Agricultural terms in modern English

The article focuses on the description of agricultural vocabulary in modern English. The attempts to classify agricultural vocabulary on the material of the English language are made. The classification of agricultural terms according their importance.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.04.2021
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agricultural vocabulary modern english


The article focuses on the description of agricultural vocabulary in modern English. The attempts to classify agricultural vocabulary on the material of the English language are made. The main agricultural spheres are described.

In modern world agricultural vocabulary is an important layer of words connected with economic crises after the pandemic COVID 19.

Agriculture is a branch of the economy aimed at providing the population with food and obtaining raw materials for a number of industries. Agriculture is one of the most important industries, represented in almost all countries of the world. The food security of the state depends on the state of this industry. The problems of agriculture are directly or indirectly related to such sciences as agronomy, animal husbandry, land reclamation, crop production, forestry, etc.

The aim of the article is to reveal the existing agricultural vocabulary in modern English. This article suggests the classification of agricultural terms according their importance. It proposes to supplement the existing dictionaries with agricultural topics, to expand the sections of soil, plant growing and others.

To simplify the communication relations between countries on agricultural issues, it is necessary to separate the agricultural vocabulary into a separate group.

The results of the research can serve as a basis for further study of agricultural terms in English.

Key words: agricultural equipment, agricultural terms, fertilizer, fruit crops, industrial crops, irrigation, plants, types of soils.

Вдовенко Т. Аграрна лексика в сучасній англійській мові

Статтю присвячено опису сільськогосподарської лексики в сучасній англійській мові. Робляться спроби класифікації сільськогосподарської лексики на матеріалі англійської мови. Описано основні сільськогосподарські галузі.

У сучасному світі сільськогосподарська лексика являє собою важливий пласт слів, пов'язаних з економічними кризами після пандемії COVID 19.

Сільське господарство - це галузь економіки, спрямована на забезпечення населення продовольством і отримання сировини для ряду галузей. Сільське господарство - одна з найважливіших галузей промисловості, представлена практично у всіх країнах світу. Від стану цієї галузі залежить продовольча безпека держави. Проблеми сільського господарства прямо або побічно пов 'язані з такими науками, як агрономія, тваринництво, меліорація, рослинництво, лісівництво та ін.

Зросле вживання сільськогосподарських термінів в сучасній англійській мові свідчить про великий обсяг лексики і доводить необхідність її класифікації. Мета статті - виявити існуючу сільськогосподарську лексику в сучасній англійській мові. У даній статті пропонується класифікація сільськогосподарських термінів за їх значимістю. Пропонується доповнити існуючі словники сільськогосподарською тематикою, розширити розділи ґрунтознавства, рослинництво та ін. Проведене дослідження показало, що лексичний склад сільськогосподарських термінів значно ширше, ніж розглянутий у статті. Стаття містить лише частину термінів, які використовуються в сільському господарстві. Потрібно більш глибоке вивчення цього питання. Щоб спростити комунікативні відносини між країнами з аграрних питань, необхідно виділити сільськогосподарську лексику в окрему групу.

Виявлено, що ведуться дослідження щодо вдосконалення форм ведення сільського господарства, за допомогою методів селекції та генної інженерії виводяться нові види рослин і тварин, більш стійкі до шкідників, паразитів і володіють більш високими продуктивними якостями. Робляться спроби впровадити в цю сферу штучний інтелект. Тому необхідно буде розглянути цей новий словник. Перспективним напрямком може стати селекція і генетика (рослин і тварин) та особливості сільськогосподарської лексики в сучасній англійській мові.

Таким чином, в сучасній англійській мові існує окремий пласт лексики, об'єднаний спільною темою «сільське господарство». Результати дослідження можуть послужити основою для подальшого вивчення сільськогосподарських термінів в англійській мові.

Ключові слова: сільськогосподарська техніка, сільськогосподарські терміни, добрива, плодові культури, технічні культури, зрошення, рослини, типи грунтів.


The relevance of the problem lies in the fact that today there is no thematic dictionaries containing English agricultural vocabulary in Ukraine. This causes difficulty for translators and scientists writing scientific articles in this field. The research represents the description of agricultural vocabulary in modern English and the attempts to classify it.

The object of the research is agriculture.

The subject is agricultural terms in modern English.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Agricultural terms have become a subject of study for scientists of agricultural field of science. Such scientists as Fedorets N.G., Grodzinsky A.M., Khvorostukhina S.A., Medvedeva M.V., Minakov I.A. and others touched the problem of agricultural vocabulary. Nowadays, in spite of some amount of agricultural vocabulary there is a lack of research on the classification of agricultural terms.

The aim of the article is to reveal the existence of agricultural vocabulary in modern English.

The achievement of the aim involves such scientific tasks:

to define the notion «agricultural vocabulary»;

to study the modern problems of agriculture;

to represent the examples of words and word combinations belonging to agriculture;

to describe the perspectives for further research of agricultural terms.

Presenting main material. Agriculture is a «branch of the economy aimed at providing the population with food and obtaining raw materials for a number of industries»* Vdovenko T. - PhD, Associate Professor, Izmail State University of Humanities, Ukraine; e-mail: Vdovenko_Tanya@i. ua URL: 1%8C%D 1%81%D0%B A%

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This industry is one of the most important and is represented in almost all countries of the world. The food security of each state depends on this industry. The problems of agriculture are related to such sciences as agronomy, animal husbandry, land reclamation, crop production, forestry, etc.

Agricultural vocabulary is a huge layer of vocabulary in any language. Despite this, linguists have not paid enough attention to this type of vocabulary. Today, there is no comprehensive study of this layer of vocabulary.

The entire layer of agricultural vocabulary can be divided into several areas:

land (land use);

soils, soil science;

agricultural industries: a) crop production (grain, industrial, vegetable, fodder, fruit and berry crops); b) animal husbandry (cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming); c) feed production;

agricultural machinery;

production technology (soil cultivation, sowing, harvesting, fertilizing, watering, etc.).

The most important layer of agricultural vocabulary is the terms related to land and agriculture. This can include the words: land cadastre, land plot, land area, field, garden, moat, ravines, relief, landscape, location, garden area, surrounding area, configuration, microrelief, solid array, territories, flat areas, areas of growth, rational use of land.

Numerous in its composition is the section of the vocabulary «soil». The main types of soils are: chernozems (black soil), loamy soils (light loam, medium loam, heavy loam), clay soils, sandy (light sandy and sandy loam) soils, podzols, gray soils, swampy soils, saline soils, forest soils, yellow-brown forest soils, sod-podzolic soils, podzolic soils, gray soils, brown soils, yellow soils, red soils, brown soils, chestnut soils, gray-brown soils, dark gray forest chernozems, meadow-chernozem, meadow-chernozem-like soils alluvial-meadow soils, meadow soils, meadow-black-green soils, floodplain meadow soils, gley soils, leached soils, typical soils, common soils, carbonate soils, slability soils, alluvial soils, etc. 2

When describing soils, the following terms are often used: heavy, cold, low-permeable soils; topsoil; fertile; deep soil horizons; soil granulometric composition; agronomic assessment of soil; cultivation; soil fatigue; soil profile; unsuitable for cultivation; structured; non- structured; clay particle content, favorable air regime, soil skeletality; soil carbonate content; boiling; soil fatigue, soil salinity, salinization, granulometric fraction ratios; irradiated, technogenically transformed soils3, chernozem-type soils, southern chernozems, loose, low- humus, soils with non-leaching water regime; parent rocks, water permeability; moisture capacity, connectivity; absorption capacity, trace elements (aluminum, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, potassium, nitrogen, iodine, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, silicon, bromine, vanadium), carbonates, harmful alkaline salts, etc. 4

Trace elements (microelements) are used to increase the yield of agricultural crops (microfertilizers) and the productivity of farm animals (additives of trace elements to feed).

The following group of terms characterizes some processes in soil science: soil productivity, soil degradation, soil aeration, soil density, effects of soil conditions, agronomic assessment, assessment of the influence of soil conditions, soil properties, soil fertility, survey, salinity and salinity of soils; reaction of soil solution (neutral, slightly alkaline, strongly alkaline); waterlogging of soils, agrochemical soil survey, bonitet, humus.

Processes in agriculture in general include such terms: development, plant productivity, changes in the microclimate, winter hardiness, conditions for growth, growth, accumulation and Хворостухина С. А. Как повысить плодородие почвы. URL: Пилипенко А.Д., Ильин И.Р. Техногенно преобразованные почвы поймы реки Днестр. Почвы - национальное достояние России: Материалы IV съезда Докучаевского общества почвоведов: в 2-х кн. Новосибирск: Наука-Центр, 2004. Кн. 1. С. 74. Федорец Н.Г., Медведева М.В. Методика исследования почв урбанизированных территорий. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2009. C. 68. retention of water; infiltration; warming up; nutrient regime; reduction of productivity; placement of gardens in new territories; uprooting of the garden; cultivation; planting; moisture capacity; alkaline reaction (calcareous chlorosis); sulfate salinization; permissible concentration; waterlogging; soil and hydrological conditions, depth of carbonates, consolidation sandy soils, salinization of the root-inhabited strata.

Quite a large layer of vocabulary is used when describing the branches of agriculture. In the field of crop production agricultural plants are divided into: cereals, industrial crops, vegetables, fruit and fodder.

In this branch of agriculture, the following terms are used: crop, plants, crops, root system, growth, vegetation, root extension, plantings, fruiting, drought resistance, seedlings, cultivars, development, diseases, reduced resistance to diseases, burns, death, vegetative growth, low growth of trees, increased carrion, the appearance of pests, reduced yield, reduced productivity, dryness, reduced activity of the leaf apparatus and root system, freezing; strong pest infestation; leaf chlorosis; an unpretentious crop; moisture-loving, salt-tolerant, light- loving plants.

Grain crops include: wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice, buckwheat, corn, millet. Хворостухина С. А. Как повысить плодородие почвы. URL:

Technical crops include cultivated plants, cultivated by humans for the production of technical raw materials. These are spinning crops (flax), bast crops, oilseeds (sunflower, flax, olives,) sugar crops (sugar beet, cane), dye plants, rubber plants.

In the world, such vegetable crops are known: cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and others.

Fruit and berry crops include: apple, pear, plum, cherry, cherry, apricot, peach, quince, plum, grapes and others.

Forage crops include: perennial grasses (alfalfa, ryegrass, lupine) and annual grasses - forage root crops (beets, carrots, turnips, etc.).

The livestock industry includes the following sub-sectors: cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding (sheep and goats), poultry farming, animal husbandry.

Cattle breeding involves the cultivation of cattle.

Pig farming involves raising pigs; poultry involves farming-raising of chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys.

Fur farming involves fur-bearing animals (mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, etc.).

In agriculture, the following agricultural machines predominate: tractors, combines, seeders, cultivators, harrows, aggregates for irrigation of agricultural crops, etc. Боярская А.О. Пособие по практическому курсу научно-технического перевода студентов автотракторного факультета. Минск: БНТУ, 2006. C. 84.

The production technology includes tillage, sowing, harvesting, fertilizing, watering, plowing, harrowing.

In this case, the following terms can be used: sowing, planting material, depth, row-to-row tillage, planting, uprooting, processing techniques, nutrition elements, plant nutrition area, seeds, seedlings, grafting, crown, plantage layer, growth, fertilizers, fertilizer system (organic and mineral fertilizers), ammonium nitrate (N), superphosphate (P), potassium chloride (K).

In addition, there are such categories as: organo-mineral fertilizers, microfertilizers, bacterial fertilizers, long-acting fertilizers, soil-forming (humus-forming), etc.

Fertilizers obtained directly from farms are called local fertilizers (manure, compost, peat, ash), and industrial fertilizers are made at chemical enterprises.

Irrigation include: irrigation-moisture reserve, moisture balance, infiltration, nutritional regime, moisture balance for normal development, reclamation, biological reclamation, irrigation norms, wetting depth, excessive moisture, drainage, etc.

The conditions for growth, development and fruiting of plants include the following vocabulary: to accumulate; physiologically active substances; the required power of a root layer, reducing the range of roots, dry conditions, the level of occurrence of gypsum horizon, the conditions of significant moisture, moderate heat mode, the critical level of ground saline water; depth; ecological optimum; reaction environment; growing conditions of crops, etc.


A large number of agricultural terms are used in modern English. The analysis of dictionaries (glossaries) on the topic «agriculture» led to conclusions about the need to systematize this type of vocabulary.

The study showed that the lexical composition of agricultural terms is much broader than that considered (in the proposed classification). Breeding and genetics (of plants and animals) can become a promising direction.

Thus, in modern English, there is a separate layer of vocabulary, united by a common theme «agriculture».

The proposed article contains only a part of the terms that are used in agriculture. A more in-depth study of this issue is required.

The increased use of agricultural terms in modern English shows the large amount of vocabulary and proves the necessity of its classification.

The question is of great interest, though the peculiarities of agricultural vocabulary in modern English have not yet been considered.

It is revealed that research is underway to improve the forms of farming, with the help of breeding methods and genetic engineering, new species of plants and animals are being bred that are more resistant to pests, vermin, and have higher productive qualities. Attempts are being made to introduce artificial intelligence in this area. Therefore, it will be necessary to consider this new vocabulary.

The prospect of further research is to find out the peculiarities of classification of agricultural terms in English.


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Боярская А.О. Пособие по практическому курсу научно-технического перевода студентов автотракторного факультета. Минск: БНТУ, 2006. C. 84.

Пилипенко А.Д., Ильин И.Р. Техногенно преобразованные почвы поймы реки Днестр. Почвы - национальное достояние России: Материалы IV съезда Докучаевского общества почвоведов: в 2-х кн. Новосибирск: Наука-Центр, 2004. Кн. 1. С. 74.

Федорец Н.Г., Медведева М.В. Методика исследования почв урбанизированных территорий. Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН, 2009. C. 68.

Хворостухина С. А. Как повысить плодородие почвы. URL:


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