to comparative investigation of advertisements of one cosmetic company written in different languages, in particular, we analysed quantifiers in English and Ukrainian Avon brochures on the grounds of their polycode nature.

The analysis of recent publications allowed us to notice that the investigations of both advertisements and the category of quantitativity are based on different theoretical and practical principles.

Being guided by already existing classifications of quantifiers in English and Ukrainian by S. O. Shvachko, V. M. Kondratiuk, O. S. Ananieva, we displayed morphological, structural and combinatory possibilities of quantifiers, textual modifications of numeral combinations in English and Ukrainian advertisements. We suggested main models of quantifiers, emphasizing an important role and functions of units which express definite and indefinite quantity.

Morphologically quantifiers are represented not only by numerals, but also by nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, their situational and idiomatic combinations, and even mathematical signs. The study of structural and combinatory possibilities of quantifiers also showed morphemes-quantifiers, the usage of quantifiers with specifiers, qualifiers and rhematizers, the structures like n-e-1 (n-in-1), where n>1, as well as word- combinations and phrases synonymic to this structure. All described morphological, structural and combinatory possibilities of quantifiers have a rather significant psychological impact in advertisements, emphasizing the advantages of some cosmetic goods and calling for trust to them. Besides, language means are supplemented by visual, graphic and sometimes sensory (olfactory) ones, which strengthen the influence on the consumer.

Key words: quantitativity, quantifier, quantification, qualifier, advertisement, psychological impact, definite quantity, indefinite quantity.

Статтю присвячено компаративному дослідженню різномовних рекламних текстів однієї компанії, зокрема проаналізовано слова-квантифікатори англомовних та україномовних каталогів “Avon” з огляду на їхній полікодовий характер.

Аналіз останніх досліджень та публікацій дозволив помітити, що вивчення як рекламних текстів, так і категорії квантитативності виконуються на різних теоретичних та практичних засадах.

Спираючись на вже наявні класифікації квантитативної лексики в англійській та українській мовах С. О. Швачко, В. М. Кондратюк,

О. С. Анан'євої, виявлено морфологічні, структурні та комбінаторні можливості кількісних одиниць, текстові модифікації нумеральних сполучень в англомовних та україномовних рекламних текстах. Запропоновано основні моделі слів-квантифікаторів, відмічено роль та функції одиниць, що позначають означену та неозначену кількість.

Морфологічно квантитативна лексика представлена не лише числівниками, а й іменниками, займенниками, прикметниками, прислівниками, дієсловами, їхніми ситуативними або ідіоматичними сполученнями, а також математичними знаками.

Вивчення структурних та комбінаторних можливостей квантитативної лексики показало морфеми-квантифікатори, вживання слівквантифікаторів з уточнювальними формантами, кваліфікаторами та рематизаторами, структури типу п-в-1 /n-in-1, де n>1, а також словосполучення, синонімічні до неї.

Відмічені морфологічні, структурні та комбінаторні можливості слів-квантифікаторів, які позначають як означену, так і неозначену кількість, мають досить вагомий психологічний вплив у рекламних текстах, підкреслюючи переваги косметичних засобів та викликаючи довіру до них.

Крім того, мовні засоби доповнюються візуальними, графічними, а подекуди сенсорними (ділянки на сторінках, де можна відчути аромат), що значно посилює ефект впливу на споживача.

Ключові слова: квантитативність, квантифікатор, квантифікація, кваліфікатор, рекламний текст, психологічний вплив, означена / точна кількість, неозначена/неточна кількість.

Статья посвящена компаративному исследованию разноязычных рекламных текстов одной косметической компании, а именно проанализированы слова-квантификаторы англоязычных и украиноязычных каталогов “Avon”, учитывая их поликодовый характер.

Анализ последних исследований и публикаций позволил заметить, что изучение как рекламных текстов, так и категории квантитативности осуществляется на различных теоретических и практических принципах.

Опираясь на уже существующие классификации квантитативной лексики в английском и украинском языках С. А. Швачко, В. М. Кондратюк, О. С. Ананьевой, мы смогли определить морфологические, структурные и комбинаторные возможности количественных единиц, текстовые модификации нумеральных словосочетаний в английских и украинских рекламных текстах. Предложены основные модели слов-квантификаторов.

Морфологически квантитативная лексика представлена не только именами числительными, но и именами существительными, местоимениями, именами прилагательными, наречиями, глаголами, их ситуативными и идиоматическими сочетаниями, и даже математическими знаками.

Изучение структурных и комбинаторных возможностей квантитативной лексики показало морфемы-квантификаторы, использование слов-квантификаторов с уточняющими формантами, квалификаторами и рематизаторами, структуры типа n-в-1 / n-in-1, где n>1, а также словосочетания, которые синонимичны этой структуре.

Отмеченные морфологические, структурные и комбинаторные особенности слов-квантификаторов, которые обозначают как точное, так и неточное количество, имеют весомое психологическое влияние на покупателя, подчеркивая преимущества косметических средств и вызывая к ним доверие. Языковые средства дополняются графическими, визуальными, а иногда и ароматическими, что еще больше усиливает эффект на потребителя.

Ключевые слова: квантитативность, квантификатор, квантификация, квалификатор, рекламный текст, психологическое влияние, определенное /точное количество, неопределенное /неточное количество.

Introduction. Nowadays advertisements have become an essential part of life of any person, aiming to call for trust to goods or manufacturer. Psycholinguistic impact of advertising texts is usually expressed in titles and slogans. There are a lot of means (both linguistic and extra-linguistic) which influence the person creating a positive image in their mind and thus promoting the item.

Linguists pay great attention to advertisement genres, stylistic, structural and grammatical, pragmatic, polycode, semantic and discursive peculiarities. The outlined problems have been the object of study both in foreign (W. F. Arens, C. L. Bovйe (Bovйe, 1992), R. D. Blackwell, A. Goddard (Goddard, 2002), P. W. Miniard and others) and Ukrainian linguistics (K. V. Boryskina, O. I. Buhayova, D. M. Dobrovolska (Dobrovolska, 2017), I. V. Horodetska (Horodetska, 2015), S. V. Kharchenko, N. V. Ku- tuza, V. I. Melnyk N. Reva, T. P. Semeniuk (Semeniuk, 2017), M. H. Sh- vetsova, O. S. Tielietov, S. H. Tielietova, N. V. Voloshyna (Voloshyna, 2018), O. I. Zelinska and others).

A lot of linguistic works are devoted to the problem of quantitativitity basing on different theoretical grounds: study of lexical and grammatical, morphological, word-building, syntactic, typological, stylistic, cognitive, pragmatic and historic aspects of quantifiers (O. S. Ananieva (Ananieva, H. P. Arpolenko, S. V. Baranova, Ya. H. Birenbaum, C. I. Bren- del (Brendel, 2019), Yu. O. Haidenko, I. Ye. Hrachova (Hrachova, 2017), A. A. Kholodovych, I. K. Kobiakova, O. М. Medvid, H. H. Morieva, O. A. Pavlyshenko, O. A. Samochornova, I. P. Savelyeva, S. O. Shvachko (Shvachko, 2008), H. N. Vorontsova, O. I. Yehorova, S. A. Zhabotynska, and others).

Although considerable amount of research has been devoted to the kinds and means of advertising (especially qualitative words), few attempts have been made to investigate the psychological impact of quantifiers (like N. Reva (Reva, 2013) and O. I. Zelinska (Zelinska, 2017)). It would be thus of interest to study quantifiers as a psycholinguistic means. I. Yfe. Hrachova justly observed that the category of quantitativity is “diverse, essential and multi-dimensional and, in spite of many relevant problems being investigated, the field for scientific researches remains broad” (Hrachova, 2017: 71).

The purpose of this study is to make a comparative analysis of quantifiers in advertising brochures of one company written in different languages and supposed to influence different customers (we may even say, customers with different priorities and mentality). In particular, we are going to describe morphological, structural and combinatory peculiarities of quantifiers in English and Ukrainian brochures and show the psycholinguistic impact of units denoting both definite and indefinite quantity on buyer.

Methodology. The data used for this study were collected by complete sample of quantifiers from English and Ukrainian Avon brochures (Avon, 2019a; Avon, 2019b). Totally, we got 264 Ukrainian and 396 English phrases (the sample does not include ordinary prices of goods which are used without specifiers or rhematizers as well as ordinary sizes of the goods as they usually do not have any psychological influence).

The obtained quantifiers were analyzed morphologically, structurally and on combinatorial grounds. For this analysis, we took into account the classifications elaborated by O. S. Ananyeva, V M. Kondratiuk and S. O. Shvachko.

S. O. Shvachko asserts that linguistic field of quantity is a complex continuum which has a corresponding internal structure and contains units with the meaning of plurality, size, weight, capacity, height, depth, length, intensivity of properties, volume, square, strength, speed, thickness, number, etc. (Shvachko, 1981: 51). Lexical means which denote definite quantity include numerals, quantitative nouns, singular and plural nouns, roots of numerals in derivative and complex words. Language means of indefinite quantity express not only quantitative relations but also contain assessment (Shvachko, 2008: 66).

V. M. Kondratiuk (Kondratiuk, 2011) focuses on pronouns as a lexical means of realization of quantity nomination in the Ukrainian language. These pronouns may denote space and time orientation, community, mutuality, singularity or totality. The researcher laid the stress on the fact that there is a group of quantifying pronouns which have a function of quantitative index with the meaning of definite number and indefinite amount.

O. S. Ananieva (Ananieva, 2012) depicts the systemic relations of quantifiers in English in the following way: 1. Words that denote definite quantity: a) singularity; b) duality; c) words with the meaning of quantity and numerals; 2. Words with the meaning of indefinite quantity: a) which render total quantity; b) denote indefinite quantity; c) with the meaning of nondiscrete dimensions; 3. Quantitative words which characterize the action: a) with the meaning of temporal characteristics; b) with the meaning of local characteristics; c) with the meaning of heterogeneous action.

We would like to make some explanations about the examples which we use to describe our findings. Firstly, we do not preserve the style and type of the original text as it is not the aim of our research. Secondly, we sometimes use bold type in order to emphasize certain points (even though it was not in the original text. So, it means that we preserve only linguistic part of the examples.

Results and discussion. With the help of complete sample of quantifiers from English and Ukrainian Avon brochures (Avon, 2019a; Avon, 2019b), we got 264 Ukrainian and 396 English phrases. The analysis of the obtained data allowed us to distinguish some important peculiarities of quantifiers and draw a number of conclusions.

Both Ukrainian and English variants of the brochure contain the codes of the products which help to identify them while ordering, prices, sizes, colours, number in the pack, etc. But in the Ukrainian variant the reduced price draws your attention at once: the old or standard price is crossed out, the new one is written near it, in bigger type, in black, though total sale may be red.

We may often see such Ukrainian price format as лише за/ ціни від / будь- який за 29,99 грн., which visually and psychologically prompts the price 20+, and not 30. One more really successful variant is Будь-які три продукти за ціною двох(Avon, 2019a: 3), as well as замовляй... за суперціною(Avon, 2019a: 40) and повна вартість набору (Avon, 2019a: 181).

The prices of the English brochure do not contain tenth or hundredth parts. In order to show the discount, the following variants are used: worth (price), save (sum), save up to (sum),Will normally be (price), Normally, half price. The most frequent specifiers are both for(ціна), from just (price), just (price), any 2 for (price). A real bargain is also emphasized by phrases buy 1 choose 1 for (price) (Avon, 2019b: 91, 93), buy either lunch set for (price) (Avon, 2019b: 118).

Discounts expressed with percents also have positive psychological impact on the buyer. This means is present in both brochures ranging from 40 % to 80 %.

The sizes of goods are usually exact in the Ukrainian brochure (only with several exceptions) while in the English brochure the sizes are all indefinite being used with specifier approx. (...) cm (approximately). The measuring unit is centimetre. The size of the clothes is denoted with the help of Arabic or Roman numerals, while in English brochure letters are also possible.

The dosage of the goods usually does not attract attention of the customers, except when it is necessary to draw the attention to bigger or smaller size. In such cases the type and some graphic means become useful. Linguistic means include such variants as Літо у форматі XXL (Avon, 2019a: 40), розмір XXL (Avon, 2019a: 41), об'єм волосся XXL (Avon, 2019a: 41), великий об'єм(Avon, 2019a: 80), розмір XL (Avon, 2019a: 199), у великому форматі(Avon, 2019a: 223); tote bag (Avon, 2019b: 2), big & multiplied mascara (Avon, 2019b: 42), big & magic mascara (Avon, 2019b: 42). Nouns spritz(Avon, 2019b: 79) and dose (Avon, 2019b: 192) are used to denote a little amount in the English brochure. The phrase purse spray sets (Avon, 2019b: 74) is rather interesting as the word purse is synonymic to a formant mini/ micro. By the way, this formant is rather frequent in both brochures: міні- (мінімальна вартість(Avon, 2019a: 39), ідеально мінімізує пори (Avon, 2019a: 163) міні-версія(Avon, 2019a: 181), мінімізація ростуволосся(Avon, 2019a: 227)), mini- (mini eyeshadow palette (Avon, 2019b: 38), mini nail file (Avon, 2019b: 56), Mini Me pjs (Avon, 2019b: 100), facial mini mitt (Avon, 2019b: 196), handy mini cleaning tool (Avon, 2019b: 206), jacquard minimiser bra (Avon, 2019b: 142), mini candle (Avon, 2019b: 160)); мікро- (Tattoo-маркерзабезпечить ефект мікроблендінга брів у домашніх умовах(Avon, 2019a: 97), Частинки мікрофібри подовжують і потовщують кожну вію(Avon, 2019a: 90), мікробульбашки для глибокого очищення(Avon, 2019a: 165)), micro- (triple-blademicrotipmimicshairstrokes (Avon, 2019b: 46), browtattoomicrostyler (Avon, 2019b: 46), themicrofibergelbrowpen (Avon, 2019b: 65), microparticles (Avon, 2019b: 198)).

SPF (Sun Protecting Factor) is another objective unit of measurement. Ukrainian brochures contain creams with SPF 15, 20, 30 and 50. Besides, SPF 15 is denoted as a medium level of protection, while SPF 30 and 50 are considered to have a high level of protection. The English brochure contains a wider line: SPF 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, and also UV 400.

CardinalnumbersdenotingageareoftenusedwithqualifiersintheUkrainianbrochure: Якраз те, що необхідно шкірі в 20 років і старше (Avon, 2019a: 168), заряд енергії 20+(Avon, 2019a: 170), оновлення 35+ (Avon, 2019a: 172), омолодження (45--55 років)(Avon, 2019a: 181), клітинне відродження 55+(Avon, 2019b: 176). English variant includes age without qualifiers: 30, 40, 50, 60, all ages, ageless 35+, ageless 55+ (Avon, 2019b: 174).

The numeral один /1arouses positive emotions as its meaning supposes simplicity and quality of usage: Б'юті бренд№ 1 в Україні(Avon, 2019a: 1), (Доповни ароматом топпером.) Одним, двома, трьома?(Avon, 2019a: 4), нанести її рівномірно в один-два шари(Avon, 2019a: 82), одним рухом(Avon, 2019a: 99, 106, 107), всього 1 шар для насиченого кольору (Avon, 2019a: 107), Комплексний догляд в 1 клік(Avon, 2019a: 174); in1 coat (Avon, 2019b: 17, 21, 42), injust 1 swipe (Avon, 2019b: 17), in 1 sweep(Avon, 2019b: 19, 39); 1 colour-freelinerforeverylipstick (Avon, 2019b: 48), ourNo. 1 (Avon, 2019b: 98, 252), YourOne-Stopholidayshop (Avon, 2019b: 102--122). The word alone is synonymous to 1: wear alone (Avon, 2019b: 30), use alone (Avon, 2019b: 30).

Ordinal number перший /first always has positive connotation and draws customer's attention: Вперше! (Avon, 2019a: 6), перший подвійний аромат (Avon, 2019a: 50), 1-а помада з праймером (Avon, 2019a: 99), 1-а рідка помада, яка не розтікається (Avon, 2019a: 105), в першу чергу(Avon, 2019a: 133), боротьба з першими віковими змінами(Avon, 2019a: 181), з 1-го застосування(Avon, 2019a: 207); firstever (Avon, 2019b: 4). Sometimes numeral першийmay be seen in set expressions and idioms in the Ukrainian variant (кохання з першого погляду(Avon, 2019a: 43), чистий, немов перше кохання(Avon, 2019a: 43)), while English idioms include other numerals and nouns: like second skin (Avon, 2019b: 5), Take lashes to cloud 9... (Avon, 2019b: 43); light as a feather (Avon, 2019b: 5), in a flash (Avon, 2019b: 29, 40, 43), in the blink of an eye (Avon, 2019b: 47).

Numerals which denote a huge amount or quantity of things and plural nouns contain the shade of exaggeration: Щіточка Lash Seeker складається з 300 щетинок (Avon, 2019a: 90), тисячі волокон (Avon, 2019a: 101), тисячі сяючих частин у кожній помаді (Avon, 2019a: 105), губна помада “Безліч поцілунків” (Avon, 2019a: 119), 129 000 000людей у всьому світі вже спробували Avon Care (Avon, 2019a: 193, 195, 196, 198), 3D об'єм (Avon, 2019a: 104); Apply 2--3 drops of this lightweight serum (Avon, 2019b: 175), 3D plumping lipstick (Avon, 2019b: 50), 4D Wrinkle Reverse Technology (Avon, 2019b: 66), Stretch Mark 24 Total Body Lotion (Avon, 2019b: 224), 30 oranges in 1 bottle (Avon, 2019b: 175), Protection trusted by millions of women worldwide (Avon, 2019b: 227, 229, 230).

Numerals and nouns with temporal meaning attract special attention (besides, they comprise the biggest group of our sample -- 19 Ukrainian and 43 English examples). They have several possibilities of usage: 1) to denote time necessary for the effect to become evident, the time varying from several seconds to several days, and seldom to weeks or months (Розкішний колір за 60 секунд(Avon, 2019a: 107), 60 секунд повного висихання(Avon, 2019a: 107), Менше проявів целюліту вже через 2 тижні(Avon, 2019a: 202), лічені секунди(Avon, 2019a: 213), etc.; in seconds (Avon, 2019b: 98, 167), Wake up tired skin with a 15-second face mask (Avon, 2019b: 173), dries polish to touch in 30 seconds (Avon, 2019b: 56), Removes 12 hours of impurities in 30 seconds (Avon, 2019b: 191), Instantly:... in 2 weeks:... in 4 weeks:... (Avon, 2019b: 63),...real results: After 1 use.... In 1 week.... In 2 weeks... (Avon, 2019b: 175), etc.); 2) to denote the time during which the effect of the make-up item is available, the time varying from 8 to 72 hours (Стійкість аромату до 8 годин(Avon, 2019a: 36, 37, 47), Стійкість кольору до 12 годин (Avon, 2019a: 88) та інші (Avon, 2019a: 88, 177, 191, 226); burns up to 16hours (Avon, 2019b: 160), Formulated to help repair 50 % of skin damage caused by the sun within 24 hours (Avon, 2019b: 184), 18-hour colour (Avon, 2019b: 38), 24-hour hold /lasting/moisturisation/nourishing moisture (Avon, 2019b: 207, 218, 230, 233),), або приблизний (тримається годинами(Avon, 2019a: 105), протягом дня(Avon, 2019a: 201, 226); for hours (Avon, 2019b: 22, 39, 52), for years (Avon, 2019b: 10)).

Some adjectives and adverbs can also perform the first function named above: швидкий/ швидко, експрес, миттєвий / миттєво, instant/ instantly, in an instant. The second function is also peculiar to adverb надовго and adjectives: тривалий, стійкий, суперстійкий, регулярний, lasting. But the quantity of time denoted by adjectives and adverbs is not exact and every person will understand its length subjectively.

Also, we want to note that English brochure uses the noun moment (cherish the moment with this floral locket set (Avon, 2019b: 127), Sun-Kissed Moments (Avon, 2019b: 242)), to denote a short but pleasant time for any person, thus its effect and connotation are positive.

Percents have a really huge impact on the customer including 12 Ukrainian (Довші вії до 87 % (Avon, 2019a: 11), 98 % жінок підтверджують, що їх волосся виглядає, як після салону краси(Avon, 2019a: 34), etc.) and 19 English examples (100 % naturally derived mineral pigments for a luminous finish (Avon, 2019b: 38), increase visible volume by up to 200 % (Avon, 2019b: 40), etc.). We did not take into account the phrases which contained percents in the composition of clothes. Al these examples include proofs and links to corresponding tests, investigations or reports, but often the numbers sound subjective nonetheless, as they describe the customers' perception or opinion. There are also phrases which are very close to percent ones, like За результатами сліпого тестування 9 з 10 користувачів преміальних брендів вибрали рідку помаду Mark (Avon, 2019a: 105), до 5 разів сильніше волосся(Avon, 2019a: 211), 9 out of 10 women recommend... (Avon, 2019b: 8), up to 12x extra volume (Avon, 2019b: 40), etc.

A rather numeric group is represented by phrases n-в-1 /n-in-1, where n>1, including numbers from 2 to 15 and even a pronoun усе/ all. They all denote one make-up item comprising the features of several items: 2-B-1: шампунь-ополіскувач (Avon, 2019a: 9, 79, 211, 212, 215), 2-in-1: Shampoo & Conditioner (Avon, 2019b: 202, 204, 238, 240, 241).

This group has synonymic words, expressions and phrases which also underline item's multifunctionality: подвійний, двосторонній, двофазний, двошаровий, вбудований, 2 ексклюзивні аромати в одному флаконі, один засіб заміняє три; perfect precision liner &colour-saturated lip in 1, colour and care in 1, Oil-in-gel; names with &: Cream Cleanser & Mask (Avon, 2019b: 187), etc.; names with morphemes double; duo; dual, duet; triple-, tri-, trio. All these means may be referred to the group 2-in-1 or 3-in-1. Some nouns also have similar function: набір, колекція, комплекс, пара, set,pack, collection, pair, partner (=pair), though they may denote either one item (гель з комплексом Cold Therapy (Avon, 2019a: 202), гель з Л-Карнітин комплексом (Avon, 2019a: 202)) or several (набір для видалення волосся на обличчі: воскові смужки + вологі серветки (Avon, 2019a: 203)).

Of course itis necessary to mention a large group of morphemes-quantifiers: моно-, mono-, мульти-, multi-, багато-, гіпер-, hyper-, макси-, maxi-, supreme, much-, high-, midi-, ultra- (чоловічі моноаромати (Avon, 2019a: 6), themono-printtop (Avon, 2019b: 105), мультизахисний крем для обличчя(Avon, 2019a: 166), rich multipurpose cream (Avon, 2019b: 230), багатофункціональний крем для обличчя (Avon, 2019a: 168), максимальний об'єм(Avon, 2019a: 212), maximum duration (Avon, 2019b: 182), etc.). These morphemes usually underline that the product is the best, or has several different functions, or is very convenient in usage.

Such quantitative pronouns as весь/ all and кожний / every, each have specific functions in both brochures. In some cases, they have direct meaning, while in others the meaning contains exaggeration (compare: надійний захист від сонця до та під час засмаги для всієї родини(Avon, 2019a: 29) andтака процедура допомагає активізувати усі корисні компоненти засобу(Avon, 2019a: 204), allskintypes (Avon, 2019b: 10) andall-dayformula (Avon, 2019b: 38)).

Theword об'єм/ volume is usually used in the brochure without numerals being thus a quantifier with a positive as sessing function: Об'єм на максимум (Avon, 2019a: 90), Щіточка Lash Seeker складається з 300 щетинок, які надають кожній вії об'єм і елегантне розділення (Avon, 2019a: 90), об'єм і розділення(Avon, 2019a: 90), Об'єм. Безмежна довжина(Avon, 2019a: 101), блиск з ефектом об'єму(Avon, 2019a: 104), ultra volume lash magnify mascara (Avon, 2019a: 41). Sometimes, the usage of an adjective before this noun may even have a more positive influence on customer: вибуховий / супер-/феноменальний/додатковий/ wow/3D об'єм(Avon, 2019a: 97, 99, 104, 213), ultra volume (Avon, 2019b: 41). Adjective об'ємнийalso performs similar function: об'ємна туш для вій(Avon, 2019a: 90, 91), колаген + ретинол = формула об'ємних губ(Avon, 2019a: 104), (dry shampoo) зробить зачіску об'ємнішою (Avon, 2019a: 213).

Some adjectives, nouns an dad verbs are not frequently used but they have a rather notice able qualifying function (густий, негустий, короткий, середньої довжини, рідкий, тонкий, широкий, невагомий, невагомість, легкий, ультралегкий, середній, щільний, глибокий, глибоко,рівномірний, рівномірно, сильний, скільки хочеш разів, безмежний, супердовжина, etc; longlashes, finewrinkles/ lines, deepwrinkles, wearseparately, totally, blendtogether, etc.). Adjectives with morphemes -less and -free denote a zero quantity of some undesired quality or effect and, as a result, have a strong positive influence on buyers emphasizing the advantages of the goods comparing with any other item (colourless, limitless, endless, smudge-free formula, fuss-free, mess-free, etc.). Adjective full, on the other hand, testifies a huge amount of substance or some effect which it causes, calls for good opinion and promotes the selling of the goods (full coverage, medium-to-full coverage, full-colour finish, rich, satin-finish, full-on colour).

Adjectives and adverbs may form the degrees of comparison which have a stronger influence than a normal positive form: профарбовує навіть найдрібніші та найтонші вії(Avon, 2019a: 101), менше проявів целюліту вже через 2 тижні (Avon, 2019a: 202); more (Avon, 2019b: 20, 36, 40, 48, 146), best (=the lowest) price ever (Avon, 2019b: 35), fuller-volume look (Avon, 2019b: 41), helps nails feel stronger in minutes and look longer in days (Avon, 2019b: 58), further damage (Avon, 2019b: 58).

In our sample we can also see the verbs which include not only the meaning of the action or process, but of the quantity as well: збільшувати, зменшувати(ся), зливатися, додавати, змішати, подовжувати, потовщувати, розділяти, знижувати, уповільнювати, усунути, видалити; volumise, separate, magnify, stretch lengthen, extend, blend together, spritz, reduce, boost, double, multiply, maximise, add.

The English brochure includes one more group which is not present in the Ukrainian variant -- the names of the goods which are not translated into Ukrainian: Far Away Infinity, Far Away Rebel, 1 pulse, My Everything, Far Away, Far Away Gold, Full Speed, Full Speed Nitro, Timeless, “The One” Bra Plunge, “One”Bra.

The systems of steps are rather popular in both brochures. They are easily visualized and attract the customers' attention. These systems may consist of two (Avon, 2019a: 2--4, 166, 167, 178) or three steps (Avon, 2019a: 163, 193, 213) in the Ukrainian variant and one (Avon, 2019b: 191), three (Avon, 2019b: 44, 124, 189) or four steps (Avon, 2019b: 19) in the English brochure. Moreover, some steps, being very simple and effective, suppose certain additional means for better effect, thus prompting the customer to buy more goods.

Sometimes quantifiers are present in slogans both for one item, or for the whole similar group of goods: Створи 7образів на кожен день тижня (Avon, 2019a: 144), Підбери 7сумок на кожен день тижня(Avon, 2019a: 146), 4 переваги(Avon, 2019a: 183), Візуалізація процесу змін у схемках (Avon, 2019a: 193), Технологія True Colour забезпечує точне відтворення кольору, а нумерація дозволяє створити бездоганний макіяж(Avon, 2019a: 91), 5 easy looks (Avon, 2019b: 38), 3 lash-transforming benefits that last (Avon, 2019b: 40), set of 7 -- that's one for every day of your holiday (Avon, 2019b: 115),... so you can look your best every day... and even better the next (Avon, 2019b: 62), 2 unique scents Countless possibilities (Avon, 2019b: 68), Choose from 3 must-have shades -- at this price you really can have it all! (Avon, 2019b: 116), Dream more (Avon, 2019b: 146, 148), Everyday value (Avon, 2019b: 235).

We would also like to mention one more quantifier which has a positive impact on people: mathematical sign +, used in equations or while describing the content of a set: 1 + 1 = 3 (Avon, 2019a: 1), колаген + ретинол = формула об'ємних губ(Avon, 2019a: 104), набір для видалення волосся на обличчі: воскові смужки + вологі серветки(Avon, 2019a: 203).

And the last but not the least point for referring is the polycode nature of the brochures. Both English and Ukrainian variants contain cross-links following which you can get some additional information about different items, discounts or programmes. Besides, these brochures attract attention not only with the help of linguistic and graphic means but also using pages for smelling the perfumes.

Discussion. The study of quantifiers showed their important role as a means of psychological impact in the advertisements. Though some models of numeral phrases were distinguished and described earlier (compare the researches of S. O. Shvachko and N. Reva), we specified several new models among which n-e-1/ n-in-1, where n>1, is the most significant and influential. In contrast to the research of O. I. Zelinska, we paid attention to different parts of speech taking into account only quantitative characteristics because they serve as a really potent tool of psychological influence in advertisements.

The analysis of the brochures of one company but written in different languages allowed us to compare the corresponding means in different languages. These means are often similar as the aims and purpose of the cosmetic company are the same -- call for trust and sell the goods. But because of different economic and sociological conditions these means may differ. Besides, sometimes the means are not translated from English into Ukrainian, other parts of speech or phrases being used.

Conclusions. So, the analysis of quantifiers in advertisements of one company but written in different languages allowed us to reveal the following morphological peculiarities of quantifiers: quantity can be denoted not only by numerals, but also with the help of nouns (both singular and plural), some pronouns (like весь/all, кожний/every, each), adjectives, adverbs, verbs and even mathematical signs (+, %, x). Among structural and combinatory peculiarities we depicted quantifying morphemes, which are wide-spread both in English and Ukrainian, the usage of quantifiers with specifiers, qualifiers and rhematizers, the structure of the type п-в-1 / n-in- 1, where n>1, and also phrases which are synonymic to this structure. The depicted morphological, structural and combinatory possibilities of quantifierswhich denote both definite and indefinite quantity have a very strong impact in advertisements emphasizing the advantages of certain cosmetic items and calling for trust to them. Moreover, linguistic means combine with visual, graphic, and sometimes sensory ones (olfactory), thus strengthen ing the effect of the advert on consumer. We consider the research of quantifiers to be rather promising and impelling to further comprehension, interpretation and description of the problem in general and models in particular.


advertisement linguistic plurality

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