Ivan Boberskyi - teacher, athlete, public and political activist (review of the monograph: Sova A. Ivan Boberskyi: socio-cultural, military political and educational activities. Lviv: Institute of Ukrainian Studies of Ukraine, 2019. 512 p.)

A. Sova’s monograph as a significant work in the Ukrainian biography. A number of gaps in his reception concerning I. Boberskyi’s image. The relations with the clergy, the last period of the teacher’s life in Slovenia. The social activity of a teacher.

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Elementary School, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine

Institute of Foreign Languages, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine

Ivan Boberskyi - teacher, athlete, public and political activist (review of the monograph: Sova A. Ivan Boberskyi: socio-cultural, military political and educational activities. Lviv: Institute of Ukrainian Studies of Ukraine, 2019. 512 p.)

Svitlana Hirniak PhD hab. (Philology), Associate Professor

of the Department of Philological Sciences and Methods of Teaching in

Yuliya Talalay PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department

of Germanic Languages and Translation Studies,

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Ivan Boberskyi (1873 - 1947) was a teacher, a public, a military, a political and statesman, an organizer, the Ukrainian physical education founder, an athlete, a journalist, an editor, a publisher, a translator, a philanthropist, a photographer, an archivist, an expert in several European languages among the prominent Ukrainian figures attheendofthe XIXth - the first half of the XXth century. The very list of his statuses, interests and preferences testifies to the talent, versatility and uniqueness of the person. Ivan Boberskyi'sdiverse cultural, educational, socio-political activities are important for the Ukrainian humanities as a separate page of the Ukrainian history of the XXth century. Despite the emergence of many researches that directly or indirectly related to the life and work of this person, his figure was not studied by the scientists comprehensively. An exception was the monograph, published by Lviv historian Andriy Sova “Ivan Boberskyi: socio-cultural, militarypolitical and educational activities” (Lviv, 2019, 512 p.).

It should benoted that it was not the first study by A. Sova, dedicated to Ivan Boberskyi. In 2017, A. Sova published a monograph with the co-author with Ya. Tymchak, which analyzed one of the primary aspects of Ivan Bobersky's activity: the Ukrainian body-educational's and sport traditional's formation (Sova, Tymchak, 2017). The work received positive reviews from the Ukrainian historians (Kost', 2017; Romanyuk, 2017). Furthermore, after conducting additional research, A. Sova finally presented to the academic community a peer-reviewed monograph, which was marked by an unconditional scientific novelty, which was previously noted in his review by Professor A. Hrechylo (Hrechylo, 2020). In the monograph the author conceptually, comprehensively, holistically, thoroughly analyzed Ivan Boberskyi's sociocultural, militarypolitical and educational activities; introduced into the scientific circulation important, unknown documents of state, public, private archives, museum and library collections from around the world; traced I. Bobersky's worldviewsformation, highlighted his work in Ukraine (Galicia), the USA, Canada, Yuhoslavia; collected and analyzed Ivan Boberskyi'screative heritage.

The monograph consisted of an introduction, five chapters, conclusions, a list of used sources and literature (a total of 1421 items), 43 appendices, nominal and geographical indexes. The first section analyzed the topic's level of scientific study and described the source base. The researcher divided the issue's historiography into three periods: 1) the 1900-ies - 1947; 2) 1947 - the 1980-ies; 3) the 1990-ies - 2020. According to A. Sova, the first period included the contemporaries' publications on I. Boberskyi, written during his lifetime. The second group of studies consisted of intelligence of Ukrainian scholars in the diaspora and works, which werepublished in the USSR in 1947 - the 1980-ies. In the third group, the researcher included works published after Ukrainian independence restoration (Sova, 2019, pp. 11-43).

The author conditionally divided the processed sources into seven groups: 1) thedocuments of theUkrainian military, political and state formations and institutions in which I. Boberskyi worked; 2) thedocuments of thepublic organizations of which he was a member and with which he cooperated directly during his life; 3) I. Boberskyi'screative heritage; 4) the epistolary sources; 5) the periodicals; 6) the memories, diaries, interviews; 7) the photos (Sova, 2019, p. 44).

Hence, A. Sova's scale of processeddocuments of archival origin from 17 archives and museums, as well as documents from 12 private archives is impressive. The author used materials from foreign institutions: Archive-Museum named after Dmytro Antonovych of the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences in the USA, archive of the Ukrainian Student Society “Sich” in Graz, the National Library in Warsaw, the Ukrainian Cultural and EducationalCenter in Winnipeg, the Ukrainian Museum-Archive in Cleveland, the Ukrainian National Museum in Chicago. The researcher especially elaborated theepistolary sources, more than three dozen press periodicals of the first half of the XXth century, as well asthe memoirs, writtenby S. Haiduchko, O. Hrytsayi, I. Kedryn, G. Korenets, N. Leontovych-Bashuk, T Lototskyi, S. Nagirna-Lev, O. Okhrymovych, P. Franko, S. Shah, M. Shkilnyk.

In the second chapter, the researcher revealed the formation of I. Boberskyi as a person and highlighted his pedagogical activities in Galicia and the diaspora. A. Sova described the environment in which I. Boberskyi grew up and was formed, he emphasized his pedigree, which dates back to the XVIth century. The scientist depicted! Bobersky's worldview formation in the family circle (a father Mykola - theGreek Catholic priest, a mother - Anna-Dominika - a teacher), described the educational trajectory of the studied personality: studying in the gymnasiums of New Sancho (1884 - 1887) and Sambir (1887 - 1891), the universities of Lviv (1891 - 1895) and Graz (1895 - 1899). The scientist dwelled in more detail on I. Bobersky's life, in particular “Graz period”, during which the young student mastered advanced, innovative for his time competencies in the field of Physical Education and sports (1897) (Sova, 2019, pp. 58-72). Hence, the monograph outlined the first steps taken by I. Boberskyi's pedagogical work in the IV gymnasium of Lviv and the gymnasium in Drohobych, where he began to put into practice the knowledge acquired in Europe in the German language and the theory and methods of physical education. The author accumulated much more material on I. Boberskyi's pedagogical activity in the Academic Gymnasium in Lviv (1901 - 1918), where the teacher taught German, headed the German-language library for high school students, introduced gymnastics classes (physical education lessons), joined as a member-patron of the activities of the community “Ruslan”, founded the “Ukrainian Sports Club” (USC). In Gymnastics lessons I. Boberskyi combined the elements of European Gymnastics Systems with the Ukrainian traditional folk forms, introduced motor and sports terminology and prepared the first professional Ukrainian-language publications on Physical Education and sports. As an organizer, he managed to make the most of the opportunities that the Ukrainian community of Lviv had at that time to develop and popularize the “rykhanka” (physical exercises), in particular the material and technical base of the “Sokil-Bat'ko” society and the gymnasium. His educational and methodical works “Zabavy I Hry Rykhovi” (Fun and Physical Exercises' Games) (1904), “Zabavy I Hry Rykhovi part two” (1905), “Zabavy I Hry Rykhovi, part three.Kicking the Ball” (1906), “The Ordinary Exercises”(1909) were used in Gymnastics lessons and in the USC activities, and also gained popularity in the Ukrainian lands and in the diaspora (Sova, 2019, pp. 72-89).

It is known that during 1903 - 1914 I. Boberskyi worked in the Women's Seminary of the Ukrainian Pedagogical Society and Bazilian Sisters Servants Gymnasium in Lviv. A. Sova researched I. Boberskyi's contribution to the training of pedagogical staff, where Gymnastics classes were introduced and the “Girls' Sports Club” (GSC) was created. According to the researcher, this circle developed actively during 1910 - 1914, grew quantitatively and qualitatively, nurturing and spreading various sports among the Ukrainian women. Furthermore, while working in the Women's Gymnasium, I. Boberskyi also prepared educational and methodical works “Sytkivka” (1909), “Lavchyna and Shcheblivka” (1910), “Prorukh” (1912), which were used by other Gymnastics teachers and the GSC'smembers, as well as all interested in the Ukrainian lands and in the Ukrainian diaspora (Sova, 2019, pp. 90-104).

It should be mentioned that I. Boberskyi's educational activity study in the diaspora required greater difficulties from A. Sova. It is known that the teacher in 1920 - 1932 in Canada joined the activities of the “Ridna Shkola” (Native School), the Ukrainian Institute of Education, spoke at various events, celebrations, celebrations not only in Winnipeg, where he lived, but also in various parts of Canada, was a participant in cultural, educational and scientific events of the Canadian Ukrainians. The author attached special importance to the “Organization of the Ukrainian Teachers” (OUU), and taught repeatedly various disciplines at teacher training courses, organized by this authoritative organization. During the 1920-ies and 1940-ies, he provided pieces of advice to many individuals and organizations, drafted statutes, wrote articles, notes, etc., in particular, assisted the “St. Raphael's UkrainianImmigrants' WelfareAssociation” to establish large-scale publishing activities. A. Sova accumulated information recorded in the memoirs, photographs, documents about the life and way of life of the Ukrainians in Canadascrupulously. In the second half of the 1920-ies and 1930-ies, he traveled to Europe, where he spoke on topical issues of education, culture, history and politics. On the basis of a large collection of books collected by him during his stay in Canada, in Winnipeg was created “The Canadian Library. Ivan Boberskyi”. He also conducted scientific studies, the results of which were published in the pages of the Ukrainian General Encyclopedia (Lviv; Stanyslaviv; Kolomyia, 1935). In 1936, I. Boberskyi visited the IV Winter Olympic Games in Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the XIth Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, published a number of journalistic reports in the Ukrainian publications. It should be noted that A. Sova worked particularly carefully on I. Boberskyi's reports from the Olympic Games (Sova, 2019, pp. 105-121).

The third section was devoted to I. Boberskyi's work in the “Sokil”society organization during 1901 - 1939. First of all, A. Sova analyzed the teacher' sorganizational activity within the framework of the Teachers” Circle 'rukhanka' at the “Sokil” organization in Lviv. The researcher noted that with I. Boberskyi's active participation in the “Sokil” organizationdiverse significant events and activities took place, in particular, the first music and 'rukhanka' evening of the Ukrainian society “Sokil” organization in Lviv on the 6th of April in 1902, the 'rukhanka' evening in Lviv Philharmonic on the 5th of April in 1903, the opening of a new 'rukhanka' (gymnastics hall) of the Ukrainian “Sokil” organization in Lviv on the 5th of November in 1906 (at 20 Ruska Street), the purchase of land and the arrangement of the 'rukhanka'-sports square “Sokil-Bat'ko” in Lviv (other names - “the Ukrainian Horod” (the Ukrainian City), “the Ukrainian Mecca”, the national fort) and the others. He took an active part in several commissions and sections of the society, in particular in “Praporova”, “Zabavova”, “Odnostroyeva”, “The Commission for the purchase of the Ukrainian Horod in Lviv”. Ivan Boberskyi introduced and popularized various sports. Thanks to his hard work, the “Sokil”society grew quantitatively and qualitatively. As of June 1914, there were 974 “Sokil” cells in Galicia with about 70,000 members. I. Boberskyi's authority and merits were marked by the presentation in 1911 of a sergeant's mace with the words: “Take us further!” (Sova, 2019, pp. 122-139).

At the same time, A. Sova analyzed I. Boberskyi's editorial and publishing activities. As a result,“Sokil News” (1909) and “News from Zaporizhzhia” (1910 - 1914) the first official publications of the “Sokil-Batko” Society were published, which covered primarily the activities of Ukrainian firefighters, motorists, sports and riflemen societies in Galicia, published articles on the Physical Education and sports development, history of Ukraine, the life of the Ukrainians in different parts of the world, activity reports, information articles, appeals, orders, materials from speeches, evenings, photos, etc. In addition to magazines, during I. Boberskyi's presidency, 44 different editions of “Sokil”literature were published. A. Sova quite rightly noted that I. Boberskyi together with the “Sokil-Batko” management managed to develop a corporate style of the organization and provide its members with the external attributes and symbols that indicated belonging to the Ukrainians (Sova, 2019, pp. 139-153).

One of the paragraphs of the peer-reviewed monograph was devoted to I. Boberskyi's activity in the context of the I and II “krayevukh zdvuhiv” (regional shifts) in Galicia. Consequently, after being at the head of “Sokil” organization (1908), he began to work in order to strengthen the society's organization, to improve communication between the central cell in Lviv and “Sokil's” “nests” (cells) in Galicia. Hence, in 1909, the “headquarters” of the “Sokil” society changed its name to “Sokil-Bat'ko” (“Falcon-Father). It was decided to hold large- scale, universal national-cultural and 'rukhanka' “Sokil” events, which were called 'zdvyhy' in Galicia, following the Czech model and following the example of the “Sich” organizations. A significant contribution to the initiation and their successful implementation belongs to Boberskyi. The first Krayovyi Zdvyh (Regional Shift) held on the 9th - 10th of September in 1911, on the occasion of Taras Shevchenko's death 50th anniversary, and “Shevchenko Zdvyh” (Shift) on the 27th - 29th of June in 1914, on the occasion of Taras Shevchenko's birth 100th anniversary, became the Ukrainians' national consciousness high-level manifestation, dignity and cohesion. According to A. Sova, 'krayevi zdvuhu' (regional shifts) were an important factor in the Ukrainian Sokil Movement development and evidence of its entry into a new, qualitatively higher level of the organizational work involving the Ukrainians of the Dnieper region and various centers of the Ukrainian diaspora (Sova, 2019, pp. 153-169).

At the same time, A. Sova outlined I. Boberskyi's participation in the events held by the “Sokil” organizations of the Slavic peoples. Before World War I, the teacher attended many events of the Czech, Croatian and Slovenian organizations “Sokil”. In particular, he was at the V All-Sokil Rally in Prague in 1907, the Congress of Slavic Sokils in Zagreb in 1911, and the others. The most significant event for the Ukrainian “Sokils” in Galicia before World War I was the participation in the VI All-Sokil Rally in Prague, which took place on the 28th-30th of June and on the 1st of July in 1912 and was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Czech Sokil (Falcomy)Movement. Moreover, I. Boberskyi organized a trip to the rally and headed the Ukrainian delegation, which showed itself to the Czechs and delegations from different parts of Europe and America. During the interwar period, I. Boberskyi also took care of the Ukrainians participation in all-sokil rallies in Prague: VII - 1920, VIII - 1926, IX - 1932, X - 1938 (Sova, 2019, pp. 169-181).

The fourth chapter of the monograph reveals I. Boberskyi's participation in the social movement of Galicia and the Ukrainian diaspora. A. Sova managed to show the teacher's participation in the Shevchenko Scientific Society, the Teachers' Community and “Prosvita” most thoroughly. The researcher claims that I. Boberskyi was an active regular member of the NTSh during 1902 - 1903, and in the following years and until the early 1940-ies he collaborated with the NTSh in publishing his works, worked on the translation of “Essay on the History of the Ukrainian People”. Hrushevskyi in German. During the interwar period and during World War 2, NTSh donated part of its library, archives and items for exhibition on the history of Ukrainian Physical Education and sports. At the beginning of the XXth century I. Boberskyi, along with the other well-known figures of the time, in particular M. Hrushevskyi, was one of the founders of the “Teachers' Community”. As an authoritative teacher, he represented the Ukrainian teachers in April 1912 at the Congress of the State Union of Secondary School Teachers in Vienna, the Teachers' Community at international forums, in particular, in August 1910 at the Third Congress on School Hygiene in Paris (Sova, 2019, pp. 182-201).

In the same section, A. Sova detailed information about I. Boberskyi'sactivities in the USC, as mentioned earlier, describing the pedagogical work of the researched personality in the Academic Gymnasium in Lviv. He described in detail the purpose, tasks, structure of the USC, the competition of this large-scale group with other sports organizations - the

Polish, the Czech, the Jewish. A. Sova believed that the USC activities became an example and encouragement for the establishment of sports clubs “Dnipro” (Lviv), “Syanova Chaika” (gymnasium in Przemysl); “Podillya” (gymnasium in Ternopil); “Sich” (in Stryi, soon renamed the sports club “Skala”) (Sova, 2019, pp. 201-210).

It is known that I. Boberskyi cooperated actively with the societies “Ukraine” and “Plast” during 1911 - 1939. The author noted that I. Boberskyi's efforts and his students - S. Haiduchko, H. Luchakivskyi, V. Paliyiv, M. Yavorskyi and the others, consequently, the sports society “Ukraine” was established in Lviv on the 22nd of September in 1911. Members of ST “Ukraine” created a number of sports sections ('leshchetova', 'sanchatova' (sled), 'sovhar', 'myacheva' (ball), 'sitkovka', athletics and walking and entertainment). Before World War I, I. Boberskyi took care of the society's affairs, took an active part in its life, and gave impetus to the First (October 15-16, 1911) and Second “Zaporizhzhya Competitions” (June 29, 1914) in Lviv. the next two decades took place in Galicia; assisted in the organization and participated as a judge in the competition for “the struggle for the art of Galician Ukraine” (the first competition - on the 23rd - 24th of March in 1912, the second - on the 15th - 16th of March in 1913) (Sova, 2019, pp. 211-219 ).

I. Boberskyi also stood at the origins of the Plast created in 1911 in Lviv (the name was proposed by him). After getting acquainted with the principles of English scouting, I. Boberskyi and his students - O. Tysovskyi, P. Franko and I. Chmola created a new educational organization, which gave the Ukrainian essence. The Plast took its first steps with the support, advice and financial assistance of I. Boberskyi. In particular, he provided great assistance to a student and colleague at the Academic Gymnasium O. Tysovskyi, who compiled the book “The Plast (scouting for boys) in Ukrainian schools”. According to A. Sova's research, I. Boberskyi managed to involve young teachers in the Plast's creation and the spread of its activity: D. Bilynska, S. Haiduchka, T. Polikha, S. Sidorovych, O. Stepanov, O. Tysovskyi, O. Fedov, M. Fedusevich, A., T. Franko and P. Franko, and the others (Sova, 2019, pp. 219-230).

Furthermore, extremely interesting, full of new historical facts was the section of the monograph on I. Boberskyi's public work in Canada, Yugoslavia and European countries during the 1920-ies and 1940-ies. A. Sova put emphasis on the fact that I. Boberskyi proved himself as an organizer, authoritative and far-sighted public figure as being in the diaspora - first in Canada (1920 - 1932) , and then in Yuhoslavia (1932 - 1947). In addition, I. Boberskyi was a representative of Lviv “Society for the Guardianship of the Ukrainian Emigrants in Lviv”, with which the Society for the “St.Raphael's UkrainianImmigrants' WelfareAssociation in Canada” cooperated, which was aimed at helping the Ukrainians - the immigrants and those who wanted to go to Canada for permanent residence, in particular, in search of work for the newcomers.After moving from Canada to Yugoslavia on the 29th of May in 1932, I. Boberskyi became a lieutenant of the “St.Raphael's UkrainianImmigrants' WelfareAssociation in Canada”in Europe. He joined the founding of the Ukrainian Rifle Society (URS), the first branch of which was established on the 28th of January in 1928 in Winnipeg (helped to prepare the charter and establish the first URS branch). I. Boberskyi was elected as the Honorary Chairman of the “Ukrainian Sokil Union Abroad” on the 10th of Decemberin 1933, among the main tasks of which was the Sokil Movement spread among the Ukrainians in the diaspora. At the same time, I. Boberskyi was an active member of the Ukrainian People's Union (UNU), an all-Ukrainian association of the diaspora whose goal was to preserve the Ukrainian identity outside the Ukrainian ethnic lands. I. Boberskyi participated in the XVIIIth and the XXIst conventions (general meetings) of the ONS in

Pittsburgh (now Pennsylvania, USA), on the 15th of May in 1933 and the 25th - 30th of March in 1946, was a delegate to the 333rd Division (in May 1933 In total, 401 departments were represented, in March 1946 - 477) (Sova, 2019, pp. 230-247).

The fifth chapter of the monograph covered an equally interesting page in I. Boberskyi'sbiography, namely, his military-political and state-building activities. A. Sova claimed that during World War I the teacher was a member of the Main Ukrainian Council, the General Ukrainian Council, the Ukrainian Combat Command (since 1917 the Central Command) of the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen. A. Sova revealed I. Boberskyi's activities in the State Secretariat for the Military Affairs of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR) (1918 - 1919). At this time, the teacher proved himself as the head of the “Writing Department” in the State Secretariat for the Military Affairs of ZUNR, engaged in creating the Ukrainian military terminology, uniform for the Galician Army, topographic maps, edited the magazine “Bulletin of the State Secretariat for Military Affairs”, collected photos and various materials concerning liberation struggle (Sova, 2019, pp. 248-275).

During his forced stay in the diaspora, I. Boberskyi, on behalf of ZUNR government in 1920 in the United States and in 1920 - 1924 in Canada, confirmed his reputation as an energetic and productive organizer, authoritative and far-sighted politician, diplomat, faithful son of the Ukrainian people, independence fighter of Ukraine. His selfless and sacrificial work helped to convey to the Ukrainians in the diaspora and the world community truthful information about the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their independence and statehood. Such a powerful campaign forced the US and Canadian governments to recognize the need to address the Ukrainian issue in various international institutions. Thanks to I. Boberskyi's activities, the Representations of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR) in the USA and Canada were able to collect and provide significant financial support to ZUNR government in exile (Sova, 2019, pp. 275-288).


boberskyi sova monograph biography

Having characterized A. Sova's monograph as a significant work in the Ukrainian biography stream, at the same time we should highlight a number of gaps in his reception concerning I. Boberskyi's image. First of all, having revealed the multifaceted social activity of a teacher, the researcher paid insufficient attention to depicting I. Boberskyi as a “living person”, with certain character traits, habits, peculiarities of communication with other people, first of all, members of his own family. The researcher only briefly revealed I. Boberskyi's relations with the clergy, as well as the last period of the teacher's life in Slovenia. In addition, the monograph is somewhat overloaded with citations.

Taking everything into consideration, we should note that the monograph, written A. Sova is a thorough scientific study, which is characterized by novelty, sufficient objectivity, processing a large number of documentary sources. Undoubtedly, this work is a significant contribution to the Ukrainian biography.


1. Hrechylo, A. (2020). [Rev. on]: Sova A. Ivan Boberskyi: suspilno-kulturna, viiskovo-politychna ta osvitno-vykhovna diialnist: monohrafiia. Lviv, 2019. 512 p. [Sova A. Ivan Boberskyi: SocioCultural, Military Political and Educational Activities: monograph. Lviv, 2019. 512 p.]. Visnyk NTSh. Informatsiine vydannia Svitovoi rady Naukovykh tovarystv im. Shevchenka, 63, 118-119. [in Ukrainian]

2. Kost, S. (2017). [Rev. on]: Sova A., Tymchak Ya. Ivan Boberskyi - osnovopolozhnyk ukrainskoi tilovykhovnoi i sportovoi tradytsii / Za nauk. red. Yevhena Prystupy. Lviv: LDUFK, Apriori, 2017. 232 p. [Sova A., Tymchak Ya. Ivan Boberskyi - the Ukrainian Physical Education and Sports Tradition Founder / For science. ed. Eugene Prystupy. Lviv: LDUFK, Apriori, 2017. 232 p]. Visnyk NTSh. Informatsiine vydannia Svitovoi rady Naukovykh tovarystv im. Shevchenka, 58, 111-112. [in Ukrainian]

3. Romaniuk, M. (2018). [Rev. on]: Sova A., Tymchak Ya. Ivan Boberskyi - osnovopolozhnyk ukrainskoi tilovykhovnoi i sportovoi tradytsii / za nauk. red. Yevhena Prystupy. Lviv: LDUFK, Apriori, 2017. 232 p. [Sova A., Tymchak Ya. Ivan Boberskyi - the Ukrainian Physical Education and Sports Tradition Founder / for science. ed. Eugene Prystupy. Lviv: LDUFK, Apriori, 2017. 232 p.]. Ukraina: kulturna spadshchyna, natsionalna svidomist, derzhavnist, 31, 295- 299. [in Ukrainian]

4. Sova, A. & Tymchak, Ya. (2017). Ivan Boberskyi - osnovopolozhnyk ukrainskoi tilovykhovnoi i sportovoi tradytsii [Ivan Boberskyi - the Ukrainian Physical Education and Sports Tradition Founder]. Lviv: LDUFK; Apriori, 232 p. [in Ukrainian]

5. Sova, A. (2019). Ivan Boberskyi: suspilno-kulturna, viiskovo-politychna ta osvitno-vykhovna diialnist [Ivan Boberskyi: socio-cultural, militarypolitical and educational activities]. Lviv: Instytut ukrainoznavstva im. I. Krypiakevycha NAN Ukrainy, 512 p. [in Ukrainian]

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    ðåôåðàò [11,8 K], äîáàâëåí 10.05.2011

  • Teaching listening comprehension as a part of educational process at school. Teacher's speech as a basic form of teaching listening comprehension. Principles for developing listening ability. The use of activities developing listening comprehension.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [5,4 M], äîáàâëåí 31.10.2013

  • The study of political discourse. Political discourse: representation and transformation. Syntax, translation, and truth. Modern rhetorical studies. Aspects of a communication science, historical building, the social theory and political science.

    ëåêöèÿ [35,9 K], äîáàâëåí 18.05.2011

  • Development of harmonious and competent personality - one of main tasks in the process of teaching of future teachers. Theoretical aspects of education and competence of teacher of foreign language are in the context of General European Structure.

    êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [12,2 K], äîáàâëåí 16.05.2009

  • The Climate of Ukraine. The Capital of Ukraine. Ukraine Traditions, ukrainian Places of Interest. The education System in Ukraine. Ukrainian Youth Nowadays. The problem of Environmental Protection in Ukraine. Ukraine and English-speaking Countries.

    ðåôåðàò [944,5 K], äîáàâëåí 13.11.2010

  • Governmental theory - one of important and perspective directions of modern political ideas. Political sphere from complete. The political phenomena are in structures, prevailing over paradigms in connection with the complex of the public phenomena.

    ðåôåðàò [24,3 K], äîáàâëåí 22.11.2010

  • The Structure of Ukrainian Government. Rights and Duties of the Ukrainian Citizens. The Constitution of Ukraine. The state language. The Verkhovna Rada's main function is making laws. The Cabinet of Ministers is the highest body of the executive power.

    êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [15,3 K], äîáàâëåí 13.11.2010

  • General information about Ukraine. Ukraine became independent again after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. This began a transition period to a market economy. Industry and agriculture. Economy of Ukraine. The Interesting places in Kyiv.

    ðåôåðàò [18,0 K], äîáàâëåí 10.08.2008

  • À complex comparison of morphological characteristics of English and Ukrainian verbs. Typological characteristics, classes and morphological categories of the English and Ukrainian verbs. The categories of person and number, tenses, aspect, voice, mood.

    äèïëîìíàÿ ðàáîòà [162,2 K], äîáàâëåí 05.07.2011

  • Concept as a linguo-cultural phenomenon. Metaphor as a means of concept actualization, his general characteristics and classification. Semantic parameters and comparative analysis of the concept "Knowledge" metaphorization in English and Ukrainian.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [505,9 K], äîáàâëåí 09.10.2020

  • Benito Mussolini was one of the important and the most interesting figures in Italian history. Short description of his life. Ascension of dictator to power and ideology of fascism for development of economy. His political and military activity.

    ðåôåðàò [9,4 K], äîáàâëåí 11.12.2010

  • Major methodological problem in the study of political parties is their classification (typology). A practical value of modern political science. Three Russian blocs, that was allocated software-political: conservative, liberal and socialist parties.

    ðåôåðàò [8,7 K], äîáàâëåí 14.10.2009

  • The model of training teachers to the formation of communicative competence. How the Web 2.0 technology tools affect on secondary school students in communication. The objective of the model is instantiated a number of conditions. Predicting the Future.

    êóðñîâàÿ ðàáîòà [30,3 K], äîáàâëåí 11.06.2012

  • Studying the translation methods of political literature and political terms, their types and ways of their translation. The translation approach to political literature, investigating grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties.

    äèïëîìíàÿ ðàáîòà [68,5 K], äîáàâëåí 21.07.2009

  • Contradiction between price and cost of labor between the interests of employees and employers. Party actors and levels of social and labor relations. Basic blocks problem: employment, work organization and efficiency, the need for economic growth.

    ðåôåðàò [19,7 K], äîáàâëåí 10.05.2011

  • The Ukrainian fashion: in expectation of a miracle. Fashion event boosts Ukraine’s nascent fashion industry. Made in Ukraine becomes fashionable. The 17th Pret-a-Porter Seasons of Fashion Week. 27th UFW: a spicy treat for European fashionistas.

    ðåôåðàò [25,7 K], äîáàâëåí 26.02.2011

  • Educational text from English with translation about history of Ukraine. Some information about history of Ukraine, its independence, Zaporizka Sich, activity of the Dnipro Cossacks. Short dictionary, list of questions to the text and answers to them.

    êîíòðîëüíàÿ ðàáîòà [1,4 M], äîáàâëåí 21.11.2010

  • The subjective aspects of social life. Social process – those activities, actions, operations that involve the interaction between people. Societal interaction – indirect interaction bearing on the level of community and society. Modern conflict theory.

    ðåôåðàò [18,5 K], äîáàâëåí 18.01.2009

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