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Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.12.2020
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24. Radchuk, V. (2005). Creative inspiration as a means of criticism. Vsesvit (Universe), 5-6, 183-185 (in Ukr.)

25. Radchuk, V. (2000). “You, beloved Bulgaria, I salute with a song.” (D. Bilous, the translator of I. Vazov). Marking the 80th anniversary of the birth of Dmytro Bilous. Vsesvit (Universe), 3-4, 156-161 (in Ukr.)

26. Radchuk, V. (2011). Translation method of Mykola Lukash. In O. Kalnychenko, L. Kolomiiets, I. Orzhytskyi, & M. Strikha (Eds.), Gift and sense: theory and practice of translation (pp. 40-51). Kharkiv: Akta (in Ukr.)

27. Radchuk, O. V. (2012). Presentation of Robert Burns'poetic worldview in Ukrainian translations) (Extended abstract of the doctoral dissertation). Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukr.)

28. Dzera, O. (1999). The author's individual interpretation of Biblical motives as an issue of translation studies (on the basis of G. Byron's works translations into Ukrainian) (Extended abstract of the doctoral dissertation). Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukr.)

29. Ivanytska, M. (2015). Translator's individuality in the Ukrainian-German literary relationships. Chernivtsi: Knyha XXI (in Ukr.)

30. Pereiaslov, V. (2016). Aesthetic and philosophical paradigmatics of Vasyl Mysyk's work (Extended abstract of the doctoral dissertation). H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine (in Ukr.)

31. Vasylyk, A. R. (2012). M. Rudnytskyi's strategy in the context of the Ukrainian literary translation of the 21st century (Extended abstract of the doctoral dissertation). Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukr.)

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33. Kosiv, H. M. (2008). Stylistic issues of the syntactic level in Vira Rich translations. In O. I. Cherednychenko (Ed.), Covering a distance from word to word... (pp. 251-278). Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Publishing Centre (in Ukr.)

34. Savchyn, V. (2014). Mykola Lukash - devotee of the Ukrainian literary translation. Lviv: Litopys (in Ukr.)

35. Mazur, O. V. (2011). Translation method of Anatolii Onyshko (Extended abstract of the doctoral dissertation). Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukr.)

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46. Kykot, V. M., & Havelia, A. V. (2013). Typology of the expressive stylistic means and their translation. Achievement of High School - 2013 (pp. 78-80). Sofia: “Bial HRAD-BH” OOD (in Ukr.)

47. Kykot, V. M., & Selehei, K. V. (2015). Properties of Stephen King`s works literary style. Advanced studies of science and technology - 2015 (pp. 40-43). Przemysl : Nauka i studia (in Ukr.)

48. Kykot, V. M. (2018). Author's individual writing style and poetry translation. Topical issues of modern translation studies (pp. 14-24). Cherkasy: Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (in Ukr.)

49. Koptilov, V. V. (1971). Topical issues of the Ukrainian literary translation. Kyiv: University of Kyiv Press (in Ukr.)

50. Kukharenko, V. A. (2004). Text interpretation. Vinnytsia: Nova Khyha (in Ukr.)

51. Opanasenko, Yu. V. (2015). Author's individual style reconstruction specifics in Ukrainian translations of Sherlock Holmes detective stories by A. Conan Doyle. Visnyk Cherkaskoho universytetu (Bulletin of University of Cherkasy), 7 (340), 83-91 (in Ukr.)

52. Opanasenko, Yu. V. (2013). The issue of the author's individual writing style reconstruction of A. Conan Doyle in the Ukrainian translations of Sherlock Holmes detective stories. The issues of management systems development under globalization: theory, methods, practice (pp. 234-236). Cherkasy: East European University of Economics and Management (in Ukr.)

53. Sharhai, I. Ye. (2001). The role of the terms style and genre for translator's interpretation. Visnyk Zaporizkoho derzhavnoho universytetu (Bulletin of State University of Zaporizhzhya), 4, 160-165 (in Ukr.)

54. Naniak, Yu. O. (2018). Individualized speech as a problem of translation (based on the tragedy by J. W. Goethe «Faust» and its Anglophone and Ukrainian translations) (Extended abstract of the doctoral dissertation). Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine (in Ukr.)

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59. Vinogradov, V. V. (1961). The issue of authorship and the theory of styles. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoye izdatelstvo khudozhestvennoy literatury (in Russ.)

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