Concept modern woman as cognitive and semantic universal In related languages
Familiarity with the main features of the concept of Modern Woman as a cognitive-semantic universal in related languages. General characteristics of cognitive classification features for the prototype concept "modern woman" in related languages.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 549,4 K |
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Episode two: arrival to the parents ' house:
(eng.) “The fact that I was waiting outside,pendingpermission to be granted, detached me from it even more ” (Ahern: 19).
(rus.) “Тот факт, что я вынуждена была торчать у ворот, пока их созволят открыть, подчеркивал нашу разобщенность с этим местом” (Ахерн: 25).
(ukr.) “Той факт, що я мусила чекати зовні, коли мені дозволять увійти, підкреслював для мене ще більш його сторонність” (Аґерн: 26).
Reinterpretation of the verbs (eng.) to detach - to separate or to remove something else that is connected to - no to show any emotional involvement or interest in a situation [CALD]; (rus.) подчеркивать - провести черту под чем-то - особо выделить, обращая внимание на что-нибудь [ТСРЯ]; (ukr.) підкреслювати - проводити риску під яким- небудь текстом, словом і т. ін., виділяючи щось - виявляти своє ставлення до кого-, чого-небудь, поведінкою, діями тощо [АТСУМ] was due to the semantic transformation of the replacement of archisemes “to separate”, “проводить черту”, “проводити риску” onto “not to show”, “выделять”, “виявляти” and the addition of new differential semes “emotional involvement”, “interest”, “внимание”, “ставлення”. The logical-semantic model of this transference is as follows: human (action) ^ abstract concept (emotional state) + logical multiplication (conjunction: aTy.
Episode three: meeting with family and parents:
(eng.) “The door opened and my brother Riley grinned out at me like a Cheshire Cat” (Ahern: 23).
(rus.) “Дверь распахнулась, и в проеме возник братец Райли, ухмыляясь, как Чеширский Кот ” (Ахерн: 29).
(ukr.) “Двері відчинилися, і мій брат Райлі всміхнувся до мене, як Чеширський Кіт ” (Аґерн: 29).
The character of the smile of the heroine's brother in the third episode is transmitted by the comparison of a precedential nature. The cat demonstrates unusual abilities for an animal in Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale: he can speak, smile and slowly disappear into space, in such a way that there is only one smile that freezes in the air at the end. But the image of the Cheshire Cat comes from the English proverb to grin like a Cheshire Cat meaning “to smile sardonically”. Compare the original and derived meaning of verbs in (eng.) to grin - to smile a wide smile - to accept something bad without complaining [CALD], (rus.) ухмыляться - слегка засмеяться (обычно с насмешкой, недоверчиво) [ТСРЯ] and (ukr.) всміхатися - усмішкою виявляти певні почуття (радість, задоволення тощо) - сприяти, допомагати кому-небудь в успіху, удачі; обіцяти щось приємне, радісне [АТСУМ]. The logical-semantic implementation of this example is as follows: animal (appearance) ^ human (appearance, character) + logical multiplication (conjunction: a"'b).
Episode four: family dinner:
(eng.) “The they gorged on a couple of pheasant legs, clinkedpewtered jugs, groped a boob or two, wiped their drooling mouths and burped - or at least I imagined them do that - and then they sat” (Ahern: 34).
(rus.) “Потом они в момент проглотили по фазаньей ножке, сдвинули оловянные кружки, облапали парочку девиц за сиськи, утерли лоснящиеся губы и дружно рыгнули - так мне, по крайней мере, привиделось, - а затем уселись за стол ” (Ахерн: 40).
(ukr.) “Потім вони проковтнули по фазанячій ніжці, почаркувалися олив 'яними кухлями, обмацали цицьки у двох або трьох служниць, утерли губи, які блищали від жиру, йригнули - чи так принаймні мені здалося, - а тоді посідали за стіл” (Аґерн: 38).
The metaphor in the fourth episode of the family dinner is based on the transference of original and derived notions in (eng.) to gorge - to eat until you are unable to eat any more - to consume about something pleasant, tasty etc. [CALD]; in (rus.) проглотить - глотая, пропустить изо рта в пищевод - поглощать (о чем-нибудь приятном, вкусном и т.д) [ТСРЯ] and (ukr.) проковтнути - ковтаючи, пропускати через стравохід у шлунок; робити ковток - поглинати (про щось дуже смачне або їстівне) [АТСУМ], which is implemented in the replacement of archisemes “to eat”, “глотать”, “ковтати” and addition new differential semes “smth. pleasant”, “tasty”, “что-то приятное”, “вкусное”, “щось приємне”, “смачне”, “істивне”. The logical-semantic model of this transfer is as follows: human (character trait) ^ abstract notion (emotional state) + logical multiplication (conjunction: crb).
Concept-Scheme in Related Languages
Another structure of knowledge representation the scheme is qualified by Boldyrev (2000) as “a mental image of an object or phenomenon having a spatially and contoured character”. It is considered that the scheme can be drawn, which indicates the reality of the existence of this form of structuration of knowledge (for example, a schematic representation of a person: head, corps, arms, legs). Klimova agrees with him (2011), adding to the spatially and contoured graphic mental image (general contours, schematic representation) that this is an intermediate level of abstraction between the representation and the concept.
The impetus for the development of Minsky's (1979), Winograd's (1976), Schank and Abelson's (1977) schematic ideas was the theory of schemes by Bartlet (1951), which put forward by the famous British psychologist in cognitive studies in 30-e years of the XX century. He used drawings, figures and prose fragments etc. as experimental material in his empirical studies. According to Schank and Abelson's theory (1977) understanding is achieved with the help of diagrams. The concept of schemes is considered as the usage of mental representation of typical situations, images in the processing of discourse for the prediction and understanding of a particular example given in discourse. Schemes are activated from memory or key linguistic units of text, or context, and help to understand discourse. Schemes are stereotypical models, so each time they are “applicable” to the understanding of a particular discourse by its recipients (Cook 1995: 80). They are involved into the process of interpretation and help to correlate specific experiences and actions with mental representations, highlight the scheme of the situation, causing the relationship between the participants and the circumstances of the situation (Concise Dictionary of Cognitive Terms, 1996: 179-180). This mental model, which organizes the experience, helps to interpret it, breaking it into episodes (Chief, 1983: 41-43). Compared to scenarios, schemes have weaker capabilities because they are seen as organized prior knowledge that leads to expectations or anticipations of aspects in the interpretation of discourse. According to G. Lakoff (2004), image-schemes structure our experience onto pre-conceptual level, they are motivated and metaphorical units that form an integral part of the everyday human experience, which is based on physical sensations. According to Bystrov (2016: 62-63), in terms of a metaphorical reinterpretation of the data empirically obtained by the individual, the most researched image-schemes are the container scheme, the part / whole scheme, the link scheme, the centre / periphery scheme, the front / back orientation scheme, the up / down scheme etc.
Thus, examples of metaphors with a spatial reference point “up / down”, “вгору / вниз” reflect and generalise good / positive or bad / negative in person's life. This is vividly represented in the metaphors that reflect the emotional state of the main character Lucy during the meeting with her Life in the novel of a modern English writer Cecilia Ahern “The Time of my Life” and its translations into Russian and Ukrainian.
As for positive, it is expressed in metaphors where vocabulary prevails with the meaning of increase, rise, etc.:
(eng.) “I like coffee, it makes me happy in the small way that things you like can lift you, so I figured a cafe would mean I was with something that lightened my mood” (Ahern: 71).
(rus.) “Я люблю кофе, и меня радуют приятные мелочи жизни, они подымают настроение ” (Ахерн: 77).
(ukr.) “Ялюблю каву, вона тішить мене у той самий спосіб, у який речі, що вам до вподоби, можуть поліпшити вам настрій, і тому я вирішила, що зайшовши до кав'ярні, я потраплю до компанії, а кава означатиме, я матиму щось таке, що завжди піднімає мій настрій ” (Аґерн: 68).
Metaphorical transference is marked from the semantic point of view by the replacement of archisemes “to become”, “взяти нагнувшись”, “брати нахилившись” onto “to cause”, “улучшить”, “поліпшити” in languages that are researched (eng.) to lighten - to become less dark - to (cause) to become happier and less worried [CALD], (rus.) подымать - нагнувшись, взять (лежащее внизу, уроненное, брошенное) - наладить, улучшить, развить [ТСРЯ]; (ukr.) піднімати - нахилившись, брати, підібрати, підбирати з землі, підлоги, знизу і т. ін. - створювати сприятливі умови, поліпшувати, допомагати розвиткові чого-небудь [АТСУМ]. The logical-semantic model of this transference is as follows: physical phenomenon ^ human (emotional state) + logical multiplication (conjunction: a"'b).
And all negative is marked with the lexical set, which generalizes the decrease or slowdown:
(eng.) “If Life had tried to meet with me two years ago, I was falling but now, not any more. I'dffallen ffrom a great height and was wedged into what some way assume was a rather precarious place that could easily snap and break and send me falling again, but I was very happy, cosy even, and everything was fine, absolutely fine” (Ahern: 70).
(rus.) “Если бы Жизнь встретился со мной два года назад, я бы с ним согласилась. Тогда мне казалось я падаю в пропасть, но теперь нет, теперь ни за что. Я свалилась с огромной высоты и приземлилась на свое место. Кому-то, возможно, мое положение кажется ненадежным и шатким. Но мен очень уютно, удобно и хорошо” (Ахерн: 76).
(ukr.) “Якби Життя зробив спробу зустрітися зі мною два роки тому, я його зрозуміла б, бо відчувала тоді, що падаю в порожнечу, але тепер ні. Я вже впала з великої висоти й, на думку багатьох, застряла досить ненадійному місці, і невдовзі знову полечу вниз, але я почувала себе щасливою, мені було навіть затишно у моєму новому існуванні, йусе було чудово, абсолютно чудово” (Аґерн: 67).
This metaphorical transference is the typical the semantic model of replacing the archiseme “move down”, “опускаться”, “спускатися” onto “to be beaten”, “to be defeated”, “терпеть поражение”, “потерпіти поразку” with the loss of differential semes “onto the ground”, “вниз”, “вниз” (eng.) to fall - to move down suddenly onto the ground suddenly onto the ground or towards the ground without intending to or by accident - to be beaten or defeated, to look unhappy or disappointed [CALD]; (rus.) падать - непроизвольным движением резко опускаться сверху вниз; опускаться, валиться на землю, книзу - терпеть поражение [ТСРЯ]; (ukr.) падати - переміщатися, валитися, спрямовуватися і т. ін. зверху вниз під дією ваги - втрачати (віру, надію і т. ін.); потерпіти поразку [АТСУМ]. The logical-semantic scheme of this transference is as follows: physical action ^ human (emotional state) + logical multiplication (conjunction: crb).
Summing up, we would like to note that the concept as a basic mental unit of human Random Access Memory, which structures the mental space of a person is a cognitive and semantic universal onto the cognitive level while forming lexical meaning in such related languages as English, Ukrainian and Russian. And, consequently, such types as prototype, frame, script and scheme etc. can also be considered cognitive and semantic universals. This is clearly demonstrated within the analysis of the categorical structure of the concept of “modern woman” in the languages studied.
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32. List of Illustrative Sources
33. Ahern, C. (2013) Chas mogo zhittay: translated from English by V. Shovkun. Kharkiv: Knizhkoviy klub “Klub Simeynogo dozvillya”.
34. Ahern, C. (2017) Vremya moiej zhizni: translated froom English by L. Gurbanovskaya. M. : Inostranka, Azbuka-Attikus.
35. Ahern, C. (2011). The Time of My Life. Harper Collins Publishers.
36. List of Lexicographic Sources
37. CALD - Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Access: /dictionaries/.. ./cald
38. Kratkiy slovar kognitivnih terminov [Concise Dictionary of Cognitive Terms] (1996). E. S. Kubryakova, B. Z. Demyankov, U. G. Pankrats, L. G. Lusina. Moscow.
39. АТСУМ - Academichniy tlumachniy slovnik ukrainskoi movi. Access:
40. ТСРЯ - Tolkoviy slovar russkogo yazika S.I. Ozhegova. Access:
41. Размещено на
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