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Common mistakes made by persian speakers when using russian prefixed verbs of motion

Ebrahimsharifi Shler (Iran), Assistant Professor, Department of French and Russian Language,

Tayebianpour Ferial (Iran), Assistant Professor, Department of French and Russian Language, University of Isfahan

Movement in space and its expression is one of the linguistic universal, which is lexicalized in the languages of the world in different ways.

The Inter-language differences in lexicalization of the motion causes problems in the study of this subject in a foreign audience and lead to grammatical errors. The verbs of motion are of significant importance in terms of everyday communication. They are used in communication at all stages of training and the learning of prefixed verbs of motion significantly develops the students' potential vocabulary. In the Iranian audience, the subject of Russian verbs of motion is very difficult. The article analyzes some common mistakes made by Iranian students learning Russian prefixed verbs of motion, defines their causes and determines the optimal methodological solutions to eliminate these errors. The subject of the study is verbs of motion with the prefixes vi -, pri -, po -, pro -, c -. The article uses descriptive and comparative methods of linguistic research.

Keyword: verbs of motion, grammar errors, learning Russian as a foreign language, verbal representation, prefixed verbs, Russian language, Persian language.

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