The problem of professional development of a teacher in modern education system

Substantiation of the ways of professional selfdevelopment of a teacher as a subject of innovative processes aimed at improving the quality of student education. Factors that negatively affect the teacher, his personal and professional development.

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The problem of professional development of a teacher in modern education system

Nenko Yuliia, Doctor in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign; Ivashchenko Oksana, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages Department, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation of ways of professional selfdevelopment of a teacher as a subject of innovative processes aimed at improving the quality of student education Under the professional development of a teacher, the researcher understands a complex and lengthy process, which includes constant personal spiritual and moral development, which cultivates the qualities necessary for humane and tolerant communication, regular professional development and improvement of pedagogical skills.

It is proved that the professional personal development is a rather complicated process, during which a person deepens and develops his/her knowledge, skills, abilities and professional abilities. The present state of the problem of professional selfdevelopment of pedagogical workers in the context of reforming the system of education in our country is analyzed. Factors that adversely affect the teacher of the university in his/her personal and professional development have been singled out and include ignoring the views of the academic community in reforming higher education, an increase in academic and teaching load, bureaucratization, contracting, unrestrained growth of workflow, etc. The process of self-development of a teacher is represented by the author as a process of various changes in the following components: motivational-targeted, cognitive, emotional- volitional, constructive-activity, reflexive and effective. The main informative characteristics that determine the direction and dynamics of selfdevelopment of a teacher are highlighted: value orientations, personal meanings, self-esteem, motivational-volitional components, goal-setting.

Keywords: teacher; educator; professional selfdevelopment; higher education institution.

Проблема професійного розвитку викладача за умов сучасної освітньої системи

Ненько Юлія Петрівна, докторка педагогічних наук, доцентка, завідувачка кафедри; Іващенко Оксана Алімівна, кандидатка педагогічних наук, доцентка, доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля НУЦЗУ

Метою статті є обґрунтування шляхів професійного саморозвитку викладача. Доведено, що професійний розвиток є складним процесом, що передбачає поглиблення та розвиток знань, вмінь, навичок та професійних здібностей. Проаналізовано сучасний стан проблеми професійного саморозвитку педагогічних працівників в контексті реформування системи освіти в нашій країні. Виділено фактори, що негативно впливають на прагнення викладача закладу вищої освіти до професійного саморозвитку. Останній представлено як процес змін таких компонентів: мотиваційно-цільового, когнітивного, емоційно-вольового, конструктивно-діяльнісного, рефлексивного та ефективного. Висвітлено основні інформативні характеристики, що визначають напрямок та динаміку саморозвитку викладача: ціннісні орієнтації, особистісні значення, самооцінка, мотиваційно-вольові компоненти, цілепокладання тощо.

Ключові слова: педагог; професійний саморозвиток; заклад вищої освіти.

Formulation of the problem

Professional activity of a modern educator in the conditions of modernization of Ukrainian education is complicated and replenished with new content. As has been previously reported in the literature, constant personal and professional growth is important for a teacher's profession. The literature pertaining to teacher's professional activities strongly emphasizes the teacher's ability for selfdevelopment taking into account requirements of the profession and society. Therefore, as never before, it becomes relevant to study the mechanisms of professional self-development of a teacher taking into account the transition of Ukraine to the European education system.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The idea of continuous education as a new perception of the educational process in the context of the learning society was expressed and documented in UNESCO documents from 1960-1970. Significant contribution to the development of the theoretical foundations of continuing education was made by P. Langgrand, J. Gerard, A. Turin, F. Yanushkevich, P. Dave, J. Delors, B. Simon and others. Among the domestic scientists who made a significant con-tribution to the conceptualization of con-tinuing education in the Ukrainian educational space and contributed to the formation of the concept of education throughout life it's necessary to mention V. Andrushchenko, V. Asakhova, V. Bakirov, V. Zyazyun. N. Nichkalo, L. Gerasin, V. Gorodyanenko, O. Kuz, G. Klimov, M. Lukashevich, K. Mikhailov, O. Sidorenko, L. Sokuryansk, Yu. Chernetsky, O. Yakuba, T. Sushchenko and others.

The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of the ways of professional self-development of a teacher as a subject of innovative processes aimed at improving the quality of education in higher education institutions.

The main material

Current situation in higher education institutions, which has arisen in connection with the reform of the education system in our country demonstrates great interest on the part of teachers to the problem of personal prossional development, which is reflected in scientific publications.

Over the past 5 years, the number of scientific publications concerning the lowering of the status of a university teacher in the context of education reform has significantly increased [1; 2]. Ukrainian scientists investigated formal and informal restrictions on the activities of a teacher in the domestic system of higher education. In their studies they determine the factors that adversely affect the teacher of the university in his personal and professional development. These include ignoring the views of the academic community in reforming higher education, an increase in academic and teaching load, bureaucratization, contracting, unrestrained growth of workflow, etc.

Therefore, there are more and more calls for the need to appeal to both government officials and the public to revive the prestige of the profession of a school and university teacher. Thus, raising the social status is becoming a primary problem today, accumulating all the diversity of difficulties arising in the field of education [3].

Among the difficulties faced by modern teachers in the context of reforming, the author calls the following: first, a contract that negatively affects the academic professionalism of teachers, and second, an increase in the time for work not directly related to teaching. All these processes cause negative reaction from a significant part of teaching staff [6; 7].

In universities, the content of a contract is determined by the administration and by many points does not correspond to the content of the essence of teaching. Most often the contract does not reflect the professional interests of teachers, because, for example, it requires the publication of scientific articles in the Scopus and Web of science citation systems, however, such publication is very expensive. But the main problem faced by teachers in modern universities is the increase in academic and «about academic» workload, endless reporting, continuous rework and updating of various documentation, for example, work programs of disciplines. All the negative components of the work of university teachers in the context of reforming leave neither time nor moral strength to work with students and study science in a core and interesting area, and not in the area for which the administration of the university allocates the most points under the contract.

Due to the activities undertaken in connection with the reform of the higher education system, the meaning of profe- ?sional activity of a university teacher is practically lost. Modern researchers assume that the time is approaching when teachers of higher education will work not out of a penchant for pedagogical work, but for the sake of indicators guaranteeing material allowances, which will reduce the already low quality of education [4].

However, at present, it is becoming increasingly obvious that modernization of education requires actualization of the personal and professional potential of teachers and concentration of forces on creating conditions for the teachers to understand and accept the goals and content of the updated educational sphere, to include a teacher in an independent, personally meaningful process of professional development hence it becomes the mechanism of real changes in teaching practice.

Traditionally, the term «professional development» is used in psychology in connection with the professional development of the personality, by which scientists understand the process of the holistic development of the personality as an active participant in professional activity, due to the social situation, the leading field of activity and the creative abilities of an individual [9].

The process of professional development can be defined as a process of continuous intellectual development, professional growth, the acquisition of experience. It lasts throughout the entire individual career, and the professional development of the individual is closely intertwined with his selfdevelopment. The realization in professional work of personally and professionally significant abilities helps the internal movement of the teacher to his/her improvement.

Professional personal development is a rather complicated process, during which a person deepens and develops his knowledge, skills, abilities and professional abilities. Under the professional development of university teachers, we understand a complex and lengthy process, including constant personal spiritual and moral development, cultivating the qualities necessary for humane and tolerant communication with people, regular professional development, and improvement of pedagogical skills.

Formation and improvement of all elements of pedagogical skills, achievement of the level of professional competence is possible only in the process of selfdevelopment of the teacher's personality - an obligatory component of modern education.

The teacher's self-development is a continuous, conscious, purposeful process of personal and professional improvement based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors and is aimed at improving his/her professionalism, developing professionally significant qualities and accumulating pedagogical skills, experience, professional knowledge and skills [8].

The process of self-development of a teacher can be represented as a process of various changes in the following components: motivational-targeted, cognitive, emotional- volitional, constructive-activity, reflexive and effective, which are characterized by uneven development and interconnectedness, because changing one of them is a condition for the development of any other.

The motivational-target component is revealed through value orientations, personal meanings, needs, interests, motives of external stimulation, motives of the teacher's internal self-affirmation, which determines the content side of the teacher's selfdevelopment activity. It reflects the psychological attitude of the teacher, the awareness of oneself as a professional, one's own professional difficulties and personally important professional qualities, goal-setting in conditions of creative self-development.

The cognitive component includes knowledge of methods of self-analysis and self-diagnosis, technological knowledge (a system of methods, tools, forms and mechanisms of personal and professional self-development).

The emotional-volitional component is revealed through an emotionally positive attitude to the content and process of selfdevelopment, awareness and positive perception of one's own image of «I» as a professional, emotional stability, the ability to control the process of self-development and prevent unjustified deviations from the intended plan.

The constructive-activity component includes an independent interpretation of the conditions of creative self-development, the ability to design and implement creative selfdevelopment through the optimal choice of forms and technologies for implementing the goals and objectives of the self-developing activity, to monitor the progress of this process.

The reflective component reflects the ability to self-knowledge and self-esteem of professional activity and one's personality, reflexive analysis of the process of creative self-realization, self-control of the effectiveness of one's own actions, correction of the result, stimulates the development of the teacher's ability to work on himself.

The productive component includes the new formations of professional knowledge and skills, personality-significant qualities, processes of the «self», the results of professional and educational activities.

According to L. Mitina the advanced training system is crucial in the professional development of university teachers [5]. In addition, in our opinion, the participation of teachers in scientific conferences is of great importance. Due to the participation in scientific conferences, teachers have the opportunity to get acquainted with new scientific and practical achievements in their field of interest, to exchange views and experience.

Refresher courses and internships (even short-term) contribute to the acquisition of additional new professional knowledge and skills, increase the teacher's motivation, develop creative abilities, and stimulate interest in the profession. I. Sereda points to the need to improve the skills of teachers in the field of information and communication technologies and e-learning [10], the use of discussion and project forms of work.

Certainly, self-education and selfdevelopment play an important role in professional development, including participation in webinars, reading special literature, acquaintance with the opinions of colleagues in pedagogical journals.

The main informative characteristics of self-development are: value orientations, personal meanings, self-esteem, motivational-volitional components, goal-setting. The above-mentioned characteristics determine the direction and dynamics of selfdevelopment, enable a person to transform oneself, to organize independent activities for their own self-improvement [8].

Self-development of the teacher can be characterized by different levels:

- the first level is self-development that has stopped, when a teacher shows a positive attitude towards his professional activity and is aware of its personal significance, but has no inner motivation for self-development, for introspection, self-diagnosis and selfassessment of own professional activity and its results; performs professional functions mainly according to the standard; does not use psychological and pedagogical knowledge as a means of their personal and professional development; self-education activity takes place mainly at the level of compensatory self-education;

- the second level is sufficient selfdevelopment, characterized by the teacher's high appreciation of the personal significance of his/her own pedagogical activity and the manifestation of the need for creative selfdevelopment; more specific and specific goal setting; the ability to self-knowledge and selfesteem of professional activity and own personality; skillful use of diagnostic methods of personal-professional self-development in order to make changes in the activities and own personality; self-education that takes place at an extensive level, although the degree of activity, independence and creativity is unstable, strongly depends on external conditions;

- the third level - active self-development, when pedagogical activity acquires teacher's personal and deeply realized value; the teacher is aware of and accepts selfdevelopment as a personally significant and value-oriented setting; shows the need for self-improvement; is aware of the content and mechanism of self-development; is able to give adequate self-esteem of his personality and activities; independently and reasonably formulate the goals and objectives of selfdevelopment; capable of designing his/her personality and professional activity on the basis of self-reflection; shows activity and independence in self-development activities, able to realize own potential; successfully implements programs of professional and personal growth; the content of selfdevelopment rises from private qualities to the integral characteristics of the teacher.

The meaning of self-education is expressed in the satisfaction of cognitive activity, the growing need of the teacher in self-realization through continuous education. In pedagogical works on advanced training, self-education is recognized as one of the most dynamic forms of raising the level of a specialist. Self-education is more effective in comparison with other forms of education, since the knowledge and experience gained independently by means of one's own knowledge, discoveries, and mistakes become a personality transformer on the road to perfection.

In the process of self-education, a teacher can use various sources of information: studying literature, watching TV programs or videos, taking advanced training courses, attending seminars and conferences, attending colleagues' classes with subsequent exchange of experience, etc. The intensive development of information technologies changes the conditions of selfeducation. The Internet with its possibilities of communicating via e-mail, participating in chat rooms, forums, workshops, thematic videoconferences, and seminars contributes to the virtual unification of teachers in solving self-education issues.

We support the thought of A. Eisenberg that «self-education can develop under the observance of two cardinal conditions: the need for self-education and a certain situation for its satisfaction». Each teacher has his own specific needs for self-education, since they are influenced by various factors, namely: personality structure, interests, scientific, psychological, pedagogical and special training, general educational level; pedagogical experience, place and results of work, level of development, etc.

The teacher's self-education will be effective when: the individual's self development is realized, the teacher is able to assess himself, owns the methods of selfawareness and self-analysis, is ready for changes, has the ability to reflect, aimed at understanding his own actions, feelings, and analyzing his activities. Also important is the program of self-education, which includes general education, subject, scientific, psychological, pedagogical and methodical directions.

The teacher's self-education should include the following results: improving the quality of teaching the subject, pedagogical interaction with students, writing manuals, articles, textbooks, programs, conducting research, developing and introducing new forms, teaching methods and techniques, preparing reports, speeches, didactic materials, tests, methodical recommendations, etc.

Social well-being of society largely depends on the place given to the development of human resources, the role played by the system of professional support in the development of society and the stabilization of the social situation. At the same time, the analysis of the situation in our country, presented by leading experts of the Adult Education Institute of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, identifies as pragmatism of educational inquiries, marked passivity of educational needs, suppression of creative initiatives and reducing the role of continuing education.

The professional development of a teacher depends on the real problems that arise in teaching. Among the facts prompting professional development are the teacher's desire to make changes in practice, personal and professional needs, the emergence of new programs and training materials.


Based on the foregoing, the implementation of a number of measures at various levels could contribute to the solution of the indicated problems. It is obvious that universities need to allocate additional financial resources so that the teacher has the opportunity to regularly improve their professional level. We also have to admit that only if the government's attention is paid to the listed problems, it is possible to raise both the status of a teacher in the country and society, and the quality of modern higher education.

Prospects for further scientific research include the search for effective ways of continuous professional development of faculty staff taking into account their individual characteristics.

professional selfdevelopment teacher quality


1. Vayinilenko T. (2005). Basics of professional selfimprovement of the teacher: methodical recommendations. Kyiv: The National Pedagogical University named after M. Drahomanov. 250 p.

2. Dubaseniuk O.A, Semenyuk T.V., Antonova O.E. (2003). Professional training of the future teacher for pedagogical activity: Monograph. Zhytomyr: Zhyto- myr state pedagogical university. 192 p.

3. Zyazun L.I. (2006). Self-development of the personality in the educational system of France: Monograph. Kyiv; Mykolaiv. 388 p.

4. Kuznetsova I.O. (2008). Designing the selfdevelopment of a future teacher-philologist. Problems and prospects of formation of the national human- ?tarian and technical elite: collection of scientific works. In L. Tovazhyansky, O. Romanovsky (Ed.). Kharkiv: NTU «KhPI». 19(23). 220 p.

5. Mitina L.M. (1998). Psychology of professional development of a teacher: a monograph. Moscow: Flint. 200 p.

6. Nenko Yu.P. (2018). Professional self-development of a teacher: world tendencies. Educational space of Ukraine, 14: 96-101.

7. Pehota E.N. (1997). The individuality of the teacher: theory and practice: A manual for students and teachers of the pedagogical institute, teachers and students of the IUU. Nikolayev. 144 p.

8. Professional Self-Development of a Future Specialist: Monograph (2011). In V. Kovalchuk (Ed.). Zhytomyr: Publishing house ZHDU named after I. Franko. 204 p.

9. Radchenko A.E. (2006). Professional competence of the teacher. Kharkiv: Osnova. 126 p.

10. Sereda I.V. (1999). The technology of professional self-development of a teacher-beginner. Educational technologies in school and university. Mykolaiv: Publishing Department of MF Ukma. 176-179.

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