Contemporary ukrainian lexicography: status, typology, and development trends

The lexicography - a branch of linguistics related to the creation of dictionaries and the development of their theoretical foundation. Dynamic processes in the scientific development of mankind - the reason for the rapid progress of dictionaries.

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Contemporary ukrainian lexicography: status, typology, and development trends

Iryna A. Blynova, Viktoriia I. Davydenko

Iryna A. Blynova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Viktoriia I. Davydenko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine


The paper notes that at the turn of the 21st century, the lexicographic process is intensified worldwide due to the unique and advanced capabilities of dictionaries, namely: versatility, applied character, functional representation of the material, logic, harmony and simplicity of description, schematic, comprehensive presentation of the material, as well as scientists' efforts to meet the requirements and challenges of today that are manifested in the improvement and development of innovative components, the involvement of modern computer technology, and so on.

The drastic progress in a field of the dictionary-making is predetermined by dynamic scientific and technological developments, and hence by the demands of modern users that finds its reflection in the expansion of the object of research, the wealth of studies and its variety, etc. All this, in turn, is supported by many extralinguistic factors, such as: computerization, deepening and expanding the acquired knowledge, international collaboration, and the like.

A lexical model allowing for lexicographic construction according to the given parameters proved to be the best one for presenting the results of research concerning not only all levels of the language structure, but also phenomena or facts of the surrounding reality.

Currently, dictionaries continue to perform their traditional informative and normative function, and are seen as a systematic, comprehensive collection of various information presented in an adequate way, a means of recording human achievements, and a tool for their study, analyses, systematization, etc.

Since recent decades in the modern Ukrainian lexicographical scope there have appeared a lot of encyclopedic, reference publications from various fields of knowledge, for general and special purposes, linguistic works like those of essential, borrowed words, neologisms; terminological, translated dictionaries; works of mixed type, educational works, etc.

Keywords: status, functional orientation, peculiarities, innovative components, development tendencies.

У статті зазначається, що в кінці XX - на початку XXI століть у всьому світі відбувається інтенсифікація лексикографічного процесу завдяки унікальним і сучасним можливостям словників: універсальності їх застосування, прикладному характеру, функційному представленню досліджуваного матеріалу, логічності, стрункості й простоті опису, схематичності, вичерпності відтворення матеріалу, а також намаганням відповідати вимогам і викликам сьогодення, що проявляється у вдосконаленні й розробці інноваційних складових, залученні сучасних комп 'ютерних технологій тощо.

Стрімкий прогрес словникарства обумовлюється динамічними процесами в науково-технічному розвитку людства, а отже, й сучасними запитами користувачів, що знайшло відображення в розширенні об'єкту дослідження, величезній кількості, різноманітності праць, що, в свою чергу, підтримується багатьма екстралінгвістичними факторами: глобалізацією, комп 'ютеризацією, поглибленням і розширенням набутих знань, міжнародною співпрацею та ін.

У сучасній лінгвістиці словникарська модель з можливостями лексикографічного конструювання за заданими параметрами виявилася найкращою для представлення результатів дослідження, що стосуються не тільки всіх рівнів мовної структури, але й явищ або фактів оточуючої дійсності.

Наразі словникарські праці, традиційно виконуючи як інформативну, так і нормативну функції, є системним, комплексним зібранням різноманітної інформації, представленої у найкомфортніший спосіб, засобом фіксації досягнень людства, інструментом їх дослідження, аналізу, систематизації і т. ін.

За останні десятиріччя в сучасному українському лексикографічному просторі з 'явилося багато енциклопедичних, довідкових видань з різних сфер або царин знань, для загальних і спеціальних цілей, лінгвістичних праць: тлумачних, іншомовних слів, неологізмів, термінологічних, перекладних словників, змішаного типу, навчальних творів тощо.

Ключові слова: статус, типологія, функційна спрямованість, особливості, інноваційні складові, тенденції розвитку.


lexicography linguistic dictionary

At the turn of the 21st century, the lexicographic process is intensified worldwide due to the unique and advanced capabilities of dictionaries, namely: versatility, applied character, functional representation of the material, logic, harmony and simplicity of description, schematic, comprehensive presentation of the material, as well as scientists' efforts to meet the requirements and challenges of today that are manifested in the improvement and development of innovative components, the involvement of modern computer technology, and so on.

The drastic progress in a field of the dictionary-making is predetermined by dynamic scientific and technological developments, and hence by the demands of modern users that finds its reflection in the expansion of the object of research, the wealth of studies and its variety, etc. All this, in turn, is supported by many extralinguistic factors, such as: computerization, deepening and expanding the acquired knowledge, international collaboration, and the like.

In modern linguistics a lexical model allowing for lexicographic construction according to the given parameters proved to be the best one for presenting the results of research concerning not only all levels of language structure, but also phenomena or facts of the surrounding reality.

Nowadays, dictionaries, dictionaries continue to perform their traditional informative and normative function, and are seen as a systematic, comprehensive collection of various information presented in an adequate way, a means of recording human achievements, and a tool for their study, analyses, systematization, etc.

Researchers emphasize that 3 problems in modern lexicographic theory and practice have recently become the most relevant and important ones: updating the fundamental lexicons; the need to digitize the lexicographic heritage of the mankind in order to accumulate general cultural potential and the possibility of its use in systems of automatic information processing; application of dictionaries in the formation of linguistic components of conceptual systems of knowledge explication (such as ontologies) and their use in knowledge mining tools (Широков, Білоноженко, Бугаков, 2010, р. 4).

Similarly, in Ukrainian society there is a growing interest to the problems of lexicographic works, in particular, encyclopedic, reference books, terminological and translation dictionaries, etc., which is also reflected in the appearance of such series as: “Dictionaries of Ukraine”, initiated by T. Humeniuk and V. Shirokov in 1994 and which includes more than 70 printed and computational works that are different in volume, relevant and original, for instance: “New Dictionaries”, founded in 1996; “Modern Dictionaries of Ukraine”; “Encyclopedia”; “Popular Encyclopedia of Modern Knowledge”; “Dictionary Treasury”; “Professional Dictionary-Guide for Students”; “School Dictionary”; “Encyclopedia for Scholars”; “Encyclopedia for the Curious Ones”; “Encyclopedia for Kids”; “Encyclopedia for Little Prodigies”; “Illustrated Dictionary of Junior Schoolchildren”; “World of Discoveries”, etc.

Thus, the dictionary scope covers different target and age audience, offering a variety of general or special purpose publications.

Another confirmation of the above-mentioned material can be the emergence of new types and genres of lexicographic works, changes in their structure, the range of application, thematic diversity, updating and modification of lexicographic interpretation, and a lot of others.

Significant achievements in the study on general and partial problems of lexicography as well as the practice of compiling works were made by such well-known Ukrainian linguists as: V. B. Busel (Бусел, 2012; 2016), P. Yu. Hrytsenko (Гриценко, 2017), O. M. Demska (Демська, 2010), V. V. Dubichynsky (Дубічинський, 2004; 2015), Ye. A. Karpilovska (Карпіловська, 2006; 2013; 2017), L. P. Kyslyuk (Кислюк, 2013; 2017), N. F. Klymenko (Клименко, 2013; 2017), L. M. Polyuha (Полюга, 2008), O. M. Slipushko (Сліпушко, 2007), L. I. Shevchenko (Шевченко, 2008; 2018), V. A. Shyrokov (Широков, 2010; 2005; 2011; 2018) and others.

In 2020 an important work “Словники української мови: 1596 - 2018” (“Dictionaries of the Ukrainian Language: 1596 - 2018”) (Пилипчук, 2020) was published and it has been the most complete bibliographic index so far. In the preface D. Pylypchuk notes that “Ukraine is a country of at least seven thousand dictionaries, but taking into account the number of publications, printed not only in our country, but also in 30 countries, then this figure rises to 8.5 thousand of works”. The researcher provides the following statistics: “In the period from 1627 to 2018 (392 years) 8036 dictionaries were published in Ukraine. In the period from 1992 to 2018 (27 years) 6883 dictionaries were published in independent Ukraine. In the period from 2001 to 2018 (18 years) 5565 dictionaries were published in Ukraine” (Пилипчук, 2020, р. 15).

Aim and Objectives

The aim and objectives of this study are to present the views of linguists on the status of lexicography, typological dictionaries classifications, to identify features of the contemporary register of printed encyclopedic and philological works, analyze them in terms of the reflection of current linguistic dynamic processes, forecasting trends and perspectives.


For a long time, the status of lexicography has been a disputable and controversial issue. L. S. Palamarchuk believed that lexicography is “a separate branch of linguistic science that deals with the theory and practice of creating dictionaries” (Паламарчук, 1978, р. 3), O. Krovytska emphasizes that this is a “section of linguistics that determines the theoretical principles of compiling dictionaries, studies the types of dictionaries; it is also the process of collecting words of a certain language, their ordering, description of vocabulary material; it is also a collection of dictionaries of a certain language and scientific works in this field” (Кровицька, 2005, р. 4). “Українська мова: енциклопедія” (“The Ukrainian Language: Encyclopedia”) interprets lexicography as “a branch of linguistics related to the creation of dictionaries and the development of their theoretical foundation” (ЕУМ, 2015, р. 309), “Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь” (“Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary”) gives the following definition - it is “a section of linguistics dealing with the practice and theory of making dictionaries” (ЛЭС, 1990, p. 258) and the like.

M. Banko, appreciating and analyzing different views on the status in lexicography in detail formulates the ideas that lexicography should not be reduced exclusively to pure science, it should be considered as a multifaceted discipline, which among other things, is closely related to publishing, marketing, as well as humanities in the most general sense of the word: “Being art a little as well as science, lexicography is an advanced field that is gradually gaining independence and professionalism” (Banko, 2001, p. 10; Демська, 2010, P. 31).

At the present stage, the most scholars state that lexicography can be defined as “an applied discipline, which focuses on methods of making dictionaries. Its centre of interest is the types of dictionaries and ways of organizing a dictionary paper. Of course, the type of dictionary is directly determined by the structure of the dictionary paper and vice versa” (Баранов, 2001, p. 55).

Likewise, the question of status, the development of dictionaries typology has both theoretical and practical significance: its making would clearly define the place, relevance, significance and originality of each work, analyze the current state of works, predict directions, trends and perspectives of lexicographic activity, pay more attention to modelling of future dictionaries, etc.

According to linguists, “the dictionaries typology is, in fact, their classification based on the fundamental, most important distinguishing features of works. In addition, it is extremely important to consider the fact that sometimes these features may contradict each other, which requires, firstly, the definition of a hierarchy of features and, secondly, consideration of basic and additional features” (Демська, 2010, p. 68).

The main difficulties of lexicographic typology are related to the following characteristics: a) the number, diversity of units of the object (dictionary works), b) possible approaches and the multiplicity of basis, reasons or grounds for systematization, c) ambiguity, branching and multilayered classification, d) selection of the required number of parameters, e) selection of dominant and introduction of unified classification criteria, etc.

Dictionaries typology originated from the work of L. V. Shcherba “Опыт общей теории лексикографии” (“Experience of the Lexicography General Theory”), in which the author presented an integral and well-grounded classification of vocabulary works and which he later expanded in the work “Языковая система и речевая деятельность” (“Language System and Speech Activity”) (Щерба, 1974, р. 265-304).

L. V. Shcherba's classification covers the following six oppositions:

1. Academic dictionary - reference dictionary. 2. Encyclopedic dictionary - general dictionary. 3 Thesaurus - ordinary explanatory or translation dictionary. L. V. Shcherba understood the thesaurus as a complete dictionary, which lists all the words that have occurred in this language at least once. 4. Ordinary (explanatory or translation) dictionary - ideological dictionary. 5. Explanatory dictionary - translation dictionary. 6. Non-historical - historical dictionary (Щерба, 1974, р. 265-304).

V. A. Kozyrev understands the type of dictionary primarily as the nature of its sources and purpose and classifies them, in particular, according to the following types of relations: 1) from the text to the dictionary (for example, historical dictionaries); 2) from the system - to the word (for example, a semantic dictionary); 3) from the communicative task - to the dictionary; 4) from the human lexicon - to the dictionary (for example, the dictionary of lexical minimums, associative dictionaries) (Козырев, Черняк, 2004, р. 6-7).

V. V. Morkovkin offered a classification based on 3 types of bases: “what”-base, “how-base and “for whom”-base. The first one determines the object of vocabulary description, the second one determines the nature of the material, the way of finding information, the third one determines the specifics of the dictionary in connection with the image of the recipient, one's national, age-specific, professional and other characteristics (Морковкин, 1983, р. 130-132).

P. N. Denysov proves that the dictionaries typology is based on four main coordinates:

a linguistic one (according to this coordinate, explanatory, ideographic and aspect dictionaries are distinguished; the later ones includes dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and so on); 2) a psychological one, related to the properties and characteristics of the user (according to this coordinate there are dictionaries for native speakers, foreigners, computers); 3) a semiotic one (this coordinate specifies the sign specificity of the dictionary, the originality of the metalanguage, a set of means of information fixing - prints, selection, colour, tables, symbols); 4) a sociological one (this coordinate takes into account the peculiarities of the given culture, a definite society; for example, dictionaries of linguistic and country studies, dictionaries to literary works, etc. are specifically focused on it (Денисов, 1993, р. 210-211).

A Ukrainian lexicographer V. V. Dubichynsky offers a general dictionaries typology with 9 important features that differentiate the object of this research. Thus, depending on the number of described languages, he distinguishes monolingual, bilingual and multilingual, or translated dictionaries. According to the vocabulary coverage there are dictionaries that include vocabulary “without restrictions” and dictionaries that describe only certain lexical layers. Concerning the volume there are large, or “complete”, concise and lexical (terminological) minima. Due to design and information detailing differences, we observe computational dictionaries, printed ones, which are subdivided into multilingual and monolingual dictionaries, pocket and illustrative ones. Taking into consideration the functional orientation, one determines functional and branch-oriented, functional and linguistic, functional and figurative dictionaries. According to the order of lexical material description there appear semasiological, alphabetical, onomaseological and alphabetically inversed dictionaries. From the culturological point of view, one identifies onomastic dictionaries and those ones on country studies representing the culture of speech and literary norm. There are also mixed or complex dictionaries, such as: explanatory-combined, explanatory-translated, translated-synonymous, alphabetical and family-oriented, etymological-phraseological, explanatory-translated and combined, etc. Moreover, one should distinguish pedagogical dictionaries like phraseological, terminological, combined, complex, ideographic, illustrative ones and those of country studies, etc.

V. V. Dubichynsky also developed a Ukrainian dictionaries typology which has the following oppositions: 1) automatic / printed; 2) translated / monolingual; 3) inversed / alphabetical; 4) “lexical” (explanatory, onomastic, etymological, historical, of synonyms, of antonyms, of foreign words, of writers' language, and “non-lexical” (phraseological, wordforming, orthographic, orthoepic, of use frequency) (Дубічинський, 2004, р. 16 -19).

O. O. Taranenko suggests the following classification criteria: 1) by the number of languages covered by the dictionary - monolingual, bilingual, multilingual dictionaries; 2) by a language level - lexical (as the main type of a language dictionary), phraseological, paremiological, idiomatic, grammatical, governmental, morphemic, word-formational, accentual ones; 3) by coverage of the vocabulary of the language - thesauri (they cover the language vocabulary as widely as possible), dictionaries-minimums, dialectical ones, terminological ones, dictionaries of urban koine, slang, children's vocabulary, writers' language, as well as of common and proper names, foreign words; 4) in terms of a language description - explanatory, etymological, governmental ones, those of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms, epithets, associative norms, spelling, use frequency; 5) in terms of historical perspective and dynamics of the language development - historical dictionaries, those of obsolete words, neologisms; 6) by placement of lexical materials - direct and inversed, alphabetical family, ideographic, or thematic and alphabetical-thematic; 7) by purpose - general and special (scientific, pedagogical, reference dictionaries) purposes; 8) according to the volume of the register - short (up to 30 thousand words), medium (70-80 thousand) and complete (ЕУМ, 2015, p. 633-634).

The following classification parameters are usually pointed out: 1) the object of lexicography (a language unit / reality, a fact); we are talking about the traditional division into a linguistic /encyclopedic dictionary; 2) the register structure (general or special); 3) the method of the dictionary description of register units (explanatory / translational, etc.); 4) the number of languages; 5) the direction of a lexicographic work; 6) its purpose and application (scientific, referential, normative, descriptive, etc., source); 7) its volume (Demska, 2010, p. 68).

The aforementioned material shows that V. V. Morkovkin introduced the smallest number of differentiational parameters into the basis of the presented classification - these were three features, whereas V. V. Dubichynsky introduced the largest number, i. e. nine ones.

O. M. Demska offers “an approach to the structuring of lexicography based on the essence, purpose, method of lexicographic comprehension of the language. On this basis within the lexicography limits the researcher distinguishes: a) general - specific, b) synchronous - diachronic, c) that of a common language - dialectal (from the second part in terms of dialect, sociolect, idiolect), d) normative - registered, e) explanatory - translational, f) scientific - pedagogical - referential, g) traditional - computational - corpus ones” (Демська, 2010, p. 36).

T. Piotrovsky cites the classification of German lexicographer-theorists, who proposed fairly transparent gradation of general lexicography: “ 1. History of lexicography. 2. General theory of lexicography. a. General section. i. the purpose of lexicography. b. Theory of lexicographic work organization. c. Theory of the lexicographic research of the language. i. data collection; ii. data conversion; iii. computer support. d. Theory of lexicographic description of the language. i. dictionaries typology; ii. Textual theory of dictionary texts. 3. Studies on the dictionaries use. 4. Critique studies of dictionaries.

Studies on the status of dictionaries and their marketing ” (Piotrovwski, 2001, p. 3133; Демська, 2010, p. 37).

As we have noted, the current global trend is that encyclopedic works outnumber linguistic ones. This fact can be explained, firstly, by the possibility of describing the object in the totality of its properties; secondly, by the need to present the material logically, systematically, structurally and comprehensively, that is on the basis of lexicography; thirdly, by the possibility of using the best dictionaries and innovative approaches, various ways of conceptualization and categorization of the material, etc.

The encyclopedic format or the material organization turned out to be a successful and convenient form of generalization and fixation of the human knowledge, one of the most important tools of a scientific research.

In recent decades in the modern Ukrainian lexicographic scope there have appeared lots of encyclopedic, referential publications from various fields or fields of knowledge and linguistic works, for general and special purposes, linguistic works like those of essential, borrowed words, neologisms; terminological, translated dictionaries; works of mixed type, pedagogical works, etc.

Traditionally, Ukrainian fundamental encyclopedic dictionaries are characterized by deep scientific substantiation, logics, objectivity and balance. Modern works focus on the scale of the problems and the importance of the tasks, the extraordinary range of topics, which is expressed in various branch-oriented coverage and purpose, attention to selection, object description, forms of organization and presentation of the material, etc. These are, for example, the following ones: “Енциклопедія Сучасної України: у 20 т.” (“Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine: in 20 volumes”), “Енциклопедія історії України: у 10 т.” e(“Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine: in 10 volumes”), “ Енциклопедичний словник символів України” (“Encyclopedic Dictionary of Symbols of Ukraine”), “Велика українська енциклопедія. Словник” (“The Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia. Dictionary”), “Українська мова: Енциклопедія” (“The Ukrainian Language: Encyclopedia”), “Шевченківська енциклопедія: в 6 т.” (“Encyclopedia of Life and Work of T. Shevchenko: in 6 volumes”), “Франківська енциклопедія: у 7 т.” (“Encyclopedia of Life and Work of I. Franko: in 7 volumes”), etc.

Linguists state that “at the beginning of the 21st century Ukrainian lexicography, the traditions of which date back to the 16th century, is a collection of a large number of dictionaries. They differ in languages introduced in them, in purpose and completeness. The dictionaries of the Ukrainian language hold a central place among the variety of lexicons” (УТСТ, 2016, р. III).

Lexicographic works reflect, speaking figuratively, “stative” and “dynamic” picture of the language system. The first group includes such dictionaries as: explanatory, phraseological ones, those of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms and others. The second part primarily contains dictionaries of neologisms, foreign words, terminology and so on.

The unique work “Український тлумачний словник: тезаурус: 250 000 слів та словосполучень” (“Ukrainian Explanatory Dictionary: Thesaurus: 250,000 Words and Phrases”) is distinguished among the works of this type with its register and family-based structure, the completeness of the common words and phrases pertinent to the Ukrainian literary language of the last years of the 20th and the early 21st century with the emphasis on their stylistic colouring, inclusion of units to denote economic, historical, philosophical, political concepts, etc., representation of neologisms and dialectic words. Introducing into some papers an innovative element - the so-called encyclopedic references, along with a rich source base are considered to be advantages of the dictionary of this type.

We consider it is necessary to underline that in the Ukrainian lexicographic explanatory dictionaries are represented more widely than other types of philological works. Thus, they especially differ in the number of described units (from several to 250 thousand), target audience, tasks, features and so on.

“Короткий тлумачний словник української мови: Близько 7 000 слів” (“Short Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: About 7,000 words”) reflects the current state of the vocabulary, namely: the functioning of the most frequent words and phraseological units. The task of the dictionary is to explain briefly the most commonly used units.

“Тлумачний словник української мови: Близько 10 000 слів” (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: About 10,000 words”) aims at giving a brief explanation of common vocabulary, including words of foreign origin, reflecting its grammatical and stylistic characteristics.

“Тлумачний словник української мови: 20 000 слів і словосполучень ” (“Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: 20,000 words and phrases”) is distinguished among this type of works with its informative richness and compactness, complete and clear formulation of meanings of commonly used words, terms, neologisms and 1,200 set expressions.

“Сучасний тлумачний словник української мови ” (“Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian language”), compiled by A. M. Yakovleva and N. V. Afonskaya, comprises 55,000 of register words and phrases of the most commonly used vocabulary related to colloquial, bookish and scientific styles. The dictionary includes a significant number of words of foreign origin, which are explained by today's realities, the development and penetration of computer technologies in all spheres of life in particular.

The originality of the dictionary lies in the interpretation of words by means of synonyms, which makes it possible to clarify the subtle nuances or shades of meaning, and by means of phraseology, which, accordingly, expands significantly the scope and versatile view on the vocabulary of the Ukrainian language.

“Сучасний тлумачний словник української мови: 60 000 слів” (“Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: 60,000 words”) and “Сучасний тлумачний словник української мови: 100 000 слів” (“Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: 100,000 words”) are made according to the same principles and approaches. They differ only in the number of described words. The works are based on a compact family-oriented structure. The peculiarities of the dictionaries are the interpretation of neologisms, regular expressions, scientific terms, slang vocabulary, as well as the origin of foreign words.

Dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms are largely represented within the Ukrainian lexicographical scope.

According to the compiler S. Karavansky, “Практичний словник синонімів української мови ” (“Practical Dictionary of Synonyms of the Ukrainian Language”) is a linguistic guide for the possible selection and appropriate use of words with the subtlest shades of meaning. The advantage of the work is to cover the vocabulary of all spheres of human activity. The novelty of the dictionary consists in offering a wide range of possible synonyms, including variant forms, rarely used, sometimes occasional words, terms, neologisms and set expressions.

“Практичний словник синонімів української мови ” (“Practical Dictionary of Synonyms of the Ukrainian Language”), introduced by M. Zubkov, is a lexicographic reference book in which one-word synonymous series with selected dominants are supplemented and diversified by periphrases, phraseological units, book expressions, etc.

The compiler of “Повний словник антонімів української мови ” (“Complete Dictionary of Antonyms of the Ukrainian Language”) states that “unlike similar dictionaries of other languages, this publication aimed not only at explaining the components of antonym pairs and illustrating their use, but also showing the components in the interaction by revealing contextual situationality, compatibility of antonyms” (Полюга, 2008, р. 7-8). The dictionary register shows single-root and multi-root antonyms of such parts of speech as nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions with different expressions of types and degrees of opposition. This work consists of 5 parts: the largest one is a dictionary of antonyms, which includes 600 dictionaries entries; the index of antonyms, which provides 2,200 components of antonymous pairs; antonymy of morphemes; antonymy of complex words components; synonyms of antonymous pairs.

“Словник фразеологічних антонімів української мови ” (“Dictionary of Phraseological Antonyms of the Ukrainian Language”) provides a lexicographical description of these units, the interpretation is supplemented by synonyms, idioms and illustrated with quotations from the works of Ukrainian writers.

According to the authors-compilers, “Словник паронімів української мови ” (“Dictionary of Paronyms of the Ukrainian Language”) is a normative-referential edition, in which 1,200 paronyms are presented. Due to the fact that the number of paronyms is constantly growing, which is associated with the clarification of information, differentiation of word meaning, the work aims at providing practical assistance to users in mastering the lexical richness of the language, improvement in terms of the proper use of these units.

One of the first dictionaries of the integrative type was “Український лексикон кінця ХУІІІ - початку ХХІ ст.: словник-індекс: у 3-х т.: близько 300 тис. слів” (“Ukrainian Lexicon of the end of the 18th - the beginning of the 21st centuries: Dictionary-Index: in 3 volumes: about 300,000 words”). Such works make it possible to trace the functioning and changing of each word in the national lexicographic scope by involving into the research the data of the maximum number of authoritative works (in this case 18 encyclopedic and philological ones), different in volume, chronological criterion, approaches, methods of language processing. The dictionary covers the period from the beginning of the active formation of a new literary language to the present days.

The compilers claim that dictionaries have much to contribute to lexical and semantic, structural, historical, statistical, typological, functional, orthological linguistic research (УЛ, 2017, p. 5).

Lexicographers prove that “the periods of socio-political changes and active sociodynamics result in naturally effective linguodynamics. The results of the processes are the renewal of the language, the replenishment of its resources, changes in language norms (Карпіловська, Кислюк, Клименко, 2013, p. 6). Thus, the word as the basic and fundamental unit of the Ukrainian nomination allows the researchers to find out the scope and specific means of updating the language at other level of its system, to analyze and present illustrations of this process.

The first attempt in Ukrainian lexicography to create an integrative dictionary of a new vocabulary of the ideographic type was the work “Активні ресурси сучасної української номінації: Ідеографічний словник нової лексики” (“Active Resources of Modern Ukrainian Nomination: Ideographic Dictionary of New Vocabulary”), whose papers reflect the conceptual fields of about 4,000 words and phrases that appeared in Ukraine during the period from 1991 to 2013. The dictionary describes new words and phrases in terms of their formal, semantic and functional properties, their role in modern language practice and presents trends in the normalization of such units. The source of the dictionary is extremely representative and consists of texts from Ukrainian media (printed and computer ones), Ukrainian fiction, scientific, popular science and educational literature, the Internet language practice, recordings of television and radio broadcasting of this period.

The register unit and explanation of its forms include 7 separate zones of the paper. They are the following ones: 1. Register unit that provides information on the type of such resource nomination: AK (updated and activated unit), NZ - new meaning, NS - a neosemantism, new word-meaning and NT - a new product, a new derived word. Here the spelling of words and phrases is given. 2. Grammatical information (grams). 3.New definition (defn). 4. The old definition (defs). 5. Syntagmatic relations of the register unit (syntagm). 6. Paradigmatic relations of the register unit (paradigms). 7. Epidigmatic (derivational) relations of the registered unit (epidigm).

Zone 5 - that of syntagms - contains 4 subzones, zone 6 - that of paradigms - has 5 subzones which are: 6.1. Synonyms, including 6.1.1. Competitive synonyms, 6.2. Antonyms, 6.3. Hyponyms, 6.4. Hyperonyms, 6.5. Homonyms (Карпіловська, Кислюк, Клименко, 2013, p. 14-15).

One of the tasks of the work is that, by giving a picture of the functioning in the modern Ukrainian language practice of new names in certain conceptual fields, the materials of the dictionary can serve as a reliable basis for systematic updating of registers of common language and aspect dictionaries, preparation of new theoretical and practical grammars of the Ukrainian language and the new edition of the Ukrainian orthography (Карпіловська, Кислюк, Клименко, 2013, р. 16).

It should be noted that, according to the authors, dictionaries of this type are not available in other Slavic and non-Slavic languages.

Another important factor that actively and powerfully influences the dynamic development of the Ukrainian language, and that arises out of cultural, historical and sociopolitical contacts with other peoples, is the process of borrowing, which reflects current changes in the language consciousness and practice of modern Ukrainians.

Borrowing is a characteristic feature and an integral part of the vocabulary of any language. Some linguists assert that borrowings complement the language, enriching it and making it more accurate, colourful, etc. Other scholars believe that foreign words have the right to exist under one condition, when they cannot be replaced by the authentic ones.

Lexicographers state that “the modern information epoch can be described as a particularly favorable one for interlingual contacts. Fast, often electronic, knowledge exchange allows to activate word-forming language resources and at the same time to develop the communicative potential of the national language, involving in the language system and adapting what has already been mentioned in the other language. In any case it is a question of attentive, appropriate attitude toward the native language, distinction of situations, in which a foreign word displaces the one being already named, or, on the contrary, names a new, necessary one, that is, it becomes borrowed together with a new concept. A person, being conscious of the language harmony, will always be competent in the use of foreign words and at the same time will coordinate his or her own language competence with the life reality (Шевченко, Ніка, Хом'як, Дем'янюк, 2008, р. 3).

Modern Ukrainian lexicography contains the largest dictionary in terms of units representation - “Новий словник іншомовних слів: близько 40 000 слів і словосполучень ” (“New Dictionary of Foreign Words: about 40,000 words and phrases”). This is the dictionary of explanatory type that includes primarily common words as well as terms and terminological phrases found in socio-political, economic, law and financial areas.

Each dictionary paper consists of an explanation and fixation of the concept scope, indicating the origin of the word with the appropriate interpretation in the source language.

The novelty of the dictionary is that the compilers tried to show how a foreign, borrowed, word is “living” in another language, how this real functioning expands its morphological, syntactic and stylistic capabilities” (Шевченко, Ніка, Хом'як, Дем'янюк, 2008, р. 3).

A feature of the work is also the systematic presentation of a foreign language vocabulary: the borrowings of the past and present stages are described, the development of terminological groups on economics, electronics, computer science and art, modelling business, fashion, parapsychology and others is reflected.

A distinctive feature of the work “Новий словник іншомовних слів” (“New Dictionary of Foreign Words”), compiled by O. M. Slipushko, is that it belongs to the popular science publications, which reveals the semantic volume of 20,000 borrowed words that relate to such areas as culture, education, history, politics, economics, finance, law, etc.

It is terminology, terms from Roman law that considerable attention is paid to.

Another factor responsible for dynamic language processes and changes is the development of terminological systems in the modern life and, accordingly, their reflection in lexicographic works. The urgent question of global scope that arises here is that of making authoritative and reliable dictionaries where the terms of new discipline and fields of knowledge would be systematized and presented, for example: “Електронна освіта: термінологічний словник” (“Electronic Education: Terminological Dictionary”); “Педагогіка вищої школи: словник термінів і понять ” (“Pedagogy of Higher School: Dictionary of Terms and Concepts”); “ Словник-довідник лексики сфери освіти: національно-європейська ідентичність: навчальний посібник” (“Dictionary-Reference Book of Vocabulary in the Field of Education: National-European Identity: Textbook”) by I. M. Serebryanskaya, etc.

In 2018 an encyclopedic dictionary-reference book “Новітня політична лексика (неологізми, оказіоналізми та інші новотвори)” (“The Latest Political Vocabulary (neologisms, occasional words and other innovative word-forms”) was published, which covers 1,000 terms of the topic.

The author claims that “there is a significant neological upsurge in the domestic political today's lexicon, caused by emotionality, saturation, dynamics of political processes and ideological polarization. Language is “liberated” through the democratization of sociopolitical life, the removal of censorship and self-censorship, the growth of personal beginning. Under the influence of socio-political factors there is an expressive idiolexicon, a set of highly expressive words that have a social voice, have social connotations and are able to express social assessment of reality” (НПЛ, 2018, p. 3).

Linguists note that “probably Ukrainian lexicography is already one in the top ten lexicography branches of the world” and that “Ukraine is a country of modern and highly developed dictionary culture and intensive lexicographic process” (Пилипчук, 2020, p. 15-27).


Based on the analyzed material, we argue that since recently there has been the worldwide intensification of the lexicographic process. It is supported by many extralinguistic factors, such as: globalization, digitalization, deepening and expanding of the knowledge, international cooperation and a lot of others.

Now a lexicographic model allowing for lexicographic construction, based on the given or planned parameters, is considered to be the most common and the best one for presenting philological and non-philological research.

Modern dictionaries have become a systematic, comprehensive collection that reflects a wide range of information, achievements of mankind and so on.

The interest to the problems of lexicography and its works is also testified by introducing various series for adults (for example, “Dictionaries of Ukraine”, “New Dictionaries”, “Modern Dictionaries of Ukraine”; “Encyclopedia”; “Popular Encyclopedia of Modern Knowledge”; etc.), for children (for example, “Dictionary Treasury”, “School Dictionary”; “Encyclopedia for Scholars”; “Encyclopedia for the Curious Ones”; “Encyclopedia for Kids”; “Encyclopedia for Little Prodigies”; “Illustrated Dictionary of Junior Schoolchildren”; “World of Discoveries” and so on), for students, etc.

It is known that for recent decades, a dictionary scope has occupied a huge and diverse target audience as well as age audience and has had a wide range of its application. Currently, dictionaries of new types and genres are brought into existence all over the world. They are characterized by a changed structure, the volume of researched lexicographic information, thematic diversity and content, a lexicographic interpretation and description, updating, modification, etc.

Now most linguists view lexicography as the applied science. The problems of lexicography status and dictionary typology have both theoretical and practical significance and value.

It is noted that the global trend is that the encyclopedic works outnumber the linguistic ones. This is due to their peculiarities; the need to present the material logically, systematically, structurally and comprehensively, that is on the basis of lexicographic work; the use the best lexicographic approaches and innovations, various ways of conceptualization and categorization of the material, etc.

Most of modern encyclopedic, reference publications, lexicographic works with innovative components are based on the ultimate computer technologies; they refer to various fields of knowledge, have different target audience, etc.


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27. Зубков М. (2010). Практичний словник синонімів української мови [Practical dictionary of synonyms of the Ukrainian language]. Харків: ФОП Співак Т. К. [In Ukrainian].

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