The main features of translation of comparative phraseological units in German discourse

Features of the use of translation transformations in the translation of comparative phraseological units during the reproduction of the German novel by E.M. Remarque in Ukrainian. Analysis of the main methods of applying translation transformations.

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The main features of translation of comparative phraseological units in German discourse

V. Nazarchuk, student

O.Shumenko, PhD in Philology, associate professor Sumy State University

Sumy, Ukraine

The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of translation transformations in the translation of comparative phraseological units, in the reproduction of the German novel E.M. Remark in Ukrainian. The authors analyze the different methods of using translation transformations in the translation of comparative phraseological units from German to Ukrainian.

Key words: comparative constructions, comparative phraseological units, comparison, translation, translation transformations, descriptive translation.



В. Назарчук, студентка;

О. А. Шумейко, канд. філол. наук, доцент

Сумський державний університет,

м. Суми, Україна

У статті досліджуються особливості застосування перекладацьких трансформацій при перекладі компаративних фразеологічних одиниць під час відтворення німецького роману Е. М. Ремарка українською мовою. Аналізуються різні методи застосування перекладацьких трансформацій при перекладі компаративних фразеологічних одиниць з німецької мови на українську. remark translation transformation phraseological

Ключові слова: компаративні конструкції, порівняння, переклад, перекладацькі трансформації, описовий переклад.


О.А. Шумейко, до-цент, канд. филол. наук Сумской государственный университет, м. Суми, Украина

В статье исследуются особенности применения переводческих трансформаций при переводе компаративных фразеологических единиц в процессе перевода романа Э. М. Ремарка с немецкого языка на украинский. Анализируются различные методы применения переводческих трансформаций при переводе компаративных фразеологических единиц с немецкого языка на украинский.

Ключевые слова: компаративные конструкции, сравнение, перевод, переводческие трансформации, описательный перевод.

Phraseology is a relatively young linguistic discipline, which basic concepts, scope of the subject and object the study are not yet definitively defined. This is primarily due to the great semantic, structural and functional variety of those units that are perceived as stable combinations of words. They create due to the strict laws of grammar; depend on the language conditions and the speaker's goals. There are a lot of phrases in the language that do not appear in the language and are used in it as ready-made verbal structure - phraseologisms [8, p. 54].

For a long time, the German researchers do not study well the question of comparative phraseological units (CPU) so today, this issue still needs to be studed. One of the most controversial issues of comparative phraseology is the question of the component composition of comparative phraseology. Most CPU's were mentioned and used in stylistics, because phraseological comparisons belong to expressive means of language.

Many scientists have contributed to the study of CPU's features. Among them, M. F. Alefirenko, A. M. Nida, A. F. Marahova, L. O. Lebedeva, O. K. Nikolaeva, G. I. Isina, A. V. Terentyev, V. E. Kulenko.

The questions of the idioms translation (phraseological combinations, proverbs etc.) are very important not only for practice, but also for the theory of translation. The authentic translation of phraseologisms causes considerable difficulties, because they have aphorism, imagery, laconicism. The use of phraseologisms is characteristic for the literature, journalism, and for live speech.

The aim of this publication is to find out the most successful ways of transferring German comparative phraseological units into Ukrainian.

The actuality of paper is caused by the general need to avoid mistakes that arise during translating with using translation transformations, in particular grammatical transformations.

Stable comparisons, or as they are termed "comparative phraseologisms," constitute a special group of phraseological translations, and in contrast to individual-author's comparisons, "reproduced" in memory as ready-made linguistic units, integral in value, and stable in composition and structure. The compound phraseological units are called persistent and reproducible phrases whose phraseological specifics are based on a traditional comparison. Comparison is one of the means of knowing the world, an act of thought, which consists in "comparing objects to establish their relations, the most important of which are the relation of identity (equality) and differences" [4, p. 14].

Comparative phraseologisms are based on a re-conceived stable comparison [3, p. 35]. Comparative phraseologismconsist of two component. Here the second element of thephraseological unit characterizes the actions or signs of the first. There are two models of comparative phraseologisms [4, p. 181]:

1) Adjektiv (particip) + Konjunction + Substantive: нім. - eitel wie ein Pfau -укр- пихатий як павич [7, p. 102], нім. - verlieb sein wie ein Kater - укр. - бути закоханим по самівуха [7,p. 372].

2) Verb + Konjunction + Substantive: нім. - schlafen wie ein Bдr - укр. - спати без задніхніг [7, p. 75], нім. - frieren wie ein junger Hund - укр. - тремтітивід холоду як цуценя [7,p. 352].

It should be mentioned that the main component of the comparison is the noun. However, it is important to note that the specificity of structural semantic German comparative phraseology is that certain properties or processes are transmitted through a comparative group or a comparative subordinate sentence, introduced by conjugations wieand als[11, p. 97].

The general definition in the scientific literature has become the semantic classification of V. Vinogradov. This classification is based on the principle of indeterminacy of the semantics of phraseological units. On this basis, he identifies three types of units - phraseological unity, phraseological combinations and phraseological expressions [4, p. 54].

- Phraseological unities - are a semantically indivisible and integral phraseological reversal. Its meaning is motivated by the values of its constituent words" [6, p. 68]. Phraseological unions arise on the basis of semantic rethinking or shifting of variable phrases. New phraseological meaning is created not as a result of changing the value of individual components of the phrase, but a change in the value of the entire complex, for example: нім. - “Das ist ja Albernheit”, erklдrte ich, vergnьgt, dem Dicken eins auswischen zu kцnnen. - укр. Це просто нерозумно, - заявив я, радіючи нагоді вколоти товстуна [13, p. 36]. In this case we used the method of modulation (substitution of word or word-combination in source language to the unit in target language, which meaning is logically derived from the meaning of the original unit), because the verb “auswischen”translated as “прати, витирати, протирати ”.Phraseologicalunit“вколоти когось ”ismoreadequateinthissentence

- Phraseological combinations - is a phraseological phrase, in which there are words both with the free, and with the phraseologically related meaning, for example: нім. - einHerzwie Butter haben - укр. приймати все близько до серця [7, p.140]; нім. - ein goldenes Herz haben - укр. у нього золоте серце[7, p. 54]

- Phraseologicalexpressionisstable in itscompositionphraseologicalconversions, consistsentirelyofwordswithfreemeaning, forexample: нім. - Jeder liegt so, wie et sich better - укр. що посієш, те й пожнеш [7, p. 60] ; нім. - Besser spдt als nie - укр. краще пізно, чим ніколи [7, p. 65].

Reproduction of phraseological units in German - is a very difficult task. Translation of phraseological units, especially figurative, is a considerable difficulty. This is due to the fact that many of them are vivid, emotionally rich expressions, belonging to a particular language style. When translating persistent combinations of words, one must also take into account the particularities of the context in which they are used. When translating phraseology, an interpreter needs to convey its content and display its imagery, finding a similar expression in the Ukrainian language. If the identical equivalent in the language of translation is absent, the translator should find a word with the close meaning.

The following methods are used for the translation of comparative phraseological units:

- Calculation - copying a foreign word using unused material. Calculation is used to translate unstable comparisons or word-plays [3, p. 37], for example: нім. - Sei du ruhig, Theo, - erwiderte ich, - aus dir werden wir beim Rennen am Sechsten schon Hackfleisch machen. - укр. Мовчи, Тео, - відповівя, - шостогочисланагонкахмизтебекотлетузробимо [13, p. 32], (change theword„Hackfleisch “(рубане м'ясо) toitslexicalequivalentintheUkrainianlanguage - котлета); нім. - Wie, um einen Punkt unter diesen unverrьckbaren EntschluЯ zu setzen, wie das Amen in der Kirche, halt plцtzlich ein SchuЯ durch den Wald. - укр.

І неначекрапка, поставлена безповоротнимрішенням, неначеАмінь в церкві, по лісу густою луною раптомпокотивсяпостріл [13, р. 188]

- Equivalent translation or phraseological translation - the existence in the language of translation a complete equivalent of the words. Thereareabsoluteandpartialphraseologicalequivalents [9, p. 47]

- Absolute phraseological equivalents are translated basically:

a) Phraseological expressions (proverbs, sayings, international phraseologisms, etc.), for example: нім. - die Extreme berьhren sich -укр. крайності сходяться [7, p. 44] ; нім. - heilige Einfalt - укр. свята простота [7, p. 56];

b) Some paired phrases: нім. - hin und her - укр. тудиіназад [7, p. 61];

c) A lot of comparative phraseological units: нім. - weiЯ wie Schnee - укр. білий як сніг [7, p. 64].

- Partial phraseological equivalents when phraseological units in contrasted languages have lexical, grammatical and lexical-grammatical differences, while having the same meaning and the same stylistic color [9, p. 77]. Thefollowingpartialphraseologicalequivalentsaredistinguished:

a) Ukrainian phraseological equivalents of the German phraseological units, which coincide by value, stylistic color, have the same internal form, but have certain lexical differences: нім. - um des Kaisers Bart streiten - укр. сперечатися про дрібниці, про щось неістотне;

b) Ukrainian phraseological equivalents of the German phraseological units, which coincide by value, internal form, stylistic color, but have certain grammatical differences: нім. - es ist ein Aber dabei - укр. тут є деякі ускладнення [7, p.67];

c) Ukrainian phraseological equivalents of the German phraseological units, which coincide by value, stylistically colored, but having certain lexical differences and differences in terms of internal form, for example: нім. - Zu ihr hatte er nicht so reden dьrfen, sie gab ihm immer was aufs Dach. - укр. З нею він не смів так розмовляти, вона завжди давала йому здачу [13, p. 67].

- Descriptive translation - is the way of the translation of new lexical elements, when a word, phrase, term or phraseology is replaced in the language of translation by a phrase (or by the number of components in the phrase) that adequately conveys the meaning of the word or phrase (term) [9, p.88], example: нім.-ein Herz wie Butter haben - укр. приймати все близько до серця [7, p. 79].

When applying a descriptive translation, it is important to ensure that the phrase in the language of translation accurately and completely transmits all the main features of the concept, indicated by the word in the original. Example: нім. - Mit Frauen werdeichschonfertig - esist die Liebe, mit der ichnichtfertigwerde. - укр. З жінками я можу розправитися швидко - це з любов'ю я розправитися не можу [13 p. 85]. The translation is not accurate from the point of view of vocabulary, but the translation is stylistically consistent with the original. Use a descriptive translation, which allows to transfer the text more colorful, for example: нім. - Aber es war Frau Zalewski. Sie sah verдngstigt aus. - укр. Але це була пані Залевська. Вона виглядала дуже засмученою [13, p. 153].

The translation process is not just a replacement of units of the one language by units of another language. On the contrary, it is a complex process, which includes a number of difficulties that need to be addressed by an interpreter. One of the techniques that help an interpreter is transformation. Translation transformations (substitutions) occur due to incomplete community or language differences. Various scientists determined translation transformations in different ways. For example, R. K. Mignard-Beloruchev gave the following definition: "Transformation is the basis of most methods of translation. It consists in changing the formal (lexical or grammatical transformations) or semantic (semantic transformations) components of the source text while preserving the information intended for the transmission". Translation transformations are inter-language transformations, rebuilding elements of the source text, operations of over-expression of meaning or paraphrasing in order to achieve the translation equivalent [2, p.35]. In the translation studies, there are a large number of classifications of translation transformations, but they all fall into two main groups - lexical and grammatical transformations:

- Grammatical transformations are the transformation of the sentence structure in the translation process in accordance with the rules of translation [11, p. 82]. Transformation can be complete or partial, depending on whether the structures of the sentence are changes, completely or partially. Usually, when the main members of a sentence changed, there is a complete transformation, if only substitutions are replaced - partial, for example: нім. - Wird eine Schraube mit einem Schraubenkopf kleiner als 9 mm verwendet, muss eine Unterlegscheibe eingesetzt werden, sagen Herr Radau. - укр. Якщо діаметр головки гвинта становить менше 9 мм, необхідно використовувати шайбу, порадив пан Радау [13 p. 68]. In the translation was used the method of grammatical replacement of the state. Here the German passive construction was translated into Ukrainian with the help of the active state. This is due to differences in the source language and the target language. It should be noted that in German the passive is used much more often than in Ukrainian.

Grammatical transformations are caused by a variety of reasons-both grammatical and lexical, although the main role is played by grammatical factors, that is, the difference in the structure of languages

- Incompatibilities in the structure of different languages lead to difficulties associated with the preservation and transmission of words meanings during translation. Here are the so- called lexical transformations that can be defined as "deviations from vocabulary correspondences" [4, p. 57]. Lexical translation transformations are necessary because the amount of the meaning of lexical units in the source language and target language rarely may be the same.

The content of lexical transformations is the replacement of individual lexical units, words and stable word-combination in source language to the lexical units of the target language, which are not their vocabulary analogies. Therearethefollowingtypesoflexicaltransformations:

- Substantiation of meaning is a lexical transformation, where the word or the term of broader semantics in the original is replaced by the word narrower semantics due to differences in the functional characteristics of vocabulary matches, for example:

нім. - “Wie machst du es, Kind?” - укр. “Як тикомпонуєш свою музику, хлопчику?[13, p. 120]

- The generalization is the replacement of the unit in the source language, which has a narrower value, to the unit of language, with a broader value [11, p. 127]. Example: нім. - “Es ist ein richtiges Kinderstьck!”-укр.“Це справді дитяча музика! [13, p. 134]

- Antonymic translation is an interchange of opposite concepts, for example: нім. - Sie verachtet sie, aber sie blickt ihnen nach, bis sie um die Ecke verschwunden sind. - укр. Вона зневажаєїх, але не зводить з них очей, аж поки вони зникають за рогом [13, p. 136].

Having analyzed the frequency of use and the ways of translation of German phraseological units, it is important to note that there are a lot of difficulties that arised during translation. These difficulties may arise because a lot of phenomena that do not exist in the culture of target language exist in the German discourse. Another cause of difficulties is a kind of the author's individual use of phraseological units.

Phraseological translation means the use in the translation text set expressions with different degrees of proximity between unit of source language and the corresponding unit of target language. During translation the translator has to convey not only lexical units of a text, and also to transfer all the literally meaning and specificity stored in the comparative phraseological units.

So, depending on the kind and type of phraseological unit, there are such ways of its translation:

1. Find out their phraseological equivalent and partial phraseological equivalent in the target language

2. Use the method of calques, lexical, and/or descriptive translation.


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  • Peculiarities of asyndetic noun clusters in economic texts. Specific to translation of asyndetic noun clusters as the specific kind of the word from English into Ukrainian. Transformations, applied to asyndetic noun clusters in the process of translation.

    презентация [22,5 K], добавлен 06.12.2015

  • The meaning of the term "phraseological unit" in modern linguistics. Characteristics of the national-cultural specifics of phraseological units. The internal forms of phraseological units with an integral part of the name of clothing in English.

    курсовая работа [50,4 K], добавлен 29.10.2021

  • Comparative analysis of acronyms in English business registers: spoken, fiction, magazine, newspaper, non-academic, misc. Productivity acronyms as the most difficult problem in translation. The frequency of acronym formation in British National Corpus.

    курсовая работа [145,5 K], добавлен 01.03.2015

  • The history of translation studies in ancient times, and it's development in the Middle Ages. Principles of translation into Greek, the texts of world's religions. Professional associations of translators. The technology and terminology translation.

    дипломная работа [640,7 K], добавлен 13.06.2013

  • Primary aim of translation. Difficulties in of political literature. Grammatical, lexical and stylistic difficulties of translation. The difficulty of translation of set phrases and idioms. The practice in the translation agency "Translators group".

    курсовая работа [77,5 K], добавлен 04.07.2015

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