Cohesion potential of the German professional marketing language
Analysis of the cohesive potential of terminological vocabulary in professional marketing texts. System analysis cohesive means of terminological vocabulary of marketing discourse as a form of interaction between the main subjects of economic activity.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.11.2020 |
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Cohesion potential of the German professional marketing language
Svitlana Vovchanska
The article presents the study of cohesive potential of the terminological lexis in texts of marketing. The research of the marketing discourse as the form of interaction of the participants of economic activity results in presentation of the cohesive means of the terminological lexis. The functioning of terminological lexis is determined by choice of the cohesive means for appropriate representation of formal semantic integrity. The analysis of a problem showed that for achievement of the formulated purpose it is necessary to solve such problems: 1) to research characteristic features of categorical connectedness as notional-semantic factor of the organization of different genres notional-systemic structure; 2) to trace and classify facilities of realization of categorical connectedness. The lingvopragmatic principles of functioning of terminological lexicon are predetermined by genre features of texts, communicative setting, ways of information transfer, social-discursive orientation, and individual author's intensions. At that cohesive strategies of formation of different genre economic texts lean on systematic competent complex of its actualisators which use is possible only in defined constellations depending on genre relevant conditions.
Key words: cohesion potential, professional language, means, term, marketing, terminological system.
Вовчанская Светлана. Когезионный потенциал немецкого профессионального языка маркетинга.
В статье анализируется когезионный потенциал терминологической лексики в профессиональных текстах маркетинга. В результате исследования маркетингового дискурса как формы взаимодействия субъектов экономической деятельности осуществлен системный анализ когезионных средств терминологической лексики. Функционирование терминов определяется выбором когезионных средств для соответствующей репрезентации формально-смысловой целостности. Анализ проблемы показал, что для достижения сформулированной цели необходимо решить такие задачи: 1) исследовать характерные особенности категорийной связности как смыслово-семантического фактора организации разножанровой смыслово-системной структуры; 2) проследить и классифицировать средства реализации категорийной связности. Лингвопрагматические принципы функционирования терминологической лексики значной мерой предопределены жанровыми особенностями текстов, коммуникативными настановами, способами трансфера информации, социодискурсивной направленностью и индивидуальными авторскими интенциями. При этом когезионные стратегии творения разных за жанром экономических текстов опираются на системно заданный комплекс своих актуализаторов, использование которых возможно лишь в определенных констеляциях в зависимости от жанрово-релевантных условий.
Ключевые слова: когезионный потенциал, профессиональный язык, средство, термин, маркетинг, терминологическая система.
Вовчанська Світлана. Когезійний потенціал німецької професійної мови маркетингу. У статті проаналізовано когезійний потенціал термінологічної лексики в професійних текстах маркетингу. В результаті дослідження маркетингового дискурсу як форми взаємодії суб'єктів економічної діяльності здійснено системний аналіз когезійних засобів термінологічної лексики. Функціонування термінів визначається вибором коге- зійних засобів для відповідної репрезентації формально-смислової цілісності. Аналіз проблеми показав, що для досягнення поставленої мети необхідно вирішити такі завдання: 1) дослідити характерні особливості категорійної зв'язності як смислово-семантичного чинника організації різножанрової смислово-системної структури; 2) простежити і класифікувати засоби реалізації категорійної зв'язності. Лінгвопрагматичні принципи фун- ціонування термінологічної лексики значною мірою зумовлені жанровими особливостями текстів, комунікативними настановами, способами трансферу інформації, соціодискурсивною спрямованістю та індивідуальними авторськими інтенціями. При цьому когезійні стратегії створення різних за жанром економічних текстів спираються на системно заданий комплекс своїх актуалізаторів, використання яких можливе лише в певних констеляціях залежно від жанрово-релевантних умов.
Ключові слова: когезійний потенціал, професійна мова, засіб, термін, маркетинг, термінологічна система.
marketing term vocabulary professional text
Raising of scientific problem and its value. Many researchers were engaged in a problem of scientific research of the text which is based on semantic integrity of connected sentences. But text connectedness problems (coherence and cohesion) that create integrity, in linguistics have no well-defined decision today. Therefore the purpose of article is carrying out the complex analysis of cohesive structures on the example of professional texts of marketing. The research problem consists in the necessity of checking of a hypothesis of dependence of frequency of the use of cohesive facilities of different kinds of different types for genre of economic (in particular, marketing) texts.
Statement of the main material and justification of the received results of research . On the basis of text linguistic is the discursive analysis of the text, in other words the union of text together. The discursive analysis is engaged in study of any coherent segment of language in a context. Grammatical means (substitution, ellipsis, parcelling) and also lexical (repetition, synonyms, antonyms) are considered as cohesive elements that connect the text. Coherence (integrity) and cohesion are characteristic features of any text. Coherence - is global intentional connectivity which provides unity of the text as whole, that is its internal integrity. It is understood by us as unity of a subject (topic) of discourse which is defined by a producer (author) on initial stage of his development: there is an establishment of relevant quantitative relations between structures of knowledge, the coherent model of a situation is represented. In such way coherence includes semantic-pragmatic (subject and the functional) aspects of active (interactive) coherence of a discourse that have the local expression [6, c. 42].
Cohesion - is connectivity of elements of the text, first of all sentences, paragraphs. It envelops formally grammatical aspects of communication of expressions, that is appears formally grammatical manifestation of connectivity. It is characterized first of all by varied language means by means of which inter-element coupling of the text is carried out: grammatical, lexical, logical, stylistic and the associative behind which allocate appropriate means of cohesion [9, c. 86].
Therefore, coherence - is global, integral connectivity of the text, and cohesion - locally structural. Coherence is reached, as a rule, by means of cohesion.
We will consider 4 genres of texts (article of popular newspapers, materials of popular magazines, texts of professional magazines, scientific texts of educational literature) under a cohesive corner on the basis of classification of types of cohesion [2, c. 7]. We will make linguistic test and describe each category which is presented by 4 most known editions, considering means of cohesion which connect sentences in the analyzed texts.
Making this experiment, we put forward a hypothesis, that the frequency of the use of certain means of cohesion will change somehow according to the text genre. In the category «grammatical cohesion» we studied use of such means as personal reference (GC1), demonstrative reference (GC2), nominal ellipse (GC3), verbal ellipse (GC4), substitution (GC5), parcelling (GC6). The category «lexical cohesion» is presented by such means as anaphoric transfer (LC1), distant transfer (LC2), contact transfer (LC3), leitmotiv transfer (LC4), synonyms (LC5), antonyms (LC6), hiper-hyponyms (LC7). In the category “logical cohesion” there are such means as space cohesion (LOG1), temporal cohesion (LOG2), metonymy (LOG3). The category “stylistic cohesion” is presented by parallelism (SC1), metaphor (SC2), comparison (SC3), polysyndeton (SC4) and personification (SC5). The marker of C0 designates absence of cohesion in the analyzed texts.
The analysis of texts testified that the general frequency of the use of a personal reference in popular genre (26,3 %) is highest, the lowest - in professional genre (14,8 %). This results are interpreted by the fact that a personal reference in popular magazines is presented by complex attributive sentences which are a characteristic sign of syntax, because in it economic events are illustrated, which need the description and the analysis, for example: «Das Werk in Togliatti, das gerade erst mehrheitlich vom Staat ьbernommen wurde (Handelsblatt vom 22.12.), will sich nach den Worten des neuen Generaldirektors Igor Jesipowskij von dem Joint Venture trennen: Man ьberprьfe die Beteiligung an GM-Avtovaz, weil das Werk der russischen Mutter trotz Lieferung von rund 90 Prozent der verarbeiteten Komponenten kaum Gewinne bringe, so der neue Chef» [8].
Demonstrative reference is more presented in all genres - the average frequency of the use - 8,9 % in comparison with personal - 5 %. In a parallel way frequency of use of substitution changes (21,9 % - texts of magazines; 24,8 % - texts of newspapers, 37,1 % - texts of books, 42, 3 % - texts of professional magazines.). As we see, the highest is frequency of the use of substitution in a professional genre (42,3 %) which almost doube exceeds the use in publicistic and popular genres. As we see, scientific and professional genres are more presented by cohesive means. As the modern scientific genre is characterized by aspiration to a syntactic compression, it is shown in features of phrases formation, in features of sentences, in avoidance of excess repetitions.
The saturation of texts by nominal (8,2 %) and a verbal ellipse (4,5 %) in a professional genre is significantly less, than in publicistic (16,4 %) and popular (6,7 %). Used mainly in dialogues these ellipses revive them, approaching to real daily communication. As dialogues are inherent in texts of newspapers, for example, in interview with famous people, avowed domination over a scientific and professional genre is logically justified, where the dialogues are absent in information transfer.
Among lexical means of cohesion antonyms (2,9 %) and hyperonyms (3,3 %) prevail. The general frequency of the use of antonyms in a scientific genre (24,4 %) is much higher then in popular (2,8 %) and publicistic (3,8 %). The thing is that the antonymy phenomenon in professional terminology is presented more widely, than in common-literary lexicon. For this there are extralinguistic prerequisites: in the literary language not all words have opposition signs in intention of the meanings, and accordingly can't have antonyms. In science opposite concepts really exist and are entered as a definite necessity [4, c. 149]. For exaple: «Franchising ist eine Form geschдftlicher Kooperation. Dabei stellt ein Franchisegeber dem Franchisenehmer sein Know-How, also ein ganzes Paket von Erfahrungen und Informationen zur Verfьgung, mit dem der Franchisenehmer sich einen Wettbewerbsvorsprung auf dem Markt sichern kann » [7, c. 247].
Synonyms (3,7 %) in a scientific genre are a little presented. It is connected with that the synonymy as stylistic means isn't characteristic for language of science. In scientific texts synonyms are used as means of contextual specification. For a scientific genre, as we know, is typical exactness, absence of emotionality, aspiration to univocacy. Publicistic (8,8 %) and professional (8,2 %) genres are most presented by synonymic groups as synonyms in publicistic style are used for a statement variety, for monotony avoidance.
Hyper-hyponymic relations (3,3 %) take also important place among lexical means of cohesion as terms as specially created units must express not only a concept essence, but also transfer connections between them. From here exists a hyponymic paradigm as one of the important categories which form terminological structures. The highest percent (18,9 %) is in publicistic genre, the lowest (10,1 %) - in professional genre.
Repetitions belong to lexical means of cohesion too. The analysis of the last researches of repetitions testifies to too structural accent in studying of features of their application at a broadcasting [5, c. 2]. Besides, in the majority of researches repetition is considered in connection with the text and its categories, and functioning of repetitions in different types of a discourse is practically not investigated. Contact repetition is most widespread as the semantic component of the statement which contains contact repetition, gets character of the basic, and emotional - of the background. However by quantitative calculations contact repetition is least presented among all types of repetition: the contact - 0,1 %, anaphoric - 0,4 %, distant - 1,1 %, leytmotiv - 1,4 %. Priority of leytmotiv repetition is in its main function - frequency of repetition of keywords. Contact repetition is most presented in a scientific genre - 1,1 %, absent - in publicistic and professional. It is connected with that frequency and character of use of contact repetition depend on a number of factors: presence / lack of an author's assessment (analysis), pragmatic orientation and a modality of the text. High frequency of contact repetition in a scientific genre is caused by their functions, namely (according to N. M. Razinkina): the attainment of pragmatic effect, the subjektive-estimated relation to the phenomenon and its description, comparison and specification of the facts, their opposition, enumeration, creation of a definite figurativeness [3, c. 135-155].
The logical cohesion is most presented by a metonymy (6,3 %). The lowest general frequency of the use of a metonymy - in texts of a scientific genre (10,5 %). The reason - figurativeness isn't typical for a scientific genre and can be here only as a subsidiary means. It is explained with specifics of the scientific sphere which has special marks of language of science, - objectivity, generality, abstractness and logicality. The highest frequency - in a popular genre (34,2 %).
The temporal logical cohesion (1,8 %) found broader application than spacy (0,4 %). It is connected with specifics of the sphere of marketing which purpose is guarantee of profitability advance of economic unit (the separate enterprise) at the expense of the best satisfaction of the consumer in a concrete period.
The stylistic cohesion (5,9 %) is not often presented in different genres, as logical (8,5 %). Among its means polysyndeton (1,6 %) and parallelism (1,4 %) dominate, less - personification (1,3 %), comparison (0,7 %) and metaphors (0,9 %). Having carried out the comparative analysis of genres we have fixed: polysyndeton is most presented in a scientific genre (15,7 %), the general frequency of the use in a popular genre makes 3,8 %, less - in publicistic (2,8 %). The reason is polysyndeton is used as means which slows down a broadcasting, serves for allocation of significant words in scientific style too. By means of a poli- sindeton purposefulness and unity of the denumerability are emphasized. This means allows to design the image of a variety in one picture. Between parts of the sentence it establishes the relation of analogy and not analogy.
Parallelism prevails in a professional genre (6,1 %), seldom - in scientific (4,5 %) though the modern scientific prose traditionally uses this stylistic instrument to formalize syntactically specification of these or those facts, cases. Syntactic symmetry is useful for specification as the author expresses in a language form equivalence of the content of separate parts of the statement. Accurate partitioning of syntactic parallel constructions, their structural clearness promotes their use not only for the purpose of specification, but also for comparison and correction,. The comparison issued in the form of syntactic parallel constructions, we find in descriptions of results of experiment, in descriptions of action of this or that preparation, by the characteristic of different methods of research which proves domination of this means of cohesion in a professional genre.
The metaphor and personification completely absent in a scientific genre and most often are in popular (8,6 %; 9,4 %), but seldom - in a professional genre (3,5 %; 5,6 %). It is caused by the features of a popular genre is dynamism, concreteness, figurativeness, subjectively objective character of a statement, that defines its lexicological-phraseological and morfological-syntactic originality.
Comparison - one of the main ways of knowledge of the world, it traditionally i s considered as the simplest language means of figurativeness. The highest frequency of its use in a publicistic genre (5,8 %) is caused by its characteristic features, namely: comparison not only promotes creation of more lively image of the character, emphasizes this or that thought, etc., but also first of all is the main means of disclosure of essence of the phenomenon, means of representation of the relation of the author of work to it. The lowest index - in professional (1 %) and scientific (1 %) genres though by means of this stylistic means possibility of promoting of the difficult phenomena of modern reality is based. By means of comparisons scientific terminology is explained.
Therefore, the quantitative analysis certifies that in texts of different genres means of grammatical cohesion (39,2 %) prevail, the lexical cohesion makes 10,6 %, logical - 8,5 %, and stylistic - 5,9 %. Absence of cohesion makes 35,7 % in all genres.
The made linguistic experiment on material of four categories of the text ce rtifies that the frequency of the use of definite means of cohesion (substitution, ellipse, contact and distant transfers, polysyndeton, parallelism, hiper-hyponymy) not always depends on a broadcasting genre. Its quantitative indices are not the same in different genres of composition of the text.
The considered means of cohesion give the possibility to draw next conclusions: they function not equally in these genres. But functioning in this or that genre of language has different tasks. As we saw from the reviewed examples, in professional and scientific genres definite means of cohesion can be used directly, without specified purpose of the speaker. Domination of substitution is characteristic for these genres, because by this means the syntactic compression is reached. At the same time the saturation of texts is traced by nominal ellipses which are used mainly in dialogues which are an exception for these genres of a broadcasting. Prevalence of antonyms also is norm for these genres as in the literary language not all words have opposition signs in the intensional of the meanings, and respectively can't have antonyms, unlike the scientific sphere. In publicistic style ellipses are used with a specific purpose: (on newspaper columns - in interview with famous people where dialogues are the information transfer tool). Typical for professional and scientific genres is defined severe style. It is caused, first of all, by need to avoid ambiguities of these or those scientific concepts. The small quantity of synonyms in a scientific genre, and a little big in professional is explained by it. The lowest general frequency of the use of a metonymy is the reason of that fact, that figurativeness isn't typical for scientific style and can act here only as a subsidiary means. It is explained with specifics of the scientific and professional sphere. Definiteness of scientific and proffesional language provides lack of a discrepancy between the denotatum and its definition. Therefore in scientific and professional texts, as a rule, absent similar, expressional means; words are used mainly in the ordinary sense.
Near the characteristic phenomena in professional and scientific genres are traced also such which would have to be present in texts. It is about a hiper-hyponymy. Terms as specially created nominative units must not only express a concept essence, but also transfer connections between them. From here is existence of a hyponymic paradigm as one of the major categories which form terminological structures. But in our case, number of such uses is the smallest in a professional genre (10,1 %) and per contra dominates in publicistic (18,9 %) which isn't to it adapted.
Identical is situation with means of lexical cohesion - repetitions (distant, contact) which dominate in professional and scientific genres though are more characteristic for publicistic. The scientific genre tries to diversify supply of scientific material and to dewiate from strict style of a broadcasting by which it is characterized, and to adopt marks of other genres and as it is possible to track - rather successfully, because repetitions can also be used in professional and scientific texts with purpose once again to emphasize the key moments.
Stylistic means polysyndeton is also not typical for professional and scientific genres, opposite - for publicistic and popular. But polysyndeton is used as means which slows down a broadcasting, serves for allocation of significant words and in scientific style.
Parallelism is also not criterion of professional and scientific genres, in particular, popular and publicistic. It is caused by that the modern scientific prose traditionally uses this stylistic tool syntactic to issue transfer of these or those facts, cases.
Professional and language of science adopted stylistic tools of popular and publicistic genres which are an unusual phenomenon for the first as contradict their primary language criteria.
The publicistic genre also broke limits of influence of various genres. The use of stylistic means isn't found in it though it is characterized by existence of an expression, figurativeness.
Hyper-hyponymic relations in a publicistic genre is an unusual phenomenon, but, proceeding from results, real. Again we see the marking of characteristic features of professional and scientific genres on publicistic and vice versa. Such exchange is promoted, apparently, by language progress, its continuous development and perfection, experimentation of language, with its means, and an exit for the outlined limits.
The popular genre is less paradoxical in comparison with professional, scientific and publicistic. Typical for it is preference of metaphors, metonymies, space cohesion.
Having counted the frequency of the use of all types of cohesion, we found definite tendencies (see table 1).
Table 1 Use frequency of means of cohesion in texts of marketing (%)
Means |
popular newspapers |
popular magazines |
specialized magazines |
educational literature |
Zeit |
Welt |
Tagesspiegel |
Frankfurter Rundschau |
Focus |
Stern |
Manager Magazin |
Wirtschaftswoche |
Aquisa |
Horizont |
Absatzwirtschaft |
Werben und verkaufen |
Marktplatz |
Marktwirtschaft |
Marketing von Meffert |
Marketing von Hцrschgen |
Grammatical cohesion (GC) |
GC1 |
7,9 |
8,7 |
5,9 |
1,8 |
7 |
9,4 |
6,5 |
3,4 |
1,2 |
3,1 |
6,7 |
3,8 |
1,1 |
7 |
5,7 |
1,4 |
GC2 |
10,3 |
6,7 |
5,9 |
4,5 |
8,2 |
2,8 |
6,5 |
6,7 |
19,9 |
7,1 |
6,7 |
11,3 |
13,4 |
5,7 |
4,6 |
22,5 |
GC3 |
2,4 |
1,9 |
4,9 |
7,2 |
3 |
0,9 |
2,8 |
1,1 |
3,7 |
0 |
4,5 |
0 |
4,4 |
2,3 |
2,4 |
2,8 |
GC4 |
1,6 |
0 |
2 |
0,9 |
1 |
3,8 |
1,9 |
0 |
1,2 |
2 |
0 |
1,3 |
0 |
2,3 |
0 |
0 |
GC5 |
3,2 |
3,8 |
8,8 |
9 |
9,1 |
5,8 |
3,6 |
3,4 |
9,9 |
3,1 |
18 |
11,3 |
6,7 |
3,5 |
17 |
9,9 |
GC6 |
12,8 |
13,5 |
14,6 |
9,9 |
21,3 |
17 |
9,2 |
15,9 |
12,4 |
6,1 |
13,6 |
15,2 |
18,9 |
15,1 |
6,8 |
14,1 |
Lexical cohesion (LC) |
LC1 |
0,8 |
0 |
1 |
1,8 |
0 |
0,9 |
0 |
0 |
1,2 |
0 |
1,1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
LC2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1,8 |
0 |
1,9 |
0 |
0 |
2,5 |
0 |
2,2 |
1,3 |
2,2 |
4,7 |
0 |
0 |
LC3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0,9 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1,1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
LC4 |
0,8 |
1,9 |
1 |
2,7 |
0 |
0,9 |
0 |
2,2 |
1,2 |
6,1 |
0 |
2,5 |
0 |
0 |
2,4 |
0 |
LC5 |
4 |
2,9 |
1 |
0,9 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1,1 |
1,2 |
0 |
4,5 |
2,5 |
0 |
1,2 |
1,1 |
1,4 |
LC6 |
0 |
0 |
2,9 |
0,9 |
1 |
0,9 |
0,9 |
0 |
4,9 |
5,1 |
5,7 |
0 |
7,8 |
7 |
6,8 |
2,8 |
LC7 |
5,5 |
2,9 |
7,8 |
2,7 |
2 |
2,8 |
4,6 |
2,2 |
0 |
4,1 |
2,2 |
3,8 |
2,2 |
2,3 |
5,7 |
1,4 |
Logical cohesion (LOG) |
LOG1 |
1,6 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0,9 |
0,9 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
LOG2 |
7,1 |
3,8 |
1 |
6,4 |
0 |
4,8 |
1,9 |
2,2 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
1,3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
LOG3 |
7,1 |
11,5 |
5,9 |
5,4 |
3 |
14,3 |
10,2 |
6,7 |
3,7 |
12,3 |
1,1 |
8,9 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
8,5 |
Stylistic cohesion (SC) |
SC1 |
0,8 |
1 |
2 |
0,9 |
1 |
1,9 |
1,9 |
1,1 |
3,7 |
0 |
1,1 |
1,3 |
2,2 |
1,2 |
1,1 |
0 |
SC2 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0,9 |
2 |
0,9 |
4,6 |
1,1 |
1,2 |
1 |
0 |
1,3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
SC3 |
0 |
2,9 |
2,9 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
2,8 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1,2 |
0 |
0 |
SC4 |
0 |
1,9 |
0 |
0,9 |
1 |
0 |
2,8 |
0 |
1,2 |
0 |
1,1 |
1,3 |
5,6 |
3,5 |
2,4 |
4,2 |
SC5 |
0,8 |
0 |
2 |
2,7 |
1 |
2,8 |
5,6 |
0 |
1,2 |
2 |
1,1 |
1,3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
C0 |
33,3 |
33,6 |
28,4 |
38,7 |
36,4 |
26,4 |
33,3 |
52,9 |
29,7 |
46 |
30,4 |
31,6 |
34,4 |
43 |
42 |
31 |
Conclusion. Summing up the aforesaid, it is possible to disprove a hypothesis that «each separate statement, of course, is individual, but each sphere of use of language makes its relatively stable types of such statements which we also call speech genres» [1, c.159-160).
The limits between genres which functional characteristics are crossed, were not so clear outlined that didn't break the overall language picture. The problem of speech genres is crossed with concept of a communicative situation, one of the main objects of pragmalingvistic research therefore during a communication situation the speaker solves concrete communicative pragmatic task, using different ways of speech influence.
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