Intertextuality as Translation Problem: Explicitness, Recognisability and the Case of "Literatures of Smaller Nations"

Intertextuality and openness of reference a factor influencing the selection of texts for translation. Characteristics of the issue of translation of intertextual markers in literature, with a special emphasis on Polish poetry in English renditions.

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The aim of the paper has been to stress the difficulties inherent to any translation from Polish into English rather than to demonstrate spectacular achievements in overcoming the resistance. Nonetheless, I believe that a successful translation of intertexts is possible if the translator construes his role as levelling the differences in erudition between the primary and the secondary recipients, as formulated by Wojtasiewicz (1957: 77--79, see beginning of section 4 above).

The recognisability of intertextual signals naturally changes under translation -- by and large decreases (unless in special circumstances which are outside the scope of the present study). This is why literal renditions of intertexts as a rule prove incommunicative. However, recognisability interlocks with the degree of openness of reference. The latter has proved important not only for the translators' interpretation of the source text, but also for the target recipients' perception. Thus, interventions enhancing the target recognisability may consist in raising the level of explicitness.

Doing so requires caution: modifications must respect the poetics of the author and the integrity of the text. An allusion spelled out is no longer an allusion and hence perhaps the unwillingness of some translators to do so. Moreover, the strategies of explicitation are dependent on the text type (e.g. prose vs. poetry) as well as on the projected reader and the context of publication.

It is worth summarising how the resistance to translation is overcome in terms of the two aspects studied in the paper. Czerniawski, by adding inverted commas in Rozewicz's poem, compensates low recognisability with higher openness and takes care that the intertext does not go unnoticed as an intertext. With Norwid, however, the same level of openness is maintained: covert -- covert. The translation solution cannot, then, count as explicitation, but rather explication (M.A. Michael suggests in what way the wheelwrights were transformed). In “Ursula, the Poet's Daughter” implicitation (specific surname omitted) curiously enough serves explication, which additionally relies on the co-presence of context (parallel original title) and/or an explicitation technique (note).

Anna Majkiewicz stipulates that translating texts which dialogue with other texts entails an exoticising approach (2008: 178--179). Furthermore, if recognisability naturally decreases in a target cultural context, then a translation that respects intertextuality could be expected to actively enhance explicitness (cf. Majkiewicz 2008: 306). Taken together, the two premises could suggest a correlation between explicitation and exoticisation (and the reverse, between implicitation and domestication). Interestingly, our examples in section 4 challenge such a deduction -- as summarised in Table 2 below. Admittedly, eliminating markers or implicitating an intertextual relation (as happens in Lesmian's “Urszula Kochanowska” rendered by Mikos) correspond with a naturalising effect. However, Rozewicz's “Batory at Pskov” would have been for an English reader equally exotic without inverted commas as it is with them, with and without the king's Christian name; the raised explicitness does not enhance the foreign flavour. In turn, “Ursula, the Poet's Daughter” may feel naturalised/neutralised as compared with “Urszula Kochanowska”, but Polak-Chlabicz's solution to Lesmian's title is in pragmatic terms more explicit for the target reader and ultimately does suggest a path to the right archetext. As for Norwid, Michael's translation to which I draw attention carries a covert marker and yet has been classified by Brajerska-Mazur (2003: 40) as an indicator of the text's strangeness/foreignness (obcosc).

Consequently, the surveyed material suggests that there is no straightforward mapping between expliritation/implicitation techniques and the polarised foreignisation/domestication pair of strategies.

Table 3. Mapping explicitation/implicitation on foreignisation/domestication

Example (location in the paper)

level of openness of reference in the original

treatment of openness of reference in translation

the foreign quality of the target text

non-selection for translation (4.1)

elementary, explicit


Naturalisation (of the author's oeuvre in the target culture)

Czarnolas "our house", etc. (4.2)




"Stefan Batory at Pskov" (4.3)



neutral move (foreignness not due to raised openness)

"Ursula, the Poet's Daughter" (4.3)



neutralised / naturalised

"wheelrights, whom god had called to greatness" (4.3)


level of openness preserved: covert marker


Finally, if facilitating the intertextual reading turns out to be impossible or inadvisable for some reason, the minimal requirement from a translation is retaining the markers (cf. Majkiewicz 2008). Eliminating, distorting or hiding (by neutralising or by removing quotes) intertextual signals as a rule impoverishes the text under translation instead of making it more universal. On the contrary, even an illegible marker may signal the presence of an intertextual relation -- after all, incohesion is a defining feature of implicit intertextuality. It should be stressed that by “illegible” I mean a marker that cannot be readily deciphered but ultimately does have a meaning, recoverable with some effort on the part of an inquiring reader. Such markers will tend to result from a strategic move of a competent and conscious translator, not from a sloppy or uncomprehending word-for-word rendition. Reluctance to do all the thinking for the readers is not the same as shifting to the recipients the whole responsibility for interpretation.


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