Training of master’s degree students in business communication in a foreign language

Formation of foreign language competence of students in the information field of cross-cultural interaction. Axiological issues of students’ cross-cultural interaction in the information field. Intercultural sensitivity as condition of mobility success.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 05.10.2021
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Dmitrieva E.V., Terekhova G.V.

Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia


Дмитриева Е.В., Терехова Г.В.

Оренбургский государственный университет, г. Оренбург, Россия

Уровень профессиональной подготовки и квалификации специалиста часто определяются умением общаться с коллегами и использовать базы данных на иностранном языке. Главной целью исследования являлось изучение влияния ряда компетенций на развитие у обучаемого восприятия иноязычной культуры, основанного на принципах толерантности, открытости к мнениям и позициям партнера по общению. Нами установлено, что сформированные характеристики вторичной языковой личности позволяют субъекту образовательной деятельности принимать участие в опосредованном и непосредственном межкультурном общении, повышать качество владения иностранным языком, как с преподавателем, так и самостоятельно. Результатом изучения стало выявление характера влияния делового общения на успех во взаимопонимании участников коммуникации в процессе создания общего коммуникативно-прагматического пространства.

Ключевые слова: деловое общение, речеповеденческие навыки, лингвокультурное взаимодействие, внутренние аспекты развития, коммуникативная компетенция, эмпатическая компетенция, межкультурная коммуникация.

The level of professional training and qualification of a specialist is often determined by the ability to communicate with colleagues and use databases in a foreign language.

The main goal of the work was to study the influence of a number of competencies on the development of a student's perception of a foreign language culture, based on the principles of tolerance, openness to the opinions and positions of a communication partner.

The authors showed how the formed characteristics of the secondary linguistic personality allow the subject of educational activity to take part in indirect and direct intercultural communication, improve the quality of foreign language proficiency, both with a teacher and independently.

The result of the study was the identification of the nature of the influence of business communication on the success in mutual understanding of communication participants in the process of creating a common communicative and pragmatic space.

Key words: business communication, speech behavior skills, linguocultural interaction, internal aspects of development, communicative competence, empathic competence, intercultural communication.

In the context of the development of the society to an information dependent one, profound changes are taking place in the value orientations of society, reflecting the socio-political, economic and social transformations in the country. In accordance with the democratic and humanistic principles of building society, the main value is considered “a free, educated, developed person, capable of living and creating in a constantly changing world, being competitive, and integrating into the world community.” Constantly developing international ties in the field of economics and social structures make the world community to update the requirements for specialists working in the areas of interethnic contacts, requiring a high level of communication skills in one, and very often in several foreign languages.

For professional activity, it has become vital for specialists in various fields constantly develop their skills in foreign language communication. In modern conditions, the level of qualification and professional training of a specialist is often determined by the ability to communicate with business colleagues in their native language and to use information in a foreign language (in particular, in English).

In the personality-oriented paradigm of education, the student is viewed as an active subject of learning. Within the framework of this paradigm, the integrative (strategic) goal of foreign language teaching, reflecting the social order of the state, is considered as the improvement of master's degree students' skills characteristic of a secondary linguistic personality, the set of which makes up a complex integrative unity. All this leads to the development of not only communicative, but also intercultural competences. The formed features of the secondary linguistic personality allow the subject of educational activity to take part in indirect and direct intercultural communication, improve the quality of foreign language proficiency, both with a teacher and independently.

The modern interpretation of the goal of improving foreign language proficiency as the achievement of a foreign language communicative competence by students, which is vital for business relations in the field of intercultural communication, determines attention to the concept of “communicative competence” and its components. Communicative competence as a general integrative goal of teaching a foreign language should not only reflect the social order of society in relation to students, but also meet their practical needs in foreign language communication, representing a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that must be mastered in the learning process.

As such an integrative goal, foreign language communicative competence is understood as “the ability and willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers within the limits set by the standard / program”.

The intercultural component affects the formation of certain personal characteristics that enable a person to use a foreign language as a means of intercultural interaction with native speakers of the language. Empathic competence, which is based on the experience of an individual's emotional and evaluative attitude to the linguocultural interaction of representatives of various national and cultural communities, is one of the main components of intercultural competence. It involves the development of a student's perception of a foreign language culture, based on the principles of tolerance, openness to the opinions and positions of a communication partner. In the process of acquiring knowledge while teaching foreign languages, undergraduates should form a system of personal relationships to the language and culture under study. In this system, an important place is occupied by the needs and motives associated with the possibilities of of a foreign language practical use as a means of development and satisfaction of various interests of the individual, including non-linguistic.

The use of English (as well as any other foreign language) for business communication, like communication itself, is a complex multifaceted process. This process simultaneously acts as an act of interaction between individuals, as an act of obtaining information, as an act of manifestation of the attitude of colleagues to each other, as an act of mutual influence on each other, as an act of empathy and mutual understanding.

Business English acts as a generalizing concept that presupposes the use of a foreign language in the sphere of a certain professional activity, depending on which the linguistic, lexical, stylistic content is determined.

Internal aspects of the development of the communicative competence of an individual are determined by external social and cultural relationships of various linguistic environments: regional and regional characteristics of a particular language; sociolinguistic positions of foreign and native languages; similarities and differences in the socio-cultural content of the studied and native languages; value categories of society and value relationships of speakers of the studied and native languages; social order for the amount of knowledge and the level of practical knowledge of a foreign language.

Effective intercultural business communication acts as the unit of two aspects - linguistic and cultural.

As relevant components of foreign language communicative competence in teaching business foreign language communication, are:

- linguistic, manifested in the correct use and recognition of linguistic means, based on knowledge of phonological, phonetic, lexical and grammatical rules and the skills of operating them in the process of communication; knowledge of new linguistic means in accordance with the topic of professional activity;

- speech, reflecting the speech characteristics of the language functioning in direct communication, which implies the knowledge of the participants in the communication process of various speech models, types of texts, genres typical for professional communication;

- professional, characterizing those skills that allow communicants to effectively solve tasks aimed at achieving their main professional activities, which implies the formation of foreign language business communication skills, on the basis of which a future specialist will be able to develop and implement strategies for his communicative interaction with foreign partners.

In intercultural business communication, an important condition for success is the achievement of mutual understanding by creating a common communicative and pragmatic space. This can be achieved only if communicants have intercultural competence, which, in turn, takes into account the cultural and psychological characteristics of the communicative behavior of a native speaker.

In the process of forming intercultural competence, sociocultural strategies can be distinguished as the type of speech behavior of the communicant, selected taking into account the knowledge of the cultural and psychological image of the partner in communication and ways of their reflection in speech / non-speech behavior and used for the effective implementation of the communicative task, taking into account the socio-cultural parameters of the communication situation.

To maintain the communication process, a communication strategy is determined. This strategy implies knowledge of certain communicative norms, behavioral scenarios, speech etiquette, allowing you to direct the conversation in the right direction, taking into account the specifics of the communicative politeness of each side of communication.

The following tactics are distinguished: communicants are offered small situations related to business communication. Participants should build relationships in a short period of time, using the vocabulary they already know. The next task is to keep the interlocutor's attention by asking questions on topics regulated by the etiquette of the communicating parties. An equally difficult task will be to encourage the interlocutor to communicate. The next stage in the interaction of interlocutors is the gradual expansion of the range of issues discussed in the conversation, the emergence of new topics for communication. And the main stage will be the completion of communication, which should look natural in the course of the conversation.

At each stage of communication, communicants should use different levels of communication, taking into account formal / informal styles depending on the communication situation.

Mastering the language pattern of this strategy contributes to the formation of the ability to maintain communicative contact with a native speaker. Any communication is characterized by three components: communicative, interactive and perceptual.

At the communicative level, interaction is supposed to fulfill the rules and traditions of communication that are characteristic of a particular linguocultural community. At the interactive level, the organization of interpersonal communication takes place, taking into account the cultural and psychological characteristics of the participants in communication.

At the perceptual level, the mechanism of mutual cognition and rapprochement of cultural representatives is revealed.

Teaching business communication in a foreign language can be divided into two stages: communicative-pragmatic and interactive. At the first stage, undergraduates master the ability to model authentic speech behavior in the context of educational intercultural interaction. Participants in a definite acts of communication try to recreate a specific segment of the reality ofthe functioning of the studied linguoculture, relying on cultural and psychological knowledge and sociocultural strategies when modeling natural linguistic behavior in a speech act. At this stage, the communicative flexibility of the verbal behavior of communicants develops in the changing conditions of verbal communication.

The use of socio-pragmatic tasks will help to activate the acquired knowledge and develop inter- cultural competence. Sociopragmatic tasks can be divided into communicative-pragmatic tasks and interactive tasks. Communicative-pragmatic ones involve training exercises for the selection and use of socio-cultural strategies in speech behavior in accordance with the designated communicative goals, content and context features. Examples of communicative-pragmatic tasks:

- recognition and implementation of the pragmatic goal of speech behavior of a native speaker; -use of formulas of speech etiquette in an adequate socio-cultural context;

- forecasting the communicative acceptability of the selected language and speech means for the design of the statement;

- replacement of an inadequate version of speech behavior with an adequate version;

- use of non-verbal means of speech behavior;

- selection and implementation of socially and culturally acceptable speech behavior.

The purpose of the interactive exercises is to use and vary appropriate sociocultural strategies. This is necessary to anticipate authentic speech behavior in situations of intercultural communication. Tasks of this type are free in nature. They lead to the formation of communicative flexibility of speech behavior in the changing conditions of intercultural communication.

Mastering the socio-cultural component of foreign language competence is an important condition for effective business communication. When teaching business communication in a foreign language, there are practical, educational and developmental goals. The practical goal is associated with the formation of certain skills and abilities that allow you to carry out professional activities in a foreign language. They include:

- skills of productive speech activity, necessary for a specialist for the implementation of personal contacts through oral and written types of speech communication;

- skills of perceptual speech activity, allowing a specialist to independently search, analyze, extract and process information in a foreign language.

The set of exercises consists of tasks aimed at mastering the skills of proper business English speech. Exercises to study special vocabulary of business communication are aimed at it. At this stage, exercises for listening to simple conversations between native speakers have proven themselves well. The next stage is mastering the skills of business ethics in English, which is facilitated by knowledge of a linguistic and cultural nature. And one more stage is the formation of the skills of independent work on mastering business English. Students can use the Internet resources recommended by the teacher, where they can apply the acquired skills and abilities to formulate new knowledge.

General educational and developmental goals of teaching foreign language business communication involves the use of the process of learning a foreign language to expand horizons, increase the amount of knowledge, and also reveals the essence of the processes of accumulation and processing of information that contribute to the formation in the consciousness of a person of basic cognitive structures that provide understanding and perception of the language and the other world social culture.

The educational goal of teaching foreign language business communication is aimed at developing certain qualities of the student's personality, which are necessary for the implementation of intercultural communication. First of all, we are talking about such qualities as tolerance, the desire to learn the culture and understand the specifics of mentality, the need to use a foreign language as a means of professional communication with a foreign language partner.

The general integrative goal of teaching business communication in a foreign language is the formation of professional foreign language communicative competence among future specialists, which allows them to communicate in the field of professional activity.

The process of teaching foreign language business communication will be successful when certain conditions are created: ensuring a communicative approach when familiarizing with the material and developing the appropriate skills and abilities; teaching not only speech, but also behavioral strategies of business communication; providing the learning process with authentic materials and a system of tasks that form the skills of communicative behavior in the context of professional communication; creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow to reveal the creative, professional and linguistic potential of undergraduates; enhancing language experience; high degree of motivation due to professional interest. Teaching business communication in English is a necessary component of the professional competence of a specialist in any field of activity. Thus, a business foreign language can be defined as a generalizing concept that means the use of English in the field of a certain professional activity, depending on which the linguistic, lexical and stylistic components are determined. Modern society is interested in such specialists who will improve their foreign language business communication skills on an ongoing basis.

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language foreign student cultural


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6. Sakharova N.S., Moroz V.V., Yankina N.V., Tomin V.V., Dmitrieva E.V. Intercultural Sensitivity as Condition of Academic Mobility Success. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR): proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference Current Issues of Linguistics and Didactics: The Interdisciplinary Approach in Humanities (CILDIAH 2017), 2017, vol. 97, pp. 302-306.

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10. Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V. Increasing motivation for teaching a professional foreign language in a non-linguistic university [University complex as a regional center of education, science and culture: materials of the All-Russian. scientific method. conf. (with international participation), 23-25 Jan. 2019, Orenburg]. Ministry of Science and Higher education Ros. Federation, Feder. state budget. educated. institution of higher. education “Orenburg State University”. Orenburg: OSU, 2019, pp. 2367-2374.

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12. Terekhova G.V., Dmitrieva E.V. Teaching professionally oriented reading in the formation of foreign language competence of students of non- linguistic areas [University complex as a regional center for the development of education, science and culture: materials of the All-Russian... scientific method. conf., 31 Jan-2 Feb 2018, Orenburg]. Ministry of Education and Science Rus. Federation, Feder. state budget. educated. institution of higher. education “Orenburg State University”. Orenburg: OSU, 2018, pp. 2319-2323.

13. Sakharova N.S., Terekhova G.V. Modern educational trends: project activities of undergraduates [University complex as a regional center of education, science and culture: materials of the All-Russian. scientific method. conf, (with international participation), 23-25 January 2019, Orenburg]. Ministry of Science and Higher education Ros. Federation, Feder. state budget. educated. institution of higher. education “Orenburg State University”. Orenburg: OSU, 2019, pp. 2547-2554.

14. Yankina N.V. The study of intercultural features of business culture as a component of professional education of the individual [Bulletin of the Orenburg State University], 2016, no. 10, pp. 31-35.

15. Krapivina M., Tomin V., Eremina N. Linguacultural Features of Teaching English for Specific Purposes in Cross-Cultural Interactions. Current Issues of Linguistics and Didactics: The Interdisciplinary Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences: The International Scientific and Practical Conf., 23-28 april 2018 year, Volgograd. Volgograd State University. Volgograd: EDP Sciences, 2018, vol. 50, pp. 1.

16. Chernyaeva N.P. Peculiarities of studying business English [Osobennosti izucheniya delovogo anglijskogo]. (accessed: 03/12/2019).

17. Loktyushina E.A. Scientific support of a system of advanced training, 2019, no. 1 (38), pp. 76-82.

18. Tomin V.V., Sakharova N.S., Eremina N.V., Kabanova O.V., Terekhova G.V. Intercultural adaptation of students in the information field of cross-cultural interaction. Global Media Journal, 2016, Special Issue S2: 7, pp. 1-10.

Сведения об авторах

Дмитриева Елена Владимировна, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Оренбургского государственного университета, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

Терехова Галина Валентиновна, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Оренбургского государственного университета, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

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