Peculiarities and difficulties in translation of comparative advertising of fast food restaurants
The phenomenon of comparative advertising and lexico-semantic features of its operation in the communication and translation process. Advertising texts combine a complex of lexical, grammatical and syntactic difficulties determined by their specifics.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.08.2021 |
Размер файла | 22,6 K |
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G.V. Chulanova
Candidate in Philology, Associate Professor
V.V. Artiukh
Sumy State University
Rymskyi-Korsakov St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine
In this article, we analyze the phenomenon of comparative advertising and lexico-semantic features of its operation in the communication and translation process. The scope of comparative advertising determines the use of appropriate linguistic means in advertising texts, which complicates the process of translating an advertisement. The research of fast-food advertisement is determined by the focus of study of modern linguistics on the study of polysemiotic nature of communication, expression of the verbal component in the communicative space. These problems cause the relevance of scientific understanding of fast food restaurant advertising peculiarities, which are represented by verbal and nonverbal units. semantic translation syntactic grammatical
This paper makes a study of such lexico-semantic peculiarities as colloquial spelling, blending, nonce words, purposeful misspelling of anthroponyms and analyzes the peculiarities and complications that rise up during translation through contextual- interpretative method, component analysis, and pragmatic discourse analysis. The verbal features of comparative advertising include the use of such a lexical reception as a pun intended, or a game of words in the ad text. The study revealed non-verbal ways of representing information about the networks of fast food establishments in the modern communicative space. Advertising texts combine a complex of lexical, grammatical and syntactic-stylistic difficulties determined by their pragmatic specifics. That is why they are a unique educational material for future translators.
Key words: advertisement, comparative advertising, pragmatics, locutionary target, locutionary source.
Г.В. Чуланова
Кандидат філологічних наук, доцент
В.В. Артюх Студентка
Сумський державний університет, вул. Римського-Корсакова, 2, Суми, 40007, Україна
У даній статті розглядається явище порівняльної реклами та лексико-семантичні особливості її функціонування у процесі комунікації та перекладу. Дослідження не обмежується дескрипцією рекламних текстів, оскільки їх детальне вивчення неминуче приводить до розгляду проблем їх створення та сприйняття, до врахування двох антропоцентрів - адресанта та адресата. Урахування людського фактора як частини комунікативних процесів є теоретико-методологічною основою цієї статті поряд із функціонально-комунікативною стилістикою тексту. Дослідження реклами закладів швидкого харчування зумовлене спрямованістю сучасної лінгвістики на вивчення проблеми полісеміотичного характеру комунікації, вираження вербального компоненту в комунікативному просторі, що спричиняють необхідність наукового осмислення особливостей реклами закладів, яку репрезентовано вербальними та невербальними одиницями.
Дана стаття досліджує такі лексико-семантичні особливості, як розмовне написання, гру слів, телескопію, оказіоналізми, цільове неправильне написання антропонімів та особливості та труднощі їх перекладу за допомогою контекстуально-інтерпретаційного методу компонентного аналізу та прагматичного аналізу дискурсу. Рекламні тексти поєднують у собі комплекс лексичних, граматичних та синтаксико-стилістичних труднощів, що зумовлюється їх прагматичної специфікою.
Результати дослідження доводять, що супровідні екстралінгвістичні чинники в значній мірі впливають на лінгвістичне наповнення рекламного тексту, тому здійснення доперекладацького аналізу рекламного тексту є необхідним етапом, що передує його перекладу, адже саме він дає змогу проаналізувати текст, зрозуміти закладену автором інтенцію та підготуватись до можливих труднощів, що виникатимуть на лексичному, граматичному та синтаксико-стилістичному рівнях. Саме тому вони є унікальним навчальним матеріалом для майбутніх перекладачів.
Ключові слова: реклама, порівняльна реклама, прагматика, адресат, адресант.
New trends in the linguistics development in the 21st century and the rapid change in scientific paradigms affect the fact that in today's world saturated with information the concept of communication is rapidly changing, becoming more complex and polysemiotic. The diversification of the ways of information transmission, connected with the improvement of information and communication technologies, the total computerization of society, initiates the emergence of new means of individualization and strategies for differentiation, communicative and pragmatic efficiency of which is the result of a combination of elements from different semiotic systems.
The urgency of the study of advertising of fast food establishments is due to the orientation of modern linguistics to the study of the problem of the polysemiotic nature of communication, the synthesis of linguistic and non-native means, the ratio of verbal and nonverbal components in the communicative space, which necessitate a scientific reflection on the features of advertising facilities. The scope of comparative advertising determines the use of appropriate linguistic means in advertising texts, which complicates the process of translating an advertisement. The desire to find the most effective mechanisms for reproducing the features of advertising texts in the language of translation stimulates the interest of translators in the study of used lexical, grammatical and stylistic tools.
The goal is to analyze the peculiarities of the translation of advertising texts, to identify verbal and non-verbal features of constructing a creolized advertising text in contemporary English and to identify methods of contrast in these texts. The objects of the study are creolized advertising texts of fast food establishments, meanwhile the subject is the implementation of the adoption of contrast in the texts under consideration.
Results of the research
The phenomenon of advertising is complex and multifaceted, which makes it difficult to deduce a single definition. Different definitions can be classified into two groups. The second group is interesting for the conducted study, which defines advertising as “a functional type of discourse, the main feature of which is the unification of information and expressiveness, aimed at realizing pragmatic influence on the recipient” [9, c. 41].
From the point of view of the pragmatics of the text, users of the language are participants of the communicative act [5, c. 47]. The locutionary source is the subject sending the information and the locutionary target is the one, who receives it. Between them there is a message, that is materialized in the language information form. The achievement of the pragmatic effect of any advertisement is considered to be an appropriate action, to which the recipient was stimulated (in this case, the acquisition of products of this particular food chain) [10, c. 45].
However, not all promotional messages are aimed solely at stimulating the demand for advertised products or services. It can have opposite objectives - to question the quality of goods manufactured by a competing company [3, c. 91]. Such a phenomenon in the English- language advertising discourse was called “comparative advertising” or “advertising war” - a kind of advertising of certain products or services that purposefully uses the name of a competitor's brand to compare and show that the latter is considerably inferior to the advertised brand [2]. Comparative advertising can directly or indirectly compare brands, be positive or negative, and aim to associate or find the difference between the two competing brands [7]. In the United States, the laws governing comparative advertising are managed by the Federal Trade Commission. This organization argues that this type of advertising can benefit consumers, provided that the comparison is clearly distinct and truthful.
Competition exists on any market, regardless of the sphere of production. And of course, the most massive “battles” are in the United States - the homeland of burgers and fast- maintenance (the so-called “fast food”) - eating with a shorter use and cooking time, with a simplified or even no desk or out of the table [8].
The verbal features of comparative advertising include the use of such a lexical reception as a pun intended, or a game of words in the ad text can be supported by such an example as a billboard released by Burger King with the words “Big Mac? More like a Medium”. Alongside, there are two burgers, one of BK's production, which is considerably larger than McDonald's own competitor. The advertiser uses the word “big” as a trademark of a competitor based on his own recipe, and in the sense of “big”, which he does not seem at all compared to his corresponding Burger King product.
The element that ensures the success of a pun is the unpredictability of one or another link in the speech chain, the so-called surprise effect. The basis of puns often are phraseologisms, aimed at deceiving the recipient's expectations. The essence of the pun is the collision or, conversely, in the unexpected association of two incompatible values in one phonetic or graphic form. As an example, you can find the slogan of the fast-food chain Taco Bell “Think outside the bun”.
“To think outside the box” is a metaphor, which means non-standard thinking is different from the norm. This phrase itself is quite new in the history of language: it only existed since the 1970s. Taco Bell is calling people to think outside the norms, far from the usual fast food - burgers. They use a “bun” to tie a pun with their product and hint that they are the only institution that really offers an alternative to ordinary fast food.
An interesting niche in the fast food market was taken by another network - Chick-Fil-A. The company supposedly compares itself with all institutions at once, asking consumers to abandon beef consumption and to switch completely to the chicken. In its advertising company “Eat Mor Chikin” Chick-Fil-A actively uses such a lexical method as spoken or non-literary writing, or vernacular, that is also caused by a social group, at which its advertising strategy is directed. Already the name of the company is an audio spelling of the phrase “chicken fillet”, which is the main product of this chain of fast food establishments. This technique is used in advertising for the transmission of non-standard dialects and idioms, often to create the impression of spelling or mental developmental maladies [6]. This term was first used to denote the use of non-standard spelling techniques, indicating that the character of the character as a whole is dialectal, foreign or uneducated. This form of nonstandard writing differs from others in that the difference in writing does not indicate the difference in the pronunciation of words. In this case, the pronunciation should coincide with the standard that is inherent in the correct written word (is = [iz] = iz, chicken = [tjikm] = chikin). This suggests that the character has such a level of ignorance, in which he not only spells, but also uses words wrong.
The company's target audience are ordinary inhabitants of the central and southern states (the so-called “rednecks” - a name of the inhabitants of the rural hinterland) that favor physical labor on the farm, rather than obtaining a full and high quality education. It attracts their attention in an unusual way of word spelling (iz, brekfust, chikin, burgerz, loserz, sayin, weer, til, awesom, donkees, elefunts, etc.). Having seen such a startling success, Chick-Fil-A has set up a regular release of similar posters. For example, the following non-compliant propaganda texts appeared: “Beef iz sketchy”, “Skip beef not brekfust”, “Eat chikin or no dessert 4 U”, “Burgerz R 4 looserz. I'm just saying”, including even provocative, such as “Weer not bathing til U eat chikin”.
Another representative of fast food establishments that actively uses lexical techniques in their advertising texts is Dunkin' Donuts (hereinafter referred to as DD). In an effort to get around a competitor in its advertising company DD is resorting to a telescope reception in the name of one of its branded beverages - Dunkaccino - a unique combination of coffee with a taste of hot chocolate. The company even invited Al Pacino to become a face of their new product (in the video he claims: “My name is not Al anymore. It's Dunk. Dunkaccino”) [1]. By combining the name of the network itself with the traditional Italian name of hot coffee beverage, DD creates its own nonce-word for a unique product that you cannot try anywhere, except for the facilities of this particular network.
Modern realities compel to translate advertising texts more attentively, as well as consider their psychological impact on the consumer [4, c.68]. When translating advertising texts, one must take into account the purpose of the text, the language qualities of the original text, the cultural and individual capabilities of the language in the cultural aspect of the consumer.
McDonald's “I'm Lovin' It” slogan can be used as an example. A slogan is a simple, everyday spoken phrase of the target audience, in which a bright emotion (“that's what you need!”, “I like it this way!”) is laid out. The limits of possible interpretations immediately expand to, for example: I like the institution itself or I like to buy a certain “dish”, such as a double cheeseburger. In addition, this advertising text reflects an easy and positive attitude to life, where the food should be cooked quickly, tasty and someone else.
The difficulties arise when translating the verb. The verb “love” and the form in which it is used is also said to be satisfying the consummation of the product. The translation needs to render both messages: attitude to McDonald's and food satisfaction. The nature of the text should be calm.
The verb “to love” will not help pass on the second message. Love is a deep, permanent thing, which in turn is not expressed through the use of present continuous. This sentence structure is stylistically stipulated (the continuous time form can not be applied to the verb “to love” without context), the same category of time in time persuades the locutionary target in the reliability and stability of the company for a long time and causes an association with a stable future. Translated in the given time form, love tends to focus on the sandwich. And this is not true, because the matter is not about the passion during the consummation, but about the fact that the consumer enjoys an absolutely normal process. It is also possible to use the “I like” translation option. In this case, there is an appraisal of the restaurant and the food, while rendering the subject. However, the intensity of emotion changes and the association with a stable future is lost.
Conclusions. The results of the study prove that the accompanying extralinguistic factors greatly influence the linguistic content of the advertising text, therefore the implementation of the pre-translation analysis of the advertising text is a necessary step preceding its translation, since it allows it to analyze the text, understand the intention put in by the author and prepare for possible difficulties, which will arise on lexical, grammatical and syntactical- stylistic levels.
Thus, the study determined the peculiarities of development, characteristic features, verbal and non-verbal components of advertising of fast food establishments; determined syntactic, lexical and pragmatic features of the use of verbal elements in advertising of fast food establishments. In addition, the study revealed non-verbal ways of representing information about the networks of fast food establishments in the modern communicative space and methods of convergence of elements of various semiotic systems in the advertising of fast food establishments with the purpose of detecting the use of opposition in advertising texts are revealed. Also, it was possible to analyze the peculiarities of translation of advertising texts of comparative advertising and to find out the possible difficulties in the process of translation of advertising texts. Accordingly, after the completion of the study, the ways of implementing the research results in the process of preparing future translators were offered.
Список використаних джерел
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1. Beard F. Comparative Advertising Wars: An Historical Analysis of Their Causes and Consequences // Journal of Macromarketing. - 2010. - 30 (3). - 270 p. - 286
2. Cook G. The Discourse of Advertising / G. Cook. - [2nd ed.]. - London and New York: Routledge, 2006. - 256 p.
3. Jenkins H. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide / H. Jenkins. -New York: New York University Press, 2006. - 308 p.
4. Kenesei I. Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse: a Festchrift for Ferenc Kiefer / I. Kenesei, R. Harnish. - Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamin Pub. Co., 2001. - 348p.
5. Krapp George P. The psychology of dialect writing. [Электронный ресурс]
6. Mills B. Comparative advertising: should it be allowed? // European Intellectual Property Review. - 1995. - Vol. 17, No. 9. - pp. 417-430.
7. Socialgraphic Comparison: Dunkin' Donuts vs. Starbucks [Electronic resource] / Truelens-blog.
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