Дискурсивные стратегии и тактики структурирования методологии исследования в англоязычных научных статьях

Эффективное построение риторики текста как ключевая задача для оптимизации научного общения. Анализ дискурсивных стратегий структурирования методологии исследования в англоязычных научных статьях. Особенности выявления обязательных стратегий письма.

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pus analysis to describe discourse structure. Amsterdam; Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 2007. P. 73-119.

9.Kanoksilapatham B. Distinguishing textual features characterizing structural variation in research articles across three engineering sub-discipline

corpora // English for Specific Purposes. 2015. Vol. 37. P. 74-86.

10.Martinez I. Aspects of theme in the method and discussion sections of biology journal articles in English // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2003. Vol. 2. P. 103-123.

11.Biber D., Connor U., Upton T. Discourse on the Move: using corpus analysis to describe discourse structure. Amsterdam : John Benjamins, 2007.

12.Чернявская В.Е. Методологические возможности дискурсивного анализа в корпусной лингвистике // Вестник Томского государственного университета. 2017. № 50. С. 135-148.

13.Peacock M. The structure of the Methods section in research articles across eight disciplines // Asian ESP Journal. 2011. Vol. 7, № 2. P. 99-124.

14.Hyland K. Stance and Engagement: a model of interaction in academic discourse // Discourse Studies. 2005. Vol. 7, № 2. P. 39-63.

15.Чернявская В.Е. Прошлое как текстовая реальность: методологические возможности лингвистического анализа исторического нарратива // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология. 2016. № 3. С. 76-87.

16.Swales J. Genre analysis. English in academic and research settings. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990.

17.Swales J. Research genres: exploration and applications. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

18.Lindeberg A.-Ch. Promotion and Politeness: conflicting scholarly rhetoric in three disciplines. Albo; Finland : Albo Akademi University Press, 2004.

19.Hyland K., Guinda C.S. Stance and voice in academic genres. Hyland. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

20.Holmes R. Genre analysis and the social sciences: an investigation of the structure of research article discussion sections in three disciplines // English for Specific Purposes. 1997. Vol. 16, № 4. P. 321-337.

21.Martin-Martin P. A genre analysis of English and Spanish research paper abstracts in experimental social sciences // English for Specific Purposes. 2002. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 25-43.

22.Lores R. On RA abstracts: From rhetorical structure to thematic organization // English for Specific Purposes. 2004. Vol. 23, № 3. P. 280-302.

23.Pho Ph.D. Research article abstracts in applied linguistics and educational technology: a study of linguistic realizations of rhetorical structure and authorial stance // Discourse Studies. 2008. Vol. 10, № 2. P. 231-250.

24.Tanko G. Literary research article abstracts: an analysis of rhetorical moves and their linguistic realizations // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2017. Vol. 27. P. 42-55.

25.Samraj B. Introductions in research articles: variations across disciplines // English for Specific Purposes. 2002. Vol. 21. № 1. P. 1-17.

26.Ozturk I. The textual organization of research article introductions in applied linguistics: variability within a single discipline // English for Specific Purposes. 2008. Vol. 26, № 1. P. 25-38.

27.Loi C.K. Research article introductions in Chinese and English: a comparative genre-based study // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2010. Vol. 9, № 4. P. 267-279.

28.Sheldon E. Rhetorical differences in RA introductions written by English L1 and L2 and Castilian Spanish L1 writers // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2011. Vol. 10. P. 238-251.

29.Peacock M. Communicative moves in the discussion section of research articles // System. 2002. Vol. 30, № 4. P. 479-497.

30.Yang R., Allison R. Research articles in applied linguistics: moving from results to conclusions // English for Specific Purposes. 2003. Vol. 22. P. 265-385.

31.Basturkmen H. Commenting on results in published research articles and masters dissertations in Language Teaching // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2009. Vol. 8. P. 241-251.

32.Basturkmen H. A genre-based investigation of discussion sections of research articles in Dentistry and disciplinary variation // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2012. Vol. 11. P. 134-144.

33.Lim J.M.-H. Commenting on research results in applied linguistics and education: a comparative genre-based investigation // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2010. Vol. 94, № 4. P. 280-294.

34.Lim J.M.-H. `Paving the way for research findings': writers' rhetorical choices in education and applied linguistics // Discourse Studies. 2011. Vol. 13, № 6. P. 725-749.

35.Moreno A., Swales J. M. Strengthening move analysis methodology towards bridging the function-form gap // English for Specific Purposes. 2018. Vol. 50. P. 40-63.

36.Чернявская Е.В. Операционализация контекста в дискурсивном анализе // Вестник Пермского университета. Российская и зарубежная филология. 2017. Т. 9, № 4. C. 83-93.

37.Беляева Л.Н., Чернявская В.Е. Доказательная лингвистика: метод в когнитивной парадигме // Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики. 2016. № 3. С. 77-84.

38.Nwogu K.N. The medical research paper: structure and functions // English for Specific Purposes. 1997. Vol. 16. P. 119-138.

39.Samraj B. Form and functions in discussion sections of master's theses and research articles // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2013. Vol. 12. P. 299-310.

40.Kwan B.S.Ch., Chan H. An investigation of source use in the results and the closing sections of empirical articles in Information Systems: In search of a functional-semantic citation typology for pedagogical purposes // Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2014. Vol. 14. P. 29-47.

41.Баженова Е.А. Способы экспликации и функции чужой речи в научном тексте // Функциональные разновидности речи в коммуникативном аспекте. Пермь : Пермский государственный университет. 1988. С. 83-92.

42.Hyland K. Humble servants of the discipline? Self-mention in research articles // English for Specific Purposes. 2001. Vol. 20. P. 207-226.

43.Дроздова Т.В. Проблемы понимания научного текста. Астрахань : Изд-во АГТУ, 2003.

44.Кожина М.Н. Речеведение. Теория функциональной стилистики : избранные труды. 2-е изд. М. : Флинта, 2015.

45.Данилевская Н.В. Познавательная оценка как гносеологическая основа «рождения» и выражения нового знания в научном дискурсе // Текст-Дискурс-Стиль. Коммуникация в экономике. Сборник научных статей. СПб. : Изд-во СПбГУЭФ, 2003. С. 42-62.

Rhetorical Moves and Steps of Structuring Methodology in the English Language-Based Research Articles

Aigul A. Baibatyrova, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan).


оптимизация методология текст

1.Lim, J.M.-H. (2019) Explicit and implicit justifications of experimental procedures in language education: pedagogical implications of studying expert writers' communicative resources. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 37. pp. 34-51.

2.Cotos, E., Huffman, S. & Link, S. (2017) A move/step model for methods sections: Demonstrating Rigour and Credibility. English for Specific Purposes. 46. pp. 90-106.

3.Cargill, M. & O'Connor, P. (2009) Writing scientific research articles: strategies and steps. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

4.Yang, R. & Allison, R. (2004) Research articles in applied linguistics: structures from a functional perspective. English for Specific Purposes. 23. pp. 264-279.

5.Graves, H., Moghadassi, S., & Hashim, A. (2013) Mathematics is the method: exploring the macro-organizational structure of research articles in mathematics. Discourse Studies. 15 (4). pp. 421-438.

6.Smagorinsky, P. (2008) The method section as conceptual epicenter in constructing social science research reports. Written Communication. 25(3). pp. 389-411.

7.Lim, J.M.-H. (2006) Method sections of management research articles: a pedagogically motivated qualitative study. English for Specific Purposes. 25.pp. 282-309.

8.Kanoksilapatham, B. (2007) Rhetorical moves in biochemistry research articles. In: Biber, D., Connor, U. & Upton, T. (eds) Discourse on the Move: Using Corpus Analysis to Describe Discourse Structure. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 73-119.

9.Kanoksilapatham, B. (2015) Distinguishing textual features characterizing structural variation in research articles across three engineering sub discipline corpora. English for Specific Purposes. 37. pp. 74-86.

10.Martinez, I. (2003) Aspects of theme in the method and discussion sections of biology journal articles in English. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 2. pp. 103-123.

11.Biber, D., Connor, U., Upton, T. (eds) (2007) Discourse on the Move: Using Corpus Analysis to Describe Discourse Structure. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

12.Chernyavskaya, V.E. (2017) Towards methododlogical application of discourse analysis in corpus-driven linguistics. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudar- stvennogo universiteta. Filologiya -- Tomsk State University Journal of Philology. 50. pp. 135-148. (In Russian).

13.Peacock, M. (2011) The structure of the Methods section in research articles across eight disciplines. Asian ESP Journal. 7(2). pp. 99-124.

14.Hyland, K. (2005) Stance and Engagement: a model of interaction in academic discourse. Discourse Studies. 7(2). pp. 39-63.

15.Chernyavskaya, V.E. (2016) Historical past as a textual reality: Linguistic approach in historical narrative and its methodological implementation. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya -- Tomsk State University Journal of Philology. 3. pp. 76-87. (In Russian).

16.Swales, J. (1990) Genre Analysis. English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

17.Swales, J. (2004) Research Genres: Exploration and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

18.Lindeberg, A.-Ch. (2004) Promotion and Politeness: Conflicting Scholarly Rhetoric in Three Disciplines. Albo, Finland: Albo Akademi University Press.

19.Hyland, K. & Guinda, C.S. (eds) (2012) Stance and Voice in Academic Genres. NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

20.Holmes, R. (1997) Genre analysis and the social sciences: An investigation of the structure of research article discussion sections in three disciplines. English for Specific Purposes. 16(4). pp. 321-337.

21.Martin-Martin, P. (2002) A genre analysis of English and Spanish research paper abstracts in experimental social sciences. English for Specific Purposes. 22(1). pp. 25-43.

22.Lores, R. (2004) On RA abstracts: From rhetorical structure to thematic organization. English for Specific Purposes. 23(3). pp. 280-302.

23.Pho. Ph.D. (2008) Research article abstracts in applied linguistics and educational technology: A study of linguistic realizations of rhetorical structure and authorial stance. Discourse Studies. 10(2). pp. 231-250.

24.Tanko, G. (2017) Literary research article abstracts: An analysis of rhetorical moves and their linguistic realizations. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 27. pp. 42-55.

25.Samraj, B. (2002) Introductions in research articles: Variations across disciplines. English for Specific Purposes. 21(1). pp. 1-17.

26.Ozturk, I. (2008) The textual organization of research article introductions in applied linguistics: Variability within a single discipline. English for Specific Purposes. 26(1). pp. 25-38.

27.Loi, C.K. (2010) Research article introductions in Chinese and English: A comparative genre-based study. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 9(4). pp. 267-279.

28.Sheldon, E. (2011) Rhetorical differences in RA introductions written by English L1 and L2 and Castilian Spanish L1 writers. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 10. pp. 238-251.

29.Peacock, M. (2002) Communicative moves in the discussion section of research articles. System. 30(4). pp. 479-497.

30.Yang, R. & Allison, R. (2003) Research articles in applied linguistics: moving from results to conclusions. English for Specific Purposes. 22. pp. 265-385.

31.Basturkmen, H. (2009) Commenting on results in published research articles and masters dissertations in Language Teaching. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 8. pp. 241-251.

32.Basturkmen, H. (2012) A genre-based investigation of discussion sections of research articles in Dentistry and disciplinary variation. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 11. pp. 134-144.

33.Lim, J.M.-H. (2010) Commenting on research results in applied linguistics and education: a comparative genre-based investigation. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 94(4). pp. 280-294.

34.Lim, J.M.-H. (2011) `Paving the way for research findings': Writers' rhetorical choices in education and applied linguistics. Discourse studies. 13(6). pp. 725-749.

35.Moreno, A. & Swales, J.M. (2018) Strengthening move analysis methodology towards bridging the function-form gap. English for Specific Purposes. 50. pp. 40-63.

36.Chernyavskaya, V.E. (2017) Operationalization of context in discourse analysis. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Rossiyskaya i zarubezhnaya filologiya -- Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology. 9(4). pp. 83-93. (In Russian).

37.Belyaeva, L.N. & Chernyavskaya, V.E. (2016) Evidence-based linguistics: Methods in cognitive paradigm. Voprosy kognitivnoy lingvistiki. 3. pp. 77-84. (In Russian).

38.Nwogu, K.N. (1997) The medical research paper: Structure and functions. English for Specific Purposes. 16. pp. 119-138.

39.Samraj, B. (2013) Form and functions in discussion sections of master's theses and research articles. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 12. pp. 299-310.

40.Kwan, B.S.Ch. & Chan, H. (2014) An investigation of source use in the results and the closing sections of empirical articles in Information Systems: in search of a functional-semantic citation typology for pedagogical purposes. Journal of English for Academic Purposes. 14. pp. 29-47.

41.Bazhenova, E.A. (1988) Sposoby eksplikatsii i funktsii chuzhoy rechi v nauchnom tekste [Methods of explication and functions of the other's speech in a scientific text]. In: Funktsional 'nye raznovidnosti rechi v kommunikativnom aspekte [Functional varieties of speech in the communicative aspect]. Perm: Perm State University. pp. 83-92.

42.Hyland, K. (2001) Humble servants of the discipline? Self-mention in research articles. English for Specific Purposes. 20. pp. 207-226.

43.Drozdova, T.V. (2003) Problemy ponimaniya nauchnogo teksta [Problems of understanding the scientific text]. Astrakhan: Astrakhan State Technical University.

44.Kozhina, M.N. (2015) Rechevedenie. Teoriya funktsional'noy stilistiki: izbrannye trudy [Speech studies. The theory of functional stylistics: Selected works]. 2nd ed. Moscow: Flinta.

45.Danilevskaya, N.V. (2003) Poznavatel'naya otsenka kak gnoseologicheskaya osnova “rozhdeniya” i vyrazheniya novogo znaniya v nauchnom diskurse [Cognitive assessment as an epistemological basis of “birth” and expression of new knowledge in scientific discourse]. In: Chernyavskaya, V.E. et al. Tekst--Diskurs--Stil'. Kommunikatsiya v ekonomike [Text-Discourse-Style. Communication in economics]. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics. pp. 42-62.

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