Grammatical aspects of translation

The detailed consideration of the grammatical aspects of translation from English into Ukrainian. The article focuses on the concept of translation transformation, distinguishes the classification of translation transformations, the reasons for their use.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 18.08.2021
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I. Kobyakova, PhD in Philology, professor

A. Mishchenko, student Sumy State University

Sumy, Ukraine

The article is devoted to detailed consideration of the grammatical aspects of translation from English into Ukrainian. It considers the problem of the definition of translation in the light of domestic and foreign studies, types of translation and their functional load. The article focuses on the concept of translation transformation, distinguishes the classification of translation transformations and the reasons for their use; it determinates the specificity of the use of translation transformations as aspects of translation on word-formation, morphological and syntactic speech levels. The translation of grammatical categories of the Ukrainian language implies the knowledge of linguistic characteristics of the English language and includes a translation of the predicate, infinitive, gerund and gerundial constructions, participles and participial constructions, absolute constructions, modal verbs, emphatic structures, elliptical structures, articles, asyndetical constructions, sentences with negative constructions, and the translation of the headers.

Key words: grammatical aspects of translation, translation transformations, grammatical categories.

Introduction: Translation as a kind of human activity has a long history. The translator in different conditions implements translation activities. Translated texts are very diverse in their subject matter, language, genre affiliation. Either translations are carried out verbally or in writing, translators have different requirements for the accuracy and completeness of the translation, etc. In this case, the grammatical aspect of translation has to be recognized as leading in the development of translation heuristics, since it defines a translation strategy through analysis of the structure and functions of the linguistic unit.

The relevance of the study is that the grammatical aspect of the translation traditionally attracted the attention of specialists in the theory and practice of teaching translation. It is due to the fact that in the field of grammar, as a well-formalized language system, it is possible to establish regular interlingual correspondences, which explains, on the one hand, the good development of grammatical aspects translation, on the other hand, is known for skepticism in relation to the prospects for their further development.

Translation is the subject of research works by L. S. Barkhudarov “The language and the translation” [2], V. S. Vinogradov “Introduction to translation studies” [3], V. N. Komissarov “Modern translation studies” [6], I. V. Korunets “Introduction to translation studies” [7], I. М. Lytvyn “Translation studies” [9] and others. In these works, the provisions of linguistics are used to justify the theory and practice of translation, but the specifics of the use of translation transformations as aspects of translation and the peculiarities of the translation of grammatical categories from English into Ukrainian are not sufficiently explored.

The aim of the study is to determine the specific translation transformations as aspects of translation and the peculiarities of translating grammatical categories from English into Ukrainian.

The purpose of the study determines the following tasks:

- To reveal the concept of translation, to define its types and functions

- To consider the translation transformation as the basis of translation

- To investigate the specificity of the use of translation transformations on word- formation, morphological and syntactic level

- To investigate the peculiarities of translation of grammatical categories.

The subject of research are the grammatical aspects of translation.

The object of research is the translation of transformations and grammatical categories as grammatical aspects of translation.

There were used research methods such as the method of linguistic observation, distribution analysis, and the method of continuous sampling to complete the tasks of the research.

I. M. Lytvyn [9] successfully reflects the problem of the definition of translation in the work on translation. Translation is one of the most ancient occupations of a person. The discrepancy of languages encouraged people to this difficult but necessary work that serves the purposes of communication and exchange of spiritual values among peoples [5, p. 5]. I. M. Lytvyn clarifies that the word "translation" is significant; according to V. S. Vinogradov, it has two terminological meanings that interest us. The first of these determines the mental activity, the process of transferring content, expressed in one language, means of another language. The second is the result of this process - the text is spoken or written. Although these concepts are different, they are a dialectical unity, one is not conceived without another [3, p. 5].

In general, in the theory of translation, there are two basic classifications of types of translation: the nature of translated texts (genre-stylistic classification) and the nature of the translator's actions in the translation process (psycholinguistic classification of types of translation).

The main task of the translator is to achieve semantic equivalence of the source text and the translated text. There are lexical, grammatical, syntactic, semantic and morphological translation transformations. There are three levels of translation: word-formation, morphological and syntactical as grammar aspects.

The main task of the translator is to achieve the semantic equivalence of the source text and the translation text. To achieve this goal the translator should use translating transformations. The reason for the need to use transformations is that each language has its own, peculiar structure, and the translator should pay attention to it. Another problem is a discrepancy of the semantic volume of the word, because each word is endowed not only with denotative meaning, but also with a large number of connotative shades that are different in different languages and cultures.

The term “translation transformation” is widely used by many researchers (L. S. Barkhudarov [2], V. N. Komissarov [6], A. D. Schweitzer [14], G. K. Miniar-Beloruchev [10], Ya. I. Retsker [12], etc.). But there is no agreement to the interpretation of this concept between them.

In the context of our study the important is the thought of L. S. Barkhudarov, who believes that translation should be studied as a process and notes that the term “transformation” is used in the case when we have in mind a definite relation between two linguistic units, one of which is the original and the other is created on the basis of the first. According to L. S. Barkhudarov, translation and transformation are different grammatical structures, lexical contents, which have (almost) the same meaning, but also have the ability to perform the same communicative function in this context [2, p. 6].

Lexical transformation is described in the works of V. N. Komissarov [6, p. 174], L. K. Latyshev [8, p. 168], Ya. I. Recker [12, p. 45], etc. The concept of integrated transformation can be traced in the works of V. N. Komissarov [6], who attributes to them the lexical and grammatical transformations, and L. K. Latyshev [8], who believes that the integrated (mixed) transformation is a combination of lexical, stylistic, morphological, syntactic and semantic transformations.

The translation transformation is used to the maximum possible transfer of all the information contained in the source text, in strict compliance with the norms of the target language, despite the difference in formal semantic systems of two languages. Undoubtedly, in the process of translation it is impossible to preserve the semantics and form, and simultaneously to convey to the readers of the translated text information of a different order, because they belong to another culture and speak another language, and then immersed in a different plane of being and society. Therefore, the most harmonious joining of the readers of the translated text in a foreign culture and language is possible only through the expressed equivalence, which must reach the translator.

The use of translation transformations at the word-formation level is often used in linguistics in relation to the translation of socio-political and scientific texts. This is due to the emergence of neologisms in the texts of the listed styles. Word-compliant suffixes in English and Ukrainian differ in their meaning and usage. Replacing one part of the language with another is very characteristic in translation and is often used in translation practice. In literary translation, the translator should take into account not only word-formation features of the English language, but also the richness of stylistic resources of the word-formation level of the Ukrainian language in comparison with English.

At the word-building level, transformations require the following features to be taken into account: word-formation suffixes and prefixes in different languages differ in terms of their both productivity and additional meanings; Ukrainian affixes carry more stylistic resources than English affixes. For the adequacy of translation, the translator has to resort to additional lexical resources, introducing modal words and emotionally colored vocabulary.

At the morphological level, the translation transformations are the following: categorical replacement, partial language replacement, morphological lexical replacement, antonymic translation. Categorical replacement - a change of the genus, number, case, time, state, form of degree of comparison, etc. The replacement of a part of the language in translation may be related to a grammar lacquer (lack of a certain part of the language in one of the languages). Translations are used to replace morphological lexical means. Antonym translation is a replacement of the concepts used in the original work. The main difficulty of translating English sentences into denial is that it is not always easy to determine the term of the sentence to which the objection relates.

The use of translation transformations at the syntactic level includes combining and dividing the sentence, translating conversions with non-specific structures, replacing the word combination with the word and vice versa, replacing the syntax in phrases and sentences, adding, omitting, and rearranging.

At the syntactic level, we distinguish the following translation transformations:

- The replacement of the word combination with the word and vice versa

- The replacement of the syntactic connection in phrases and sentences (for example, in cases of form syncretism - the use of a complex sentence in the sense of a complex, unconnected sentence in the sense of a complicated word, etc.)

- Sentence division - transformation of a complex sentence of the original language for two or more independent sentences in the language of translation

- The omission of linguistic units and constructions

- The addition of linguistic units and constructions - a kind of grammatical transformations representing a lexical increase

- Permutations - changes in the order of elements in the text of translation in comparison with the original - are dictated by the rules of the order of words in one or another structure of a certain language

- Adoption of the sentence association is used quite often and may be appropriate when none of the original sentences is a complete opinion.

Among the transformations at the syntactic level, there is a replacement of one sentence of the source text with two or more sentences of the text of the translation or the transformation of a simple sentence of the source text into a complex sentence of the text of the translation.

Since there are various qualifications in the scientific literature for the translation of the predicate, we consider it possible to distinguish the following types of it: Simple Verbal

Predicate, The Compound Nominal Predicate, and Compound Verbal Predicate, which in its own language is subdivided into a kind of aspect verbal predicate and a modal verbal predicate.

The translation of a Simple Verbal Predicatetype of predicate into Ukrainian should take into account that it denotes an action or process and is expressed in synthetic or analytic forms of the verb (indicating the category of person, plural or singular, time, state, method):

Never made me laugh [17, p. 45]. - Він ніколи не міг мене розсмішити//викликати в мене посмішку [4, p. 47].

The next kind of predicate is the Compound Verbal Predicate. The Ukrainian translation focuses on the fact that this kind of predicate consists of two verbs: verbs in a personal form and infinitive or gerund. The first verb expresses a type (aspect) or modal characteristic of action, denoted by a non-personal form. Accordingly, one can distinguish two subtypes of a compound verbal predicate:

a) Specific (Aspect Verbal Predicate), where the first component contains a temporary characteristic of action and is expressed by the infinitive or gerund. As the first component, verbs with values of start, continuation or end of action are: to begin, start, take up, continue, go on, finish, give up, etc. This subtype in traditional grammar is called the complex verbal speculation: ... the company began to mark the time - ...товариство заходилося /розпочало відраховувати час [7, p. 235].

b) Modal Verbal Predicate, where the first component is expressed by a modal or modal verb, and the second component is an infinitive [7, p. 56] : I rather wanted to be a painter when I was a boy, but my father made me go into business [17, p. 15] --У дитинстві я бажав стати художником, але батько змусив мене піти в бізнес [4, p. 17].

The following is The Compound Nominal Predicate. The Ukrainian translation of this kind of predicate should take into account the state, the sign of a person or object, as well as the classification of the latter in a class of homogeneous concepts, while indicating the attitude of the speaker to this phenomenon (assumption, confidence, doubt, etc.). The predicate consists of three components: verbs with modal values, infinitive-link “to be” and predicates. For example: What is done can not be done (Proverb) - Що зроблено, те зроблено (Що з воза впало, те пропало.)

The translation of a predicate from English into Ukrainian includes the consideration of such features as state, form, person, temporal characteristic of action, modality, plural or singular forms, time, and method.

When translating the infinitive it should be taken into account that the origin and modern use is very close to Gerund. It has the properties as a noun, may be in the sentence as: the subject (Actually, I think it's cruel to keep them in the city [20]. - Взагалі-то, я вважаю - це жорстоко, тримати їх в місті; або - To keep them in the city is cruel. - Тримати їх у місті - жорстоко); the nominal part of the predicate (Our plan is to go to the Crimea for the summer - Наш план - поїхати на літо до Криму [11, с. 101]), the object (She watched him scratch his ankle till it was red. When he began to scratch off a minor skin eruption on his calf with his fingernail, she stopped watching [16, p. 4]. - Він розчісував щиколотку, доки вона не почервоніла, потім заходився розколупувати якусь подряпину, і Джіні відвела погляд [1, p. 4]); the adverbial modifier (To keep them in the city is cruel [16, p. 11]. - Тримати їх у місті - жорстоко [1, p. 12]).

The Gerundial position at the beginning of the sentence is often used in conjunction with words dependent on it, such as nouns-objects that form a gerundial subgroup. In the function of subject, the translation of the simple (synthetic) form of gerund occurs using the noun (often - the verbal noun) or the undefined form of the verb in the subjective function (Describing such structures is thus essential to a comprehensive program of research (Daily Express). - Таким чином, опис цих структур є суттєвою складовою програми всебічного дослідження). In the function of the object, the Gerund can be translated like a prepositional-noun phrase or (verbal) noun (She is right to say that this is a topic that needs discussing in greater detail [20]. - Вона має рацію, стверджуючи, що ця тема заслуговує на докладніше обговорення.), an indefinite form of the verb (Space limitations prevent me from commenting on the other papers [20]. - Брак місця недозволяє мені прокоментувати інші статті.), a personal form of the verb in the subordinate clarifying sentence (I have to confess to not understanding this [20]. - Я мушу визнати, що не розумію цього.).

Translation of the prepositional-gerundial constructions can occur with the help of subordinate sentences, where the correspondence of the gerund is a personal formal verbal predicate (Putting these points together, we are confronted with the following problem [20]. - Якщо братии всі ці пропозиції разом, то виникає наступна проблема). Constructions with a Gerund can be introduced by prepositions after, on etc., and in this case they can be translated by adverbial clauses or subordinate adverbial sentences, which are entered with the corresponding combining words.

In the function of adverbial modifier, the active adjective element (participle I), which is usually used, with dependent words, is translated into a personal or indefinite form of the verb-predicate in the context of a subordinate adverbial sentence (which is joined by conjugations “коли”, “якщо”, “оскільки”, etc.), an active participle and prepositional-nouns words (Putting these points together, we are confronted with the following problem [20]). - Якщо брати всі ці пропозиції разом, то виникає наступна проблема). In the function of the circumstance, the Participle II is usually used with dependent words, forming an adjectival construction that is separated from the main part of the sentence by a comma. Such constructions can be translated as subordinate sentence, where the direct correspondence of the Participle II stands for a personal form of verb-predicate; in some cases, a noun (She notes, based on admitted guesswork that the modifications are about twice as frequent as the alterations [20]. - Вона зауважує, спираючись, як сама визнає, на здогадки, що модифікації вдвічі частіші за зміни.).

The correct translation of absolute constructions is due to the timely recognition of it in the text. The absolute construction is the secondary term of the sentence with internal prediction, that is, with the relations between the members of the construction, close to the relationship between the subjective and the predicate; rather, between a subject and a predicate, but without a verb in a personal form. Example: The firemen had to pull down the barn, the sheds, the stacks of dry wood being a highly combustible material [20]. -Пожежники змушені були зруйнувати сараї, прибудови, адже штабеля сухих дров представляли собою легко займистий матеріал.

Translation of modal constructions is carried out by searching for lexical-contextual correspondences. Modal value is transmitted by using impersonal structures and stable phrases. In addition, in the translation of modal structures, the modal value can be omitted: It was even depressing out in the street. You couldn't even hear any cars any more [18, p. 30]. - Навіть за вікном було тоскно. Ні машин, нічого [13, p. 32].

Among the most commonly used grammatical expressions of the emphasis are inversion, parceling, constructions with it, individual word-formation, double-denotation, construction as ... as ... in conjunction with indeterminate pronouns any, anybody, anything. E. g. Had Hardly Java been introduced when the advanced manufactures began moving it into the mobile phones [20]. - Як тільки була винайдена мова програмування Ява, передові виробники почали її впровадження в мобільні телефони.

Translation of elliptical constructions includes such transformations as syntactic assimilation or verbal translation, association, generalization, antonymic translation, compensation, modulation, or semantic development. Understanding of meaning and uncertainty is transmitted through grammatical means with the help of an article in English. In Ukrainian language, there is no article, and the notion of meaning and uncertainty is expressed by the search for the corresponding equivalent. Не had not an enemy onearth [19, p. 13]. - У нього не було жодного ворога у світі [15, p. 15].

The approaches to the translation of asyndetic noun phrases include factors such as the number of nouns that make up the cluster; the main and successive terms of the phrase; semantic relations between words in a phrase; the presence or absence of the previous adjective, participle, pronoun, and numeral. Compare: yarn production figures - цифри виробництва пряжі; the House of Commons debate - дебаты в законодательном совете и Палате общин; mother and child care - турбота про матір та дитину, New Deal and Great Society programs - програми Нового курсу та Великого суспільства [20].

In English, unlike the Ukrainian one, only one objection is possible in negative sentences. Two objections are used only syntagmatically. One objection is expressed grammatically, and the second objection is expressed using prefixes or lexically - by words that have a negative meaning. Not uncommon, not without, didn't fail, there are few things he can't tell you [20].

The translation of headlines from English into Ukrainian is happening by omitting of the subject (Expect no change in North Korea [20]. - У Північній Кореї змін не очікується), опущення присудка (WebProtest [20] - Протест в мережі), опущення артиклю (Vince Cable calls for mansion tax in next Budget [20] - Вінс Кейбл вимагає ввести в Англії податок на елітну нерухомість).

Conclusion: Translation is the mental activity, the process of transferring content, expressed in one language, means of another language. Among the transformational transformations, there are the following types: lexical, grammatical, syntactic, semantic, morphological, and others. At the word-building level, transformations require the following features to be taken into account: word-formation suffixes and prefixes in different languages differ in terms of their both productivity and additional meanings; Ukrainian affixes carry more stylistic resources than English affixes. At the morphological level, the translation transformations are the following: categorical replacement, partial language replacement, morphological lexical replacement, antonymic translation. The use of translation transformations at the syntactic level includes combining and dividing the sentence, translating conversions with non-specific structures, replacing the word combination with the word and vice versa, replacing the syntax in phrases and sentences, adding, omitting, and rearranging.

The translation of grammatical categories of the Ukrainian language implies the knowledge of linguistic characteristics of English language and includes a translation of the predicate, infinitive, gerund and gerundial constructions, participles and participial constructions, absolute constructions, modal verbs, emphatical structures, elliptical structures, articles, asyndetical constructions, sentences with negative constructions, and the translation of the headers.

The perspective of research is the comparative analysis of the Ukrainian and English languages, which makes it possible to find out the typical grammatical difficulties of translation, associated with the specifics of each language.

grammatical translation english ukrainian transformation


І.К. Кобякова, канд. філол. наук, професор;

А. Міщенко, студент

Сумський державний університет,

вул. Римського-Корсакова, 2 м. Суми, 40007, Україна

Стаття присвячена детальному розгляду граматичних аспектів перекладу з англійської мови на українську. Розглядаєтьс япроблема дефініції перекладу у світлі вітчизняних та зарубіжних досліджень, види перекладу та їх функціональне навантаження. У статті приділяється увага поняттю перекладацька трансформація, виділяються класифікація перекладацьких трансформацій та причини їх використання; визначається специфіка використання перекладацьких трансформацій як аспектів перекладу на словотвірному, морфологічному та синтаксичному мовних рівнях. Переклад граматичних категорій українською мовою повинен включати знання про переклад таких англійських граматичних категорій як присудок, інфінітив, герундій та герундіальні конструкції, дієприкметник та дієприкметникові конструкції, абсолютні конструкції, модальні дієслова, емфатичні конструкції, еліптичні конструкції, означений та неозначений артикль, асиндетичні іменникові словосполучення, речення із заперечними конструкціями, заголовки.

Ключові слова: граматичні аспекти перекладу, перекладацькі трансформації, граматичні категорії.


И. К. Кобякова, канд. филол. наук, профессор;

А. Мищенко, студент

Сумский государственный университет,

ул. Римского-Корсакова, 2, г. Сумы, 40007, Украина

Статья посвящена детальному рассмотрению грамматических аспектов перевода с английского языка на украинский. Рассматривается проблема дефиниции перевода в свете отечественных и зарубежных исследований, виды перевода и их функциональная нагрузка. В статье уделяется внимание понятию переводческая трансформация, выделяется классификация переводческих трансформаций и причины их использования; определяется специфика использования переводческих трансформаций как аспектов перевода на словообразовательном, морфологическом и синтаксическом языковых уровнях. Перевод грамматических категорий на украинском языке должен включать знания о переводе таких английских грамматических категорий как сказуемое, инфинитив, герундий и герундиальные конструкции, причастие и причастные конструкции, абсолютные конструкции, модальные глаголы, эмфатические конструкции, эллиптические конструкции, определенный и неопределенный артикль, асиндетические именные словосочетания, предложения с отрицательными конструкциями, заголовки.

Ключевые слова: грамматические аспекты перевода, переводческие трансформации, грамматические категории.

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  • Translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions. Cultural Consideration in Translation. General cultural implications for translation. Cultural categories and references; lexical function.

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  • Analyze the translation of English indirect article "a" into Russian pronoun in the meaning of "unknown". Translate the indefinite article before the surname with negative accent. Translated into a pronoun in the meaning of "somewhat" after "there+to be".

    контрольная работа [12,2 K], добавлен 12.09.2011

  • Peculiarities of asyndetic noun clusters in economic texts. Specific to translation of asyndetic noun clusters as the specific kind of the word from English into Ukrainian. Transformations, applied to asyndetic noun clusters in the process of translation.

    презентация [22,5 K], добавлен 06.12.2015

  • A brief and general review of translation theory. Ambiguity of the process of translation. Alliteration in poetry and in rhetoric. Definitions and main specifications of stylistic devices. The problems of literary translation from English into Kazakh.

    курсовая работа [34,6 K], добавлен 25.02.2014

  • Analyze the term "proper name". The problem of defining a proper name of television and his role in our life. The approaches to the translation of this phenomenon. Classification of proper names. English titles of films and their translation into Russian.

    курсовая работа [31,9 K], добавлен 27.06.2011

  • Types of translation theory. Definition of equivalence in translation, the different concept; formal correspondence and dynamic equivalence. The usage of different levels of translation in literature texts. Examples translation of newspaper texts.

    курсовая работа [37,6 K], добавлен 14.03.2013

  • Development of translation notion in linguistics. Types of translation. Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of scientific-technical texts. The characteristic of the scientific, technical language. Analysis of terminology in scientific-technical style.

    курсовая работа [41,5 K], добавлен 26.10.2010

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