Social status of a person through the prism of West Germanic and east slavic phraseology

Influence of linguistic and cultural specifics of phraseological units with the component "proper name" on the designation of social status in West Germanic and East Slavic languages. Comparison of isomorphic, allomorphic meanings of phraseology.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 16.12.2020
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Social status of a person through the prism of West Germanic and east slavic phraseology

V.V. Khmara, L.P. Voinalovych

The article deals with the determination of linguistic and cultural specificity of phraseological units (PhU) with a proper name component for denoting social status in West Germanic and East Slavic languages by comparing their vocabulary semantics.

In domestic and foreign linguistics there has been a tendency to study the peculiarities of nominations of selected fragments of the world in different languages, which were reflected in phraseological units with a proper name component. Comparative studies of these phrasemes play an important role in the representation of archetypal conceptions of different ethnic cultures. In this sense, it is timely to identify culturally marked components of their semantics, which is related to the general orientation of modern linguistic studies to the explication of the links between language and culture, language and society.

The research is based on the use of general scientific (the inductive analysis, the descriptive method) and special linguistic (the comparative method, the method of component analysis) methods that enabled a holistic analysis of the material.

Phrasemes that include names form a significant layer of phraseological vocabulary stock of English, German, Ukrainian and Russian languages. These linguistic units are distinguished by a variety of semantic meanings, have different expressive-emotional and assessed meanings, which reflect a person's social status in society, family relationships and professional activities.

Thus, this study of PhU with a proper name component for denoting the social status of a person made it possible to identify linguistic and cultural features and also to systematize the isomorphic and allomorphic meanings of phrasemes of Ukrainian, Russian, German and English languages.

Keywords: phraseological unit, cultural linguistics, contrastive analysis, multilingual picture of the world, name, social status, assessment.


В.В. Хмара, Л.П. Войналович

Стаття присвячена виявленню лінгвокультурної специфіки фразеологічних одиниць (ФО) з компонентом "власне ім'я" на позначення соціального стану в західногерманських і східнослов'янських мовах шляхом зіставлення їх словникової семантики.

У вітчизняній та зарубіжній лінгвістиці спостерігається тенденція до вивчення особливостей різномовних номінацій виділених фрагментів світу, які знайшли своє відображення в фразеологічних одиницях із компонентом "власне ім'я". Зіставні дослідження цих фразеологізмів відіграють важливу роль у репрезентації архетипних уявлень різних етнічних культур. У цьому сенсі своєчасним є виявлення культурно відзначених компонентів їх семантики, що пов'язано із загальним спрямуванням сучасних мовознавчих розробок на експлікацію зв'язків між мовою та культурою, мовою та суспільством.

Дослідження ґрунтується на використанні загальнонаукових (індуктивний аналіз, описовий метод) і спеціальних лінгвістичних (зіставний метод, метод компонентного аналізу) методів, які уможливили цілісний аналіз матеріалу.

Фразеологізми, у складі яких виділяються імена, становлять значний шар фразеологічного фонду англійської, німецької, української та російської міов. Ці мовні одиниці відзначаються різноманітністю семантичних значень, мають різні експресивно-емоційні та оцінні значення, що відображають соціальний статус людини у суспільстві, відносини у сім'ї та професійну діяльність.

Отже, дане дослідження ФО з компонентом "власне ім'я" на позначення соціального статусу людини дало змогу виявити лінгвокультурні особливості,а також систематизувати ізоморфні та аломюрфні значення фразеологізмів української, російської, німецької та англійської мов.

Ключові слова: фразеологічна одиниця, лінгвокультурологія, контрастивний аналіз, різномовна картина світу, ім'я, соціальний статус, оцінка.

Formulation of the problem

phraseology linguistic germanic east slavic language

Recently in Ukraine significantly has increased the interest to linguistic studies in the field of modern comparative linguistics. The study of isomorphicand allomorphic nominations of a person in different languages has attracted the attention of linguists over the years (K. Mizin, V. Mokienko, V. Maslova, M. Manakin, A. Vezhbytska, V. Arakin, etc.). Considering this, the involvement of the methodological apparatus of cultural linguistics will help to reveal the cultural and semantic features of social existence of a person in different linguistic pictures of the world by means of phraseology, since it preserves the archetypal conceptions of the nation, which determines the relevance of our research.

Setting objectives. The purpose of the article is to highlight the semantic, linguistic and cultural features of phrasemes with a proper name for denoting social status. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problems:

1) to reveal the semantic, linguistic and cultural properties of phraseological units with a proper name in Ukrainian, Russian, German and English languages;

2) to compare the names in English, German, Ukrainian and Russian languages to identify the universal and unique features in the semantics of these units.

The material of the study includes phraseological units (PhU), selected from lexicographic sources. The sampling comprises 165 PhU with a name component, of which 77 are English, 33 are German, 29 are Ukrainian, and 26 are Russian.

The presentation of the material. Phraseological units (PhU), as one of the means of objectifying of a generalized, holistic picture of the world, formed by the ethno- consciousness, capture the results of the intellectual and emotional reflection of reality, which is necessarily based on a socio-cultural network of semantic connections. Therefore, its meaning is the unit of generalization, storage and transmission of the social experience of reality comprehension. [1: 278-282; 4: 8]. The nominations of people in the PhU make up a large array of culturally relevant information with emotional integrity of meaning and simplicity of grammatical design [3: 71].

PhU carry a negative, positive, or neutral assessment based on the condemnation, approval, or absence of any emotional reaction in relation to any phenomenon, which reflects in linguistic studies of recent years.

Analysis of recent research and publications

At the present stage, scientists have revealed the structural and semantic features of proper names of modern Ukrainian language [6: 5]; compared PhU with a proper name component in Russian, Tatar and English languages [2: 7]; studied national and cultural specificity of phrasemes with anthropic component in Russian, Belarusian and German languages. [5].

The semantics of PhU with a proper name component retain a community's view of such aspects of social life as: person's attitude to other people, work, property, social, political, religious and other institutes and organizations, to family, place of residence, conformity to community norms, etc. [7]. Social status is defined as a positive or negative assessment of the honor and glory of groups, individuals or positions, income level, education level, ethnic origin (nationality), place in the power structure. Status is a certain rank, ascribed by individuals or public opinion [8]. We distinguish the following types of social statuses:

1. Inborn status - the status obtained by a person at birth (gender, race, nationality, social stratum).

In four languages we distinguish the following values, which are common in English, German, Ukrainian and Russian:

1) representatives of the middle class of society: Eng.: John Citizen; Joe Blow; Joe Doakes; Joe Schmoe; Joe Zilch; Joe Sixpack; average (ordinary, regular) Joe; Brown, Jones and Robinson; (any, every) Tom, Dick or Harry; Germ.: Lieschen Muller und Gottfried Schulze; Ukr.: по Сави} свитка, бо на Савку шита; Rus.:Иванов Петров и Сидоров.

Table 1The statistical representation of this group of PhU is shown in table 1.

Meaning/ language





the middle class of society

15,6 %

3,03 %

4 %

4 %

The percentage match zone in Ukrainian and Russian languages: the middle class of society - 4 %. All other languages are in the percentage zone of divergence.

In English, Ukrainian, and Russian languages, the PhU with a name component describe a person's place in society: Eng.: Hill Jack (rustic); Ukr.: на безриб'ї і рак - риба, на безлюдді і Хома- чоловік; краще бути на селі Богданом, ніж у місті Селиваном; не велика Стеха пані, тим що сіла в панські сани; пан з паном, Іван з Іваном пан з паном погодиться, а Іван у спину дістане; по Савці свитка, по панові шапка; що вільно панові, то не вільно Іванові; Rus.:на безмирье и Фома дворянин; наш Пахом с Москвой знаком.

Name lexemes in the English and German linguistic and cultural communities have the following connotations:a respectable person:

Eng.: Mr Big; Germ.: ein groЯer Hans; a rich man: Eng.: live/lead the life of Riley; Germ.: reich wie ein Krцsus; Rothschild,; preferences of a representative of the middle class, a townsman:Eng.:Babbittry; Germ.:

Doktor Lieschen Mьller. The meaning of affectation and egotism of the upper class of society in English is associated with a woman's name:Eng.: Lady

Bracknell; and in German - with a man's name: Germ.: Graf (Baron) Rotz.

Class inequality led to the struggle of social strata and left a mark in German PhU: Germ.: Krupp und Krause,where Krupp is a simple worker who works at

Krause's enterprise; a poor person who lives in a big way and impersonates a rich person:Germ.:ein Baron von Habenichts.

In English the average voter, the person involved in criminal proceedings, when they cannot be called by a real name, such aliases are used:Eng.:John Q. Citizen; John Q.Public; John Q. Voter; Jane Q; Voter Jane Q.

2. Acquired (achieved) status - the status that a person attains through his mental and physical efforts (work, position).

PhU in English, German, Ukrainian and Russian languages with connotations: professions:

1) a servant, a domestic servant: Eng.: Jeeves; Mary Jane; (the) faithful Adam; Jack boots (corridor servant at the hotel for cleaning); Jack-hold-my-

staff (a slave-servant); Germ.:der

(ge)treue Eckart; Minna; Ukr.: Михайло - усім людям попихайло; Rus.: Алексей Алексеевич.

2) a thief, a fraud:Eng.:John

Drawlatch; St.Nicholas' clerk; Jack Rotter; artful Dodger; Jimmy Valentine; play the Jack with somebody; (the) curse of Cain; desperate Dick; Tyburn blossom; Germ.:Kunden und

Gaunersprache; Ukr.: Івана люби, а кишеню бережи!; Rus.: Фомка вор: на долото рыбу удит; солдат Яшка, красная рубашка, синие ластовицы; сыновья лейтенанта Шмидта.

Table 2The statistical representation of this group of PhU is shown in table 2.






a servant, a house servant

6,49 %

6,06 %

4 %

4 %

a thief, a fraud

11,7 %

3,03 %

3,5 %

11,5 %

The percentage match zone in Ukrainian and Russian languages: a servant, a house servant - 4 %. All other languages are in the percentage zone of divergence.

PhU with a name component in English, German and Russian Languages are associated with a newcomer, rookie, inept person: Eng.: Johnny-come-lately; Jack-leg; Germ.: grьner Heini; Rus.:Mapmum


In German and English, PhU with names have the following common meanings: military, a soldier, an officer, a police officer: Eng.: Bill Jim; Thomas (Tom, Tommy) Atkins; hug brown Bess; old Bill (the Bill); Joe Bloe; Jock; big John; Johny Reb; Judy; Mickey mouse; Tomdyke; Billy; Bobby; Pistol Pete; Jerry (a German soldier); Jack Tar (a sailor); Dick (a detective); Germ.: feiner Emil; Neckermann; der blanke (gelbe, weiЯe, windige) August; an executioner: Eng.: Jack Ketch; Germ.: Meister Hans; a cheap goods trader: Eng.: Cheap Jack; Germ.: der billige Jakob; the chief, superior : Eng.: the Gaffer; the Guv'nor; Simon Legree; Germ.:Oberheini; a tailor: Eng.: Tom Tailor; Germ.: Meister Zwirn

Only in the English linguistic community the names are used in PhU to refer to the following professions: a public servant:Eng.:Joe Bloggs;

overconfident arrogant official, bureaucrat: Jack in office; an imaginary plaintiff and defendant in litigation: Eng.: John Doe and Richard Roe; a businesswoman, because of the male profession, does not participate in the fight for women's rights: Eng.: aunt Tom; an honest judge: Eng.: Daniel comes to judgment; a priest: Eng.: Holy Joe; a fortune teller:Eng.:Mother

Bunch; a caretaker: aHr.: Charley.

The name component in German is related to such professions: an aviation technician:Germ.:oliger Max; a

stewardess: Germ.: fliegendes Gretchen; a businessman: Germ.: Mister Homburg and their absence: unemployed: Germ.: Hans Ohnesorge.

The connotation of success, as a status that a person achieves through their work, is inherent in English and German PhU with a name component: Eng.: Flynn (be in like Flynn); Germ.:

Hans im Gluck. Promotion because of age or rotation rather than success in work in English language:Eng.:

Buggins' turn.

3. Suggested (ascribed) status - a status that a person acquires, regardless of their desire (age, status in the family), it may change over the course of their life.

We will consider the PhU, which denote the interpersonal relations between men and women in different semantic spheres, and conditionally mark the most common ones. Common meanings in English, German, Ukrainian and Russian:

1) everyone has their spouse: Eng.: Every Jack has his Jill; Germ.: jeder Hans findet seine Grete; Jeder Toffel findet seine Grete; Hans ist seiner Grete wert; Ukr.: для кожного Гриця є своя птиця; Rus.:на каждого Макара найдется своя Хавронья; отдали Хавронью за Ховрина сына.

2) family ties: Eng.: When Adam delved (and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?) (to brag about genealogy); Germ.:er ist mir von Adam her

verwandt (distant relatives); Hдnschen tanzt, wie Hans blдst; Ukr.: забагатів Кіндрат, забув, де його і брат; який Хомка, така його донька; кум королю, а сват Терещенку; Rus.: какова матка, таковы и детки; в матку и детки, у Мирона детки Миронычи, у Ивана - Иванычи.; один у Мирона сын, да и тот Мироныч; ваша-то Катерина да нашей Орине двоюродная Прасковья.

Table 3The statistical representation of this group of PhU is shown in table 3.

Meaning/ language






1,3 %

9,09 %

3,45 %

7,69 %

family ties

1,3 %

6,06 %

10,3 %

42,3 %

All languages are in the percentage zone of divergence.

English, German and Ukrainian languages describe the relationship between a man and a woman in a household where the woman is the main person in the family: Eng.: Tom Tyler; Germ.: Doktor Siemann; Ukr.: Катерина Дем'яну не пропустить бур'яну.

A number of PhU with a name component in English, Ukrainian and Russian culture are associated with marriage, betrothal, courtship: Eng.: a good Jack makes a good Jill; Ukr.: казала Феся, що щастя і дома знайдеться; не нашого пера пташка у Івашка; кому Хома, кому нема; вхопилась би за Петра, тільки шкода, що нема; до Дмитра дівка хитра, а після Михайла хоч за попихайла; сякий-такий Пантелій, а все на душі веселій; не всякому по Якову; Rus.: не у всякого жена Марья - кому Бог даст; не идет Федора за Егора: а Федора идет, да Егор - то не берет; взял Фома Лукерью - суд Божий пришел.

Isomorphic meaning of PhU in English, German, Ukrainian and Russian languages is inborn status: representatives of the middle class of society (the most productive group is in English (15,6 %) by decreasing activity followed by Ukrainian and Russian (4 %), German (3,03 %); professions: a servant, a house servant (Eng. - 6,49 %, Germ. - 6,06 %, Ukr. and Rus. - 4 %), a thief, a fraud (Eng. - 11,7 %, Rus. - 11,5 %, Ukr. -3,5 %, Germ. -3.3%); ascribed status: everyone has their significant other (Germ. - 9,09 %, Rus. -7,69 %, Ukr. -3,45 %, Eng. -1.3%), family ties (Rus. -42,3 %, Ukr. -10.3%, Germ. -6,06 %, Eng. -1,3 %). PhU with a name component in the

English, German, and Russian ethnocultural communities are associated with a newcomer, a rookie, an inept person. English, German, and Ukrainian PhU with a name component describe relationships in the family where a woman is the head. The common semantics of PhU with a name component in English, Ukrainian and Russian culture is the place of a person in society and marriage, betrothal, courtship.


Thus, the empirical material of the study allows us to distinguish common features of PhU: in English and German the PhU with such meanings could be singled out: a respectable person, preferences of a representative of the middle class, egotism of the upper class of society, success; and professions: military, soldier, officer, police officer, executioner, tailor, chief, cheap goods trader;

- English and Russian linguistic cultures have a common connotation: a woman of easy virtue;

and differences (groups of PhU with a name component specific to one language only):

- in English only, PhU with a name component have the following connotations: average voter, promotion by age; and professions: civil servant, caretaker, imaginary plaintiff and defendant in litigation, honest judge, businesswoman, priest, fortune teller, overconfident arrogant official, bureaucrat;

- in German, PhU with a name component are associated with the following professions: aviation technician, stewardess, businessman and unemployed.

Thus, PhU with a name component with the meaning of social status are more inherent in English and German languages, which is related to the cultural and historical features of ethnic and national communities. We distinguish: inborn, acquired (achieved) and suggested (ascribed) status, through which the place of a person in society, relations between men and women, family ties and professions are assessed.

The prospects for continuing this line of research lie in the possibility to use the data of different-structured national languages, as well as carrying out scientific research in the field of communicative linguistics and pragmatics.

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  • The meaning of the term "phraseological unit" in modern linguistics. Characteristics of the national-cultural specifics of phraseological units. The internal forms of phraseological units with an integral part of the name of clothing in English.

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  • The old Germanic languages, their classification and principal features. The chronological division of the History of English. The role of the Wessex dialect. The Norman Conquest and its effect on English. The Germanic languages in the modern world.

    контрольная работа [34,7 K], добавлен 17.01.2010

  • The sources of origin of phraseological units in modern English. Borrowing in the foreign language form. Phraseological units, reflecting the traditions, customs of the English people. Phraseological units connected with beliefs, taken from fairy tales.

    статья [19,1 K], добавлен 03.12.2015

  • South West England. South-East Midlands. North-East England. Leinster and Greater Dublin. Dialects and accents amongst the four countries of the United Kingdom. The traditional dialects of Bedfordshire, Huntingdonshire and south Northamptonshire.

    курсовая работа [45,1 K], добавлен 19.02.2012

  • The Iron Age Celtic culture on the British Isles. Cultural life of London: in the West End, in the East End and in the parts of central London. The characteristics of British arts and letters, theatre and cinema, music, literature, the fine arts.

    контрольная работа [17,8 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • Language of germanic tribes - firstly, alphabets, which used those tribes; secondly, the main written records. Old English scribes used two kindes of letters: the runes and the letters of the Latin alphabet. Runic inscriptions, Ulfila`s Gothic alphabet.

    эссе [187,7 K], добавлен 13.01.2011

  • Semantic peculiarities of phraseological units in modern English. The pragmatic investigate of phraseology in particularly newspaper style. The semantic analyze peculiarities of the title and the role of the phraseological unit in newspaper style.

    курсовая работа [103,4 K], добавлен 25.01.2013

  • American Culture is a massive, variegated topic. The land, people and language. Regional linguistic and cultural diversity. Social Relationships, the Communicative Style and the Language, Social Relationships. Rules for Behavior in Public Places.

    реферат [35,1 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • Metonymy: definition, structure and function, types. The relationship of metonymy and phraseology. Metonymy features of the secondary nomination in the system of the contemporary English phraseology in chick-lit novels. Stylistic features of metonymy.

    курсовая работа [40,4 K], добавлен 25.01.2015

  • Social interaction and social relation are identified as different concepts. There are three components so that social interaction is realized. Levels of social interactions. Theories of social interaction. There are three levels of social interactions.

    реферат [16,8 K], добавлен 18.01.2009

  • English traditions, known for the whole world. Main traditions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Traditional dividing of London by three parts: the West End, the East end, and the City. Politeness is a characteristic feature of Englishmen.

    реферат [22,0 K], добавлен 23.04.2011

  • The subjective aspects of social life. Social process – those activities, actions, operations that involve the interaction between people. Societal interaction – indirect interaction bearing on the level of community and society. Modern conflict theory.

    реферат [18,5 K], добавлен 18.01.2009

  • London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. He is situated upon both banks of the River Thames. Its population is about 7 million people. It consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End.

    презентация [2,4 M], добавлен 06.12.2012

  • The concept as the significance and fundamental conception of cognitive linguistics. The problem of the definition between the concept and the significance. The use of animalism to the concept BIRD in English idioms and in Ukrainian phraseological units.

    курсовая работа [42,0 K], добавлен 30.05.2012

  • Comparison of understanding phraseology in English, American and post-Soviet vocabulary. Features classification idiomatic expressions in different languages. The analysis of idiomatic expressions denoting human appearance in the English language.

    курсовая работа [30,9 K], добавлен 01.03.2015

  • The Commission on the Status of Women. World Summit on Sustainable Development. Problems of Education for Women. Education’s Effects on Reproductive Choice. The interaction between the region’s economic structure and its conservative culture in the USA.

    реферат [26,4 K], добавлен 16.12.2011

  • Story drawing up about itself in English. Variants of questions and answers under the story maintenance. A surname, a name, a patronymic, a social status, age, a residence, the story about a family, the character description, hobbies, playing sports.

    топик [13,6 K], добавлен 27.03.2009

  • Translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions. Cultural Consideration in Translation. General cultural implications for translation. Cultural categories and references; lexical function.

    курсовая работа [29,6 K], добавлен 18.06.2014

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