Semantic and structural peculiarities of praise, compliment and flattery in a modern communicative space

Such valuation expressions as praise, compliment and flattery have been considered, their semantics and structure have been presented in a modern communicative space, their differences, characteristics and autonomy have been shown in this article.

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Tomsk Polytechnical University

Semantic and structural peculiarities of praise, compliment and flattery in a modern communicative space

N. Y. Gutareva

Ключевые слова: похвала, комплимент, лесть, структура, модальность.

В данной статье рассмотрены такие оценочные высказывания как похвала, комплимент и лесть, представлена их семантика и структура в современном коммуникативном пространстве, выявлены их отличия, характеристики и автономность.

N. Y. Gutareva

Tomsk Polytechnical University, Tomsk

Semantic and structural peculiarities of praise, compliment and flattery in a modern communicative space

Keywords: praise, compliment, flattery, structure, modality.

Such valuation expressions as praise, compliment and flattery have been considered, their semantics and structure have been presented in a modern communicative space, their differences, characteristics and autonomy have been shown in this article.

structural semantic praise

A person by means of verbal and nonverbal behaviour constantly aspires to change world around according to the subjective belief, requirements, interests. Initially world of a daily life is for us a universum of values, a structure of senses, which we should interpret correctly to find in it the place and to get on with it (Shuzch).

Hence, interpersonal dialogue develops of mutual influence of people against each other, from aspiration of participants of communications to develop positive, desirable qualities of associates favorable for and to eliminate negative, undesirable, adverse.

It is obvious, that a person is a being estimating, defining quality. Definition of values and installation of their hierarchy is a transcendental function of consciousness (Zdravomyslov, Lapin). As one of the basic mechanisms of regulation of mutual relations in a society the estimated statements containing a positive estimation or approval of an interlocutor, an including praise, a compliment, flattery act.

Communication of praise, compliment and flattery with problems of interpersonal contacts, on the one hand, and questions axiology, with another -- defines necessity of attraction of variety of disciplines (philosophy, linguistics, ethics, psychology, sociology) for complex research of the given phenomena. Hence, a leading role at such all-round analysis follows, undoubtedly, to take away linguistics as approval in the form of praise, a compliment and flattery are embodied during a life, receive real expression, first of all by means of concrete language means.

Studying anthropocentric categories which number the estimation concerns, and possibilities of verbal influence on participants of communicative process is represented to the most effective within the limits of the pragmatical approach, allowing to observe realization of praise, a compliment and flattery in a situation “communicatorЇ estimated judgement -- communicant Ї possible verbal and nonverbal reaction of the addressee”, to concentrate attention to dynamic characteristics of corresponding kinds of speech activity.

“The estimated statement Ї the statement establishing absolute or comparative value of some object” (Ivin, 2006: 23). It is necessary to underline that fact, that, despite the considerable experience which has been saved up in the field of the theory of speech certificates, till now there is no detailed description of many types of the language dialogue allocated in classifications of logicians, philosophers and linguists, and also practice of comparison of various classes of communicative units among themselves.

Studying of a praise, compliment and flattery from the point of view only sense of statements is not justified as “the sense, in essence, should not be understood as any condition of consciousness or any set of the organized relations existing or supporting the existence only mentally, outside of experience sphere into which they only get then. On the contrary, he should be understood objectively, placing it entirely in most this sphere” (Ivin, Aksiologija, 2006: 221).

The concept of “estimation” is closely connected with concept “modality”, “appraisal quality”. To modal categories, or modalities, concepts with which help from this or that position character of communications and relations of objects is concretized concern. Expressing approval in the form of praise, compliment or flattery we use axiological, or the estimated, modal categories which are breaking up to the absolute more often: “well” and comparative: “better, worse” etc.

“Modality (in translation from Latin language a measure, a way) -- the semantic category expressing the relation of its statement speaking to the maintenance, a speech purpose, the relation of the maintenance of the statement to the validity” (Larochefouco: 71, 113).

Let's short stop on semantic and structural features of praise, compliment and flattery.

Praise -- the speech action expressing sincere opinion and an estimation for real merits of the addressee on purpose thanks and approval. The praise represents two-member speech action of a kind: praise (stimulus -- remark) -- the answer to praise (remark -- reaction). For example:

“-Daddy, thanks for dinner. All is very tasty! You've prepared remarkably it!

- I am glad it to hear. Cut and come again”!

Compliment it is possible to consider as the positive estimated statement as it corresponds to the validity, object of estimation possesses the named qualities. The compliment as the speech certificate represents such complex interaction in which course purposeful on the recipient and speech action of the sender underlining its merits the determinant is accepted by the addressee / the recipient as existential, indissolubly merged in mental space communucants with image of the recipient and defining in their language consciousness its essence and positive value for the speaking. The compliment belongs to the class of speech acts of “expressive” with absent explicit перформативной the formula, possesses expressional illocutive purpose and perlocutive result

Complex character of a compliment as speech certificate is shown in its interactive chain, on A.A. Romanov who is formed as the multistage speech episode consisting of an initiative (compliment-forming) step of the initiator and a reciprocal (jet) step of the addressee or the recipient.

The compliment represents two-member speech action of kind: a compliment is (stimulus -- remark) -- the answer to a compliment (remark -- reaction). Unlike praise the compliment more expressive also is brightly emotionally expressed. For example:

“- Your erudition is simply amazing!

- Believe, it at all does not concede yours … ”

The resulted examples testify that often enough praise and compliments can be carried to ethics sphere where set of rules of speech behaviour in a certain situation of dialogue is presented. In social structure of any type there is always an occasion to flattery application as to the form of latent and well thought over tactics of communicative behaviour as from time to time in it the competition of separate individuals in struggle for the power flashes. The individual of any society sharply feels unfreedom, the control from a society and it too is one more reason of constant presence of flattery in all spheres of human community. Thus, flattery as the invariable form of social interaction has the main function -- manipulation of an initiator of flattery object of flattery.

The flattery -- the major tool of the mankind, developed historically, it exists millenia. In effect, it is so old, as well as a human society. The flattery is as belief as the form of speech influence -- one of the central categories of a human life and activity, differs complexity, discrepancy, and hardly gives in to the analysis. Influence rendering on object of flattery occurs not only verbally or verbally, but also by means of gestures, mimicries and even silence in some situations can be considered as the “barefaced” form of flattery. About silence as objectively existing version of flattery was written by known poet A. Galich:

“But as silence -- gold,

That and we, certainly, gold prospectors.

Keep silent -- you will get in rich men!

Keep silent, keep silent, keep silent!

And, not trusting neither to heart, nor reason,

For reliability, having hidden eyes, how many times we were silent differently,

But not against, of course, and for!” (Galich: 1989, 431)

The flattery as a version of communicative behaviour can be considered as flattery-belief, flattery-suggestion, flattery-imitation, and last kind of flattery is considered the most sincere. Under communicative behaviour we understand process of an establishment of relations for the purpose of information interchange between communicants, and as speech behaviour -- use process in speech of language signs as the activity which is carried out by means of a natural language, language system. Hence, the speech behaviour is one of ways of display of communicative behaviour, and between concepts “communicative behaviour” and “speech behaviour” we establish a parity of process and a way of its realization.

The flattery is turned first of all to own estimation of the individual, vanity communicant, to vanity and an ego of object of flattery. As is known, “vanity -- the biggest flatterer; the flattery is the false coin which is in use only thanks to our vanity” (Under the editorship: 1996, 153).

For flattery following lines are characteristic:

The flattery is purposeful activity: the initiator of flattery always sets as the purpose strengthening of the interests, a gain more the authorities;

The flattery is always expressed in language, has the form of the said or written statements;

The flattery has no in the basis of true, justice, sincerity or disinterestedness from the party communicator;

For achievement of an object in view the initiator of flattery should present it pertinently, skillfully, plausibly and convincingly where language function -- bewitching the listener is shown by the certain carefully selected language means numinose, and also the important role is played here by a dialogue manner, tone, intonation and gestures. It is possible to transfer set of implied senses, emotions, relations, estimations through the paralinguistic means accompanying words. For example, преподнесение to the recipient of a phrase: “My dear!”. Back case has leant back; in the parties the hands, ready to embrace the long-awaited person have divorced; have widely revealed from pleasant and joyful surprise of an eye; slowly, softly, painted by a warm timbre the phrase has sounded: “My dear, beloved!” Turned to the “desired” person. But here hands have made sharp, fast movement aside and back, the head has sharply shaken, eyes were narrowed, the voice was painted by a cold metal sound, and the phrase has sounded with irritation, a reproach: “My dear!”;

The flattery can be addressed only to the recipient;

From the point of view of the use of language the flattery represents a difficult combination which can include the description, express willows, an estimation and orective;

At flattery there is a display not the emotional relation of the sender to the addressee, and the mercenary purpose and obvious exaggeration;

The flattery cannot be realized means explicitly-performative the forms, otherwise the latent motives and intention the sender will be opened, hence, perlocutive the result will not be reached (Larochefouco).

It is possible to carry to flattery structure: installation on flattery and propositional installation, selection of verbal, nonverbal and paralinguistic means of dialogue by the initiator of flattery -- flattery realization -- perception and verification of the information by object of flattery -- possible reaction to flattery of the recipient -- an estimation of the received result and possible correction of communicative behaviour of the sender. For example:

- “We worship you, Lyudmila Prokopevna, we love you, at heart, somewhere absolutely deeply …

- So it is deep, that I at all do not notice it.

- Democratic you ours! You when cause us in an office, we go as for a holiday!

- What do you bear? All of you say lies!

- Why you cry Lyudmila Prokopevna? ”(Novoseltsev A.E. - L.P.Kalugina, a shot from a film“The service novel ”)

The concept of the purpose plays the central role in the theory of the speech certificates which main feature makes the approach to the speech certificate as to a way of achievement by an individual of a definite purpose and consideration of language means from this point of view used by it. In this connection, it is expedient to stop on intentions the sender of praise, a compliment and flattery.

Intention of a sender of praise is an intention to express a positive estimation concerning object of praise in the form of warmly expressed approval. For example: “I could not arrive more wisely in this situation, than you”. Or “it is heavy enough to wish something the person, at which creative achievements in thirty years more than at some towards the end of a life …” (A. Buinov - to V. Yudashkin)

Intention of a sender of compliment is a desire to make pleasant to the addressee from politeness or sincere liking. For example: “Your smile is so radiant”!

Intention of flattery is an aspiration to force addressee to execute action in which the initiator of flattery is interested only and this intention is always latent. For example: “Your high unsurpassed professionalism is felt even then when you happen little bit strict, whether you will be so kind, to sign my report, without looking at small errors?”.

Often enough motivation of the sender of praise and compliment is absent. For example: “You are amazingly interesting person! You are a remarkable interlocutor”! They are widely used communicants as the integral component of modern speech practice, as means of harmonization of interpersonal interaction.

Besides research of semantics of praise, a compliment and flattery interest is represented also by social categories модуса -- expression of the relation speaking to the interlocutor: respectful -- familiar, official -- friendly. Depending on the relation to the interlocutor equality situations, “from top to down”, “from below upwards” differ. The every possible reservation used for introduction of unusual expressions concern displays of social categories. To ways of expression of a modality carry lexical and grammatical means (special forms of inclinations, modal words and intonation means). From the point of view of linguistics estimated statements are socially caused, conventional, correspond to requirements and intentions of communicator.

The flattery in a modern Russian society became especially popular, since it models emotions and behaviour of recipients, their perception of the information, its understanding. The modern society glorifies the person of the rational, deprived internal restrictions, it is possible to tell, that it is deprived conscience. As a result it has appeared is capable to take pleasure that it managed to outwit, deceive someone. At it one real purpose of a life -- reception of a maximum of pleasures. At the heart of its thoughts and actions -- the blood interest and maintenance of social requirements (riches, the power, prestige), its relation to people is based on possibility of their use in the mercenary interests. To spiritual, moral values he has indulgent-ironical relation, as to past vestiges. (Zdravomyslov, Lapin). In communicative certificates of flattery the sender, using the coded signs on language, pursues the aim to misinform the addressee. Thus there is a process of the greatest divergence between intentional and final pragmatics the same messages at the sender and the addressee. It is necessary to notice, that it and in sincere statements never coincides completely because values of language signs and propositions are not in language, and in consciousness communicants, and these values at them never coincide completely. People lie by means of language, they use all its expressional means and stylistic receptions for lie. Investigating flattery as a version of language lie H. Vajnriha's statement that the lie occupies so a lot of place in language (speech) of people that for true almost at all does not remain places, “only a narrow small street” (Vajnrih: 1987, 46). If to consider that “thought uttered -- there is a lie” (Vajnrih: 1987,. 48), does not remain doubts on the scale of its distribution to a society and not only in interpersonal dialogue, but also in mass-media, speech of politicians, advertising production etc. the Lie became an essence of human communicative behaviour as has got the vital importance.

To number of the phenomena known and widely applicable, but not enough studied, estimated statements in the form of flattery, a praise and a compliment, the representing three independent linguistic categories not reduced to each other forming such interaction between subjects when its result is behavioural reaction communicants according to intentions and intentions of a sender concern.


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The American sociological thought: V.I. Dobrenkova's Texts/under the editorship of. -- М: the Edition of the International University of Business and Management, 1996. - 560p.

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