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The terminology fund and features of the translation of the military Chinese sublanguage

Maksim V. MOZHAROV, Roman D. LOPATIN National Research Tomsk State University

Nowadays, at the time of rapid growth of various branches of science and technology, the evolution of national languages is also observed. Each separate language expands its vocabulary through the inclusion of new terms, words and expressions that appeared in the language with the beginning of the technical revolution in the military and civilian spheres. As a result of the process impact of production modernization and updating the technical base around the world, completely new concepts and terms have appeared that have a narrow specialization, complexity, and are professionally oriented. As a result of this, natural difficulties and peculiarities arise in the translation of technical vocabulary lead to the question of the need for streamlining and in-depth analysis, and comparison of polysyllabic lexical units of the terminological fund of the Chinese language for further reproduction of an adequate translation into English or Russian. We determine lexical features of the terminology of the military Chinese sublanguage, study the composition of its terminological fund and ways of replenishing vocabulary, as well as study the main features of the military Chinese sublanguage translation and analyze the lexical, stylistic and syntactic features of the translation of the military Chinese sublanguage.

Keywords: Chinese military discourse; translation features; intercultural communication

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11. .. ( ) // . . .: , 1991. . 91-104.

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