Специфіка побудови академічного тексту
Результати аналізу наукових розвідок та узагальнення напрацювань теоретиків і практиків освітньої галузі щодо побудови академічного тексту. Визначення тексту як основної одиниці спілкування. Специфіка побудови вступної, основної та висновкової частин.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 26.01.2022 |
Размер файла | 41,8 K |
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Специфіка побудови академічного тексту
Наталія Мукан
доктор педагогічних наук, професор
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академічний текст спілкування
У статті висвітлено результати аналізу наукових розвідок та узагальнення напрацювань теоретиків і практиків освітньої галузі щодо побудови академічного тексту. Виявлено, що наукові дослідження вітчизняних і зарубіжних науковців присвячені висвітленню різних аспектів проблеми академічного письма: розвитку академічної грамотності, формуванню академічної та комунікативної компетентності, специфіці наукової мови та розвитку культури її використання, розвитку умінь і навичок академічного письма тощо. Представлено використані методи дослідження (аналіз, синтез, узагальнення). Обґрунтовано особливості вибору теми наукового дослідження та етапи основних заходів роботи над дослідницькою темою. Подано визначення тексту як основної одинці спілкування, а також академічного тексту, який готують відповідно до вимог наукового стилю, а його зміст виражається засобами спеціальної наукової термінології і мовних засобів. Представлено трикомпонентну модель академічного тексту (сендвіч-технологію / гамбургер-модель), що охоплює ключові метатекстові елементи: вступ, основна частина та висновки. Відображено взаємозв'язок між трьома компонентами гамбургер-моделі академічного тексту: у вступі презентується логіка розвитку авторських ідей; в основній частині реалізується їх презентація; у висновках автор пропонує читачеві висновки з цих ідей. Схарактеризовано специфіку побудови вступної, основної та висновкової частин академічного тексту. Запропоновано висновки: основними характеристиками академічного тексту є те, що він містить авторську ідею (авторське бачення щодо проблеми дослідження); його змістове наповнення містить знання, у якому виокремлюються ключові терміни та поняття. Академічний текст вирізняє цілісність, яка охоплює пов'язані між собою компоненти, що сприяє викладенню змістового наповнення в логічній послідовності.
Ключові слова: академічний текст, академічне письмо, гамбургер-модель, сендвіч-технологія, трикомпонентна структура тексту, вступ, основна частина, висновки.
Specifics of academic text construction
Nataliya Mukan,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education,
Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine)
Svitlana Kozubska
Instructor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences,
Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
The article highlights the analysis results of scientific research as well as theorists and practitioners' work's generalization of the educational field on the academic text construction. It is revealed that scientific researches of domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to highlight various aspects of the problem of academic writing: development of academic literacy, academic and communicative competence formation, scientific language specificity and development of culture of its use, development of academic writing skills, etc. The used research methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization) are presented. The peculiarities of the research topic choice and the stages of the main activities of the researched topic are substantiated. The definition of the text as the basic unit of communication, as well as the academic text, which is prepared in accordance with the requirements of scientific style, and its content are expressed by the means of special scientific terminology and language tools. A three-component model of the academic text (sandwich technology / hamburger model) is presented, which covers key metatext elements: introduction, discussion, and conclusion. The relationship between the three components of the hamburger model of the academic text is reflected: the introduction presents the logic of the development of the author's ideas; in the discussion part their presentation is realized; in the conclusions the author presents the conclusions from these ideas to the reader. The introductory, discussion and concluding parts specifics of the academic text construction are described. Conclusions are presented: the main characteristics of the academic text are as following: it contains the author's idea (author's vision of the research problem); its content contains knowledge, which highlights key terms and concepts. The academic text distinguishes integrity, which includes interconnected components, which contribute to the presentation of the content in a logical sequence.
Keywords: academic text, academic writing, hamburger model, sandwich technology, three-component text structure, introduction, discussion, conclusions.
The problem formulation. The problem of forming a culture of academic integrity solving is one of the keys to establish a quality assurance system of education. Today, these issues are the subject of research by both foreign and domestic scientists, as academic integrity is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon, and the development of a culture of its observance requires the efforts of all members of the academic community: teachers, students, managers. One of the mechanisms of academic integrity development is the acquisition of knowledge, formation and development of academic writing skills. The teaching of this discipline is aimed at forming one of the competencies that are necessary for students. First, it is about the development of scientific thinking, the formation and development of research skills that are necessary for the full development of the chosen specialty.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The specifics of teaching academic writing are the subject of research by domestic and foreign scholars. Thus, the peculiarities of the preparation of students for academic communication (M. Kozolup, 2017), the content and specifics of academic writing (N. Maloshonok, 2018, S. Revutska, 2018, B. Green, S. Beavis, 2012), academic writing in culturological and linguistic discourse (O. Selivanova, 2008, O. Semenog, 2019, L. Shulinova, 2005, T. Yakhontova, 2014), etc.
The aim and research tasks
The purpose of the article is to present the results of research on the specifics of the construction of the academic text as one of the main components of academic writing.
Research methods
To achieve this goal, theoretical research methods were used, including analysis and synthesis research results on the research problem, generalization - to formulate conclusions, forecasting - to determine the prospects for further research.
Results of the research
First, it is worth remembering that the main purpose of an academic text is to pass the reader the author's idea, the results obtained during the research, as well as to interest the reader and encourage him to further discussion. Therefore, when choosing the direction of research work, the topic should be relevant, both from a practical and theoretical point of view. It is important that the topic was feasible to implement, as well as promising for further work in this direction in the scientific community. It is clear that it is necessary to provide the author with appropriate primary materials. Of course, the topic should be of interest to the researcher who stimulates the search initiative. It is necessary to outline the plan and stages of the main measures of further work on the topic. For their implementation it is necessary to provide: substantiation of a theme, a choice of object and definition of the purpose of research; selection and analysis of scientific literature on the selected topic; hypothesis development; drawing up a plan and structure of work, development of the program and research methods; creation of own base of research material; conducting a research experiment in laboratories, search expeditions, etc.; creation of the experimental base; conducting research and summarizing its results, formulating conclusions; registration of research work; work review; defending of the obtained results.
Writing a scientific paper requires, first, a clear idea of the level of development of the research topic in science. Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with the basic literature concerning the chosen subject. Enhances the reliability of the results, the combined use of different types of sources, but it is very important that these sources accurately meet the specific objectives and topics of scientific work.
The text is the basic unit of communication. The main features of the text are its integrity, not only coherence, but also completeness, comprehensiveness of speech, modality, the presence of evaluation and self-evaluation, “point of view” (N. Khusanov, M. Berdieva, N. Dierova, E. Mirzaeva, Sh. Makhkamova, 2016, p. 45). According to scholars, the text is a complete speech formation, semantic, structural and grammatical unity, which is objectified in oral or written form, is characterized by closeness, coherence, different types of lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connection and has a certain pragmatic guideline (O. Semenog, O. Fast, 2015). The academic text is defined by the authors as an integral communicative block that has a clear, logical structure, a kind of framework with internally complete parts (sections, subsections, points, paragraphs, chunks), saturated with relevant terminology (O. Semenog, O. Fast, 2015). An academic text is a generalized coherent text prepared in accordance with the requirements of the scientific style, and its content is expressed by means of special scientific terminology and linguistic means. An academic text can be created based on preliminary processed source base, collection of material, research, analysis and reflection of data, facts, ideas, provisions, etc.
One of the basic concepts of the Anglo-American tradition of academic writing is accessibility, which means “intelligibility” of the academic text to members of the professional community. Its provision involves compliance with the principle of organization of the academic text at the macro and micro levels in accordance with the technologies used in the international academic environment; construction of an academic text that meets the goals of scientific communication and the requirement of publicity. At the macro level, such a construction should correspond to the generally accepted three- component model and the principle of unity of the text. The organization at the micro level covers the logical structure of the paragraph, the clarity of syntax, the use of appropriate vocabulary and stylistic features, and the absence of spelling and punctuation errors.
An academic society uses a three-component model of an academic or scientific text, consisting of such key metatext elements as introduction, discussion, and conclusion. This model is called sandwich technology or hamburger model. In its structure, the introduction and conclusions are symmetrical components “above and below”, between which is the main part - discussion.
Metatext elements have a generally accepted internal logical order - “skeleton”, which is increased by additional textual components depending on the disciplinary specifics. However, it should be understood that the bun of the presented hamburger is perceived as an introduction and conclusions that support the whole text. Thanks to them, the text is arranged according to a certain framework structure of the text. However, it is important to remember that this is a way of organizing the content of an academic text.
The main content of the hamburger is a beef patty, in our case, the discussion of the academic text, which reflects the author's ideas. However, in addition to the beef patty, the hamburger also includes other extras that complement or emphasize the taste, and in general form the specific taste of the hamburger. In an academic text, it is the support of author's ideas, which contributes to a better perception of author's ideas by the reader.
This hamburger model of the academic text shows the relationship between the three components: the introduction presents the logic of the development of authorial ideas; in the discussion, their presentation is implemented; in the conclusions, the author presents to the reader the conclusions from these ideas. Thus, in the introduction, discussion and conclusions ideas will be presented in the same order. For example, if there are three ideas, then in the introduction they can be listed as three problems in a certain logical order (for example, priority), then these three problems will be considered and solved in the same sequence in the main part of the text and finally summarized and presented in in the form of three conclusions interconnected - the first, second and the third.
Let us characterize in more details each of the elements of the academic text. The introduction should clearly identify the problem, research questions, methods of solution and the main thesis. When stating a problem, it is necessary to indicate its relevance and lack of existing knowledge in its field (lack of research, or a limited approach to its study in the scientific literature). In other words, the author substantiates the expediency of writing the text, explains what prompted him to study the problem, as well as why its solution is important for the professional community. The author formulates research questions based on which the main thesis is built - the main idea of the author, which he discusses in his work, is expressed clearly, clearly and concisely. “An introduction in the format of a paragraph consists of two parts: several general statements that intrigue and attract the reader's attention and a thesis statement in which the idea of the text is presented. The thesis statement plays the same role in the introduction as the first sentence in the paragraph: it names the topic and forms the reader's idea of the general idea of the content of the text...” (N. Khusanov, M. Berdieva, N. Dierova, E. Mirzaeva, Sh. Makhkamova, 2016, p. 52). That is, the author introduces the topic, gives a brief description of its context, and justifies its relevance and importance. It is necessary to single out the problem or contradictions, lack of knowledge about the subject of research and submit the wording of the topic. The introduction indicates the purpose of the study, as well as a brief overview of certain aspects or structure of the scientific text (N. Khusanov, M. Berdieva, N. Dierova, E. Mirzaeva, Sh. Makhkamova, 2016, p. 52).
Thus, the introduction intrigues the reader and informs him of the main topic that will be discussed. The introduction performs a range of functions: to interest the reader, to outline the topic, to identify the problem, to formulate a thesis, to outline the structure of the text and the aspects that will be studied. Moreover, all this should be compelled into one small paragraph. The introduction is sometimes compared to a funnel, with which the author narrows the discussion field to the problem that can be solved within a single text.
The main part or discussion details these aspects of the problem or research issues in the same order in which they are presented in the introductory part. Their disclosure should provide a consistent argumentation of the main author's thesis. Depending on the subject of the study, arguments can be supported or illustrated by facts, information from official documents, reports on previous studies, and other sources. The opinions of authoritative scientists, statistical data, graphs, photographs, reproductions of paintings, etc. are also used for argumentation. It is clear that the choice of argument depends on the field of scientific knowledge. However, here the author should remember that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the main line of reasoning, to avoid the use of extraneous or insignificant for the research problem information, coverage of concepts that are not directly related to the text. Deviations from the thesis are often sinned in the works of students who seek to make the bibliographic list significant or to demonstrate their literacy and broad outlook. However, redundant links and the inclusion of redundant information only spoil the work. Thus, the main part of the text covers several paragraphs, each of which reveals the subtopic of the main topic.
Conclusions are formed on the principle of reflection of the introduction. If in the introduction the author brought to a narrow problem of research, starting with a broad overview of the problem, then in conclusion he presents the material, ranging from a narrow problem to the possibility of applying the results of its solution in a wider area. The conclusion lists the author's answers to each of the research questions or draws conclusions about each aspect of the main thesis. Here it is necessary to follow the same order in which they were set out in the introduction and the main part / discussion. In the end, the author clearly and consistently formulates the main conclusion, which is directly related to the main thesis. The main conclusion, as a rule, is made with a view to the prospect of further discussion. This can be a promising expansion or deepening of the topic, attracting new sources, applying new approaches and methods, asking new questions, presenting recommendations, forecasts for the future, and so on. Thus, the conclusion on the principle brings the reader beyond the research problem, in a broader context, to the prospects for further research. Thus, the conclusions present an overview of the ideas presented in the main part and highlight the prospects for further research.
Conclusions and prospects of further research
The academic text consists of three parts: introduction, main part (discussion), conclusions. Its main characteristics are that it contains the author's idea (author's vision of the research problem); its content contains knowledge, which highlights key terms and concepts. The academic text distinguishes integrity, which includes interconnected components, which contributes to the presentation of the content in a logical sequence.
Prospects for further research include the study of the specificity of syntaxis constructions and their use in academic texts.
1. Kozolup, M.S. (2017). Tekhnolohii pidhotovky maibutnikh fakhivtsiv pryrodnychykh spetsialnostei do akademichnoi komunikatsii v universytetakh SShA [Technologies for training future specialists in natural sciences for academic communication in US universities]. (The dissertation of the candidate of pedagogical sciences: specialty: 13.00.04 - the theory and methods of professional education). Lviv: Ivan Franko Lviv National University. [in Ukrainian].
2. Maloshonok, N.G. (2018). Chetyre urovnia akademicheskoho pisma [Four levels of academic writing]. Retrieved from: https://academics.hse.ru/ awc/levels [in Russian].
3. Revutskaya, S.K. (2018). Kurs lektsii z dystsypliny “Akademichne pysmo” [Course of lectures on the subject “Academic Writing”]. Kryvyi Rih: Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovsky Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade. [in Ukrainian].
4. Selivanova, O.O. (2008). Suchasna linhvistyka: napriamy ta problemy [Modern linguistics: directions and problems]. Poltava: Environment-K. [in Ukrainian].
5. Semenog, O. (2019). Yevropeiskyi ta natsionalnyi konteksty akademichnoi kultury doslidnyka: dosvid realizatsii proektu ERAZMUS+ZhAN MONE MODUL [European and national contexts of the researcher's academic culture: experience of ERASMUS + JEAN MONNET MODULE project implementation]. Ukrainian Yearbook of European Integration Studies: Ukraine-European Union: from partnership to association, 320-330. [in Ukrainian].
6. Semenog, O., & Fast, O. (2015). Akademichne pysmo: linhvokulturoloichnyi pidkhid [Academic writing: linguo-cultural approach]. Sumy, Ukraine: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko. (in Ukrainian).
7. Khusanov, N., Berdieva, M., Dierova, N., Mirzaeva, E., & Makhkamova, Sh. (2016). Uchebno-metodicheskii kompleks po distsypline «Akademicheskoe pismo i oratorstvo» [Educational and methodical complex in the discipline “Academic writing and oratory”]. Tashkent: Tashkent Financial Institute. [in Russian]
8. Shulinova, L.V. (2005). Zhanrova dyferentsiatsiia naukovoho styliu suchasnoi ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy [Genre differentiation of the scientific style of the modern Ukrainian literary language]. Actual problems of Ukrainian linguistics: theory and practice, 11. 79-84. [in Ukrainian].
9. Yakhontova, T.V. (2014). Linhvohenolohiia suchasnoi nauky (na materiali anhlomovnykh tekstiv) [Linguogenology of modern science (based on English texts)]. (Abstract of the dissertation of the doctor of philological sciences: specialty: 10.02.04 - Germanic languages). Kyiv: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. [in Ukrainian].
10. Green, B., Beavis, C. (2012). Literacy in 3D: an integrated perspective in theory and practice. Camberwell, Vic.: ACER Pres.
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дипломная работа [104,3 K], добавлен 06.12.2015Ознаки релігійного дискурсу. Протестантська проповідь як тип тексту. Лінгвокультурна адаптація тексту релігійного характеру при перекладі. Особливості використання перекладацької адаптації англомовної проповіді при відтворенні українською мовою.
дипломная работа [166,6 K], добавлен 22.06.2013Рекламний дискурс як складова частина мовної картини світу людини. Вторинний дискурс рекламного тексту як визначальний чинник міжкультурної комунікації. Особливості відтворення і характеристика рекламного тексту. Класифікації перекладацьких трансформацій.
курсовая работа [35,5 K], добавлен 26.10.2011Проблема адекватності перекладу художнього тексту. Розкриття суті терміну "контрастивна лінгвістика" та виявлення специфіки перекладу художніх творів. Практичне застосування поняття "одиниці перекладу". Авторське бачення картини світу під час перекладу.
статья [26,9 K], добавлен 24.04.2018Характеристика поетичного тексту та особливостей його композиційної побудови. Особливості вживання фонетичних засобів поезії. Принципи вживання фонетичних засобів, їх роль у віршах. Мовні особливості фонетичних одиниць в англійських творах.
курсовая работа [51,5 K], добавлен 10.02.2014Визначення поняття науково-технічного тексту. Характеристика лінгвістичних особливостей НТТ. Аналіз граматичних та синтаксичних особливостей перекладу з німецької на українську мову. Виявлення особливостей поняття науково-технічного тексту та дискурсу.
статья [23,2 K], добавлен 06.09.2017Художній переклад як особливий вид перекладацької діяльності. Особливості перекладу художнього тексту. Характеристика лексичних трансформацій на матеріалі роману Дена Брауна "Втрачений символ". Трансформації, які переважають при перекладі тексту.
курсовая работа [61,7 K], добавлен 26.04.2014Ресурси реалізації лексико-семантичних аспектів у перекладах художніх творів на українську мову шляхом їх порівняно-порівняльного аналізу. Національно-культурні та мовні особливості тексту аналізованого твору, способи їх передачі на українську мову.
курсовая работа [133,1 K], добавлен 24.03.2015Висвітлення й аналіз лексико-стилістичних та структурних особливостей існуючих перекладів поетичних творів Гійома Аполлінера. Розгляд та характеристика підходів різних перекладачів щодо збереження відповідності тексту перекладу первинному тексту.
статья [26,0 K], добавлен 07.02.2018Мовний дискурс англійських газетних заголовків. Виявлення значення теми і основного тексту газетної статті. Класифікація та особливості побудови газетних заголовків. Способи та складності перекладу і передачі у перекладі англійських газетних заголовків.
курсовая работа [37,6 K], добавлен 03.10.2014