Interactive studying as a method of interpreter's foreign-language competence formation
Necessity of he foreign-language competence formation of specialists in the translation sphere during the process of studying a foreign language for professional purpouse, business. The modern state of interpreters' preparation for professional activity.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.10.2020 |
Размер файла | 18,0 K |
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Interactive studying as a method of interpreter's foreign-language competence formation
N.D. Bondar
studying language competence
The article substantiates the necessity of he foreign-language competence formation of specialists in the translation sphere during the process of studying a foreign language for professional purpouse, business and second foreign languages. The modern state of interpreters' preparation for professional activity is analyzed.
Practical mastering of a foreign language is considered as a process of acquiring of a communicative professionally oriented foreign competence by students. It is revealed that the level should not be lower than that which allows the usage of a foreign language in scientific, informational and professional activities.
It had been determined that the foreign competence of interpreters is an integrative quality that includes the level of mastering of foreign language knowledge, skills and abilities and consists of linguistic, communicative, sociocultural and professional competences.
As a result of the study, it was found that, skills of free communication in a foreign language and translation skills need particular knowledge in the field of economics, science or technology. The specialists with such level of language proficiency must have not only knowledge and skills of foreign language, but also a profound understanding of foreign language culture and realities.
Effective formation of foreign language competence of specialists in the field of translation takes place in the process of studying such disciplines as: "Foreign Language (for Professional Purposes)", "Business Foreign Language",
The meaning of foreign language (for professional purposes) for experts in the sphere of interpretation is analyzed. The process of foreign language competence formation, which is a necessary component of a full-fledged professional training of interpreners had been described.
The research reveals that the introduction of interactive studying methods is due to the application of the main aspects, namely: projects, business games, web-quest, excursions, etc.
It is proved that an important aspect in foreign language competence formation is the usage of informative and communicative technologies in education, which includes the using of information and communication technologies in education, work with computer and multimedia educational programs, distance learning technologies in foreign languages, creation of presentations, usage of resources of the World Wide Web Internet.
Keywords: experts in interpretation area, foreign language for professional purposes, foreign-language competence, informative and communicative technologies, interactive studying, business game, web-quest, distant education.
Анотація. У статті обґрунтовано необхідність формування іншомовної компетенції фахівців перекладацької сфери в процесі вивчення іноземної мови професійного спрямування, ділової та другої іноземної мов. Проаналізовано сучасний стан підготовки перекладачів до професійної діяльності, що, у свою чергу, допомогло зробити висновок щодо актуальності підготовки фахівців до іншомовного спілкування.
Практичне оволодіння іноземною мовою розглянуто як процес набуття студентами комунікативної професійно спрямованої іншомовної компетенції, рівень якої повинен бути не нижчим того, що дозволяє користуватися іноземною мовою в науковій, інформаційній та професійній діяльності.
Доведено, що на формування іншомовної компетенції впливає ефективність організації занять з іноземної мови професійного спрямування, ділової та другої іноземних мов, методична якість матеріалів, використання інноваційних методів навчання і сформованість позитивної мотивації студентів щодо вивчення іноземних мов. Описано доцільність та необхідність використання ділових ігор і веб-квестів для розвитку іншомовних комунікативних навичок здобувачів освіти, а також обґрунтовано використання дистанційного курсу з дисципліни «Ділова іноземна мова».
У результаті дослідження встановлено, що поряд із навичками вільного спілкування іноземною мовою фахівцям-перекладачам необхідні уміння та навички перекладу в галузі економіки, науки та техніки. Такий рівень володіння мовою вимагає від фахівців не тільки знань та умінь іншомовного висловлювання, а також глибокого розуміння іншомовної культури та реалій.
Ключові слова: фахівці сфери перекладу, іноземна мова професійного спрямування, ділова іноземна мова, іншомовна компетентність, інтерактивне навчання, ділова гра, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, веб-квест, дистанційна освіта.
On the background of globalization processes, foreign-language communication skills of modern specialists are becoming more and more important. At the same time, the task of improving the process of foreign-language competence formation becomes more and more relevant, because the competence is an integral part of a full-fledged professional training and a prerequisite for the productive activity of specialists in the field of translation (1, s. 230) .
The analysis of recent research on the problem shows that the issues of definition, classification and application of interactive technologies in the educational process are studied by R. Hurevych (5), A. Hurzhyi (6), V. Kuharenko (9), V. Oliynyk (10), Ye. Polat (11), O. Pometun (12) and others. The foreign-language competence of specialist is in the field of view as foreign (N. Chomsky (2), N. Hez (3), D. Hymes (7)) and domestic researchers (H. Hryniuk (4), O. Izmaylova (8)).
However, the state of professional training of interpreters for work in the market conditions suggests that their practical training doesn't respond to the needs of employers. Most of them are inherently uncertain in the implementation of professional activities and a low level of: competence in applying modern communication technologies, new forms of organization of work; analysis and forecasting of professional activities and proficiency in foreign languages.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for the usage of interactive methods in the process of forming the foreign-language competence of interpreters.
An analysis of scientific works (2, s. 38; 3, s. 18; 4, s. 24) allows us to understand the foreign competence as the ability to establish and maintain of professional contacts with people of a foreign environment. The acquiring a certain set of knowledge and skills that provides the process of communication is necessary for effective future activity. In view of this, the implementation of interpreters of professional-oriented foreign language activities, as well as the study of a foreign language of professional orientation, involves the implementation of actions based on the development of a number of general competences, as well as communicative language competences.
We define the foreign-language competence as an integrative person-professional education, realized in the psychological and technical-operational readiness of the person to perform a successful, productive and effective professional activity using foreign-language means or in a foreign language culture and provides an opportunity for effective interaction with the environment.
We consider that in the foreign-language competence formation we should take into account next aspects: language (linguistic) competence, which provides a system of knowledge, skills and abilities to conduct with foreign communication in typical situations of the educational, labor and cultural spheres of communication, to read and understand the texts of different genres and types with different degree of understanding of their content; socio-cultural competence, which includes background knowledge adopted in this cultural community; linguistic material necessary for the disclosure of socio-cultural information, realities, free and stable phrases, forms of speech etiquette; skills and ability to operate background knowledge and linguistic material of the socio-cultural plan; professional competence, which provides skills and ability to find and operate of foreign-language professional information, knowledge of special terminology, ability to read and indentify the main from specialized texts.
Consequently, the foreign-language competence of interpreters includes the level of mastering foreign-language knowledge, skills and consists of language (linguistic), communicative, socio-cultural and professional competencies.
Effective formation of foreign language competence occurs in the process of studying such disciplines as: «Foreign Language for Professional Purposes», «Business Foreign Language», «Second Foreign Language», which students study for four years. The studying of the above disciplines should be conducted with using of interactive methods for achieving the best results.
We consider that the essence of interactive learning is to organize the learning process that involves all students in the knowledge of the new, and gives the opportunity for discussing what they know and think. The joint activity of students in the process of learning, studying the material means that each specialist carries out his personal contribution and ideas. And it occurs in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, mutual support, which allows not only to acquire new knowledge and develop cognitive activity, but also to form communicative skills. In the process of dialogue learning, students study to think critically, solve complex problems on the basis of analysis and relevant information, participate in discussions, communicate with others.
For this purpose, during the foreign languages lessons, we organized individual, pair and group work, applied projects, role plays, used creative works. In our opinion, the most effective forms of pair and group work are the following: inside / outside circles; brain storm; jigsaw reading; think-pair-sharing; pair interviews and others.
In our practice, the following types of projects were used: research, creative, excursion, game, informational, practical-oriented.
We also organized various types of excursions, namely: survey, thematic, educational, collective, tourist, city, short-term (within an hour) and long-term (from week to month). Participation in excursions allows you to navigate well in the events of the modern market, to accumulate information for the purpose of its further usage to improve the skills of foreign language professional communication.
The researcher O. Pometun also refers to interactive technologies: interactive technologies of cooperative learning (work in pairs, rotation triplets, two-four-all together, work in small groups); interactive technologies of collective-group learning (brain attack, teaching-learning, problem-solving, «tree-making»); interactive technologies of situational simulation (simulation games, playing situations by roles); technologies for discussion issues («PRESS», «borrowing position», discussion, etc.) (12, s. 116).
During the course of studying in foreign languages, we used the most common interactive methods in professional education such as: brainstorming, the range of ideas, microphone (free accumulation of a large number of ideas on a certain topic, critical understanding of them); the method of prediction or forecasting (by means of the didactic material to confirm or deny the hypothesis, to formulate the topic of the lesson); discussion, PRES-method (students give reasoned answers to a certain discussion question successively and reach a common opinion); business games (behavior and the work of specific employees in the specialty).
Among the typical business games used by us in foreign language lessons, we determine those related to speech behavior, for example, hotel staff (porters, administrators, regular managers, managers). The tasks are aimed at pairs of students and can be formulated as follows: a) play the role of the client and the next manager in solving a certain problem situation; b) play the role of administrator and client and demonstrate their speech behavior while paying for accommodation services; c) play the role of the receptionist and the client: the receptionist politely meets the client and explains to him how to go to the manager.
In conducting of practical classes in foreign languages, we used innovative pedagogical technologies and methods to increase the effectiveness of learning, attracting all the group's competitors to active work, creating the best conditions for learning the skills of listening and speaking, increasing motivation for learning and promoting the development of the personality of the applicants. When using innovative technology, attention is focused on the competent approach to the formation of foreign-language communication competence, as required by the student- Розділ 4 centered aspects of the educational process organization.
The clustering method (cluster, webbing, mental map, semantic map) is deserved special attention. It is a strategy that encourages students to think freely and openly on a particular topic, stimulates thinking (group work, teamwork on the board). In the process of studying foreign languages, we used a cluster to update the learned vocabulary on the topic and to generalize and systematize theoretical knowledge on topics acquired in a foreign language. For the work we selected reference word, concept, word combination. Associative cluster-based on search associations. Associative clusters are not commented and evaluated. Working on them helps to accumulate thoughts and considerations of the applicants on the given topic. An informative bunch is used to test knowledge. In the informative cluster, words are entered, which can easily be explained by the author of the work at the level of connection with the topic (reference word, phrase). Informative cluster is allowed to be questioned in accordance to the protection. The peculiarity of the one-level cluster is that all ties of its construction take place on one level, that is, from one starting word. In a tiered bunch, every word of the next level becomes a reference point for the selection of information (1, s. 232).
Another important aspect in the formation of foreign language competence is the usage of information and communication technology training, which includes the use of information and communication technologies in education, the work with computer and multimedia educational programs, the distance learning technologies in foreign languages, the creation of presentations in the Microsoft PowerPoint, the usage of World Wide Web resources.
Distance learning course «Business Foreign Language» was developed on the basis of the Internet platform Moodle for carrying out of individual work by future interpreters. Through this course, students have the opportunity to look through all the material that the teacher gave at practical lessons throughout the study; print it, if necessary; to do homework and work independently; work out missed classes.
The distance learning course «Business Foreign Language» aims at forming a foreign language communicative, informational, professional and cognitive competence of future interpreters, which includes: assimilation of the terminology apparatus of the economy, trade and tourism business, and the ability of using it for academic and professional needs; the development of skills of oral (dialogical and monologic) speech, writing, functional reading, forming abilities of compilation of annotations and the abstraction of foreign-language texts of professional subjects; deepening of understanding of foreign-language socio-cultural realities, knowledge and adequate interpretation of various samples of linguistic behavior, ability to respond adequately and to operate in the professional and everyday contexts of the multicultural environment.
The distance course is divided into separate sections, which contain the following components: methodical guidelines for working with the course; working educational program of the course «Business Foreign Language»; thematic plans and criteria for estimation of the discipline; list of recommended literature, glossary; plans and tasks for practical lessons; test tasks; methodical recommendations and tasks for individual work of students; individual tasks for working out missed classes; test tasks for self-control; program questions for an exam on the discipline; grammatical tasks; a list of topics for the exam on the discipline «Foreign Language for Professional Purposes» and «Business Foreign Language»; multimedia course materials.
Web-quest technology is a fairly effective means of forming the foreign-language communicative competencies necessary for the effective performance of professional activity by future specialists. Web-quest is a design simulation of the integral structure of the future specialists, for the implementation of which Internet resources are used.
As a result of the web-quest, students develop the following competency components: social role choice, group skills, information seeking, knowledge of information technologies, ability to creative thinking and creativity, selfimprovement.
The main purpose of the web-quest - students providing with the practical skills and knowledge that they need in real working conditions, as well as the formation of such indicators of competence as: the presence of internal motivation to creative self-realization; the ability to solve managerial problems in situations of uncertainty; knowledge in the field of translation studies, economics, tourism, management, business, knowledge of management technology; speed, flexibility, originality, associativity of thinking; possession of techniques for generating and analyzing ideas, initiative in activities; the ability to influence subordinates, contact; basic managerial skills, experience of creative activity.
Thus, in our opinion, the best method for forming the foreign-language competence of interpreters is the usage of interactive methods. It promotes the development of future interpreters' ability to acquire knowledge from various sources of information, including cognitive; the ability to evaluate and explain emerging problem situations; ability to use native and foreign languages; the ability to apply knowledge and information literacy; the possession of professional terminology and appropriate methods of professional communication and the ability to apply them in practice; the ability to navigate the information space; possession of information technologies; ability to work productively with various partners in the group and team, to perform various roles and functions in the team; perseverance in the performance of various activities and the ability to creative thinking and creativity. References:
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